Just Neighbors

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Just Neighbors Page 10

by Charity Ferrell

  His hand then moves to my chin, and he strokes it. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Uh … yes?”

  “Do you want me to fuck you, or do you want to fuck me?”

  Holy motherfucking hell.

  I gulp, suddenly feeling out of breath. “I want to fuck you.”

  He smiles in satisfaction before capturing my hand, jerking me into the living room, and then collapses on the sofa. He gestures to his cock and spreads his legs. “Fuck me then.”

  I eye the cleft in his chin and take a deep breath. This will change everything.

  It’s one thing, giving in to my desire when he’s the initiator, but another to climb onto his lap and ride him. To fuck him. He’s forcing me to make every decision on whether we cross this line.

  Deep breaths expel from his lips while he awaits my next move, and the shock on his face when I fall to my knees at his feet satisfies me.

  “Fuck,” he hisses with a clenched jaw.

  It’s time for me not to play fair. I waste no time in tightening my fingers around his cock again, and it twitches in my hand. I slowly stroke him, and with deep pleasure, I watch the torture on his face—torture of not being in control.

  He hisses through his teeth when I bend forward to rub his cock against my nipple back and forth before releasing it as my mouth waters. I lick up his cock before sucking on the base at the bottom, and then I slide my tongue up, licking and sucking on his tip.

  He bites into his lower lip and sucks in a breath. He tilts his hips up, asking for more.

  I’m aching for him to be inside me but also throbbing to taste him again. I swallow before taking him fully in my mouth, sliding my tongue along the length, and then I bob my head up and down. My hands rest on his strong thighs for me to get the right angle to suck him perfectly. When I glimpse up at him, I see Kyle with his hands laced behind his neck as he stares at me with desperation.

  I feel like I’m on a caffeine buzz, and I’m soaked between my legs.

  “Yes, just like that, baby,” he groans. “Don’t stop. Fuck. Don’t stop.”

  I pause. “What if I want to stop to ride your cock?”

  His hand drops to massage my cheek, and his face turns soft. “Chloe, anytime you want to ride my cock, I give you permission to always stop what you’re doing.”

  The compassionate look on his face mixed with his dirty words captivates me, and I take a deep breath before standing tall while his cock stands before me.

  This is it.

  No going back.

  I can no longer say I resisted the temptation of Kyle Lane.

  I’m throwing down the white flag with no apologies.

  I can’t help but grin at his surprise when I crawl up his lap, grab him by the base, and slowly lower myself down on him, my thighs hitting his with a smack. He fills me up perfectly, like he’s always belonged there, already hitting my spots before I’ve even moved. I use his shoulders for support to lift myself up and then fall down. One of his hands spans over my hip while the other cups my chin, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “Fuck me like you said you would,” he demands, pulling away before pushing me back against his mouth.

  Our kiss is deep, and the hand resting on my chin lowers to my breast, cupping it. He slowly strokes my nipple with his thumb before pinching it. As I set my pace, Kyle uses his hands as a weapon, moving them everywhere—from my hips to my breasts and then to my back.

  “You feel so good,” he says into my mouth, meeting my thrusts as I ride him. “Better than I imagined.”

  I circle my hips, alternating between bouncing up and down and then grinding hard, making it my mission to fuck him better than any other woman has.

  “Fuck, shit, Chloe,” he bites out. “I’m going to come.” His finger goes to my clit, and he’s rough as he works it.

  I crush my mouth to his, his words setting a fire inside me. “Then, come.”

  My heart slams against my chest as I pull away and wait for it. I want to see. I need to witness the evidence of me riding Kyle into an orgasm. For reasons unknown, a surge of pride rolls through me.

  I’m good enough to make him lose control like this. I’m strong enough to make him feel this way.

  But it doesn’t happen. As I wait for it, an arm spans around my waist, and he clutches my hips, halting me from making another move.

  What the …

  “I’m bare,” he says in a thick voice. “We forgot a condom, so hop off me before I fill you with my cum.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I reply in a comforting tone.

  The mood is lifting, cooling down, and I’m afraid it’ll burn out.

  “I’m on the pill,” I whisper with reassurance. “It’s fine. I promise.” I peel his arm off me and grind on him.

  He raises a brow. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Is he sure about this?

  I’m answered when his hips surge up, his cock hitting me in all the right places.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to fill you up. Fuuuccck. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”

  And, as cliché as it sounds, we get off at the same time. He explodes inside me as I arch my back and call out his name. I suddenly feel light-headed before shaking against Kyle as he goes slack. I can feel his heart beating just as wildly. My hands cling to his shoulders as if I can’t hold myself up.

  “Now, it’s my turn to fuck you.” He grabs my waist, hauls me over his shoulder, and rushes down the hallway before depositing me on what I assume is his bed.

  I watch him from the foot of the bed and rub my legs together. “Let’s see if you’re as good as you’ve led on to be.”

  He’s already proven it in his kitchen … in my office … on his couch.

  “Don’t worry, Chloe. I’m about to prove myself to you in every way possible, so you’ll never doubt me again.”

  It terrifies me.

  He crawls up my body, and I gasp when his tongue slides up my stomach and to my neck, slowly reaching my mouth.

  “I’m going to fuck you how I’ve imagined every day since I saw you walk out of your house, wearing one of those skirts I love so much.”

  “Show me then.”

  I collapse on my back while working to catch my breath. “Holy shit,” I say between pants. “Holy motherfucking shit.” I cast a glance to Kyle next to me to find him doing the same.

  I just had the best sex of my life. Kyle bringing me to his bed and having his way with me was even better than me riding him. Screw Kent and his half-assed screws. I’ll be sending his new wife a thank-you card for their affair. Maybe even a gift card, so she can invest in a good vibrator as a complimentary, shitty sex-stealer gift.

  Kyle blows out a strong breath and then chuckles. “That’s exactly what a man likes to hear after giving a woman a dozen of orgasms.”

  I turn my head and glare over at him. “It wasn’t a dozen.”

  Sweat drips from his forehead, and red scratches are visible on his shoulders. He doesn’t even seem fazed by my marking him. “Somewhere along those lines, babe.”

  I lean up on my elbow to look at him, briefly forgetting I’m naked and putting myself on display. I’ve suddenly become comfortable with him. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “I thought you knew me well enough to know that I always flatter myself.” He stands up, his cock semi-hard with the cum-filled condom attached, and goes to the bathroom to dispose of it.

  Even though I’d told him I was on the pill in the living room, he snagged a condom from the nightstand drawer during round two.

  He falls down next to me with a wicked grin on his face. “Flattery is the best compliment. If you agree to a dozen, next time, I’ll shoot for two dozen. It ends in your favor.”

  “I don’t know if we should let this happen again. Don’t you think it will make things more complicated for us?”

  I’m afraid he’ll hurt me, afraid I’ll fall for him and get hurt again.
If he learns my secret, he’ll walk away with my heart and hate me.

  He pulls himself out of bed, moves around the room, and snags an abandoned shirt off the floor. “Fine, if it’s what you want. I’ll get dressed. You get dressed. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  My mouth falls open. “What? Are you kicking me out of your bed?”

  He tosses the shirt on the floor while shaking his head, a smile twitching at his lips—his swollen lips a result of me biting into them every time he hit the right spot. “What? You keep talking like us having sex was a mistake. What do you think a man wants to do with that ego booster? Leave me be with my hurt feelings.”

  I grab a pillow and throw it at him. “I hate you.”

  “Your moans prove otherwise.” He jerks his thumb toward the door. “Now, do you want me to go on an exploration for your panties or stay in here where you will not need them?”

  I stare at him in response.

  “Answer me. Would you rather me find your panties or your G-spot again?” He points to his watch-less wrist. “Time is ticking, babe.”

  I shoot him an annoyed look. “Seriously, you’re giving me a time limit on my choice to receive an orgasm or not?”

  “I am.”

  I tap the bed. “Hang out here for a sec. You probably need to rest and not search your house at the moment.”

  “Perfect. Chloe code for fucking her again.” He returns to bed.

  I hold myself up with my elbow and stare at him. “You don’t find this weird?”

  He mirrors my stance and gives me his full attention, his eyes staring at mine and not roaming over my naked body. “No. We’re two people sexually attracted to each other. Two people who get along and vibe. Why is that weird?”

  I signal between the two of us. “You’re you, and I’m me.”

  He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Good observation.”

  I push his shoulder. “I never thought …” I stop to shake my head and don’t finish my sentence.

  “You never thought you’d give in to the sexual chemistry between us, begging to be discovered since high school?”

  I shrug. “Something like that.”

  He snags my waist and pulls me into him. “I’m still sensing some of that chemistry. Shall we try another go? See if we can fuck it out?”

  That’s what we do.

  Kyle has been inside me five times.

  Five times.

  The stamina on this man is unbelievable.

  Hell, the stamina in myself is surprising.

  We’ve slept together, shared meals, watched TV, and carried on conversations I never thought we would.

  Kyle takes a drink of his water and looks away from his sandwich to me. We’re at the kitchen table, devouring the grilled cheeses he made for us.

  I shyly look away when I realize he’s practically studying me. “What?” I mutter, feeling too on display.

  “I like seeing you in my house, in my kitchen, in my bed.” He shrugs. “I like seeing you here in general. I love you opening up to me and allowing me to see the real Chloe. I like you, Chloe. And, even if we weren’t sleeping together, if we were sitting in my living room, watching paint dry, I’d still want you to be here.”

  His words send chills down my body, and goose bumps form on my bare legs. I’m wearing a pair of panties and his tee.

  “I don’t understand.” I shut my eyes, and the next words come out in stutters. “Why? Why me?”

  His face scrunches in confusion. “Why not you? Why would you ever question why anyone would want to hang out with you? The better question is, why are you hanging out with me? Don’t sell yourself short on how fucking amazing you are.”

  I blush while processing his words.

  A playful grin is on his face.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Watching you blush is sexy.”

  I cover my face. “Or so embarrassing.”

  He plucks my hands from my face one by one and caresses my jaw. It seems to be his thing. “Nope. Sexy. I love it. Your pale cheeks turn this rosy color. Your eyes widen. Your lips pucker up. It’s why I do everything in my power to make you do it.”

  I groan. “Stop being sweet. This Kyle is too much for me.”

  He chuckles. “Never.”

  I take a bite of my sandwich to hide my smile. “You were born to drive me crazy, weren’t you?”

  “No, I was born to be a police officer, but being able to hang out with you and drive you crazy is a plus. What a perfect life I have.” He slides his plate up the table. “Now, what do I need to do for you to take my next question seriously?”

  “Not ask it.”

  He laughs. “Seriously. Don’t immediately answer. I know your lips are set to an automatic no whenever I ask you to do something.”

  “Incoming question is now scaring the shit out of me.”

  He inhales a deep breath. “Want to go on a double date with Gage and Lauren?”

  Wow, I was expecting something along the lines of trying anal.

  Not that.

  Shoot, maybe I’d rather him ask me about anal.

  “Uh …” I draw out. “We’re not dating, let alone double dating.”

  “What makes you think we aren’t dating? Is neighbor-fucking a regular thing for you?”


  His questions are throwing me off my game.


  I give him a forced glare. “Excuse me, how do you know what I do with my personal life?”

  “I know you.”

  I snort. “You know nothing about me, Kyle Lane.”

  His voice softens. “Then, tell me more about you.”

  “Hard pass.”

  He laughs. “Looks like we need to work our way up to having a serious a conversation. We’ve had sex, but God forbid, we get into a too-personal conversation.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  He groans. “You confuse me.”

  “Then, let me spell it out for you. This is sex. No dating. You should know this. I’ve seen the women coming and going from here. You do casual sex. If you want to keep doing this”—I gesture between the two of us—“casual is what we have to be. We’re casually hanging out, which means no double dating.”

  “Fine, then have a casual hang-out with Lauren and Gage.”

  I frown. “They hate me.” That should save me from his little group date … hang-out.

  “They don’t.”

  My frown stays intact. “They should, considering I was going to publish a story about her.”

  “Lauren doesn’t hate anyone, except for any girl who touches Gage and his ex-wife. And you’re neither one of those. We never told her about the story. Only Gage knows, and eventually, he’ll warm up to you.”

  “Warm up to me? That’s convincing.”

  “Trust me; he’s grateful you didn’t publish the story.” He tickles my side, causing me to laugh. “So, what do you say, Fieldgain? You. Me. Casually hanging out with friends.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  He grins.

  “Hey now, that’s not me agreeing to it.”

  He grins wider. “We shall see, dear neighbor.”



  Age Fifteen

  I toss my backpack on my bed and do a happy dance.

  I got asked to the homecoming dance.


  The poor girl with the junkie mother, the absent father, and sister knocked up with an illegitimate son was asked to the homecoming dance.

  Holy yay!

  This weekend, I’m forgetting about my crappy life. This weekend, I won’t be the girl living in filth—well, what filth I can’t clean. This weekend, I won’t be the outsider who yearns to fit in but is unable to afford every puzzle piece.

  I wasn’t just asked. I was asked by Kyle Lane. The hottest and coolest guy wants to go out with the class loner. I was shocked when he asked. We’d on
ly spoken a few times, and those were to compare test scores.

  This is going to be the best day of my life.

  All my homecoming excitement ends when I tell my mother.

  “Why would a boy invite you to the dance?” she snarls, as if it were the most disturbing idea in the world. “He must want to get in your panties.”

  “Or he might like me,” I snap.

  She snorts and takes another drink of vodka.

  I hate my mother and don’t care if I’m judged for it. You don’t have to like someone because you’re related.

  An hour later, my mom passes out in her bedroom, and I play with Trey on the floor.

  “I’m sorry about Mom,” Claudia says, surprising me. “It’s no fun when she treats you like a whore. She’s done it to me all my life, too.”

  I rise up onto my knees. “Did you ever go to a high school dance?”

  “A few times, yes.”

  A twinge of jealousy hits me, and I bite into my bottom lip. “How did you afford the dresses?”

  “I stole them.”

  I briefly consider this.

  “You can’t pull off shoplifting, Chloe. You’re too obvious.”

  “Maybe I’ll find some fabric and make my own.”

  She reclines in her chair and crosses her arms. “I’ll try to pull something together for you, okay?”

  I nod, knowing I shouldn’t agree to my sister stealing something for me, but this might be the biggest night of my life.

  I’m searching the couch cushions for spare change to purchase fabric from the store. Our neighbor said I could borrow her sewing machine. I taught myself to use it a few years ago to fix the holes in my clothes, and eventually, I even made a baby blanket for Trey.

  “Hey there, Chloe.”

  His voice surprises me. I drop the cushion to find Sam with a shopping bag in his hand.

  “Hi,” I say.

  Normally, I’m excited to see him, but he hasn’t been around lately, and there’s not even one penny in the couch. There’s no way I’ll find enough money for fabric.

  “Your sister said you got asked to the dance this weekend.”


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