Just Neighbors

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Just Neighbors Page 14

by Charity Ferrell

  “Ah. No one likes drama-fests.”

  He uneasily glances around. “I hate her.”

  I wince. Damn. “Now, that’s harsh.”

  He shrugs. “Maybe it is, but I do.”

  “I understand, but parents make mistakes, and eventually, maybe she’ll learn from them.”

  “No, she won’t.” His voice is tense.

  The little guy hates his mother. Even though my relationship with my father is strained, I love my parents. I have a good fucking mother who’d do anything for her children, whose world is wrapped around her children. It saddens me that he doesn’t.

  “Sorry, guys, but your mom wants you to come home,” Chloe says, coming back into the room.

  “Seriously?” Trey groans. “We just got here, and it’s not a school night.”

  “I tried explaining, but she said she had plans for you in the morning,” Chloe answers.

  Trey rolls his eyes. “Yeah, right. Plans for us to make her and her boyfriend breakfast.” His breathing shakes. “No. She chose not to go to dinner. Tell her we’re staying here tonight.”

  Chloe looks at him in devastation. “I’m sorry, buddy. I tried. Now, grab your bag. Maybe I can pick you up tomorrow and we can do something, okay?”

  She turns around, walks down the hall, and returns with Gloria in her arms.

  “I’ll drive you,” I say, jumping up from the couch.

  She shakes her head. “You don’t need to do that.”

  I start following them outside. “I want to.”

  She sighs. “It will be a pain in the butt to move the car seat.”

  “Then, we’ll take your car.” I wink. “It won’t be the first time I’ve driven it.”

  She shuts her eyes and sighs, as if she’s lost all energy to carry on our conversation. “Fine, but I’ll drive since I know where it is. You can ride passenger.”

  Her giving in so easily surprises me. “Works for me.”

  The four of us load into the car, and everyone is quiet as she makes her way out of town. I’ve answered police calls in this neighborhood plenty of times. Sadly, it’s where most of our crime comes from—the outskirts of Blue Beech.

  Chloe parks in front of a run-down brown trailer, unbuckles her seat belt, and then glances at me. “I need to go in and make sure everything is okay.”

  “What do you mean, make sure everything is okay?” I ask before she gets out.

  “She needs to go in and make sure Mom isn’t drunk, or it’s an unsafe situation for us to be in,” Trey answers for her.

  She looks back and gives him a look, saying he shouldn’t have said that.

  I clutch my door handle. “Let me come with you.”

  She grabs my shoulder to stop me. “Definitely not a good idea. It’d make things worse. Stay here. I’ll be back.”

  I don’t settle in my seat. “The fact that the three of you could possibly walk into an unsafe situation makes me uncomfortable, and there’s no way I can sit here. I’ll stand on the porch, out of the way. No one will even know I’m there.”

  She opens her mouth to argue, but her phone starts ringing. I see Claudia’s name on the screen.

  “Fine,” she says with a groan.

  She helps Gloria out of her car seat while I grab her bag, and we walk up the creaky porch steps. I hand Trey Gloria’s bag, and a whiff of cigarette smoke and mold hits me when they open the door. I stand out of view and watch through the torn blinds. Claudia is sitting on the couch with a cigarette in her hand, talking to Chloe about needing money for food. Roger is spread out next to her with a beer in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other. Claudia must be too dumb to realize that asking for food money when there’s an open pizza box in front of him isn’t helping her case.

  “You’ve tapped me out this month,” Chloe says with a stressed breath.

  “Don’t act like you’ve forgotten who took care of you when Mom didn’t,” Claudia snaps.

  “I took care of myself, but thank you for the reminder,” Chloe replies.

  Claudia puts out her cigarette while Trey helps Gloria out of her coat. “When will you have it then?”

  “I will go buy you groceries in the morning,” Chloe says.

  “I like doing it myself. You buy too much healthy stuff for our liking.”

  “I’ll drop off groceries tomorrow, Claudia. I’m not arguing with you tonight.” Chloe kisses Gloria and then Trey on their heads. “Good night, guys. Call if you need anything.”

  “They won’t need anything, Chloe! I’m their mother. If they do, they can ask me,” Claudia shouts to her back.

  Chloe nods and walks out the door.

  I rest my hand on her back as we walk down the steps to the car. I get into the driver’s side while she takes passenger. She doesn’t fight it. I see the defeat in her eyes.

  I blow out a breath as I pull out of the neighborhood. “Chloe, I don’t know how you do it.”

  She peeks over at me. “Do what?”

  “Deal with her.”

  “I do it for the kids. Not her.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t let them stay. She seemed like she didn’t want to spend another minute with them at the game.”

  “Trust me; it wasn’t her wanting to spend time with them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When she called, she asked me to borrow a few hundred dollars. I told her I didn’t have it. She demanded I bring the children home, or she was calling the cops.”

  Wow. The nerve of her sister. “Babe, in case you haven’t realized it, I am the cops. Did you tell her there was already one there?”

  She gives me a look. “I don’t want to drag you or any other law enforcement into my family’s drama. Not to mention, people talk. She already causes enough problems for me, just being her. There doesn’t need to be record of endless police visits to my house.”

  “Maybe you should take her to court and fight for custody.”

  “I’ve tried, but there’s nothing I can do. She’s passing drug tests. I have no power, and if I take it too far, the kids might end up in foster care before the process of adoption goes through. If I’m even able to adopt them. It’s complicated. The system wants to keep children with their parents. Claudia uses it to her advantage with me.”

  “You ever walked into something you’d refer to as an unsafe situation with Claudia before?”

  “A few times, yes.”


  She fiddles with a ring on her finger. “I threatened to call the cops if she didn’t let me leave with the kids. Claudia is not a fan of the police,” she says, glancing over at me.

  I grip the steering wheel. “Shocker.”

  “Big time.”

  “I need you to make me a promise.” It’s dark in the car, so I can’t see the expression on her face.

  “What’s that?”

  “Anytime you go over there, to make sure the kids or you aren’t walking into a dangerous setting, you call me to come with you.”

  “I’m a big girl, Kyle,” she replies with a thick voice.

  “I’m well aware that you’re strong as fuck, Chloe, but you’re not invincible. Neither are those children.”


  I briefly scope her out. “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll call you before visiting any seedy trailers.”

  Her giving in without another argument surprises me.

  When we get back to her house, I follow her into the kitchen where she grabs us a few waters from the fridge and then leads me back into the living room. I sit down next to her on the couch, and she tucks her feet underneath her ass, slightly facing me.

  “If you also don’t mind me asking, where’s their father?” I ask, grabbing some popcorn from the bowl Trey brought out earlier.

  Chloe shrugs. “They have different ones, and to be honest, I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know who they are or where they are?”

  “Last I heard, Gloria’s was in prison, and Trey
’s was a deadbeat asshole who chose not to be in his life.” She rolls her eyes. “Exactly my sister’s type.”

  “Has it always been this way? Her running to you every time she needs something? Being neglectful and expecting you to fix the problem?”

  “For as long as I can remember.”

  I rest my arm on the back of the couch and study her. “If you ever need help with them, let me know.”

  She gives me a small smile. “They’d probably enjoy it, to be honest.” She takes a long drink of water and rubs at her bottom lip. “Trey likes you, and I think you’d be a good influence on him.”

  I smirk arrogantly. “What’s there not to like, babe?”

  She shoves my chest.

  “Maybe I’ll ask him to put a good word in for me with his aunt.”

  “Hmm … you might already be putting in a good word for yourself,” she whispers.

  Surprising me again, she straddles my lap and circles her arms around my neck. I shut my eyes as she slightly grinds against me, her core rubbing against my now-growing cock.

  I smile and run my fingers over the slit between her lips. “You know, I’ve realized something.”

  “What’s that, Officer?”

  I massage her breasts over her top, moving in a circular motion. “You haven’t introduced me to your bed.” I drag my fingers through her soft hair. “It seems unfair since you’ve become so familiar with mine.”

  My cock throbs when she slides off my lap and holds out her hand.

  “Let me introduce you to it then.”

  My attention stays plastered to her ass, and I’m surprised I don’t run into a wall as she leads me to her bedroom. The room brightens with the switch of the light, and she wastes no time before undressing. Chloe needs this tonight—needs to forget, to let loose, to be free of her problems.

  What better way to make her feel good than with my fingers, my tongue, my cock?

  I open my mouth to disclose all the dirty things I’ll be doing to her body tonight when a thought pops into my head. Yes. Instead of my original plan of throwing her on the bed and devouring her pussy, I head to her nightstand while she stands, watching me.

  She stops mid-unsnap of her bra. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh, nothing. Proceed as you were,” I answer with a grin, my attention staying on the drawer. I push away panties and bras until I find what I’m looking for. Her face reddens when I turn around and hold up her vibrator. “I want you to show me how you use this, Chloe.”

  She stands frozen, catching her breath, as the blush on her face grows redder. “What?” The word stutters from her plump lips.

  I hold out the vibrator to her. “Show me what you like.”

  Her mouth falls open, and she rakes a hand through her hair. As she moves, her bra falls to the floor, and I lick my lips at the sight of her perfect breasts. I want to suck on them, suck on her, fuck her, but the urge to watch her play with herself overrides all those cravings—for the time being.

  I inch forward, and she shivers when I run my hand over her hip.

  “Chloe, I never want you to feel uncomfortable with me. I’ll never judge you for what you like and don’t like in the bedroom.” I turn the vibrator on, rub it up her stomach, and then lower it to her core, running it over her panties. “If you want to show me, I’d love it. If not, we can do anything else you want.”

  I use my free hand to cup her breast, sliding my tongue against her perky nipple before wrapping my lips around it while continuing to stroke her with the vibrator. I lose my hold when she rips it from my hand and steps back. She’s hesitant as she climbs up her bed, but as she watches me stare at her with desire, her confidence builds.

  Fucking yes.

  “Shit, Chloe,” I say. “You are so fucking sexy, baby.”

  My words give her more courage, and she slips her panties down her legs, kicking them off her feet. I grab the ottoman sitting in the corner of the room and slide it in front of the bed, taking a seat and preparing for the most spectacular show I’ll ever see.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this.”

  It takes me seconds to unbuckle my pants, and my hand is wrapped around my cock before they even fall to the floor. She opens her legs and puts herself on full display for me—for motherfucking me. I’m close to exploding before giving myself the first stroke. How I got lucky enough for a sight and experience like this is beyond me. She caresses her clit with the vibrator first, then her slit, and then slowly plants it inside herself. I throw my shirt off and keep my eyes glued on her.

  “Yes, God, that’s so fucking hot,” I pant.

  I’m hypnotized, watching her pleasure herself. I keep the same pace, jerking myself off. It’s torture to stop myself from coming. She rocks her hips up, her back arching, and I know she’s close.

  My voice falters when I tell her to stop.

  I have to do it with her.

  I want to do it with her.

  On her.

  A wild grin is on her face when she crawls to the end of the bed. She arches a finger, gesturing for me to come forward, and my cock twitches. I lick my lips, and my cock aches when I stop stroking it. She situates herself on her knees when I reach her and wait for her next move. Her gaze locks on mine when she rubs the vibrator along my lips.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she whispers before handing me the vibrator and spreading her legs.

  I caress her clit with it and then slide it inside her. Her hands grip my shoulders as I fuck her with it.

  Her nails dig into my skin. “Have you … ever watched another woman do this?”

  I drag away the vibrator, rest my palm on her stomach, and push her back before meeting her on the bed, my body over hers. “Nope, and don’t care to. Only you.” I groan when I push my cock inside her. “Only you, Chloe.”

  She whimpers as I stay in place, not moving, and I stare down at her. We make the strongest eye contact I’ve ever experienced.

  Tonight was a big step for Chloe. She’s never opened herself up like that to anyone else, not even to men she’s opened her heart to.

  I shiver when she runs her hands up and down my arms. “And trust me; you will be the only man who’s ever watched me.”

  “Thank fuck.”

  Her confirmation sets me on fire. I grab her thighs, situate them on my shoulders, pull out, and thrust back into her. We find our release, and I fall down next to her.

  I roll off and catch my breath as she rests her head on my chest.

  “Thank you for everything tonight. For going to Trey’s game, for the pizza party, and for giving me an orgasm.” She snuggles tightly into my side. “And for tagging along to Claudia’s. I feel safe with you.”

  I squeeze her tight. “And thank you for tonight—for letting me crash your party and be there for you, for fucking yourself in front of me and then letting me fuck you.” I sigh. “And, even if you hadn’t agreed, I would’ve followed you to Claudia’s.”

  She holds herself up to look at me in question. “Why didn’t I know you were this sweet?”

  “You were too busy telling me to fuck off to give me the chance to show you the real me.”

  She laughs. “Oh, yeah, right.”

  Her lips meet mine through a smile.



  Kyle walks into my living room and frowns while eyeing me. “I have to say, I’m a little disappointed.”

  “What? Why?” I question.

  I peek down at myself. I appear the same as I did when I left his house this morning for work. Sleepovers at his place are now an everyday occurrence, and instead of saying good morning from his porch, he says it from next to me in bed.

  “I was hoping you were dressed up.”

  I throw him an annoyed expression. “And what are you? Where’s your sexy cop costume?”

  “At my house. I’m saving it for later.” He winks. “When I handcuff you to my bed.”

  I can’t hold back my grin.

  “Yes, handcuffing you to my bed is definitely tonight’s plan.”

  Gloria stomping into the kitchen ends our flirt-fest. “Look at me, Aunt Chloe!” she squeals. She gives Kyle a lopsided smile when she spots him. “Can you guess what I am?”

  He settles his finger on his chin. “Hmm … are you … the Tin Man?”

  Gloria laughs and shakes her head. “No, silly!”

  Kyle squints at her. “Are you the Cowardly Lion?”

  Her smile widens. “No!”

  “Then, you must be Dorothy!”

  She hops up and down. “Yes.” She holds her basket up and snatches the stuffed dog inside. “And this is Toto.”

  Kyle kneels, so he’s eye-level with her. “Hello, Dorothy and Toto. It’s nice to meet you.” He shakes her hand before petting Toto on the head. “I’ll give you extra candy when you stop by my house later.”

  “Yay!” She claps her hands. “I can’t wait for all my candy.”

  “All right, Dorothy,” I say, resting my palm on her back. “Let’s do your pigtails.”

  We gather in the living room, and I sit down on the couch while Gloria plops onto the floor in front of me.

  “What made you be Dorothy?” Kyle asks Gloria, resting in a chair. “Is that your favorite movie?”

  Gloria nods. “My favorite in the entire world!” She kicks her feet back and forth, showing off her sparkly red shoes. “Do you like my shoes?”

  “Very much,” Kyle answers before lifting his leg. “Much cooler than these Nikes I’m sporting.”

  Gloria squeals. “What’s your favorite movie?”

  He glances around the room. “Promise not to tell anyone?”

  Gloria holds her pinkie out. “I pinkie promise to infinity.”

  He leans in as if telling her a secret and then loops their fingers together. “It’s The Wizard of Oz.”

  She claps her hands again. “Yay!”

  I finish her pigtails at the same time Trey walks in, wearing his football gear.

  Gloria frowns at the sight of him. “Where’s your costume? You’re supposed to be the Scarecrow!”

  Trey’s shoulders slump. “I told you, I’m not trick-or-treating this year.”


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