Just Neighbors

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Just Neighbors Page 20

by Charity Ferrell

  My last two words do the trick. He grips my waist and kisses my hair before crashing his lips to mine. He breaks away to remove his shirt and then palms my breast over my robe.

  “Is this what you want?” he whispers into my mouth.

  “More than anything,” I reply.

  He wastes no time before pushing me back toward my bed. My shoulders tighten as he takes me in, and I lose a breath when he harshly tugs the ties of my robe, releasing it, and then tosses it across the room. My panties are torn and flung in the opposite direction.

  He twists me around, my back facing him, his broad chest pushing up against me. My knees hit the bed, and I shiver when he reaches out and tucks my hair behind my shoulder.

  “You always seem to get what you want, don’t you, Chloe?” he hisses in my ear before running his tongue along the lobe.

  I gasp when he grips my waist and rubs his hard cock against my ass. I press against him at the same time he guides us up my bed. He lifts himself on all fours while I stay on my stomach, and he lightly feathers a finger down my spine.

  “Chloe, how you’ve ruined me,” he says, his finger still skimming my skin.

  My hips are raised, and with no warning, he slams inside me before lowering me so that I’m flat on my stomach again. Our legs tangle together, and I’m already close to getting off as he balances himself over me. Our bodies rub against each other’s with every stroke, and I don’t have the power to move. He carries our weight as he slams into me.

  I shove my face into my pillow to mask my moans. I’ve never had sex like this before. It’s angry. It’s raw. It’s rough. This is a pure hate fuck.

  I move my head to the side and bite into his arm as I grow closer, and his hands grab mine, squeezing them as he nears his release.

  “Yes, fucking mark me,” he grinds out.

  He grips harder, and I bite deeper with every push and pull from him.

  My pussy constricts against his cock as waves of pleasure hit me, and then I shudder out my orgasm while his hips continue to slam into me until it’s his turn to come. When it’s time, he pulls out and releases on my back, like I’m some random whore he only wants to come all over.

  He falls to the side of me as we fight to catch our breaths, and I already miss the heat and sweat of his body when he rolls off the bed. I start to turn around to see him but jump when he slaps my ass.

  “Thanks for the fuck, neighbor,” he comments. “I’ve needed some release.”

  I jump up to my knees. “Excuse me?”

  He grabs his shirt from the floor and then his pants.

  “You’re not spending the night?”

  He throws his shirt over his head without glancing in my direction. “I’ll pass. Like I said, I appreciate the fuck. This was fun. Next time you want a quick, meaningless fuck, you know where to find me.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I hiss.

  “You thought I was an asshole then? Just wait.” He leans onto my bed with his palms on each side of me. “You know what’s funny? You’re exactly like him. A manipulative liar.”

  With that, he turns around and leaves.

  I stomp into my office with fury in my eyes. Fury in my sleepy eyes. I was up all night, pissed about Kyle.

  “Whoa, killer. Who’s on the murder list today?” Melanie asks.

  “Kyle motherfucking Lane,” I grit out. “I hate him!”

  She holds her hand up to stop me and narrows her eyes at me in confusion. “Hold up. Last time we talked, you said you wanted him, and he hated you. Now, you hate him, too? What happened?” She leans back in her chair. “This is getting very interesting.”

  “He came over last night, and we had sex,” I confess.

  She tilts her head to the side. “Isn’t that what you wanted?” She stops to study me for a moment, as if she’s missing something. “Was it bad sex or something? Did he leave before getting you off? Start some kinky shit you weren’t okay with?”

  “No! It was amazing sex!”

  “Good boy,” she comments with a pleased smile. “So, what’s the problem then?”

  “The problem is, after we finished, he slapped my ass, said thank you, and then left!” I throw my hands up in the air and throw my bag onto the floor. “Who the fuck does that?”

  “I told you, hate sex is the best sex,” she replies. “Nothing beats pent-up frustration like rough sex that ends with someone telling the other to fuck off.” She chews on the pen in her hand as if this isn’t a big deal.

  I grab my bag from the floor while still looking at her. “Remind me why I talk to you about my problems. Hate sex might be the best sex, but the after-party of hate sex fucking sucks.”

  She shrugs. “Look on the bright side; you guys are making progress in the shitshow that is Kyle and Chloe’s relationship. Yesterday morning, he wanted nothing to do with you. Now, he’s jamming his cock into your vagina. Things are looking up, my friend.”

  “No. Things are looking more along the lines of homicide. Be prepared to finally get a new job because I’ll be in prison.”

  She laughs before her face turns soft. “Give him time, Chloe. Was it a dick move? Absolutely. The man is pissed, and his ego is bruised.”

  “I’m not giving him shit, except sliced tires, so do you have any better advice?”

  “At the moment, no, but let me drink some coffee, answer some emails, and take a two-hour lunch break, and then I’ll get back to you.”

  “I’m screwed,” I mutter before walking into my office.



  Claudia Calling.

  I hit Ignore.

  It’s her fifth call in a row.

  I don’t have time for her bullshit games today.

  My phone beeps with a text.

  Claudia: Quit ignoring my calls!

  They released her from jail days ago. Surprisingly, the judge had granted her bail. Also surprisingly, Roger had paid it. She hasn’t seen the kids or picked them up from my house, but the weekend is over. Claudia always waits until the weekend ends to threaten me with seeing them if I don’t give her money.

  An hour later, Claudia comes storming into my office with Melanie on her trail.

  “I tried to stop her,” Melanie says, shooting Claudia a scowl before looking at me. “But I figured you’d frown upon me tackling your sister to the ground.”

  A smile twitches at my lips. Right now, probably not.

  “I appreciate that.”

  Melanie isn’t a Claudia fan, and this isn’t the first time my sister has barged into my office, barking out demands.

  Melanie throws Claudia another dirty look before leaving and makes sure to shut the door behind her. Claudia tends to get loud during her visits.

  Claudia plops down on the chair in front of my desk. She’s sporting the hungover look, complete with dark circles under her blue eyes and last night’s makeup smudged across her face.

  “Your secretary is a bitch,” she snarls.

  I fold my hands together, set them on my desk, and lean forward. “No, she isn’t. Now, what’s so important that you felt the need to visit me at my work, which I’ve asked you numerous times not to? This is a public office, not a place for me to handle my family issues.”

  Claudia has never taken my job seriously. Oftentimes, it seems like she wants me to lose it.

  She rolls her eyes. “I need money.”

  I cut her off before she can elaborate. “No.”

  She winces. “But—”

  I interrupt her again. “I said, no.”

  “You’re a goddamn bitch,” she seethes. “I hate you.”

  The feeling is mutual.

  I shrug. “If that’s how you feel, then that’s how you feel.”

  She bows her head. “I’m in trouble, and Michael still isn’t answering my calls.”

  “That’s nothing new, Claudia. You’re always in trouble, and your reasoning for needing money is never-ending, dramatic, Shakespearian bullshit. If Michael isn’t
giving you money, go back to the job you quit.”

  She lifts her chin and glares at me while I’m fighting with myself not to cave in. I’m a habitual pushover when it comes to Claudia. Eventually, I grow tired of her pleading and give in. That’s not happening today.

  She lowers her voice. “Roger and I owe some men money.” She continues before I get the chance to confirm she won’t receive a cent from me. “Roger borrowed additional money on top of our debt to pay my bail!”

  “How precious of him,” I mutter. “He lives in your home, rent-free. He should help you.”

  “They’re dangerous, Chloe. They can hurt me!”

  “You are adults and capable of paying your own debts. I’m done bailing you out of your messes. Last time, when I said it was the last time, I wasn’t lying.” I push my hands forward before doing a scraping them clean motion. “No more.”

  “What about the kids then, huh? Are you not concerned with their safety?”

  “They are safe at my house.”

  “Please, Chloe.” She’s close to tears, and I’m close to caving. It happens every single time. She knows what works on me. “Please.”

  Don’t do it. Don’t do it.

  “I’ve given you thousands of dollars to help you, and you’ve done nothing but blow it on booze and taking care of your deadbeat boyfriends. No more. Nothing.”

  “My kids need to eat,” she grits out before pushing her fingers through her greasy hair.

  “Then, I will buy them food.”

  “They need heat and electricity.”

  “I have both at my house. They can stay with me.”

  “What about me, huh? Do you not care if I’m cold and hungry?”

  “If you need to sleep in my spare bedroom, you can, but you’ll be pulling your shit together. No drugs. No Roger. There will be rules.” I shut my eyes in dread. Babysitting Claudia is harder than babysitting both Trey and Gloria.

  “I don’t want to live with you,” she snaps.

  I fix my stare on her. “That wasn’t a friendly invite. It was a desperate offer.”

  She jumps up from the chair and wags her finger in my direction. “Fuck you, Chloe! Fuck you! Expect not to see the kids this week or ever!”

  My blood pressure rises with every second we’re speaking. “Don’t make the children suffer out of spite and deprive them of a life we wanted when we were children.”

  Her hand splays across her chest. “Are you saying you’d be a better mother for them?”

  I rub my forehead. “I’m not trying to be their mother. I’m trying to give them a better life—whether it’s as their aunt or even their friend. They are my number one priority, and they will always be my number one priority. Period.”

  Her lipstick-messy lip curls up as she releases a hard laugh. “God, you’re so desperate for children that you’d even take someone else’s.”

  I slam my hand down on my desk and stand. “Now, it’s my turn to say fuck you.” I jerk my finger toward the door. “Leave my office.”

  She scrambles back, and regret flashes across her face. It takes her a few moments to plaster on a fake smile. “Sorry, that was wrong of me to say.”

  I shake my head and keep my finger pointed. “Save your apology. You meant it. You’ve meant it every time you’ve said it. Shove that apology up your ass.”

  She uses both hands to flip me off, dropping one momentarily to open the door, and then puts them back in the position as she walks backward out of my office, and from the sound of Melanie’s laughter, I’m assuming she’s doing the same to her.

  I’m still standing when Melanie wanders into my office minutes later.

  “You should’ve let me tackle her, babe,” she says before circling around the desk to droop her arm over my shoulders. “You are one strong-as-hell woman, and I’m so fucking proud of you for not letting her walk all over you.” She squeezes my shoulder before stepping back. “If you need help with the kids, I’m here.” Her head tilts to the side. “None of them are in diapers, right?”

  “One hundred percent potty-trained.”

  “Perfect. If you need help with the kids, you let me know.”

  I smile. “Your bad humor is always what I need on stressful days.”

  “I’m here all day, folks.” She stops to correct herself. “Or at least until five.”

  She scurries away at the sound of the front desk phone ringing, and I snatch up my phone to text Trey. It’s his lunch hour, so hopefully, he has his phone.

  Me: I’ll pick you up after school today.

  My phone beeps with a response seconds later.

  Trey: Mom said to go with Roger.

  Me: I’ll deal with your mom and Roger.

  They’re always tardy, picking them up from school. If Claudia wants the kids, she’ll come to my house. Today isn’t the first time Claudia has said her life is in danger. Normally, when she says that, I grab my wallet. Even though I don’t one hundred percent believe her, doubt is still in the back of my mind, and I worry about the kids’ safety. Hell, I’m always concerned with their safety.

  Let them come to my house.

  I’ll be ready for that fight.

  I’m not surprised when Roger and Claudia show up at my doorstep hours after school let out. Their breath reeks of alcohol, and the dilated pupils and scabs on Roger’s face confirm my suspicions that he’s using more than alcohol for getting high.

  “I want my goddamn children,” Claudia screeches as soon as they come in.

  I cross my arms. “Tough shit.”

  I gulp and stand straight even though my heart is pounding when Roger lunges my way. Him coming closer results in Trey stepping to my side. Claudia scoffs, and a cynical laugh leaves Roger at Trey’s protective gesture.

  This isn’t going to end well.

  “Look at this badass,” Roger barks out, signaling to a fuming Trey.

  Trey’s jaw is clenched, and his hands are knotted into fists. There’s a finally fed up expression on his face. Roger pressing him will make things worse between everyone.

  “Fuck you,” Trey bites out. “We don’t want to leave with you.” His attention swings to Claudia. “I refuse to stay with you and your”—he tips his head toward Roger—“piece-of-shit boyfriend. You’ll have to drag me out.”

  “That can be arranged, you little asshole,” Roger grits out before lunging toward Trey.

  I kick my foot out, tripping Roger, and the floor vibrates when his body hits it. I use Trey’s shirt to pull him to the other side of the room while Roger gets up, and I rush to my purse.

  “Stop!” I yell. “I’ll give you the fucking money. Hold on!”

  The angry look on Roger’s face is why I’m giving in. I’m not risking the kids’ or my safety.

  “Twenty-two hundred dollars,” Claudia demands, kissing Roger’s cheek in celebration of their win. “We’d prefer cash, but a check will do if you don’t have that much on you.”

  “I’m not giving you twenty-two hundred dollars,” I say, shuffling through my bag until I find my wallet.

  “If you want to keep them, that’s how much I want,” Claudia replies. “Take it or leave it.”

  Trey takes a step forward and scowls at his mother in repulsion. “Whoa, whoa. Are you selling us for twenty-two hundred dollars?” He peers over at me with disbelief. “Is that what you’re giving her the money for? So we can stay here?”

  Instead of answering him, I collect all the bills from my wallet, step forward, and shove it into Claudia’s chest. “There’s three hundred dollars. That’s all I have and all you’re getting. If you take it, you’ll leave and let the children stay here. You will not come tomorrow, begging for more money. This is your one chance. Take it or leave it.”

  Roger snatches the money from her hand, counts it, and motions to the door.

  “Fine,” Claudia draws out. “But I want them for the holidays.”

  I nod. “I’ll let them spend a few hours with you.”

  “I’m not sp
ending a minute with her!” Trey screams.

  “I don’t want to spend the holiday with your selfish ass,” Claudia spits out. “I only want to see your sister.”

  “I want to see Mommy!”

  Our attention goes to the hallway where Gloria is standing.


  Hopefully, she didn’t witness too much of what just happened.

  “Of course, honey,” Claudia says, leaning down and gesturing for Gloria to come over. “I’ll be here to pick you up.”

  Gloria barrels down the hallway, right into her arms, giving her a hug. Claudia wraps her arms around her and squeezes her tight. It’s moments like this: where Claudia attempts to be a decent and loving parent that I somewhat feel bad for her, but then I remember how she operates. She’ll promise Gloria everything under the sun and then disappoint her. Then, I’ll be the one to pick up the pieces.

  Gloria is the only person who says good-bye when they leave.



  Two Weeks Later

  Unless fireworks are involved, holiday shifts are uneventful.

  So far, this Thanksgiving, there hasn’t even been a failed deep-fried turkey attempt, so for the past two hours, Gage and I have been sitting idle in the car, talking shit to each other.

  “Go talk to Chloe,” Gage says, repeating the same thing he’s said daily. “You look like hell.”

  I take a swig of my coffee and settle it in the holder before answering him. “I look like hell because I had to survive a family dinner where the table conversation involved my ex-girlfriend’s family blackmailing my father out of thousands of dollars.”

  He nods in understanding, but his words are the opposite of that. “A—quit being so dramatic. I know it fucking hurts to be lied to, but it happened. B—listen to her side of the story. You’ve only heard your father’s, who’s a man you can’t stand, by the way.” He sighs. “Do you remember what happened when Lauren hid secrets from me and wouldn’t explain herself?”


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