Summoner's Call (The Summoner Trilogy Book 1)

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Summoner's Call (The Summoner Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Sarah Anne Piddock

  ‘It’s making your feathers move.’

  ‘I know!’ Seiya snapped back at her fire elemental. Her gaze flicked to the white fluffy down gradually creeping towards the edge of the desk, carried by the invisible waves of hot air rolling off Calvin’s blaze.

  ‘I could put out the fire?’ the demon offered hesitantly, sounding a little taken aback by her sharp tone.

  ‘No,’ Seiya tried to keep the growing anger out her thoughts, ‘it would be too obvious, they’ll guess I interfered.’

  Biting down on the urge to scream in frustration Seiya didn’t know who she wanted to hurt more; Calvin for deliberately ignoring the fire and blithely continuing with the exam or Gorbacov for failing to pay attention and intervene.

  Fine then, patience exhausted Seiya stared across the room, focusing on the parchment in Gorbacov’s hands. The flame erupted from the centre, snapping from side to side before vanishing.

  It had the desired effect; Gorbacov leapt up angrily, his head automatically whipping towards her as his mouth opened to shout-

  Then he saw the other fire and Seiya saw his jaw drop as his eyes widened in disbelief.


  Every student jumped at Gorbacov’s roar, the Master was already charging across, grabbing Calvin’s water bowl he emptied it over the burning lump. The cloth hissed angrily as the flames were dampened, sullenly refusing to die until Gorbacov used Seiya’s as well.

  ‘I didn’t think I had to mention that setting fire to the classroom would be an instant fail!’ Gorbacov shouted angrily, jabbing a finger towards the scorched desk. ‘What were you thinking?’

  ‘Sorry,’ at least Calvin managed to look embarrassed as he avoided eye contact, but Seiya was shocked at his sulky tone, as if the Master was being unreasonable. ‘I was too focused-’

  ‘Just carry on,’ Gorbacov irritably waved the excuses aside, his gaze shifting onto Seiya.

  And? Seiya didn’t say anything out loud, the challenge remaining only in her mind as she stared right back. Gorbacov couldn’t say anything without admitting he had failed to supervise properly. She raised one eyebrow as the Master remained silent.

  ‘Nothing seems to have been affected,’ Gorbacov growled as he eventually backed down, lowering his eyes to the exam pieces on her desk, ‘the water test was already completed.’ Seiya watched as he traced the wet sand at the top of the tray with one finger where she had forced the water to pour from the bowl and flow uphill to pool at the far end. Placing both empty bowls back into their respective places he strode back to his chair, this time sitting ramrod straight, the parchment left untouched on the desk beside him.

  ‘Well, carry on then!’ Gorbacov thumped the desk impatiently as the class still hesitated. ‘What are you waiting for?’

  ‘I didn’t want to say this before the exam,’ Gorbacov paused next to Seiya, keeping his voice low. Seiya was pleased to see that any lingering annoyance over her fire stunt had long since dissipated, Calvin had been allowed to pass and it hadn’t been mentioned since. ‘You and Lyam cause enough problems as it is, but it’s nice to see you’re making good use of the library. Some of the things you’ve been practising I’ve never seen done before.’

  Seiya ducked her head and tried not to look guilty. Truthfully she hadn’t visited the library since Gorbacov had shown it to her, the demons took care of her training, after all who could know how to use their powers better? Besides, the tasks Gorbacov set in the classes were much easier than what the demons expected of her. Keeping her face bent over the wooden grid she was currently freeing of knotted string Seiya hoped Gorbacov couldn’t see her expression.

  With all the students successfully completing the exam before lunch Gorbacov had roped them in to help clear the exam apparatus away during the afternoon. Or at least that was the idea; an hour in only Seiya was still at it, the others had drifted in clumps to the far end of the room, chatting amiably in the warm afterglow of success. At least it meant they were out of earshot.

  ‘Lyam was just as good though,’ she observed, keeping her voice low and hoping Gorbacov didn’t notice the change of topic. ‘Even Kirinya handled it without help,’ she added daringly, stifling a laugh as Gorbacov gave her a startled look. Clearly he hadn’t sensed her “assistance”.

  ‘That obvious was it?’ he replied good-naturedly, Seiya assumed he thought she was referring back to the altered puzzle for the level two exam. ‘She had to pass somehow.’

  ‘So, do you think you’ll have to fix the next exam?’ Seiya asked teasingly as she handed Gorbacov the last wooden frame.

  ‘Huh?’ Gorbacov froze for a moment then sharply pulled the grid from her hands. Acting if she had never spoken he didn’t even look in Seiya’s direction as he headed towards the classroom door.

  ‘I’ve just got to go and check on something,’ he called out to the whole class. ‘Well done for today and feel free to head down to the hall if the bell rings before I return.’

  Seiya stared after the Master blankly as the door swung shut, the rest of the class immediately returning to their conversations. Nobody else seemed to find his congratulations and exit strangely abrupt, but Seiya felt distinctly ill at ease. What had she said to prompt Gorbacov’s peculiar reaction?

  Chapter Seven

  Feeling guilty about Gorbacov’s earlier comments Seiya scoured her room for the level two texts she had borrowed from the library. Eventually finding them hidden under pages of notes she had made from the demons “lessons” she headed back down. The library should have been easy to find simply following the corridor round from the classroom but as it was she nearly missed the pair of big wooden doors. Seiya muttered a brief thanks to the still lit lanterns lining the corridors, another hour or so and they would all be extinguished for the night.

  Wrinkling her nose slightly at the musty smell as she entered Seiya found the inside much as she remembered as she replaced the level two texts on the shelves. Working along she could see there was a wealth of material on level three elemental work, though most of the books seemed to cover suggested exercises and tasks for students rather than developing any deep understanding of the power involved. The collection then shifted focus, the titles more interested in combining physical control of the demon and using the elemental powers. Picking one out Seiya opened it to a random page, frowning in confusion as she read about rank nine and ten demons. Based on what she understood there was no doubt that rank nine and ten would be summoned by a level five student. Having just passed level three she had been practising with rank five and completed the exam with rank six. She expected the level four training would be with rank seven, the exam a rank eight. Placing the book back on the shelf she selected a couple more; all said the same thing, the second one even explicitly mentioned level fives. Seiya’s frown deepened as she ran her hand back along the book spines, the lantern held up close so the small pool of light illuminated the titles. As far as she could tell there was no subject matter between the level three and level five texts. Nor was there a gap which indicated the books had been removed by another student. Frustrated, Seiya paced the length of the shelves, scanning for any misplaced items. Yet nothing was there. Reaching the end of the “teaching texts” she began to worry about Gorbacov’s earlier reaction, what did they teach at level four? Her eyes were drawn to the shelves on the other side of the room, perhaps there would be some record in the history of the school?

  As her hands flicked through the tomes one by one Seiya was surprised they all seemed in good condition, for books on history they were far younger than the school itself. Though the few she removed were so similar she started to wonder if the whole shelf was just full of the same text bound in different ways. None of them had any mention of the levels within the school, never mind the teaching methods or the exams. Sighing defeatedly Seiya decided to give up, the easiest way was probably to revert to her previous source and ask the demons. Aleos will know, Seiya thought as she wiped her dusty hands on her tunic automatically, groan
ing inwardly at the resulting marks. The small rank two appeared to be important in the demon world, clearly the summoners definition of rank was meaningless to them. Although touched by his concern for her well-being Seiya was cynical enough to realise all the demons had a vested interest in her success as a summoner. She just hoped they wouldn’t be too disappointed when she returned home to the ranch and left the summoning world behind. Despite continually reminding Aleos of her position the demon would simply shrug and insist the demons still wanted to help because they liked her. Their aid was given in appreciation for the fact she talked to them and treated them as intelligent beings, not as bribery or to make her beholden to them.

  Lifting the lantern to scan the titles one last time Seiya noticed that one of the books at the far end of the shelf was casting a shadow onto the adjoining wall. Thinking she had accidentally pulled the volume out of place Seiya walked over to find the gap filled by a small and very worn looking book. As she took it out it was obvious it was older than all the other books on the shelf, the larger book had not only stopped it being easily visible but had given it some protection from the dust and sunlight. Handwritten scrawl filled the pages, from the dates above each entry she assumed it was some kind of log or diary. Curiousity piqued she slipped the tiny battered volume into one of her baggy shirt sleeves, thankful for once for the ill-fitting uniform. Making sure nothing else had been disturbed Seiya shut the doors quietly behind her, excitement quickening her steps as she returned to her room. Surely if the book was a student’s diary then it would have to explain level four?

  ‘Hey Aleos,’ since the demon was sitting next to her Seiya spoke out loud, her thoughts focused on the diary she was reading, ‘this guy never mentions bindings.’ She pushed the book towards him at the open page. ‘It mentions the gateway but it just talks about holding an image of the type of demon you need or the task you have to complete and waiting for a demon to respond.’ Watching Aleos lean over the book it occurred to Seiya there was no reason to believe the demon could read. Her concern was misplaced as Aleos flipped the book back towards her.

  ‘It’s a request summoning,’ Seiya looked up expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate.

  Aleos shrugged, ‘that was the way we always used to be summoned, the bindings are relatively new.’ The date given in the book was incomprehensible to Seiya but the history books in the library stretched back over a century, binding had been implied if not explicitly mentioned. Not a single book she had read gave the impression demons were anything but dangerous tools to be manipulated to serve the summoners purpose.

  ‘How many years ago?’ Seiya queried, puzzled as Aleos shook his head.

  ‘I wouldn’t know, we don’t count time the same way.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me about this?’ she waved her hand towards the diary. ‘I would have summoned you this way rather than relaxing the bindings.’ Aleos hesitated and Seiya could sense he was trying to decide whether or not to tell her something. She waited patiently, the reticence was out of character and the last thing she wanted was to seem pushy.

  ‘I am touched by your trust,’ Aleos spoke cautiously, ‘but it was believed that if we started asking to be summoned without bindings you might think it was part of a larger plan.’ Seiya opened her mouth to protest but realised Aleos probably spoke the truth, she would have been wary of granting any such request if the demons had proposed it.

  ‘We did not want to alienate you,’ Aleos bowed his head towards her, ‘I am sorry for lying to you.’

  ‘No harm done,’ embarrassed by his reaction and sudden formality Seiya waved the incident aside, ‘how about I try it now?’ Once Aleos nodded in agreement she dismissed him and tried the “request summoning”. As the gateway formed and she called out Aleos’s name in her mind it kept feeling like she’d forgotten something, without the incantation the summoning felt incomplete. Despite her best efforts she did feel vulnerable when Aleos appeared, acutely aware she had no control over his actions.

  ‘You are tense,’ Aleos observed, maintaining a good distance from her.

  ‘I know,’ sitting on the bed Seiya thumped the mattress in annoyance. ‘It’s really stupid, I do trust you, it’s just-’ She waved her hands in a gesture of helplessness, struggling to vocalise her instinctive reaction.

  ‘It is hard to give up control,’ Aleos gestured towards the book, ‘they never knew anything but request summoning so the thought of being able to control us never occurred to them.’

  ‘Could the summoners still use the demon’s magic?’

  Aleos nodded. ‘The link is formed when we pass through the gateway.’

  ‘It’s much easier though isn’t it?’ Without the bindings Seiya didn’t feel she was using any power at all. ‘I didn’t realise that holding relaxed bindings and having none at all would be so different.’

  ‘Summoners used to call several demons at once, it was considered a greater sign of power than the strength of individual demons.’ Seiya nodded slowly as she flicked back to the beginning of the diary.

  ‘He mentions seeing a summoner overseeing a demon building crew.’

  ‘Summoners used to act as the conduits that allowed us to come and work in your world. We were considered artisans.’ Seiya could hear the pride in Aleos’s voice. ‘We built magnificent buildings,’ he added wistfully.

  ‘And people paid you?’ for some reason the idea of demons with money seemed ridiculous.

  ‘Of course, though we did it more for the enjoyment.’ Aleos’s voice became distant as he drifted back into his memories, ‘they’d bring us gifts occasionally, mostly food, but the summoner usually kept most of the fee.’ Seiya could hear him smiling through his thought-voice, though the demons rarely showed such expressions on their faces.

  ‘Why did it stop?’ Seiya asked the question offhandedly as she flipped through the diary, but Aleos didn’t reply. Looking up as the silence grew she saw the little demon had tensed up where he was standing, avoiding her gaze.

  ‘I can’t tell you,’ Aleos tone was flat, almost defensive.

  ‘Why?’ Seiya was baffled by the demon’s lack of co-operation, the feeling growing as Aleos shook his head in response.

  ‘You must be careful not to use the request summoning near others.’ Seiya went to protest at the abrupt change of subject but Aleos continued on. ‘It will feel like you are summoning with no bindings, you would not want to arouse suspicion.’


  ‘The level of demon you summon will be decided on the strength of the gateway you create,’ Aleos carried on, ignoring her attempts to interrupt. ‘if you use your full power then you could end up summoning a demon far stronger than you anticipated.’


  Aleos determinedly cut off her third attempt. ‘You can send me back now.’

  ‘Why are you mad at me?’ Seiya demanded, finally managing to get out a whole sentence. Pushing up off the bed and she glared at the demon who still refused to look at her.

  ‘Send yourself back.’ With no response forthcoming Seiya flopped back down and shuffled round until her back was towards the demon, ‘it’s not like you’re bound here.’

  ‘I am tied to you,’ Aleos’s voice in her mind still carried the same flat tone. ‘When a demon is summoned through a gateway it cannot return until the summoner sends it back or the summoner dies.’

  ‘I don’t believe you,’ Seiya rolled over to face him, ‘what happens to all the demons the students must lose control of?’

  ‘A summoner can send back a demon called by another, but they must remove the bindings of the first.’

  ‘But if the demons are out of control the bindings are already broken,’ Seiya added. ‘So how do I send you back if you’ve been request summoned?’ She doubted that she would use the same dismissal incantation.

  ‘Just form the gateway, by passing back through the ties will be broken.’

  Silence descended once more as Seiya hesitated, looking down at her hands she t
ook a deep breath and forced herself to make eye contact with Aleos again.

  ‘I’m sorry if I upset you,’ but I don’t see what I’ve done wrong, she added under her breath, careful not to transmit the thought. Her pride told her she had nothing to apologise for but she didn’t want Aleos to leave with awkwardness between them. The demons put up with a lot of poor treatment from the summoners, she could forgive a few unreasonable reactions.

  ‘You have nothing to apologise for,’ Aleos replied after a short pause, ‘but there are some things you cannot hear from us.’ His eyes pleaded with her to ask no more questions and she felt forced to oblige, it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t leave of his own volition.

  ‘Speak soon,’ she added by way of farewell, relieved when Aleos gave a small nod in reply before vanishing from the centre of the gateway pattern. As the glowing lines faded away and Seiya was left staring at the diary in front of her. What sort of things could she not hear from the demons? Was it because she wouldn’t believe them without discovering it for herself like the request summoning? Weighing the diary in her hand she gave in to her uneasiness and stuffed it into the hidden slit in the mattress. Her clothes from the ranch were still there, it should be secure enough as a hiding place.

  Damn, Seiya thought as she tried to convince herself she wasn’t being paranoid, I never did find out about level four.

  ‘Level four is about developing your power,’ Gorbacov lectured from the front of the room, ‘you will be doing far more training than at previous levels.’ Seiya shifted impatiently as she waited for him to continue, her apprehension had only increased from last night.

  ‘You will be summoning wild demons,’ glancing around the rest of the class Seiya was relieved to see she wasn’t the only one looking blank. ‘They are a different tribe to the demons you usually summon.’ Gorbacov’s gaze raked the row of desks, ensuring he had everybody’s attention. ‘Now you may not believe me but up until now the demons you have been summoning have accepted the bindings you placed on them. In rare instances they may have tried to fight when first summoned but afterwards they tend to go along with it.’ Seiya could see that several of her classmates who struggled with the summonings were unconvinced. After Hitan’s memorable “lesson” during the level two exam she was very aware the demons were capable of putting up much more of a fight.


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