Book Two: Thirty Days, Book 2

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Book Two: Thirty Days, Book 2 Page 12

by Bibi Paterson

  “I love that idea, Abby. I’ll let James know,” Mum says, scribbling a note down. “I’ll pop into a few of the local charity shops and get a selection of books to start.”

  We chat some more before Taylor reminds me that Henry is coming over with the additional security that he wants to put in place. I will finally get to put a face to the elusive Henry, making me wonder if I will recognise him when I see him. I obviously haven’t told my mum about Richard’s threats as she would go out of her mind with worry, but I will need to come up with an explanation for having the extra people around.

  The buzz of Taylor’s phone lets us know that Henry is here, so we head out the back to greet him. A well-built guy in his forties with the stature of someone who has been in the military holds out his hand to me and introduces himself, making me realise how good Henry is at his job; I don’t recognise him at all. He has a team of four people with him, whom he introduces one by one, explaining that there will be two shifts of two people each looking after me while Taylor is away. I feel nervous at having all these people responsible for me. I almost want to refuse to have a protection detail, but then I remember Bean and know that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect him, or her, and clearly nothing that Taylor wouldn’t do either.

  Another couple of people arrive carrying boxes of equipment, and I raise my eyebrow at Taylor. “Security systems…alarms for the flat and shops and cameras for outside,” Taylor explains before taking Henry off with them to see what needs doing. I take the rest of the security guys up into the flat and make them a coffee before sitting down with them to answer their questions and go through my routine.

  As we talk and I answer their questions, I take in the four men in front of me. At first glance, their casual clothes would make them look like any one of the university students hanging around Brighton, but from the way they sit bolt upright, I can only guess that they come out of the forces. I can see that they feel uncomfortable in the cramped surrounds of the flat, so I offer to give them a tour of the café and bakery.

  I can see Bea’s and Andreas’s curiosity in their eyes as we make our way through the building and I know I am going to get grilled later, but for now I just offer a small wave and a tight smile until I can talk to Taylor and see how he wants to handle this. As yet I have not told anyone about Richard, mainly because I have wanted to protect Taylor and Nicola, but all of this security makes me feel like I am in a movie or something equally surreal, and I know we are going to have to start telling people the truth sometime.

  We are standing in the centre of the café and I am still trying to remember all the guys’ names when Henry returns. Handing me a small device, he informs me that it is a panic button directly linked to both him and whoever is currently watching over me. This is all a little too real and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I take a couple of calming breaths to stamp down on the panic working its way through my gut. Sensing my unease, Taylor slips his arm around my frame, and I instantly take comfort in his warmth and the citrusy scent that follows him.

  “It’s okay, Abby,” Taylor says reassuringly. “The chances of Richard trying anything are slim, but these guys are here just in case. They will make sure Richard doesn’t come anywhere near you.”

  “And don’t be alarmed, Abby,” Henry interjects, “when you don’t see the guys around. They won’t be doing their jobs properly if you notice them, and then they will have to answer to me.” Henry laughs, relieving some of the tension that has been building in the room.

  Giving me a squeeze, Taylor suggests heading up to the flat while he finishes off with Henry and Tom, Dick and Harry, as I have now taken to calling my bodyguards in my head as I still can’t seem to get their names straight. I answer some final questions before saying goodbye and leaving the room. I don’t immediately head up to the flat. I need some normality, so I walk out into the alley, taking note of the new cameras dotting the back of the building, and head through the back door into Bread.

  Delicious smells tickle my nose, and I wander into the kitchen to find Billy and Kirri in a tray-bake bake-off. I quickly tap off a text to let Taylor know where I am before I start chatting to the apprentices about their morning’s bake. Kirri offers me a piece of her sour cream pecan coffee cake, a combination I have never thought of putting together, and I find my taste buds begging for more.

  “Delicious, Kirri. Seriously. And the texture is awesome,” I compliment. Kirri blushes red and mumbles, staring at her feet. I take a sip of water before helping myself to a piece of Billy’s lemon and thyme bar. Again I express my pleasure, so proud of just how far these two have come in such a short space of time.

  Here in this kitchen is where I find my own personal nirvana; I can forget all about Richard and his crazy threats and simply appreciate the joy of a beautifully baked cake. You can say what you like about calories, but a freshly baked piece of cake is a little slice of heaven to me. And add in a good coffee and I am anyone’s, I joke to myself.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the buzz of my phone. I glance down at the screen and see a text from Taylor suggesting we invite my parents along with Andreas and Bea to dinner so that we can go through the security arrangements. I let him know that sounds good and let Kirri and Billy know that I will check on them later before heading out the front. Bea and Andreas are engaged in a good-natured argument on how best to describe a new spelt loaf that Andreas has been trying out. Both agree to dinner, and I suggest the quirky Italian restaurant around the corner at seven. I fire off a text to my parents and instantly get a reply letting me know that they will meet us there.

  The exhaustion that has been creeping up on me all day finally explodes into a blinding headache, and I know that this is Bean’s and my body’s way of letting me know that it is time to rest. I climb the stairs to the flat, wishing that, for once, we had a lift, each step feeling like a small battle won. I head straight to my bed, not even pausing to remove my clothes before sliding under the duvet and falling into a strange, dream-filled sleep.


  I don’t think I will ever forget the looks on everyone’s faces when Taylor explained about Richard’s threats towards me. The fury in both my parents’ eyes, along with the anger expressed by Andreas and Bea, who I now think of as family, made me realise that, in all of this, I am no longer alone. I have people who care about me and who will fight for me. It makes me realise that in those dark moments when I was holding a knife to my wrists, the desolation and emptiness that drove me to cut was not the end but really a beginning.

  It took so much courage for Taylor to talk about his own past as well, and I think for the first time everyone was able to fully understand Taylor’s treatment of me. I know my parents had tried to understand why he dumped me the way he did and, in their own way, letting him get away with it to make me happy, but I finally see forgiveness in their eyes.

  No one really touches their food during the revelations, and I think it is only me who actually notices. Instead, Taylor answers a myriad of questions, some of which even surprise me. Mum mutters about incompetent mothers and then has the grace to blush as the realisation dawns that she hasn’t always been the best mother herself. I reach across to her, squeezing her hand gently as I give her a smile to let her know that everything is forgiven. Dad has remained the quietest out of everyone, so I am surprised when my normally mild-mannered father suddenly pipes up. “That fucker had better watch out. He even looks at Abby wrong and I will be wringing the miserable life out of him myself!”

  “Dad!” I exclaim. “You…you said the F-word…” I can’t really think off what else to say, the shock of my dad swearing eclipsing everything else.

  By the time dinner is over, everyone is clear on Henry and his team’s involvement. “And, Michael, I know Abby is your baby, but Henry will make sure she stays safe. The last thing Abby needs is her father in prison for killing my stupid brother,” Taylor says as he is shaking my dad’s hand.

�I know, Taylor, and I can see just how much you care for our girl here,” Dad counters. Damn it. Is it just me who can’t seem to see the big picture here?

  Taylor and I wait for everyone to leave before we head out the door ourselves. I am not ready to return to the flat, so I suggest taking a stroll through the brightly lit streets. Christmas may still be a little way off, but there is a sense of festivity in the air aided by the multi-coloured bulbs that hang from the buildings. We pass a coffee shop still filled with customers, so I drag Taylor inside, insisting that I need a hot chocolate. Taylor laughs at me but orders one for both of us whilst I snag a table near the back. When he sits down, I find myself staring at Taylor.

  I try to memorise each detail of his face: the line of his jaw, his strong straight nose, his eyes that crinkle with humour when I make him laugh, his soft lips that do crazy things to me when I feel them on my body. I know he is going to be away for only a week, but a part of me can’t help but worry about the things that could happen to him in the deepest, darkest reaches of the Amazon.

  Taylor catches me staring and asks what I am thinking. “You,” I reply. “I am being a worrywart. You have made sure I am going to be fine whilst you are away, but what about you? Who is going to make sure you don’t get attacked by leeches, or eaten by a giant snake, or killed by angry tribesmen…or even eaten by cannibals…Argh, do they even have cannibals in South America?” Taylor bursts out in laughter, tears leaking out of his eyes. I cross my arms in a huff, suddenly feeling like a complete idiot.

  “Oh, Abs, I am going to miss you,” Taylor says when his laughter subsides. He runs his knuckles across my cheek before hooking a finger under my chin so that I am looking straight into Taylor’s eyes. “Listen, I am going out there with a whole team of people who know what they are doing. And seriously, I don’t think there will be any cannibals I need to worry about.” My cheeks glow red with embarrassment. “And besides, there is no way I am missing your birthday next week…”

  I stare at Taylor in surprise, wondering how he knew it was my birthday when I had all but forgotten with all the excitement over opening the café. “How did you know it is my birthday?” I ask, knowing that I have never told him. I have never been big on my birthday. Nonna would always insist on celebrating with a special cake and a meal, but it was rare for my parents to be in attendance, so it would usually just be the two of us.

  “Oh, Abs,” Taylor looks slightly embarrassed, “It was on your employment forms. And your medical stuff.” I can tell that Taylor thinks I am about to give him grief about snooping, but to be honest, I don’t care anymore. As things have turned out, privacy is now the least of my worries. In the grand scheme of things, the fact that Taylor has timed his trip so that he will be back in time makes me a very happy girl.

  I lean forward, giving Taylor a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you,” I murmur.

  “For what?” Taylor asks seriously.

  “For looking after me. For making the effort to be back for my birthday. And for telling my parents about Richard. I know that would have been hard.”

  “Well, it’s not my favourite topic of conversation, but when it comes to your safety, Abby, nothing else matters.” The rest of the café recedes, and it is just Taylor and me in our own little bubble. My mind randomly flicks back to the scene in Notting Hill when Anna says to William, ‘I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.’ Somehow this gives me courage; I desperately want Taylor to tell me that he loves me, but maybe I need to be the one who takes the first step.

  “Taylor, I… I…just…” I stammer, the words refusing to budge off my tongue.

  “What?” Taylor whispers, staring intently into my eyes.

  “Um, I just wanted to tell you that I am going to miss you too,” I quickly say, trying to cover my awkwardness. Epic fail. Deep down I know I will never be able to say it unless Taylor tells me first. I sit back and swirl the dregs of my hot chocolate in an attempt at distraction and let out a deep sigh. I try to keep a smile on my face so that Taylor won’t realise anything is wrong, but perceptive as always, Taylor stands and offers me his hand.

  “It’s getting late, Abs. Let’s go home,” Taylor suggests. I take his hand and let him help me into my coat. As we step out into the cold, Taylor leans forward and brushes his lips against my ear and whispers, “I know,” before planting a gentle kiss on my cheek. My thoughts swirl and I can’t help but feel that he meant more than he said. I tuck my arm through his, enjoying the comfort of his warmth, as we slowly walk back to the flat, the silence a contrast to the echoes of our footsteps on the cobbles.

  I am in the middle of struggling out of my coat, my frozen fingers refusing to cooperate with the buttons, when I hear music coming from the living room. Curiosity spurs me on, making my fingers more nimble, and moments later I walk into the room to find Taylor standing in the centre, looking oddly formal. “Dance with me, Abby?” Taylor requests, holding out his hand. I walk across the room and let him envelop me in his strong arms. We move in a slow tandem as our bodies sway to Christina Perri’s ‘A Thousand Years’. I can’t help but wonder when Taylor got into chick music, but as I listen to the lyrics, my heart melts. My head is resting on Taylor’s chest, and I can hear his heart thumping rapidly in his rib cage, and I realise that, despite his coolness, Taylor is nervous about something. His hands move in slow, sensuous circles across my back, his gentle touch bringing me out in goose bumps. I shiver slightly in his hold, making Taylor pull me into his body even tighter. I can feel his massive erection digging into my pelvis, and I find myself rubbing against him a little harder as the ache starts to build in me.

  As the song reaches the final chorus, Taylor dips his head to my ear and sings along softly,

  “I have died every day waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more

  And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more.”

  Tears well in my eyes. The music stops yet we carry on swaying until finally Taylor steps back away from me. I look at him in confusion as he fumbles in his pocket. As he sinks down onto one knee, he finally pulls out the blue Tiffany’s box that has been gathering dust on my bedside table. I freeze in anticipation and all I can hear is the desperate thud of my own heart in my ears as silence fills the room.

  Clearing his throat, Taylor looks up and smiles at me. “Abby, I think I fell in love with you the moment I tasted your cakes. You are smart, you are beautiful and you are by far the most courageous person I have ever met. It would be the greatest honour if you would agree to marry me. I love you so much. You are my soul mate, my penguin, and I want to leave tomorrow knowing that you will be my wife.”

  I fly into Taylor’s arms, almost knocking him to the ground. I look up into his eyes, “Yes, Taylor, I will marry you. ‘Love like this is all I want, baby we’re fate’,” I murmur, making Taylor chuckle. “Since when are you a Christina Perri fan?” I ask, a soft smile playing across my face.

  “Since she helped me find the words I have been trying to say for a very long time,” Taylor responds before lifting my chin up and planting the softest kisses on my lips. We sink to the floor and Taylor pulls me into his lap before handing me the little Tiffany’s box. With shaking hands, I untie the silky white ribbon and pull the lid off the beautiful box. I pull out the ring box inside and snap the lid open, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I gasp as I look at the ring inside; the biggest diamond I have ever seen sparkles brilliantly back at me. Taylor takes the box from me, murmuring, “Here, let me…” Taylor pulls the ring out and I offer him my hand. I watch as he slides the ring on my finger, the butterflies in my stomach suddenly calm. The weight on my finger feels foreign, but as I stare at the round cut with a band of bead-set round diamonds, it feels completely right. As if the world had been spinning in the wrong direction on its axis and now it has suddenl
y righted itself.

  I reach up and pull Taylor’s head down to mine, kissing him gently on the lips. Slowly he increases the pressure, slipping his tongue inside my mouth before becoming more demanding. With a growl that sends a shiver down my spine in anticipation, Taylor scoops me into his arms and carries me through to the bedroom. Neither of us shows restraint as we rip each other’s clothes off our bodies. When we are both standing, facing each other naked and panting with desire, Taylor reaches out and brushes my hair back from my face in a tender gesture before bringing his mouth down to mine in a hungry kiss. Slowly Taylor backs me up until I feel the bed behind my knees, never stopping his thorough exploration of my mouth. Pushing me down gently, Taylor starts to blaze a trail of searing kisses across my body. My fingers tangle in his hair as I gently guide Taylor’s face back up to mine as his fingers continue the journey his mouth started. I feel Taylor slip his fingers between my folds, dipping into my juices before finding my clit.

  “Oh, baby, you are so wet for me,” Taylor growls, his own arousal evident in the low timbre of his voice.

  I run my hands over his chest, loving how his skin responds to my touch. Slipping one hand further down, I find Taylor’s cock and run my fingers over the smooth skin. Taylor groans and shudders under my touch, giving me the courage to continue my own exploration. I slide his foreskin back and find the sensitive seam underneath. I flick it gently several times before bringing my finger up to caress Taylor’s sensitive head. I feel Taylor buck under my touch, and it arouses me that I can elicit such a response from him.

  “Enough,” Taylor commands as he removes my hand. Taking both hands, he raises them above my head and traps both my wrists in his unyielding grip. His other hand continues its relentless teasing. Each time I feel my orgasm about to reach its peak, Taylor stops playing with my oversensitive nub and moves to dip his fingers into me.

  “Please, Taylor,” I beg. “I need you inside of me.” Biting down gently on one of my nipples, Taylor starts to fuck me slowly with his fingers. My muscles clench around his fingers, and the slow burn starts to flame out of control. “Harder, please. I just need harder…” I wail, desperation clouding my thoughts.


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