The Thief of Kalimar; Captain Sinbad; Cinnabar

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The Thief of Kalimar; Captain Sinbad; Cinnabar Page 65

by Graham Diamond

  Sinbad leaned back, considering what she had said. Much had been true — there were many people forced to suffer because of the greed of their kings. Yet even this wanton behavior did not justify the cruelties of piracy, where innocent men and women lost their lives or were pressed into slavery over the capture of trinkets. Sinbad knew his conscience could never allow him to accept her offer, as generous as it might be. Melissa would have to pay a price for her high piracy, as do all who flout the laws of men and God. Still, her weakness did give him an opening, an opening to save his crew and himself …

  “Have you discussed this with your lieutenants?” he asked.

  Melissa waved an imperious hand and scoffed. “I am in command of Phalus, not they. I make the laws. They have no choice but to accept what I dictate. Now, what do you say, Captain? I need an answer.”

  “If I do accept your offer, what happens?”

  Melissa smiled coyly. “Then you are a free man, again the skipper of your ship, only this time with two dozen of my best Amazons to serve you.”

  He frowned. “And what of my own crew? What happens to them?”

  “There is no room on Phalus for them; they will still have to be taken off the island.”

  “I won’t permit you to make slaves of them,” he warned.

  The Scarlet Pirate shrugged. “We can discuss these details at another time. Perhaps they can be taken to some remote place and put ashore, there to await rescue by a passing ship — ”

  “And what about your other prisoners, Methelese and his daughter?”

  Here Melissa’s eyes hardened and she looked at him with her familiar icy stare. “With the Athenian I will not bargain. He can be of too much value to me.” Then she smiled, reached out and took Sinbad’s hand. “Or shall I say to us?”

  The mariner from Baghdad nodded. “Well enough — if you don’t harm him, and if you’ll reunite him with Clair … ”

  Melissa frowned, then relented. “All right. They can share a cell together, it won’t matter much either way. If you like, I’ll even free them tomorrow for the banquet.”

  “Are we having a party?”

  She laughed. “Something like that. You see, we have our own customs on Phalus. You may find them peculiar, but — er — my Amazons have need of your crew.”

  A full smile came to Sinbad’s face and he thought of what Methelese had told him. It was amusing, this idea of his men being forced to service the Scarlet Pirate’s hungry crew. His men might have a few hungers of their own in that respect. In any case, the crew would have to be temporarily freed while the banquet progressed, and what better time would there be for putting his escape plan into action?

  “You win, Melissa,” he said, his head lowered and his hand gently turning her chin toward him. And then he kissed her, sweetly and tenderly, unbuttoning his shirt and allowing Don Giovanni to hop to the floor.

  Melissa stiffened at his touch and moaned softly. Don Giovanni hopped to a cuddly place upon the bearskin rug and gazed up in wonder at the sight of their raising passions.

  Sinbad’s kisses became many, covering her eyes, her cheeks, the curve of her long neck, returning after a time to her full and parted lips, tantalizing her, tasting the wine with his tongue as he ran small circles around her mouth. As she responded with kisses of her own, he realized that he was suddenly in need of her as much as she was of him. This wild pirate was more woman than she would ever admit, and her hot blood only intensified his want.

  She pressed herself willingly against his hard body and squealed as they slid to the floor. His hands worked the back of her Cathay robe, unfastening the gold pin, slipping the garment over her shoulders and down below her breasts. Melissa trembled with delight; his eyes poured over her shapely form, amazed at the lushness of her breasts, the fullness of her hips, the beauty of her gently swaying body.

  “Love me, Sinbad,” she whispered throatily as his hands caressed her, slowly working their way down. He lingered over the curves teasingly, content with the sensations they aroused in them both. Then he let his fingertips wander over her thighs, ever creeping toward the fullness of her fiery womanhood. Melissa arched herself closer, ripe for the taking, shivering with passions she had rarely experienced before. And as her legs gently separated he buried his face in her breasts, his mouth burning her hard, dark nipples with frenzied kisses.

  Her urgency was too much to bear; she unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. Then, contorting her body, she took him to her, easing him inside to the limits of her very being, her very soul, her very existence.

  With mutual fires their bodies pitched in intoxicating rhythm, as they groaned in the blissful enjoyment of each other’s treasure. “Never leave me, Sinbad,” she whispered in the heat of her passion, and with a steadily mounting fever born of lust and need they both became engulfed within their lovemaking. All the world blacked out around them; they knew only the intensity of the urge and its explosive fulfillment.

  For long moments their sweaty bodies continued to writhe as they tumbled from the sweet pain of ecstasy, back into the realm of consciousness. Panting for air, they lay still in each other’s arms. After a time Melissa opened her eyes and, seeing Sinbad’s fixed on her, smiled. Then she rolled to the side, contentedly purring like a cat.

  Don Giovanni, staring bug-eyed from his cozy nook in the rug, hopped closer to Sinbad and made himself comfortable while the mariner stroked him gently. Outside, the rain had stopped; Sinbad could hear the soft patter of drops falling from the leaves and splashing onto the portico.

  “Mmmm,” sighed Melissa with a yawn. “That was good. I must compliment you, Captain. You’ll have to show me again.”

  “The pleasure is mine, I assure you,” he replied with a grin.

  The Scarlet Pirate nestled herself in the crook of his arm and shut her eyes. “I’m tired, let’s go to sleep … ”

  Sinbad kissed her forehead. “Sleep well, my fiery love. I’ll wake you at dawn.” And as she nodded and dropped off into contented slumber, Sinbad looked to the frog and smiled. “Ah me,” he ruminated. “What would Sherry say if she could see me now?”

  And then, he, too, fell asleep, but not before his plan for escape was set a little clearer in his mind.

  Early evening of the next day saw Felicia march the crew out of their prison, unshackled for the first time, but still carefully watched by the eunuchs and Amazons, and brought to the largest hut on the island. Circular, with a thatched roof and multiple exposures to allow the maximum of sunlight and breeze, it usually served Phalus as a meeting hall, a place where Melissa and her followers met to divide their loot and plan for their next voyage. Today, though, was different. It was a night of celebration, a night of revelry, when each pirate could choose from the prisoners and spend long hours beneath the stars seeking gratification.

  The hut had been carpeted and lined with pillows. It reeked with incense, a rare variety known only among the monks of India; its fumes heightened the senses and would cause even the most reluctant participant to lavishly partake of the night’s offering, although in truth it must be admitted that womanless sailors, be they prisoners or no, usually needed little prompting to enjoy themselves. At least on the first night, for a hundred women living without men had grown insatiable appetites.

  Under the watchful eyes of the armed eunuchs, who, needless to say, had scant interest in the coming orgy, Sinbad’s dumbfounded men were seated upon the pillows and served exotic wines and foods by scantily dressed serving girls sent to cater their every whim. Then, while a flute played and an African drum beat a slow, pulsating rhythm, a dancing slave, adorned with finger bells and ankle bells, began her seductive ballet. Flesh like ivory, lips lightly painted and eyes of coal, she enticed the sailors with her charms, smiling a secret smile and hinting at the pleasures to come.

  Abu, seated near the center and flanked by Milo and Mingo, grew restless. Already most of the men had fallen helplessly into the incense-created atmosphere, eagerly following the dan
cer’s movements and anticipating the arrival of the pirates. With slow gulps they swallowed the spicy tidbits laid before them, drank of the sweet wine, and forgot all about their situation. They needed little provocation to serve the manless women, and indeed many were already grumbling about the delay. Every man was accounted for, Abu saw — every man, that is, except Captain Sinbad, and both Abu and Milo became concerned, wondering if the skillful mariner had purposely been kept from the scene.

  The sun set dramatically with brilliant washes of crimson pouring into the banquet hall. At the snap of a finger more wine was being served, more food, more incense lighted in the hanging braziers. It did not take much for Abu and Milo, to understand that this night of debauchery, although pleasurable for the moment, bore only ill. For when the pirates were done with their pleasures, the drugged crew of the Scheherazade would then be at their mercy, to be bound and gagged, dumped into the hold of the waiting ships, and brought without delay to the slave market.

  “I like this not,” grumbled Milo, sitting crosslegged and refusing to have his silver goblet refilled.

  “Nor I,” admitted Abu anxiously. He beat a fist against the tray placed beside him and grimaced. “If only we knew where Sinbad is!”

  A calm breeze was blowing when the dancer finished. As she lowered her head and bowed before the guests, the wide door opened and in came the pirates. All eyes gazed in astoundment; these were not the fierce, muscled Amazons they had fought upon the decks of their ship, but delectable young women, without armor or weapons, dressed in flimsy shifts woven of the finest silks, with taunting bodies that swayed as they walked, full bosoms and dark nipples, long legs, and perfect hips and buttocks that turned every eye.

  Milo gulped as a particularly charming chestnut-haired beauty stood before him and took him by the hand. She knelt with a laugh, bringing the cup of wine to his lips. “Drink,” she whispered in a voice that conjured up images of love. And her luminescent eyes transfixed his own, rendering him helpless to disobey. Then, when the last drop was drained, she leaned him back against the cushions and stroked his brow.

  The scene was repeated again and again throughout the hut, the temptresses choosing their men at random and inviting their partners to take what they wanted. It was dark out now, the only light a crescent moon peaking from above the hills. The music continued to play but with a new blandishment that heralded the needs of the flesh.

  An exceptionally well-endowed woman came to Mongo and gazed with admiration at his powerful frame. The giant stirred, clearing his throat. Since resistance was futile, he did the only thing he could and let the girl have her way, her wiles beyond his power.

  “That one is mine!” came a rasping voice that forced him to open his eyes. The beauty took her hand from his crotch and looked up with icy eyes to the darkened figure standing over them.

  “He’s mine!” the blustery Rebecca barked again. And she glowered at the pirate at her feet.

  “But I saw him first!” the golden-haired pirate protested.

  Hefty Rebecca was undaunted. Her eyes narrowed, and she closed her hands into fists. “Now what about it, Donna?”

  Mongo groaned. Of all the women on Phalus, Rebecca was without doubt the most ugly and abrasive. Feeling like a child, he looked up at her. “Donna’s right, you know. She was here first and — ”

  “Shut up!” snapped Rebecca, seething. “Do you do as you’re told — or do I have to get tough?”

  Now Donna seemed perfectly able to take care of herself, having been a pirate since the age of thirteen when she murdered her husband with a butcher knife for taking a lover and then ran off to sea to join the Scarlet Pirate. But, as rugged as she was, she was still no match for the strong-willed Rebecca. With a long sigh she stared down to the floor and nodded. “All right. You can have him,” then she looked up again, “but I want him back when you’re through. A man like this should be shared.”

  Rebecca cackled with triumph. “You can have him when I’m done,” she chuckled. “That is, if he’s still able.” And with hands on hips she roared with laughter.

  Donna scurried from her cushioned spot next to the giant and, realizing that all the men were already accounted for, sadly walked outside to wait with the others until the first group was through.

  “That was very unfair,” said Mongo as Melissa’s lieutenant rested beside him.

  Staring at his oversized genitals bulging through his pants, Rebecca smiled. “I told you to be quiet. I’m all the woman you’re ever going to need. And if you’re good, I’ll have you kept here with me forever — as a personal slave. Would you like that?”

  Mongo lay back at her urging and felt a horrible shudder; never before as boxer or sailor had he faced such a terrible fate.

  Abu buried his head between the breasts of his own mate, thankful that if nothing else he had not been placed in poor Mongo’s predicament. Then as the pirate took him in hand and guided him to her, even he, this last stalwart of Sinbad’s crew, succumbed to the need of the moment. It was going to be a long night. A very long night. All he could do was save as much strength as possible — and hope that with the morning he’d be able to explain to Sinbad his own rash actions. Meanwhile the hut became quiet, save for the rustlings of thrusting bodies and occasional gasps and groans.

  And more than eighty more pirates stood outside with eager anticipation as they waited their turns.


  “You’re free to leave the cell,” a smiling Sinbad said to the perplexed Athenian.

  Old Methelese put down the worn volume he had been reading by candlelight and got up from his stool. Sinbad stood before him beaming, the keys to their prison jingling in his hand.

  “But how? What? — ”

  Sinbad laughed. “No time for all your questions now. Let’s just say that I came to — er — something of an agreement with our friend Melissa, and she’s agreed to let you out, for now at least.” He pointed to the open door, beyond which the panther sat more tamely than usual, feeding on a meaty bone that Sinbad had cleverly given him.

  “Oh, by the way,” Sinbad went on as the confused Methelese started to leave, “your daughter is waiting for you.”

  Happiness swelled in the old man’s tired face. “Clair!” he cried. “Clair! It’s too good to be true!”

  “That was part of our bargain. I haven’t seen her yet myself, but Melissa’s promised that your little girl is safe and sound. Go to her now.”

  Methelese nodded happily. There were two armed guards at the door, Felicia and another Amazon. Methelese began to follow the Amazon out, shading his eyes from the bright torchlight, but then he turned back to Sinbad. “And what about that — er — other matter we spoke about?”

  Sinbad winked, carefully making sure Felicia didn’t see. “I’m the Scarlet Pirate’s partner now,” he told him. “I don’t have time for such silly games. But if I have the chance, I’ll come and see you before dawn … ”

  “Melissa’s partner?” Methelese was both shocked and outraged. But then, as comprehension dawned, he smiled. “Very well, Captain. I’m at your mercy.” And he left.

  Sinbad heaved a long sigh and sat down at the edge of his mat, relieved that the first part of his plan had gone so well. Felicia looked at him uneasily. “Get up,” she snapped. “Your business down here is finished.”

  Sinbad returned the stare and laughed. “I’m your superior now, remember? You can’t give me orders.”

  Felicia’s eyes fixed upon the mariner. “Melissa is a fool,” she rattled. “She thinks she can trust you, she thinks that you meant what you told her.”

  “And you know better?” His smile was sly.

  “Yes! You’re a dog, Captain! A scoundrel and a cunning devil. Melissa is getting older. She’s lost her purpose, her will to maintain the spirit of Phalus we all swore to uphold.”

  Sinbad nodded, studying the girl carefully. “Dangerous words, Felicia. If I reported you to Melissa she’d — ”

  “Ha! That’s a laugh.
You’ll never report me.” She came closer, so close that Sinbad could feel her hot breath upon his face. “Just try it! I’ll expose you from here to kingdom come! I’ll twist your words around and make every woman on the island see your clever tricks.”

  “Tsk! Tsk! I doubt Melissa would take your word over mine … ”

  Felicia straightened her shoulders and smiled, her hair falling before her eyes. “Then we won’t need her,” she answered simply.

  Sinbad scratched at his chin. “I see. Maybe Phalus needs a new leader. Another woman to bring back her old days of glory?”

  “Maybe so, Captain.”

  “And maybe that new leader should be … you?”

  Here a gleam came to Felicia’s eyes. “And why not? I’m capable. Already half the girls have secretly sworn allegiance to me. I can take over this place any time I choose — and I don’t need the strength of a man’s arm to give me comfort!”

  Unperturbed, Sinbad made himself more comfortable. “Every woman needs a man,” he said evenly, tapping his fingertips lightly against each other. “Even you … ” Felicia sneered. “Then why am I here now? I could be at the banquet, taking my choice of any of you men. Men! What a laugh! Sometimes I prefer the company of eunuchs! At least they won’t lie to you, make false promises … ”

  Sinbad had hit home, he discovered, unlocking what he was sure was this fiery young woman’s secret. “What made you become a pirate?” he asked at last.


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