Forbidden Encounter

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Forbidden Encounter Page 2

by Maeve Williams

  “So I realize.”

  “I have a black belt in karate. I’ve done kickboxing, ballet, gymnastics, and swimming. I’ve earned a few medals in athletics in my lifetime.”

  “In your lifetime? Exactly how old are you? You speak as if you’re a frail old retiree.”

  “I’ll be twenty-two in January.”


  “Yep. You would think that, with all of that, I would have some idea where my life was heading, right?” I sighed heavily. “I even dabbled a bit in the science lab and then focused on advanced mathematics for a bit. I even had a horticultural phase and thought of becoming a botanist.”

  “You are certainly quite well-rounded. It should be easy to narrow down, though. Just eliminate those things you’re not very good at or that you don’t like very much. That should clear the field.”

  “That’s easier said than done. I’m good at pretty much everything. And I like everything. I call it a cursed gift. Jill of all trades but the mistress of none.”

  “But still evidently able to handle whatever is thrown in her direction, right?”

  “Right. But enough about me. What is it that Mr. Benjamin Buckley does?”

  “Well, I can’t say I’ve had a track record to match yours in my twenty-nine years on this planet. I was a bit more focused on getting straight A’s in high school and college. I achieved my goal.”

  I raised an eyebrow, puzzled. “And that’s it? You just focused on getting straight A’s and did?”

  “That’s it. I was a tech geek. You know, physics, advanced mathematics, computer technology, engineering. I just put on my blinders and increased my tunnel vision. Full speed ahead. No distractions. Scored me a degree in computer engineering.” He shook his empty cup. “I’m getting a refill. Would you like one as well?”

  I nodded. “Passion fruit, please.” I checked out his rear as he walked away. Nice!

  In seemingly no time, he was back with my order. We fell into easy conversation.

  Several hours (and bubble teas) later, we found that the afternoon had slipped into the evening. It was nearly eight when we checked our phones. Wow! Where had the time gone? I looked at the night shadows as people hurried by on the sidewalk. I wasn’t worried. Portmore was the typical college town, and the streets would be busy well into the night. I was safe.

  “I can’t believe we chatted the entire afternoon away. I’m so sorry for my babbling.”

  He reached across and put his hand over mine soothingly. “I am as much to be blamed. Can I offer you a ride home?”

  I lit up at the prospect of spending a few more minutes with him, short though the ride would be.

  “Sure. Let me just run to the ladies’ room. All these bubbles need to go somewhere.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll be waiting.”

  I made my visit and returned. B.B. stood as I approached and led me outside. He put me on the inside of the sidewalk as we walked to the parking lot. I smiled at that. There were just a few vehicles in the lot. My mouth fell open when he stopped beside a silver Mercedes Benz C Class Coupe. How much did a computer engineer make? I moved like a robot as he opened the passenger side and handed me in. As he walked around to his side, I breathed in the smell of the leather interior. He folded his long legs in and closed the door. He pressed the keyless ignition, and the engine purred to life. I could barely tell that the vehicle was running. He turned towards me in the dimness of the car.

  “Where to, milady?”

  I quickly gave him my address. He typed it into the GPS.

  “Buckle up, please. Safety first.”

  I put my backpack on the floor between my legs and did as he instructed, and we were off. I loved the feel of the smooth leather as I ran my fingers down the side of the seat. He was a skillful driver, and in no time we pulled into the parking garage that serviced my building. He shut off the ignition and removed his seatbelt. I did likewise and turned towards him.

  “Thanks for a great afternoon and evening. It was nice meeting you, B.B.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.”

  My heart skipped a beat as he leaned across the narrow space. My eyes fluttered closed as his lips brushed my cheek. And that should have been it. I took a deep breath as his lips brushed my cheek again. My heart pounded as his lips trailed from my cheek to find my mouth. There was no hesitation as our lips met. His hand found my waist while mine found his shoulder. His tongue traced the crease of my mouth, and without hesitation, I parted my lips under his. I moaned softly as his tongue surged forward, looking for its mate. I did not hesitate to meet him. I swallowed his groan with my own as our tongues dueled. My hand slipped to his nape to pull him even closer. I breathed in his scent as I felt my senses come alive.

  His hand found the hem of the hoodie and slipped under it. I quivered as his warm hand met my bare flesh. I pulled him closer still as his hand crept up, squeezing and caressing. I heard his grunt of surprise when he skimmed my back and felt no restriction. Slowly he moved his hand to the front and found the nakedness of my breast. Now it was my turn to moan as he palmed the soft mound. His mouth continued to devour mine as he lightly squeezed my hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  I tore my mouth away from his and threw my head back.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  He nipped gently at my neck, just where my pulse pounded erratically. Without releasing me, he lowered his seat with the touch of a button. His lips found mine again as he pulled me over to lie on top of him. His hands gripped my hips as he pulled me down, and I felt the unmistakable evidence of his arousal pulsing against my thigh. I ground into him and was pleased to hear his sharp intake of breath. His hand moved to the zipper on the hoodie. I swirled my hips as I felt the cold air hit my skin. I braced my hands on the headrest as he cupped my breasts. As his tongue licked at first one nipple, then the other, I threw my head back and bit my lips. I felt as if I was going to pass out when at last he drew a nipple entirely into his mouth. My senses were reeling with the desire that was building up within me. He switched from one breast to the next as he slid his hand down my stomach. Without hesitation, they slipped beneath the waistband of my leggings. I bit my lips as he sucked at the same time his finger found my clit. Heat coiled in my belly and wetness pooled between my thighs. I felt as if I was crawling out of my skin with desire. His finger slipped lower to find me wet. He stroked lightly.

  “Shit! You are quite wet here. Hmmm.”

  I screwed my eyes shut, my face reddening as his fingers entered me and started to stroke, kept in a steady cadence.

  “More,” I begged helplessly, getting lost in the pleasure his deft fingers were giving me. I thrust against his hand urgently as, with a gasp and shudder, I peaked. He released my breast and pulled my head down to meet his as my body trembled in his grasp.

  I gasped as light suddenly flooded the vehicle. He pulled my head down to his shoulder as we went utterly still. All that we could hear was our erratic breathing.

  “Shhhh… It was just another vehicle coming through.”

  I swallowed, my heart drumming hard in my chest. What on earth had just happened? I struggled to normalize my breathing as he stroked my back gently. I stirred, and he released me. I slid back to my seat, keeping my head down as I zipped up the hoodie. I fumbled in the backpack at my feet for my keys, keeping my head averted as I heard the seat come back into place. There was a click as the central lock was released. I dared not look up. I nervously jumped when I felt his hand caress my cheek.

  “Bye.” His eyes were hidden in the shadows, but there was enough light so I could see his slight smile.

  “Bye.” I slipped from the car and made my way to the elevator. I turned at the door and gave a slight wave. He flicked the headlights and pulled out of the parking space. As I stepped into the elevator, I turned just in time to catch his taillights as he exited the parking garage.

  Chapter 3


  Opening my eyes groggily, I tried to recall t
he details of the wonderfully erotic dream from which I’d just awakened. I had dreamed that I went to Wayling’s, where a handsome guy gave me his hoodie after two cups of bubble tea were dumped on my shirt. In the dream had talked for hours and hours, and I’d felt as if we were the best of friends and had known each other for years. He was just the kind of guy I had always envisioned as a husband. Then, when we left the shop, I’d dreamed that he took me home in his super expensive car. Things had gotten heated, and we had made out like a couple of monkeys. What a dream! If only such a guy existed.

  I yawned, stretched, and looked over at the chair in my room. There was the black hoodie, draped on the armchair.

  That had been no dream. It was as real as the hoodie looking at me. I buried my face in my hands and groaned. What on earth had I been thinking, making out with a stranger like that? Thank goodness we had been interrupted by the other car coming into the space before I could add “having sex in a Mercedes Benz” to my list of experiences.

  I hugged my knees to my chest as I looked at the hoodie. Thank goodness for that interruption, indeed. Apart from what B.B. had shared about his background in computer technology, who knew who B.B. was? He could have spun any story and hoped that I would buy it. I groaned. He knew where I lived. Suppose he was a stalker or a serial killer, a pervert or a rapist? Anything could have happened to me in that car, and I would have had no one to blame but myself. Anything could still happen if...

  I jumped at the knock on my door.

  “I’m up, Carey.”

  The door opened, and my roommate and best friend pushed her head inside.

  “Just checking, hun. We have class at nine.”

  “We? Who is this ‘we’ you speak of, my dear? You have class at nine. My first class is at one this afternoon.” I pretended to slide back beneath the covers and waited for the explosion.

  “Ariana Melinda Hartley! Don’t you dare! You promised that you’d come to the marketing class with me this semester. Don’t you dare!”

  I threw my head back and laughed.

  “You are so easy to bait. I wouldn’t leave you abandoned like that, love. I’ve got first dibs on the shower.”

  I bounded out of bed and headed to the single bathroom that serviced our apartment. Carey shuffled behind me, picking up the pieces of clothing I discarded along the way. I knew I would return to my room to find them neatly folded in my laundry basket. That was my darling Carey. What would I do without her?

  I had met Carey Sweet on the second day of kindergarten, and we had been the best of friends ever since. She was as sweet as her name and was always looking out for everyone else’s best interest. Unlike me, she had known from the beginning of time that she wanted to be an entrepreneur. She had always had a flair for fashion design and was intent on opening her boutique when she graduated from college. Throughout the years, I had been her main guinea pig for her fashion experiments. She had been my inspiration while I dabbled in fashion in Paris.

  We had taken our gap years at the same time. I spent my year gallivanting all over Europe. She had chosen to spend hers on the other side of the country with her grandmother. At the end of that year, we entered BCAS and found an apartment together. We balanced each other well. I added a little crazy to her calm: she brought some order to my chaos.

  I showered quickly and went back to my room. As I examined my reflection, snippets of the night before came back: those searing kisses, his arousal, his hands and mouth on my breast. I flushed when I remembered how he had stroked me until I came.

  I tilted my head to the side, remembering that he had suckled at my neck. A close examination showed that there was just a faint mark, barely detectable. A few swipes of concealer and it was gone.

  I dressed carefully for the first day of class, pulling on a plain black t-shirt and coupling it with tight blue jeans, ripped at the knees. A pair of sneakers completed my ensemble. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail, brushing the ends until they bounced with each step. I grabbed a bigger backpack and pushed a notebook and pencil case into it. I would get a bottle of water from the kitchen on my way out.

  As I put the finishing touches on my make-up I glanced at the hoodie out of the corner of my eye. I felt a magnetic pull which I was powerless to resist. I completed my make-up and shrugged into the hoodie, zipped it halfway up, then put on my backpack. Sniffing at the collar again, I felt my heart race at the musky scent that reminded me of the owner. I opened the door just as Carey raised her hand to knock. I stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m ready. Gosh! You’re soooooo predictable.” I grabbed a bottle of water from the case on the counter and headed to the door, then stopped and looked back. “Coming?”

  She rolled her eyes at me and grabbed the backpack that she had left in the living room, saying, “Nice hoodie.”


  “Where’d you get it? That looks like something a company would issue. That’s not off the rack.” She rubbed the fabric between her fingertips. “Excellent quality cotton. Where did you get this?” She looked at me curiously.

  I placed my hand dramatically against my chest. “I’m hurt! Are you implying that I am not usually the wearer of ‘excellent quality cotton,’ as you call it?”

  “You know and I know who does most of our shopping. If I left you to your own devices, you’d end up wearing a flour bag.”

  “True… But still. I’m hurt. I’ve been hanging around with you all these years. Give me some credit. I must have picked something.”

  “You’re talking too much and skirting the issue. Now I know there’s a story coming. Where did you get the hoodie?”

  I smirked. “At Wayling’s.”

  She frowned puzzledly. “Wayling’s? The bubble tea shop?”

  “Speaking of which, do we have time to grab some tea before class?”

  She shrugged. “Why not? It’s close enough, and we have time. Now spill the tea about the hoodie.” She laughed at her corny joke.

  I rolled my eyes. “Stick to fashion, chica. Comedy will starve you.”

  We took the stairs and were soon in the courtyard heading onto the main street. We turned in the direction of Wayling’s.

  “Well, yesterday I went to get some tea. It was super crowded, and someone spilled tea on me. It soaked me to the skin. A guy offered me his hoodie.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that. But there’s more.” I colored at the thought of just how much more there was. “We chatted a bit – well, a lot. He was absorbing. He’s a computer engineer. Anyway, time got away from us a bit, and before we knew it, we had talked for around seven hours.”

  Her eyes popped open. “Seven hours? Did someone hold your attention for that long? Now, this dude I’ve got to meet.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I didn’t get a number from my mystery man.”


  “I was just too caught up in the moment, and then I ran like a rabbit afterward.”

  “Moment! What moment?”

  My face became as red as a tomato. “When we left, he took me home in his Mercedes.”


  “What other kind is there? Anyway, he took me home, and we sorta, kinda…” I put my hand over my face briefly.

  “Sorta kinda what?” Carey put her hand on my hand to pull it away. She looked at me keenly, and then her mouth dropped open.

  “Ari! You did not!”

  I blushed even harder and nodded. “I did.”

  “Ari! You had sex with a stranger!?”


  “Then what did you do?”

  “We just made out, that’s all. Just kissing and touching.”

  Carey put her hand over her chest and looked up to the heavens. “What a relief.” She took a deep breath. Then suddenly, she gave my ponytail a hard yank.

  “If it’s making you blush like that, it must have been good.” She yanked again. “And you didn’t get his numbe
r. Shame on you! He might have had a friend for me.” She winked mischievously, and we doubled over in laughter. I pushed my hands into the hoodie’s pockets as we continued walking.

  “I almost did, though.”

  “Almost did what?”

  “Have sex with him. I mean, we were getting busy, C. He’s an awesome kisser, and he knows just how to touch a woman. But a car drove in and broke the mood.”

  “And you didn’t get his number.” She shook her head at me as we entered the store.

  It was emptier than it had been the day before, as the morning crowd tended to be smaller. Still, it took a good five minutes to place our order. I looked around as we waited to pick up. Carey looked at me.

  “I’m wondering the same thing. But maybe the reason your mystery man was here so late in the day is that he’s not a morning person. Here’s our order.”

  As we walked out, I gave one last wistful look around to see if perchance I had overlooked him. But alas! The crowd was too sparse to see him if he had been there. I took my leave.

  “So, tell me more about your B.B.,” Carey smirked as she sipped, and I rolled my eyes.

  “First of all, he’s not my B.B.”

  “Well, if you had thought of getting his number while you were getting your freak on, perhaps you could have corrected that by now..”

  “Am I ever going to hear the end of that?”

  “Probably not. But I must say that I’m proud of you.”

  “How so?”

  “You know you’re very skeptical of guys. He must have been engaging. You don’t make a habit of talking to anyone who can’t keep up with your pace.”

  “He was certainly engaging.” I sighed as I remembered the afternoon with B.B. and how the evening had ended. “Now you have me wanting to kick my butt for not getting his number.”

  “Exactly! But let’s not cry over spilled milk. Look at it this way: if the fates will it and the stars align, you will meet again. Just make sure you get his number when you do.”

  “Pinkie swear.”


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