Forbidden Encounter

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Forbidden Encounter Page 5

by Maeve Williams

  He grazed his knuckles along the seat of my panties. I knew they were wet, and he could feel it. He moved the seat aside and found my center, hot and waiting for his touch. I tore my mouth from his as I threw my head back. He used his other hand to grasp my ass and pull me forward onto his probing digits. I shivered as he pressed deep.

  “Hmmm, you like that?” he grunted.

  I nodded shamelessly as I whimpered.

  “You like it when I fuck you with my fingers?”

  “Yes,” I moaned, my eyelashes fluttering to a close.

  “Good girl,” he panted and fucked me harder.

  “Oh fuck! B.B.” I bit my lips as his fingers drove me wild. My hand drifted down to pull the tails of his shirt out. I undid his belt and button before sliding the zipper downward. My hand delved beneath the waistband of his boxer, and it was his turn to groan as I took hold of his stiff, thick dick. My fingers hardly closed around it.

  “Oh fuck! Ari! You’re going to make me explode if you hold me like that, baby.”

  I loved the way he groaned my name. The pressure and need between my thighs increased tenfold.

  I squeezed him gently and felt him shudder. I reached down with my other hand to move the seat of my panties further to the side. His fingers plunged deeper still. I leaned back and pulled him closer and closer until I felt his hard length rub against my inner thigh. I moaned at the hot hard length of him. Just a few more centimeters…

  “Oh fuck, Ari, we can’t! Oh shit. What are we doing?”

  One minute I was about to explode and the next I felt as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown over me. He had pulled my dress down and then taken a step backward. He turned away, pulled his zipper back up, and raked a hand through his hair.

  “Fuck!” He put his head against the wall and balled his fists. “You’ve got to go. You’ve got to now. So, help me if you’re not out of this office in five seconds I’m going to fuck you until you scream like a banshee and I don’t give a damn who knows. One…”

  What on earth had I been thinking? My cheeks burned with shame as I grabbed the paper and my belongings. Hot tears burned to be free and race down my cheeks as he kept his head down against the wall. I swallowed hard against the lump that seemed to be blocking my airway and stepped out into the hallway. A sense of panic overtook me. I was thankful that the corridor was empty so no one could see me falling apart. I walked as quickly as I could, then started to trot. By the time I reached the campus gate, I was running with all my might. I did not stop until I was at the corner of my street. Then I bent over, gulping in great breaths of air. My hair hung in rattails around my shoulders. My heart was pounding in my ears. Then the tears came. I was so confused. What on earth had made me come on to B.B. the way I had? He was right! He was right! It was wrong, and the ramifications would be too significant.

  I straightened up and wiped my tears away as I trudged the final few meters home. We had done the right thing in not going any further. It was the right thing to do. I took deep shuddering breaths. The inner core of my being seemed to be screaming. It was the right thing to do. But why did it feel as if I had made the worst mistake in my life?

  Chapter 7


  Slowly I trudged up the stairs. My shoulders were slumped under the invisible emotional load I carried. I wanted to have a hot shower and a cup of tea and then crawl into bed for the weekend. I was so conflicted. Hot and bothered.

  I fumbled with my key in the lock and pushed the door open. My bag slid from my shoulder and hit the floor with a thud. I held it by a strap as I closed the door, then proceeded to drag it after me to my room.

  “You look like someone who’s seen better days. It can’t have been that bad.”

  I looked up and my eyes filled with tears. Carey hurried to me.

  “Oh, Ari! What happened?”

  I sat right there on the floor and blubbered out the whole scene that had unfolded in the office. Carey joined me on the floor and stroked my hair as I spoke.

  “…and I just ran all the way here. I feel so stupid!” I buried my face in my hands.

  “Go have a shower. I’ll rustle you up some food.”

  Carey rose and pulled me up into a quick hug. She pushed me in the direction of my room, and I moved obediently. I stripped, grabbed a towel, and made my way to the bathroom. I ran the water as hot as I could bear it. The hot needles felt like little spikes and felt good. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and massaged the gel into my hair. The rich peppermint-scented lather lifted my spirits. When I emerged half an hour later it was with a new outlook. I would be the consummate professional student. Professor Buckley would have no reason to worry.

  A burst of energetic inspiration hit me when I went back to my room. I quickly changed into a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt, then pulled out the vacuum cleaner and gave the rug a quick once-over. The sheets were next, then the curtains. By the time I was done my room felt airy and light. I unwrapped my damp hair and got out the blow dryer. In a few minutes, it lays in smooth waves around me. My attitude was much improved when I went out to the kitchen.

  True to her word, Carey had whipped up a chef’s salad and was waiting to eat with me.

  “How are you feeling, hun?” she asked, placing two plates on the kitchen island.

  “The shower hit the spot.”

  “And I heard you vacuuming. So, I know you’re in an excellent mood.” She put the serving dish with the salad between the plates.

  “And I changed my sheets too.” I started serving the salad while Carey got out two bottles of water.

  “Excellent! Now I won’t feel too bad doing this.” The next thing I knew, there was a ringing feeling in my ears where Carey had boxed them.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “That was for being such a nincompoop! You had a golden opportunity and you blew it!”

  “What?” I sputtered as I continued to rub my ears.

  “You should have taken up his offer.”

  I looked at Carey as if she had grown a second head.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. B.B. all but told you he wanted to have you naked and writhing under him. And you passed up on that! What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that I’m a student and he’s my professor and there’s a strict policy regarding interactions between students and staff. Better yet, what would have been the probability of someone walking into his office and catching us in the act? That would be sure expulsion for me and termination for him. How about all of those variables?” My eyes flashed heatedly. Carey was not backing down.

  “How about the fact that you are a woman and he’s a hot-blooded man and there’s no denying the chemistry that is between you? Or how about the fact that when you’re in the same room he can’t keep his eyes off you? I see it. I’m sure others may see it too.” She glared at me with stormy grey eyes.

  I sighed and dropped my head on to the counter, rolling it back and forth. I felt her massaging my scalp.

  “We don’t choose who we’re attracted to, hun,” she said. “But when opportunity knocks, for goodness’ sake, open the door, escort him into your boudoir, and fuck his brains out!”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  She dropped a quick kiss on my forehead. “That’s one of the things you love about me, and you know it. Now eat up.”

  We ate our salads in silence, but my thoughts were unsettled. Had I been hasty in leaving B.B.’s office, as Carey had said? Should I have taken a chance, stayed, let the inevitable unfold, and risked being caught? Was I a coward? What did I really want? How could I face B.B. on Tuesday after what had just happened? How would I have been able to face him at all if anything had happened?

  “And the purple giraffe dyed his bathtub pink and they lived happily ever after.”

  “Uh huh. Ummm… What?”

  “Exactly. You’ve been giving me the same response for the past two minutes. I would ask where your thoughts are, but I already
know. Now, if your evening had gone the way it could have gone, you would maybe be giving me a call right about now to tell me you’re spending the weekend away. But no! Little Miss Prissy doesn’t want to ruin the professor’s reputation, although she wants to feel him slide into…”


  “I’m just pissed that you didn’t do anything about it, Ari.”

  “There was nothing to do, Carey.”

  “And so, you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering what could have happened. Would have, could have, should have, but didn’t.”

  “Carey, please. I need your support in this. I–I–I just had to get out of there, no matter how we both wanted me to stay.”

  She sighed. “I’m going to back off, ok? If the fates will it, the opportunity will present itself again. And if it doesn’t present itself, then I guess it wasn’t meant to be. But I’m going to back off, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  A few minutes later we finished our meal and did the dishes. Carey went to her room though it was barely 9. She was an early sleeper and therefore an early riser. I tried to do likewise but gave up by 9:30. I huffed as I jumped out of bed and grabbed the nearest clothing, which happened to be the just-discarded cut offs and t-shirt. I shrugged on B.B.’s hoodie and took up my purse and phone. It was Friday night. Wayling’s did not close until midnight. A few minutes later I entered the shop. There were just a few people in line, and I was served quickly. I turned away with my order and came to a grinding halt. There, sitting at the table where we had sat for hours on the day we met, was the reason for my insomnia. Wordlessly he gestured to the empty seat in front of him. I was powerless to disobey.

  He looked as if he had been through hell and back in the few hours since I had seen him. His hair was rumpled, his shirt untucked. He took deep breaths and exhaled in sighs. We sipped and nibbled in silence, staring into each other’s eyes. He finally broke the silence.

  “What are you doing here at this time of night?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.” I tilted my head and looked down.

  “I can’t seem to get a blonde, blue-eyed girl out of my mind. She’s driving me crazy.”

  “I’m hurt. And here I thought I was the only one.” I smiled ruefully and he chuckled. I looked back up at him and took a deep breath. I held out my empty cup.

  “I think I’m going to head back home. Care to give me a lift?”

  His eyebrows shot up. He quickly slurped the rest of his tea as I stood. We disposed of our garbage speedily and headed to the parking lot. The ride to my building was done in record time. As soon as he had parked, this time facing a wall, I was in his arms. The seat was reclined, and I straddled him. His hands delved beneath the hoodie and t-shirt to stroke my back as our mouths devoured each other. I ground my hips into his hardness and was pleased to hear him groan. His hands came around to fumble with the button on my shorts. I stopped him and raised my head. All that could be heard in the car was the sound of our ragged breathing. I bent my head and whispered, “Carey’s asleep.”

  He took a deep breath. “I’ll be out before she wakes.”

  Before long I was unlocking the front door. It was just as I had left it. Quickly and quietly we tiptoed through the living room, not daring to breathe until the door to my room closed behind us.

  He pulled me into his arms and crushed my lips with his. I could not stop the moan of pleasure which rose from me. The taste of him was intoxicating. He lifted me into his arms, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He found the bed and we sank together. I toed my sneakers off and wrapped my legs more securely around his waist, reveling in the feel of his weight on top of me. My hands fumbled with the buttons on his shirt until it lay open. I pushed it off and tossed it to the floor, then tore my mouth from his and raised myself enough to shrug out of the hoodie. He sat back on his heels and raised my arms to pull my t-shirt off. My brassiere was next. I fell back and he followed me down. I groaned and arched beneath him as skin touched skin. His lips trailed a path from my neck down my collar and to the line between my breasts. His mouth found one of my hard nipples and suckled urgently while his thumb tweaked the other. He switched nipples to give equal attention. My head rolled back and my eyes closed as I lost myself in the feel of his hands on my body. He shuffled down my body as his lips trailed lower to my stomach and I trembled. He nipped my skin gently and I buried my hands in his hair. He raised himself just enough to undo my shorts. Slowly he pulled my shorts and panties off.

  My breathing became erratic as he lowered his face to my pussy. I felt his warm breath on my most intimate parts and ached to be satisfied.

  “So pretty,” he whispered as he devoured me with his gaze. “Look how your tempting pussy is glistening.”

  My face turned red.

  He inhaled deeply. “You don’t know how much I have dreamt of, jerked to, your beautiful pussy. Longed to taste it,” he confessed. “It’s much lovelier than any fantasy.”

  His dirty admission had me shivering with desire. I nearly screamed as I felt the first touch of his tongue stroke me.

  “Darling, you taste delicious,” he groaned.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to keep them open as pleasure coursed through my veins. I whimpered. Skillfully, he licked and nibbled at my clit and slit. I gyrated beneath the onslaught. He sucked my clit hard as his fingers stroked me hard before thrusting deep. I felt a fire deep in my loins as I thrust up to meet his probing digits. The wet sounds of my core filled the room. I grabbed a pillow and held it over my face as I screamed in ecstasy. My pussy clamped down hard on his fingers as I came. My legs shook and trembled. Slowly he moved away. My chest heaved with the effort to breathe.

  Vaguely I heard the rasp of his zipper and the thud of his shoes. The bed sank beneath his weight as he rejoined me. His lips found mine and I pulled him into my arms. He wedged a muscular thigh between mine, gently urging them apart. I trembled as I felt his hard dick pressed against my thigh. His tongue dueled with mine as he slid between my thighs. I spread my legs wide, giving him free access. He groaned as he sank into the space I had created. He raised his head to look at me.

  “Ari?” His breathing was labored.

  “Yes?” My chest rose and fell with every breath.

  “Take me.” He balanced on his forearms as he gave me room to reach between us. He gritted his teeth and groaned deep in his throat as I stroked his dick. He twitched in my grasp. I slid my hand back and forth. My thumb found the slit on top where copious amounts of precum had pooled. I spread it all around the sensitive head. He stiffened in my embrace.

  “Fuck! You’re killing me, baby.”

  I pulled him closer as I placed the head of his cock against my entrance. His lips nuzzled my neck as I arched up to meet him. We moaned as the head slipped in. I felt so full of his cock inside me. So full and so good. I placed my hand on his ass and gently coaxed him to go deeper. He needed no further invitation. Slowly he thrust forward, not stopping until his balls were brushing my ass. I wrapped my legs around him as he stretched out on top of me completely.

  “You feel so good in my arms. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted this.” He whispered into my ear. His lips found my mouth yet again. As his tongue found its mate, he pulled his hips back and began to thrust.

  I moaned with each thrust. I loved how he filled me up! Our hands tangled as he held them above my head. Our bodies twisted and writhed against each other as we grew slick with sweat. Our mouths tore apart as our breathing became more labored. He buried his face in my neck and I arched my back to meet his thrusts. Our movements became faster and more urgent. I bit my lips as I felt the pressure begin to build in my loins yet again. I stifled a groan as I felt myself starting to fall apart. His lips covered mine and he swallowed my screams. He held me steady as his thrusts became wild. He circled his hips and pressed deep into me. Then it was my turn to stifle his groans as his entire body went rigid. I tightened my legs as I welcomed the pulsing of
his dick deep inside me as he released himself.

  We tore our mouths away from each other as we gulped in large breaths of air. Our bodies heaved against each other as sweat seemed to flow from every pore. When at last our labored breathing evened out, he raised his head. He took a deep breath and placed a tender kiss on my forehead. I smiled up at him in the dimness of the room and was rewarded with a chuckle.

  “You are going to be the death of me.”

  I stroked a lock of hair back from his forehead. “That makes two of us.”

  He rolled to the side, pulling me into his embrace as he did. I spooned my body into his as my eyes fluttered close. The last memory I had before drifting off to sleep was his legs tangling with mine and his strong arm across my torso holding me close to him.

  Chapter 8


  A warm feeling at my groin startled me awake. I stirred as I tried to get my bearings. Hearing a soft giggle and moan, I looked down. Immediately my head went back, and I groaned as Ari seemed to work magic with her hands and mouth.

  I swore under my breath as I watched her take my cock in her pretty mouth and suck me. In no time my dick was standing at attention. The sight of my cock in her mouth burned to the back of my skull.

  Removing my dick from her mouth with an audible pop, she looked up at me with want burning in her beautiful eyes. She whispered, “I want you inside of me.”

  “Then ride me, baby. My cock is yours.”

  Ari smiled coyly at me. How could she look both sexy and innocent at the same time?

  Closing my eyes for a second, I took a deep breath and looked back at her as she sat up and straddled me. My abs contracted and my cock twitched as I watched her. She gripped me and positioned herself. I held her hips as she sank onto me. Damn! She was so wet and hot! I pulled her torso down to me as she rotated her hips. I thrust up to meet her every downward grind.

  “You are gorgeous,” I whispered before our mouths fused in a fierce kiss and our breathing grew labored. She rode me hard, and I thrust upward to meet her movement with much passion and need. She was so wet, so tight, and she felt like heaven. I could have died like that and regretted nothing. Tearing my mouth from her lips, I found one nipple and sucked it, causing her to whimper and moan my name. Fuck! I loved the sound of my name on her lips, especially when I was fucking her. I found her tasty lips again and kissed her. She clung to me as she circled her hips furiously. Not long, I felt the telltale tremble of her legs which told me she was nearing her peak. I maneuvered my hand between our bodies just enough to find her the engorged nub of her clit. She tore her mouth from mine.


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