Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection

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Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection Page 11

by S. J. Sanders

  She glanced toward Bero and Furis and noted they were likewise exposed, the thick lengths of their cocks pushing free from the softly furred sheaths. Their cocks bobbed with their harsh, rapid breathing, but they didn’t attempt to move toward her while she was in the grasp of their lead.

  Feeling a rush of power, Betani danced her fingers over the lengths of his cocks, her right hand grazing the ruffled folds of the head. Yeril groaned and pressed his hips forward. With an unspoken command, he snapped her up high into his arms, panting harshly against her shoulder.

  “My apologies, Betani. I cannot wait. The Withering Days are beating harder on me than ever. I need…”

  “Okay,” she whispered. “I will be everything you need.”

  With a rough sigh, he headed toward her room, not stopping until he placed her reverently on her bed. The crisp, cleaning bedding surrounded her, but the smell of soap was quickly washed out by the exotic musk of Yeril’s flesh as he dropped over her. She breathed him in, arching toward him as his warm weight settled against her, pinning her beneath him.

  If she’d been some virginal girl, she supposed she would have felt frightened at the alien feel of him against her. Instead, her body strained to meet his, eager for his touch. She shivered as his tongue stroked from the swell of her breast above her shirt to trail up over her shoulder. As he continued to lap her skin, his clawed fingers worked to free her body of the confines of her clothing. It wasn’t until she lay completely bare beneath him that she felt truly liberated, as if he’d stripped her not only of her clothes but of all the years of horrible memories that faded beneath his touch.

  His mouth and the gentle swipe of his claws primed her body, slicking along her folds and teasing her nipples until she was nearly mindless with pleasure. She wasn’t the only one affected, however. Yeril stared down at her with passion-glazed eyes, shivering as he suddenly arched himself over her. She was dimly aware of the other males drawing closer seconds before the thick phallus pierced her.

  He stared down at her, unmoving, his pupils blown so wide she could barely make out the ring of color in his eye.

  “Do you choose us, Betani?”

  “Yes,” she replied, feeling the full weight of what she was promising.

  “Our blood, hearts, and souls will mingle. This night will break us down, destroy us all, but we will be reformed and breathe again together as one,” Furis and Bero intoned together, their eyes glowing from where they crouched at either side of her.

  “Through blood we are born, and through blood we are born again,” Yeril pronounced, as his head dropped closer. Betani took a breath and felt the pinch of his fangs biting deep into the sensitive skin of her shoulder. She barely had time to absorb it when she felt the sharp nips from the other two marking her skin. Then she tasted blood. Yeril had bitten his tongue and was licking deep within her mouth, allowing the rich, spicy essence to drip into her.

  He drew back just far enough that she felt the rough fingers of Bero’s hand slide between them and stroke across her lips, leaving a trail of blood she eagerly swallowed. This was followed by the loving brush of a muzzle and the press of a wrist against her mouth, offering more of the fluid so that it could seep into her veins. Heat blossomed brighter within her with every drop she consumed until she was ravenous for them, but in an entirely different way. She hungered to be possessed by them and to possess them in turn.

  Turning her head from side to side, Betani let out a whimper, immediately drawing the attention of Yeril. He swept her up into his arms, his cocks pressing against her as his brothers stroked her body and made low, pleasurable sounds in their throats.

  Betani threw her head back and cried out as the soft, slick folds of Yeril’s first cock stroked her insides, alighting hot trails of pleasure as he pumped in and out of her. He growled against her, his second cock rubbing enticingly against her anus. In a silent plea, she tucked her ass against it. She had limited experience with ass play, but all she knew in that moment was that she needed to be completely filled by him in every way.

  Yeril snarled and then slid his second cock into her tight secret spot, moaning as he filled her, splitting her open and remaking her. She cried out in pleasure, her body spasming around his intrusion. Then he was moving again, pushing deep into her, and as he thrust she could feel him swell inside of her, prohibiting him from pulling out, his cocks thrusting in a steady tempo that drove her to an earth-shattering climax. The hot spurt of seed and Yeril’s shout above her as he roared out his own release drove her into a second orgasm from which she was still recovering when Yeril slipped free from her body and was replaced by Bero.

  Bero didn’t waste any time notching himself against the slick entrance of her pussy and her ass. With one firm thrust, he burrowed into her, possessively as if adding his own brand to her flesh. Betani cried out with a long sigh until he too was buried deep within her, sparking her desire anew as he drove into her. Her voice grew hoarse as she cried out her pleasure and voiced her demands.

  More. She always needed more. She screamed when the orgasm came, her cunt clenching tight around him, milking his release until she felt him shoot into her. It was but a few spurts compared to the massive amounts sprayed into her by Yeril, and yet he snarled savagely, his claws biting into her with the force of his eruption.

  When he dropped away, Betani slid gratefully into Furis’s embrace. He teased her, renewed her desire with long laps of his tongue, even between her thighs despite the essence from the other males dripping freely from her. He didn’t seem to care as he devoured her. Her body was nothing but a shaking mass of need by the time he pushed into her, her muscles quivering and her womb clenching greedily.

  She raised her hips against him, encouraging him to go deeper, her breath coming out in harsh pants and mingling with his. She clung to him, her body quivering with every wet, slurping sound of them coming together. Her eyes rolled back into her head as his hips slapped against hers in time to her whimpered pleas. Betani felt her orgasm fizzle inside her before it rushed through her like bursts of lightning. Her scream was completely drowned out by Furis’s bellow.

  Exhausted, they collapsed into the bedding. Betani didn’t even bother to open her eyes as she laid there caught between three warm, furry bodies. She could feel the solid comfort of their muscles pressing into her. A small smile tugged at her lips as she felt the loving touch of her mates surrounding her.

  Bliss flowed over her. Not mere sexual satisfaction or the bonds that she shared now with her new mates that completed her in ways she never thought possible. This bliss was something else, like the culmination of everything she’d ever wanted and prayed to the Mother for.

  She smiled in the dark. She would have to thank the Mother for certain this year.


  Mother’s Night passed with all the joy that Betani had hoped for. Cherished toys were played with by her children, and carefully inspected by new fathers. The meal, however, had been the event she could never have anticipated. While she took care of most of the dishes, she’d been startled when her mates took charge of preparing the meat. And not just a little meat, but giant slabs of meat.

  Nik had gone crazy, stuffing as much into his gullet as he could manage before he finally professed himself unable to eat another bite while Alis rolled her eyes from where she sat beside him. It was with complete contentment that Betani looked over her family. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d sat at a table where there was so much love readily available. No one even complained when she roused them in the early hours to creep outside with the rest of the neighborhood to watch the first rays of the newborn sun inch over the horizon, lighting the Citadel with all the hope and promise of a new year.

  She leaned in against Yeril as she watched, feeling her other mates crowd close around her and the comfort of their embrace until Bero dropped away to pick up Alis, who whimpered tiredly, and took her back inside. Nik had fallen asleep on the stoop and had to be carried back to bed. Still,
she stood there until the sky brightened with Yeril by her side.

  Days later, after they’d finally exhausted the unrestrainable heat of the Withering Days while the children had been asleep, Betani supervised as the last of her few, most cherished belongings were loaded into a cart among the trade goods that her males had collected before they’d met.

  A shadow passed before her, making her freeze, and she found herself facing Vronca. The woman sneered but stepped away when Furis narrowed his eyes at her. Betani didn’t even give the woman the satisfaction of reacting. She turned away and lifted her children into the back of the cart, wrapping a shawl tighter around herself as Yeril stepped forward to deposit her inside. Bero snarled but his hand gently took the halter of a small pony who appeared used to their bluster and plodded forward faithfully.

  Betani didn’t even spare a glance back at the Citadel as they left its confines.

  They were going home.

  Other Works By S.J. Sanders

  The Mate Index

  First Contact

  The VaDorok

  Hearts of Indesh (Valentine Novella)

  The Edoka’s Destiny

  The Vori’s Mate

  Eliza’s Miracle (Novella)

  A Kiss on Kaidava

  The Vori’s Secret

  A Mate for Oigr (Halloween Novella)

  Heart of the Agraak

  A Gift for Medif (coming Christmas)

  Monsterly Yours

  The Orc Wife

  The Troll Bride

  Sci-Fi Fairytales

  Red: A Dystopian World Alien Romance

  Ragoru Romance

  White: Emala’s Story (coming Christmas)

  Dark Spirits

  Havoc of Souls

  Shadowed Dreams Erotica

  The Lantern

  Serpent of the Abyss (coming late November)

  About S.J. Sanders

  S.J. Sanders is a writer of Science Fiction and Fantasy Romance. With a love of all things alien and monster she is fascinated with concepts of far off worlds, as well as the lore and legends of various cultures. When not writing, she loves reading, sculpting, painting and travel (especially to exotic destinations). Although born and raised in Alaska, she currently as a resident of Florida with her family and pet lizard.

  Readers can follow her on Facebook

  Or join her Facebook group S.J. Sanders Unusual Playhouse


  A Slave’s Christmas Miracle

  Sonia Nova

  Sarai has waited for this moment her entire life. The moment she would be given as a prize to a gladiator and added to a harem. She is pure, untouched by any man, and a prize beyond imagination in this year’s Winter Festival. But just as her time has come, a strange alien man ruins everything. He kidnaps her, claiming to be saving her. Her purity is ruined and she’s dragged to a whole new world. Is there any hope left for her?



  Jiran’s mouth twisted in distaste as he stepped out onto the landing strip. Krakia was a barbaric planet that seemed to house the worst of all species. If it had been up to him, he never would have set foot here.

  “Welcome to Krakia, sir,” a large, red-skinned Krakian landing strip official greeted him with an appraising look.

  Jiran’s tail swished anxiously. For a while, he wondered if he should have arrived in disguise, but he wasn’t sure he would’ve been allowed on the planet then. Money and power were everything on Krakia.

  He showed the official his ID, denoting him as a member of nobility on his home planet of Zarata. As himself, Jiran had the money to fit in on this planet. He could put any number of bets on the gladiator fights or buy any of the prized slaves if he wanted to.

  He was only interested in one, but the official didn’t need to know that.

  The male scanned Jiran’s ID with his tablet and nodded.

  “Which way to the gladiator pits?” Jiran asked.

  “That way, sir.” The man pointed to a bustling street filled with aliens of all races. “There are some hotels right by the arenas.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jiran started walking down the street, making his way through the throngs of people. He didn’t intend to stay at a hotel. In fact, he didn’t intend to stay long on this planet at all.

  He had one goal, and one goal only: finding his sister.

  Deseer had been traveling to a famous bazaar planet, disguised as a commoner to have more freedom, when they’d suddenly lost all contact with her. The intergalactic investigators believed she had been captured by a trafficking ring, but they hadn’t made much progress in retrieving her. It was all bureaucracy and time-taking.

  Jiran had done some investigating of his own, and he had found that around the time his sister had disappeared, Krakian soldiers had been scouting for prizes for their yearly Winter Festival—a gladiator fight with slaves as prizes.

  Jiran despised the whole practice of slavery, but unfortunately, in some parts of the universe, it was the way of the world. He expected Deseer to be given as a gift to one of the winning gladiators, as was the custom here, and the thought left a foul taste in his mouth.

  He was going to free his sister if it was the last thing he did.

  First things first, he had to ensure that she truly was here.

  Fortunately, he was far from the only one wanting to get a look at the female slaves. A crowd had already formed around the cages where the slaves were held near the gladiator pit. It took him some time to get close enough to see.

  When Jiran finally got a clear view, he scanned the cages. His eye caught on a pale female with long, flowing black hair and dark eyes. A human.

  She was pretty, her skin sparkling with crystal dust. She wore bright, revealing clothes with sparkling jewelry hanging from her ankles, wrists, neck, and ears.

  Her eyes were shied away from the crowd. Although the people watching the slaves were loud and boisterous, she paid them no mind. She sat placidly in her cage, unlike some of the others who were actively trying to escape from their chains.

  Of course, there was no escape.

  Unlike some of the other slaves, her cage was luxurious, with silk drapes, cushions, and a long couch for her to lie on. The label on the front of her cage was marked as ‘pure’. Jiran knew that ‘pure’ slaves were ones who had never had any contact with men, and were highly prized both by potential buyers and gladiators.

  Jiran tore his eyes away from her. He wasn’t here to rescue unknown slaves, no matter how appealing they were. As he continued scanning the lineup, he finally found who he was seeking.


  His sister looked a little worse for the wear, her purple skin marred with some minor bruises and scrapes, but she didn’t appear to be seriously harmed. That would all change once she was sold or given away, but Jiran was going to get to her before that happened.

  She sat in the middle of her cage with an annoyed expression on her face, her tail twitching as she stared into the crowd. Jiran ground his teeth at the sight. Her cage was simple and dirty, and it took all of his self-control not to get out his gun and try to fight her out right now.

  He edged closer, wanting her to see him. He might not be able to get her out right now, but he wasn’t going to let her live another minute in fear. Finally, her eyes found his. Deseer’s eyes widened, relief breaking across her face.

  Jiran nodded to her, trying to put a lot of unspoken words into the gesture. He would get her out of this.

  Deseer nodded back, a small smile coming to her face. She moved back in her cage, sitting down with her back against the bars. She only had to wait for Jiran to save her.

  The question only remained… How was he going to save her?

  Jiran was no fighter, and he knew he had no chance of winning a fight, so entering as a gladiator was not an option. He was good with a
gun, but guns weren’t allowed in the fighting pits.

  He scanned the crowd. Some of the gladiators set to fight later today were also admiring the slaves, most particularly the human one. Jiran paused to listen to their conversation.

  It seemed that the human female was to be the main prize for this season’s event. But Jiran had been right: the other winning gladiators could have their pick from the other slaves—including Deseer.

  A couple of the gladiators glanced around before slipping into a deserted alley. Jiran followed behind them at a distance, his tail twitching anxiously as he snuck into the alley. He edged up against the opposite wall, listening carefully to their conversation.

  “You really want this one, don't you, Braol?” a voice said, taunting. “It'll cost you.”

  “It’s not wise to mess with me, Ogrel,” Braol growled. “There are other ways for me to win, and you know that. Name your price.”

  The other gladiator seemed to hesitate. Jiran got the impression that Braol was quite willing to cheat to win, and that such cheating would not end well for his opponents.

  “A thousand credits,” Ogrel finally uttered.

  “Done. The human female is mine. Lose the fight.”

  The conversation ended and the gladiators left. Jiran wandered back to the main street, his mind buzzing with thoughts.

  He couldn’t win in the gladiator pit, but bribery was something he could do. It wouldn’t work to bribe the gladiators in a fight, as he wasn’t a good enough fighter to make the show believable. But if the corruption here was widespread, there were other options.


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