Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1)

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Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1) Page 8

by Eden Rose

  That’s where I come in.

  Holding my hand out to Lorenzo, he places the photos I need to get my blackmail started. “Remember three years ago when that Holly chick came forward and said… Oh, what was it?” I trail off as if I can’t remember. “Do you remember?” I turn to look at Lorenzo.

  “Mmm. Wasn’t it… Oh, yeah! He couldn’t stop sleeping with underaged girls!”

  I snap my fingers. “That’s it! How could I forget something as disgusting as that?”

  Voorhees’ face is turning red and he’s trying to figure out how to top me. I’m the most sought out hitman in the underworld. Did he really think he could get me on my back? Fucking amateurs!

  “Who are you? Who the fuck do you think you are threatening me?”

  Smirking, I show him one of the pictures. “I wonder if the evidence of sleeping with underaged girls will tank your career or gambling in a known mob casino would? What do you think?” I look over at Lorenzo who already has his gun in his hand.

  “Maybe a combination of both?”

  “What do you want?” Voorhees states like he’s doing us a favor.

  “It's very simple, actually. We need to know the location of someone who’s been on the lam for fifteen years.”

  He shakes his head. “What makes you think I would have access to his whereabouts? If someone goes on the lam, they don’t send forwarding addresses.”

  I don’t think before I reach out and slap him across the face. “Next time, I won’t be as nice. Now, answer my question.”

  The senator looks pissed but the fear in his eyes is what’s going to give me what I want. “Who is it?”

  “Vincent ‘Pop’ Moretti and his wife.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! We’ve been trying to find them for fifteen years. You think I would give them up to you?”

  I spread the pictures in my hand like a deck of cards before presenting them to Voorhees. “This makes me think you would give it to me.” I wave them in front of his face to taunt him like a fan.

  Lorenzo aims his gun at the senator without caring he’s threatening a government official. “Where is he?”

  “Last I heard he was in Arizona.”

  I snarl at him. “I know that, fucker. I want to know where in Arizona.”

  Voorhees’ eyes are dilated with fear under the harsh street lamp lights lining the garage. “I have a family. Please don’t do anything to me.”

  “I had a family too. The funny thing about families is when someone does something shady, they typically don’t stay around and wait for them to come back,” Lorenzo states.

  “He’s hiding out in some small town outside of Phoenix. He’s got a daughter and Savannah’s out there too. That’s all I know. I promise!”

  “What’s the town’s name?” I ask him calmly.

  He shakes his head. “I, I, I, I don’t know! I swear. I have no idea.”

  “How much do you think pictures of a senator forcing himself on little girls would go for in the newspapers?” I ask Lorenzo.

  The evil bastard smiles back at me. “I think it all depends. I’m sure we could get more money if we go to several different ones. In fact, I use to hook up with a girl who’s a journalist for-”

  Voorhees speaks up. “Fine! Fine! I remember. Please don’t leak the pictures. My wife would kill me. Please don’t.”

  “Give me what I want,” I demand.

  “Bakersfield. It’s fucking tiny but his daughter works for the hospital or something.”

  Looking back over at Lorenzo, I nod my head. “Thanks for your time,” I tilt my head at him as if I’m tipping my hat.

  We’re walking away from Voorhees when I get this strange feeling in my spine. The fucker is going to warn him. Turning on my feet, I pull my gun out and aim it at his head. I fire off two shots making him drop instantly.

  “Let’s go find the Morettis.”


  I think one of the worst parts about coming home to an empty apartment is the fact it’s empty. I have no one to talk to or to snuggle with and in these moments, I remember why I almost got married.

  My parents are so disgustingly still in love which is nice for them but not nice on a full stomach. Makes me want to puke.

  Maybe I should get a cat or something. Be one of those spinsters who has fifteen cats who run out the door as soon as you open it.

  My phone rings next to me. I don’t have to look at it to know it’s Sheila wanting to go out. “Hello, Sheila,” I murmur towards her while stopping my trashy reality show.

  “Get dressed. Word on the street is that bar on Main is getting hotter and hotter!”

  I look down at my jammies. “I just got off a eighteen hour shift. The last thing I want to do is shave and hope to get lucky.”

  “Consider this a kidnapping. Be ready in forty minutes!” She hangs up on me before I can respond.

  The nice thing about Sheila is the fact she’s always late. When she says forty minutes she means two hours. I have enough time to learn a foreign language while waiting for her to show up.

  Plus, I really don’t want to go.

  Out of protest, I drag myself into my bedroom to slip on a pair of jeans and a ratty tee with weird stains on it. The tee’s so comfortable I couldn’t bare the thought of throwing it out and trying to find something else as comfortable. I tried once, pissed me off. Nothing is as comfortable as this shirt.

  Once I’m ready, I send a text to Sheila asking where the hell she’s at. No reply. Without a reply from Sheila, I lounge on the couch and try to decompress from this long ass week. The reasons why more people don’t go on vacations is because they don’t want to deal with going back to work.

  As I close my eyes, I see deep brown eyes as they stare into my soul. I feel fingers grip my tender flesh. I feel being so close to someone that air doesn’t come between our bodies. I loved feeling so consumed by the man I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.

  Everything about Victor was… perfect. Everything he said to me, everything he did, the dates, dinners… Everything was perfect and then it wasn’t.

  My nose starts to tingle. Fuck. I can’t be crying over some guy I knew a week. There’s no reason to. He never lied to me and promised me we were going to be something more than what we were. This is all my fault. I’m the stupid idiot who went on a honeymoon without the groom and fell in stupid with some guy.

  “Callie! Are you ready?” Sheila’s voice yells through the door.

  Well, here goes nothing!


  “How do you expect to meet a guy wearing that?” She remarks as I climb into her car.

  “Maybe I don’t want to meet a guy… I want to be home and in my jammies right now.”

  Sheila rolls her eyes. “For someone as young as you are, you sure like to the suck the fun out of some shit.”

  It's my turn to roll my eyes. “If I’m not fun, how come you kidnapped me?”

  She giggles while starting the car. “We’ll get you there!”

  The rest of the car ride consists of Sheila telling me about this new murse (male nurse) who she’s trying to seduce. “So, I told him if he needed help with tutoring or something, I would be more than willing to help him.”

  “And by tutoring, you mean…?”

  “I mean sucking his dick and fucking the shit out of him.”

  “You are such a whore!”

  The front of the club is packed like always and we stand in line next to all the other crazy women and men who are trying to get laid. I’m not one of them… However, it would be nice to meet someone who can take my mind off of Victor.

  Victor. Just thinking of his name makes me wet.

  “Hey! The asshole can’t cut!” Someone yells from the back of the line.

  Looking around trying to see who they are talking about, I lock eyes with a man wearing an expensive suit and a pensive look on his face. Shit! He’s gorgeous. He winks at me and walks straight into the club.

  “You two gorg
eous ladies in the middle!” The bouncer yells over all the people griping about the man cutting.

  “Us?” The women yell.

  I know he’s not talking to me. I look like shit! God damn it. I had to wear my Skechers Go Walk shoes to the club out of protest.

  There’s a hum of the women around us gasping as the bouncer makes his way towards Sheila and I. “Ladies, you are free to go in!”

  We giggle but don’t ask any questions. I don’t want to rock the boat and make him second guess his decision on letting us cut. Sheila has my hand in hers and she’s walking with a purpose to the loud club.

  “Holy shit,” she hisses in my ear. “How did this happen?”

  “No idea. Hurry before he changes his mind!” I squeal back.

  Have you ever felt the ground shaking from the music being so loud? I have. My whole body is vibrating from the loud music and it instantly takes over me.


  According to my sources, Vincent Moretti owns a nightclub in the downtown area. The man is illusive and no one seems to know anything about him or how to find him. That’s the part that’s beginning to fucking suck.

  UNKNOWN: you have until the end of this month to complete your assignment

  UNKNOWN: you will have your assignment completed or you will not get the answers you want

  ME: I will complete my assignment

  UNKNOWN: good

  I have two week to track him down. Two week or I will lose out on any information regarding Amanda. I’ve been living with the pain and guilt of no knowing where she was for all this time and I can’t keep doing this to myself. If killing some wise guy who’s been on the lam for the past fifteen years finds me the answers, so be it.

  Lorenzo’s with me again and this time we have two other guys who are staking out the club to find Vincent.

  Pulling up to the club which Moretti is said to own, I see it is jammed packed with people trying to get in. I can see how popular it is just by looking at the line. Now, we just have to figure out how to get in there.

  Lorenzo’s eyes widen as he looks at a super curvy woman standing next to another woman who looks familiar. How could I forget that body I feasted on for a week straight? There’s no way I could forget it.

  She’s wearing these god awful shoes and jeans that don’t hug her body like those bathing suits she wore.

  “Holy fuck. Who’s that hot girl?” Lorenzo asks as he stares at Calista and her friend.

  I adjust my tie and straighten my jacket. “The brunette is off limits. You hear me?”

  He throws his hands up in the air. “You can have her. I’m looking at the hot blonde with the tits hanging out.”


  My associate pulls out a fifty and hands it to the bouncer. We don’t wait in line or anything because the bouncer waves us through. I didn’t want to come up with some elaborate lie to get in there and into the VIP section.

  The VIP section is where the owners are typically at.

  The music is loud and obnoxious. My mind should be focused on finding Moretti but I keep thinking about Calista outside. She’s absolutely beautiful and I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve missed her.

  That’s when I smell her perfume waft by me. She has her thick hair up in a bun and even without makeup on, she’s gorgeous and my dick starts to harden in my pants.

  “Let’s go to the VIP section,” I yell over the music and pull on Lorenzo’s jacket to get him to follow me.

  He begrudgingly follows me over to the VIP section which is blocked off by a thick red rope. A bouncer is standing in front of it with his arms crossed.

  I reach into my wallet to sift out a Benjamin. Holding it between my fingers, I walk up to the guy and hand it to him. He must like what he sees because he unhooks the rope letting us inside.

  “Go get those two girls,” I point to Calista and her friend, “in here when they come up.”

  “How are you going to get Moretti’s attention in this section?”

  I nod my head not taking my eyes off of Calista. “This is to make our presence known. He’s watching us as we sit here. You and I both know the mother fucker is here.”


  “Want to dance?”

  Turning on my bar stool, I see a man who’s taller than me wearing a baseball hat and a flannel shirt. He seems nice enough and maybe I could entertain the idea of dancing with him but I can’t get Victor’s face out of my mind.

  Even with the pulsing music drowning out every other thought, Victor prevails. The man ruined me for anyone else. I should hate him but my I get this painful feeling in my heart every time I think I should.

  “Sure,” I mumble noticing that Sheila’s tongue is already down someone’s throat. “Way to stay classy, She!”

  The woman has some talent, I will give her that. Her hands are wrapped around some guy’s neck and she still manages to flip me off with a wink in her eye. I wink back.

  The man is pretty tall and seems a little more on the stocky side. Where Victor was muscular but not too muscular, this man seems like he works outside. He gives me the impression he’s a construction worker or the like.

  “You’re really pretty,” he mumbles to me as he grabs my waist in his big hands.

  “Thanks,” I yell over the music which seems louder than before.

  “My name’s Mark,” he tells me just as the music begins to slow down a little bit.

  “Calista,” I bellow.

  Mark’s hands start to rub up and down my body in a quicker pace. Our dance is no longer following the rhythm of the music but something else. Some beat that is in his head.

  “You seeing anyone?”

  I shake my head but instantly feel as if I’m lying. I’m not seeing anyone and even though I will probably never see Vincent again, I can’t help but feel him. I feel his eyes on my body. I feel his hands as they hold me closer or bring me pleasure.

  The man in front of me must have liked my answer because he’s starting to dance more seductively. Mark’s moves begin to turn dirtier than before.

  “Look, you have the wrong idea about me!” I yell over the music hoping to stop him from doing something I’m not going to like.

  “Come on, baby. You know you want some,” he mumbles in my ear. He uses his muscles to pull me towards the edge of the bar.

  I use both hands to shove him off of me and I feel as if I don’t even make him move. My strength is no match for how strong he is. That’s when he gets pulled away from me and I see the brown eyes that have haunted me since I came back from what was supposed to be my honeymoon.


  Watching the woman whose body I tasted and caressed for those few days be felt up by some asshole really is working on my nerves.

  Calista’s face isn’t twisted up in the pleasure I came to know. No, she’s looking afraid. Freaked out about something. She’s not enjoying this man touching her like this at all.

  Without even thinking about what I could be jeopardizing, I spring to action. “Get out of my way!” I yell at everyone who is stopped in front of me blocking my path to Calista. “Get out of my way or I’m going to kill you!” I bark at one person.

  Luckily, they must realize I mean business because they got out of my way. “Easy, man!” He shouts.

  I don’t have time to deal with some ignorant piece of shit who wants to tangle with the big boys. I’ve got to get Calista away from this handsy guy.

  I’m close enough I can hear them shouting over the music. “You know you want some of this!” The man taunts her while shaking his hips on her.

  “Stop! You have the wrong idea about me. I don’t do this kind of stuff!”

  Calista’s eyes are wide and full of fear. I would never let anyone hurt her.

  Taking my gun out of the holster behind me, I cock it and aim it on the back of the man who’s trying to get my girl to do something she doesn’t want. “Take your hands off her or I will shoot.”

  “Who the fuck do you think
you are?” He yells over her shoulder at me.

  I smirk. “You’re about to find out the hard way I don’t ask for something twice. Take your hands off of her or I will shoot you in the back.”

  The man turns to look at me giving Calista enough space to see me. Her eyes glaze over in pleasure, fear and excitement. I wink at her. “Hey, pussycat. Ready to get outta here?”

  She nods. “Yes!”

  “No! Who the fuck do you think you are by showing up here and trying to tell me off? I’m hitting on this girl. Back the fuck off.”


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