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Wrong Page 11

by K. Webster

  His smile was genuine, letting me know that he was trying. “Princess, that’s wonderful! I am so happy for you. It really seems like your life is just the way you want it.” Daddy was trying to be the bigger man, which made me incredibly pleased.

  “Yes, Daddy. I am excited about the gala. There are going to be hundreds of influential people there. It will be an exciting time for me.” I grinned at him, trying to lighten the mood.

  Jordan sat silently beside me. He too was trying for me. These guys really cared for me, and it made my heart hurt that they already hated each other.

  Mom brought out the lasagna in one hand and the salad in the other. She was smiling her fake entertaining smile. I felt bad for her and threw her a look of encouragement.

  “Dinner is served, everyone. Please enjoy,” she said breezily. We all took turns putting portions of food on our plates. Mom poured Daddy a glass of wine as well and set the bottle down in front of her. It would definitely be one of those nights.

  “Sandra, this lasagna is delicious. You are quite the cook,” Jordan complimented, smiling at her.

  She chuckled at him. “Thank you, Jordie! It was my mother’s recipe. I’ve spent the better part of thirty years perfecting it,” she explained, blushing.

  Daddy frowned, which made me cringe.

  Daddy and Jordan were making a point not to look at each other or talk to each other. That meant that the attention was brought upon me and Mom.

  “Daddy, I need to tell you something,” I revealed, growing serious. “I was mugged Sunday night and I think it was Cole,” I confessed.

  His face turned red with fury again, but this time it was directed at Cole. “What the hell, Pepper? Why didn’t you say anything?” he bellowed.

  “Her name is Elizabeth,” Jordan growled from beside me, shocking both me and Daddy.

  “Excuse me?” Daddy asked.

  “I said, her name is Elizabeth. That dickhead gave her that name. Don’t encourage it.” His glare met Daddy’s, and I shifted nervously in my seat.

  Mom quietly ate her lasagna, trying to stay out of the argument. Daddy stared at Jordan, mouth gaping.

  “You’re right. I’m so sorry, Elizabeth. Now tell me why in the hell you didn’t tell me this the moment it happened!”

  “Daddy, I didn’t want to worry you. I wasn’t hurt. He held a gun to Jordan’s head and demanded my purse.” Daddy smirked when I said the part about Jordan and tears filled my eyes. I could tell he instantly regretted it.

  “Elizabeth, I’m sorry.”

  I blinked back the tears and tried to focus on eating my lasagna. Jordan reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. I’m just bummed. He knows where I live now,” I told him as my chin quivered.

  “He won’t touch you. I’ll kill him,” Jordan promised.

  The look of surprise on my Daddy’s face made my heart swell. Maybe they could learn to get along for my sake. Jordan gently kissed my cheek and went back to eating his lasagna. When I looked up at Daddy again, he was looking at Jordan, his mouth open.

  “Jordan, keep my Elizabeth safe,” Daddy said to him.

  Jordan looked back at him with confidence in his eyes. “Sir, I will fucking choke the life out of him if he even looks at her.”

  And for the first time that evening, Daddy smiled at him.

  The ride home was quiet. I still could not believe that Elizabeth’s dad was fucking Calvin. Unbelievable.

  “Want to go to your place or mine?” I asked her on the way back.

  “Mine,” she replied quietly. She was clearly upset over the entire ordeal.

  Calvin and I had managed to respect her and not fight with each other through the dinner. We hadn’t stuck around afterwards and were already heading back home.

  “Elizabeth, I’m so sorry. I’ve never been one to result to violence, but he fucking pissed me off when he insulted my dad. I saw red and acted before I realized that it was a terrible idea. Please forgive me, baby.” I wanted her to know that I wasn’t some meathead who went around punching people when I got angry.

  “It’s okay,” she answered softly.

  Once we arrived at her apartment, I turned off the car.

  “Babe, can I come up?” I hoped she would agree.

  “Jordan, of course you can.”

  We quietly got out and made it upstairs to her apartment without incident.

  “Hey, guys!” Olive chirped from her position on the arm of the couch. Every time I saw that girl, she was sitting like a cat perched on a limb of a tree, long legs twisted underneath her in what looked to be an uncomfortable position.

  “Hi, Olive,” we said in unison. Elizabeth went over to her and hugged her. I sat in the recliner and started texting Jackson the story about tonight’s events with Calvin.

  “Olive? Did you have a chance to call the bakery today?” Elizabeth questioned.

  “Yes, and I also put in our catering order at Andi’s favorite restaurant. I still feel bad that she’s having her party here all because of me. Pepper, I would have tried to go out for her, you know.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Sweetie, I know you would, but Andi loves you too much to make you feel uncomfortable. We’re going to have a blast. I’m going to head to the liquor store tomorrow on the way home from work. The decorations are in my closet. Is she staying with Jackson tonight?”

  “Yeah, babe. I’m texting Jackson right now. She’ll come back here after work tomorrow for the party,” I told her.

  “Great. That will give us time to decorate. Olive, come help me get all of the decorations out.”

  The girls disappeared into her room. My phone chimed again.

  Jackie: No fucking way dude. That has to be the worst possible scenario. So I’m assuming you didn’t find out anything at the meeting since you punched Calvin?

  Me: Well, he just told me what we already knew. They claim no illegal involvement and Nadia is right smack in the middle. How is the divorce coming along?

  Jackie: I hope the bitch goes down. Joel finally convinced her to sign the divorce papers and we’ll be finalized in the coming weeks. I can’t fucking wait to get that monkey off my back so I can move on with my life. Andi deserves it.

  Me: I agree. Congrats dude. Oh, speaking of Andi, she doesn’t want you to go overboard for her birthday.

  Jackie: Ha. Not going to happen.

  Me: I tried. Talk to you tomorrow.

  “Get your lazy ass over here and help us hang these streamers,” Elizabeth barked from the stool she was standing on. I laughed because, even on the barstool, she couldn’t reach the high ceilings.

  I strode over and let her boss me around for the next hour while we decorated. She thrived on being in control in situations like this. Grinning at her the entire time, I did as I was told. After we’d decorated, we retired to her room.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower,” she told me as she shed her clothes on the way to the bathroom. Catching a glimpse of her perfect ass as she shimmied out of her jeans, I quickly followed suit. By the time I was undressed, she’d already stepped into the steamy shower.

  Climbing inside with her, I took a moment to observe her as she washed her hair. With the water running over her skin and her breasts pointed out as she tilted her hair back to rinse her hair, I felt my dick harden at the beautiful sight. I wouldn’t ever get enough of her. Reaching out for her, I gently cupped her breasts in my hands. Her head tilted back down and she met my heated gaze. The smile she gave me made my chest constrict. She was absolutely exquisite. I was a lucky man.

  “Jordan, you look pretty hot with water running over your chest,” she pronounced sweetly as her fingers delicately skirted across my abs.

  “Babe, I was thinking the same damn thing about you,” I confessed. My mouth descended upon hers and we kissed hard, all sweetness gone.

  Her moan into my mouth was carnal. We wanted each other right then. I grabbed her ass and hoisted her up. She wrapped legs aroun
d my hips and her arms around my neck, catching my drift. Turning, I pressed her against the cold tile, and she yelped from the feel of it against her hot skin.

  Slowly, I eased her onto my shaft, and she tossed her head back in pleasure. She was already wet for me. It would seem I had that effect on her. Once she was situated, I plunged in and out of her as her pussy gripped my dick. Her neck was exposed to me so I sucked and nibbled her while she bounced on my cock. She moaned loudly, indicating that she was close to her orgasm. In the next instant, I felt the walls of her sex constrict my cock as her climax tore through her. Immediately after hers, I lost it and my hot come burst into her.

  “Will making love with you ever get old?” she asked, cheeks flushed.

  I chastely kissed her lips before replying. “Never. We were made for each other.”

  Her smile was my undoing, and I spent the rest of the night showing her exactly what a perfect fit we were.

  Last night had been perfect. Can I get away with staying in bed with him for the rest of my life? For as much as we’d made love, I was sore but still wanted more, completely addicted to his body.

  Work went by in a flash as Stan and I prepared for the gala tomorrow night. I’d received my phone finally and was ecstatic to once again have a better connection to Jordan. When five rolled around, I was eager to get home to prepare for Andi’s party.

  Jordan had been busy working with the fraud examiner all day, so his texts had been short, one-word replies. Before I left, I figured I would do something to get his blood flowing. Glad that my office door was closed, I shimmied my skirt up over my knees to above my thighs, revealing my pink panties and thinking that Andi would be proud of what I was about to do.

  I snapped the picture and texted it to him. His response was immediate.

  Jordan: BABE! You’re KILLING me right now. I’ve got a hard-on because of your sexy ass picture and AJ’s sitting across the table from me!

  I laughed. No more one-word answers for Jordan. Taking it up another notch, I slid my panties over and slipped a finger into my wet folds. Positioning the phone with my other hand, I took another picture and texted it to him.

  Jordan: Fuck me.

  When my phone started ringing, I smiled.

  “Hi, Jordan. How’s your day?” I asked nonchalantly, knowing that he was going crazy.

  He didn’t buy into it and cut straight to the chase. “Babe, how does your finger feel inside of you? Do you wish it were my finger?” he whispered into the phone. Things suddenly went from joking to hot.

  “It feels good but yours feels better.”

  “Slide another one in and close your eyes. I’m touching you. Can you feel me?”

  My eyes fluttered closed as I imagined his fingers in me. My breath hitched at the visual.

  “That’s it, baby. Curl your fingers. Do you feel your g-spot?” he crooned into the phone.

  I did as I was told and gasped. “Yes, Jordan. I feel it. Oh my God,” I moaned back at him.

  His growl did me in, and I almost dropped the phone. My orgasm racked through me, and I could feel my pussy clenching around my fingers.

  “Is everything okay?” Stan questioned, bursting into the room.

  Shit! I guessed I had been a little loud. Jerking out my fingers, I fumbled to pull my skirt back down. Stan was just staring, open-mouthed, making no moves to leave my office. My face burned with embarrassment.

  “Who the hell is that?” Jordan barked into the phone.

  “My boss, Stan. I need to go.” He was still griping when I hung up on him.

  “Uh, Stan, I…” I tried to explain, stammering.

  He face morphed from shock to a huge smile. “No need to explain, Pepper. Next time though, let me take care of it for you. I’d do anything to see that look on your face again.” He grinned once more and left my office.

  This had to be the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me. What was worse than his just walking in was the fact that he’d offered to do it for me next time. Jordan was going to shit a brick when I told him. If I even told him.

  “Just put it over here,” I ordered Bray as he walked in with a present for Andi. We didn’t have the best relationship but I was trying for Andi’s sake since her shrink said that we all needed to accept him into our group to help her fully heal. Olive rounded the corner, and Bray did what every guy does when they see Olive. He drank her up. His eyes were about to pop out of his head.

  “Put your tongue back in your mouth, asswipe,” I snapped at him, rolling my eyes.

  Collecting himself, he grinned at her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Bray.”

  She gave him her fake smile but didn’t extend her hand to meet his. His frown made me laugh. Olive was loyal as hell to us, and she hated all of the stories I’d told her regarding Andi’s past with Bray.

  “You too,” she said and retreated back into the kitchen.

  “I’ll never live it down, will I?” he asked rhetorically as he headed to the table where the other presents were.

  Ignoring him, I answered anyway. “Nope, dickhead. So don’t get any ideas about Olive. If you ever cared about Andi, don’t go there.” He glared at me but nodded his head. I loved being a bitch to him. It somehow made up for what he had done to Andi. Almost.

  The doorbell rang and I hurried over to answer it. After grabbing the bags of food and paying the delivery guy, I brought them to the kitchen. Bray was leaning against the counter, smiling over at Olive, who was blushing. Her light chocolate skin would burn red around her cheeks and neck when was embarrassed.

  “Make yourself useful and help me put out all of the food,” I demanded in Bray’s direction. The three of us were putting out the food when I heard the door open.

  Jordan suddenly appeared in the kitchen. His eyes were on fire when he saw me. He stalked over to me, looped his arms around my waist, and tossed me over his shoulder.

  “Jordan! Cut it out!” I shrieked as he tore off to my bedroom.

  Slamming the door behind him, he set me back down.

  “What’s your deal?” I asked angrily.

  “Nobody is allowed to see what’s mine,” he growled, grasping my face in his hands. Possessive Jordan was pretty hot.

  His lips pressed to mine and we kissed fiercely. I wanted to convey how much I was his with my tongue. Understanding my message, one of his hands slid under the waistband of my skirt and panties right to my clit.

  “Oh God, Jordan,” I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed at a furious rate, and before I knew it, I was crying out his name again as an orgasm ripped through me.

  Quickly, he pulled away and grinned at me.

  “Mine,” he declared, eyes flicking down to my skirt. Turning on his heels, he left me in my room panting.

  I had seen red when I heard Stan’s voice on the other end of Elizabeth’s phone while she had been pleasuring herself. When she hung up on me, I’d nearly lost it. In her bedroom, I reminded her who she belonged to, and she didn’t seem to complain.

  Watching her reenter the kitchen looking flushed had me grinning. She was beautiful when she had that post-orgasmic glow. When her eyes met mine, she smiled shyly. Our exchange was interrupted when Andi and Jackson walked in.

  “Happy birthday!” Elizabeth and Olive shrieked as they ran over to hug her.

  “Thanks, girls! Everything looks lovely. I’m so happy!” she squealed.

  As the girls chattered happily about whatever it was girls talked about, Jackson walked over to me and Bray.

  “You guys want a drink?” he asked us. We both nodded and he poured us both a Jack and Coke.

  “How come you guys never told me that Andi and Pepper’s roommate Olive was a freaking goddess?” Bray asked, glancing over at her. I grinned at him, but Jackson was scowling. No surprise there.

  “Bray, leave her the fuck alone. She’s a fragile girl, and you tend to leave a path of destruction wherever you go,” Jackson spat at him. Oh shit. Not again.

  “What the fuck is everyone�
��s problem? Did you and Pepper place bets on who could be the biggest ass to me?” he huffed angrily. These guys were impossible.

  “You two need to chill out before Andi gets pissed. Let’s eat,” I ordered as the girls came into the kitchen.

  We all enjoyed our dinner and talked easily. As much as everyone hated the idea of Bray liking Olive, I thought it would be kind of cool if we all could hang out like this more often. Olive didn’t look innocent about the whole thing as she kept stealing glances at him. The energy between them was charged, even if nobody else wanted to admit it. I had a feeling Elizabeth and Jackson would be pissed at where I could see this going.

  “Oh my God, this cake is so good,” Andi moaned as she ate her chocolate birthday cake. Jackson couldn’t take his eyes off of her lips, and I chuckled. Those two were something else.

  Elizabeth took my hand and winked at me.

  “Okay, Andi, you better quit making love to your cake. Jackie Boy is getting jealous,” Elizabeth teased her. Jackson just shot her a mean look.

  “Are you guys ready for presents?” Olive asked suddenly, jerking up from her chair. She looked incredibly uncomfortable and ready to escape her seat beside Bray. His shit-eating grin told me he was up to no good.

  We all refreshed our drinks and headed into the living room. Andi sat in Jackson’s lap on the recliner while Bray and Olive sat on opposite ends of the couch. Elizabeth sidled up next to me on the loveseat.

  Andi picked up a bag from the coffee table.

  “Let’s see… This is from Olive,” she told us as she opened it. She squealed when she pulled out a pair of dangly earrings and a matching necklace. “I love them, Olive. Thank you.”

  Olive smiled back at her. I noticed that Bray had sneakily moved closer to her on the couch, and I bit back a laugh.

  “This one is from Bray,” Andi announced as she opened up her next gift.


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