The World of the Crusades

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The World of the Crusades Page 1

by Christopher Tyerman


  Copyright © 2019 Christopher Tyerman

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  In Memoriam



  The Crusades in Detail

  List of Illustrations, Figures and Maps



  Introduction What Were the Crusades?

  One The Mediterranean Crisis and the Background to the First Crusade

  Two The First Crusade

  Three ‘The Land Beyond The Sea’: Latin Christian Lordship in the Levant, 1099–1187

  Four Crusades and the Defence of Outremer, 1100–1187

  Five The Third Crusade and the Reinvention of Crusading, 1187–1198

  Six Reshaping the Eastern Mediterranean: Egypt and the Crusades, 1200–1250

  Seven Crusades in Spain

  Eight Baltic Crusades

  Nine Crusades Against Christians

  Ten The End of the Jerusalem Wars, 1250–1370

  Eleven The Ottomans

  Twelve New Challenges and the End of Crusading

  Thirteen Crusading: Our Contemporary?

  Postscript Do the Crusades Matter?


  List of Rulers






  The Holy Sepulchre

  Taking the Cross

  Women and the Crusades

  Splitting Hairs

  Byzantium and the Crusades


  Urban II

  Peter the Hermit

  Jews and the Crusade

  Plunder and Booty

  Crusade Memorials

  William of Tyre

  Coins in Outremer

  A Day at Jacob’s Ford, 29 August 1179

  The Melisende Psalter

  Castles in Outremer

  Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercians

  Communes on Crusade

  Second Crusade Manuscripts


  Paying Crusaders

  Food and Drink


  The Sociology of Crusading: Who Went?

  A Palace in Beirut

  Innocent III

  A Spring Day in Basel, 1201

  Sacred Booty

  The Children’s Crusade

  Acre Manuscripts and ‘Crusader Art’

  Crusaders’ Baggage

  John of Joinville


  Henry of Livonia

  A Day in Venice, 1258


  The End of the Templars


  A Meal in Paris, 6 January 1378



  1. Kneeling crusader with his horse behind him, from the Westminster Psalter, c. 1250. © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  2. Eichstätt model of the Edicule, twelfth century. Bildarchiv Monheim GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo.

  3. Aerial view of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. Photo © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  4. Croix de chevalier from the First Crusade. Photo Josse / Scala, Florence.

  5. Giving the cross, from J. Riley-Smith (ed.), The Oxford Illustraded History of the Crusades (Oxford 1995).

  6. Women at a siege, from Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, late thirteenth century. © The British Library Board (MS 15268, fol. 101v).

  7. Stone carving of Roland (right) on the exterior of the royal palace at Navarre, twelfth century. Granger / Bridgeman Images.

  8. ‘The Rider on the white horse and his followers’, from Apocalypse (‘The Queen Mary Apocalypse’), early fourteenth century. © The British Library Board (Royal 19 B. XV, fol. 37r). All rights reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  9. Godfrey of Bouillon and his train setting out on horseback, from William of Tyre, Histoire d’Outremer, 1232–61. © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  10. Richard I jousts with Saladin during the crusade of 1191. Encaustic tiles from Chertsey Abbey, c. 1250. Universal History Archive/UIG / Bridgeman Images.

  11. The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. Lori Epstein / National Geographic Image Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  12. Ivory casket with figural and ornamental decoration including hunting scenes, southern Italy or Sicily, eleventh–twelfth centuries. bpk Bildagentur / Museum für Islamische Kunst, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, Germany / Jürgen Liepe.

  13. Horseman drawing his bow, fifteenth century. Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul, Turkey / Bridgeman Images

  14. The walls of Constantinople, built 412–22. Bridgeman Images.

  15. Alexius I, Empress Irene and the future John II, from Psalterium Barberini, eleventh century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City / De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images.

  16. Mosaic depicting Jesus on Palm Sunday in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem. © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  17. William of Normandy giving arms to Harold of Wessex as a sign of honour, from the Bayeux Tapestry. Musée de la Tapisserie, Bayeux, France. With special authorisation of the city of Bayeux / Bridgeman Images.

  18. Arab or Turkish envoys, with an old merchant on crutches acting as interpreter, discussing ransoms with Christian knights taken prisoner during a crusade, woodcut after a miniature in Credo de Joinville, late thirteenth century. Ann Ronan Picture Library / Heritage Images.

  19. Cope of St Alboinus, Brixen. Photo Scala, Florence.

  20. Amalfitan coin with cufic epigraphy, eleventh century. Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK / Bridgeman Images.

  21. The consecration of the church at Cluny by Pope Urban II in October 1095, twelfth century. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  22. Peter the Hermit giving out crosses, from Book Nine of Robert’s The History of Jerusalem from 1095 to its capture by the Christians. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  23. Tombstone of a Jewish victim of crusader violence, Mainz 1146, from Shlomo Eidelberg (trans. and ed.), Jews and the Crusades: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades (Madison 1977).

  24. Antioch in the 1830s. © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  25. Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives by Edward Lear, 1859. Private Collection / Photo © Christie’s Images / Bridgeman Images.

  26. Reliquary of the True Cross (Staurotheke) in gold, enamel and precious stones made by the Royal Workshops. Donated by Emperor Frederick II to the Cathedral of Cosenza, twelfth century. De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images.

  27. The Shroud of St Josse, from the abbey of St Josse, originally from Khurasan, Persia, 961. Louvre, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  28. The Four Horses of St Mark�
��s, taken from the Hippodrome, Constantinople, second–third century. Museo Marciano, Basilica di San Marco, Venice, Italy / Cameraphoto Arte Venezia / Bridgeman Images.

  29. Vellum map of crusader Jerusalem, 1170. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel / Photo © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  30. Combat between crusaders and Saracens, illustration after a window formerly in the church of St Denis, mid-twelfth century, from An Cyclopaedia of Costume, or Dictionary of Dress by James Robinson Planche Esq., 1876. Lebrecht History / Bridgeman Images.

  31. The Shroud of Cadouin. ©

  32. Crosses carved on the walls of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  33. Statue commemorating the return of Hugh of Vaudemont from the Second Crusade. Church of Cordeliers, Nancy, Meurthe et Moselle, Lorraine, France / De Agostini Picture Library / G. Dagli Orti / Bridgeman Images.

  34. The tomb effigy of John of Alluye, c. 1248. © The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Art Resource / Scala, Florence.

  35. Farming in the Nile valley. Granger / Bridgeman Images.

  36. William of Tyre writing at his desk, from Estoire d’Outremer, c. 1130–85. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  37. Map of thirteenth-century Acre, from Marino Sanudo, Secreta fidelium Crucis, c. 1321–4. Bodleian Library (MS Tanner 190 fol. 207r).

  38. Entrance to the Cenacle, Mount Sion, Jerusalem. De Agostini Picture Library / S. Vannini / Bridgeman Images.

  39. Tripoli imitation of a Fatimid bezant. Ashmolean Museum.

  40. Denier of King Amalric of Jerusalem. Ashmolean Museum.

  41. North side of Ateret Fortress.

  42. A horse killed on 30 August 1179 during the Ayyubid attack, from Adrian J. Boas, Crusader Archaeology (London 1999)

  43. Gold and enamel bishop’s crozier found at the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, twelfth century. Private Collection / Photo © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  44. The Church of St Anne’s, Jerusalem, from an 1856 engraving. Private Collection / Look and Learn Illustrated Papers Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  45. Ivory and turquoise cover of the Melisende Psalter, c. 1131–40. © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  46. Qal’at Sanjil, from a late nineteenth-century engraving. Bildagentur-online / UIG / Bridgeman Images.

  47. Crac des Chevaliers, Qal’at al-Hisn, Syria. © Julian Chichester / Bridgeman Images.

  48. Belvoir fortress, Naphtali Plateau, Israel. © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  49. Sybil of Flanders’s cross. Musée de Louvre / @Photo RMN / Jean-Gilles Berizzi.

  50. Bohemund’s tomb, Canossa, Puglia, Italy. Alinari / Bridgeman Images.

  51. Templar seal. Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  52. The al-Aqsa mosque. De Agostini Picture Library / S. Vannini / Bridgeman Images.

  53. Templar round church, Tomar, Portugal, twelfth century. De Agostini Picture Library / W. Buss / Bridgeman Images.

  54. Relics of St Isidore carried aboard a Venetian ship, fourteenth-century mosaic, St Mark’s, Venice. Cameraphoto Arte Venezia / Bridgeman Images.

  55. Portrait of Saladin. Private Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  56. Teaching in a mosque, from Les Makamat de Hariri, 1236–7. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France (MS Arabe 5847, fol. 18v).

  57. Nur al-Din’s minbar in the al-Aqsa mosque, mid-twentieth century. Granger / Bridgeman Images.

  58. Bernard preaching. Bibliothèque intercommunale d’Epinal-Golbey (Epinal MS 45, fol. 140r).

  59. ‘Election du roi de Jérusalem’, from William of Tyre’s Historia, twelfth century. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France (MS Français 9084, fol. 101r).

  60. De expugnatione Lyxbonensi. The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 470, fol. 125r.

  61. Louis VII’s seal. Centre historique des archives nationales, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  62. The Horns of Hattin, Lower Galilee, Israel. © Jonathan Kahn / Bridgeman Images.

  63. An Arab slave market, from Al Maqamat, thirteenth century. Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.

  64. The St Martin window, panel depicting the saint preaching, thirteenth century. Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France / Bridgeman Images.

  65. ‘Raid of the Mansur of Cordoba’, illustration from the Chroniques de France ou de Saint Denis, fourteenth century. Museo de Mallorca, Palma, Mallorca, Spain. Mithra-Index / Bridgeman Images

  66. Frederick Barbarossa receiving a codex from an abbott, twelfth century. Tarker / Bridgeman Images.

  67. Contract of Robert Tibetot and Payn de Chaworth to accompany the Lord Edward on crusade, 1270. © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved / Bridgeman Images.

  68. Acre, engraving by Louis Haghe from The Holy Land, 1843. Private Collection / The Stapleton Collection / Bridgeman Images.

  69. Norman servants prepare a banquet for William and Bishop Odo of Bayeux blesses the meal, Bayeux Tapestry, c. 1070. Musée de la Tapisserie, Bayeux, France / Bridgeman Images.

  70. ‘Joshua Defeated at Ai’, illumination from the Crusader Bible, 1240s. Morgan Library and Museum (MS M.638, fol. 10r).

  71. Hubert Walter’s sandals, buskin and amice, buried 1205. Society of Antiquaries of London, UK / Bridgeman Images.

  72. Warrior in chain mail. Engraved ceramic cup with lead glaze, late twelfth–early thirteenth century. Photo © Musée du Louvre, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Martine Beck-Coppola

  73. A watercolour of Beirut by Charles Pierron, nineteenth century. Private Collection / Photo © Christie’s Images / Bridgeman Images.

  74. Mosaic of date palm, horses and water, Treasury Dome, Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. Pictures from History / David Henley / Bridgeman Images.

  75. Innocent III, fresco from the Monastero di San Benedetto (Santuario Sacro Spero), Subiaco, Rome, thirteenth century. Bridgeman Images.

  76. Venice, from Marco Polo’s Travels, fifteenth century. Mary Evans / Scala, Florence.

  77. The Münster, Basel. Zoonar GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo.

  78. Constantinople, from the Routier de l’Archipel by Cristoforo Buondelmonte, c. 1420. Photo Scala Florence / Heritage Images.

  79. The Sacro Catino, Cathedral of San Lorenzo, Genoa. Sylvain Billet.

  80. The Archangel Michael, enamel with precious stones, St Mark’s, Venice. Photo Scala, Florence.

  81. The Children’s Crusade, illustration by Gustave Doré from J.-F. Michaud’s Bibliotheque des Croisades, 1877. Private Collection / Photo © Ken Welsh / Bridgeman Images.

  82. James of Vitry’s mitre. © Guy Focant, The King Badouin Foundation, Belgium.

  83. The Nile at Damietta. Barry Iverson / Alamy Stock Photo.

  84. The martyrdom of St Edmund, Cliffe-at-Hoo, Kent, thirteenth century. Alamy Stock Photo.

  85. Joshua and the fall of Jericho, from a volume commissioned in Outremer, 1250–4, on Louis IX’s crusade. Bibliothèque nationale de France (MS Français 5211, fol. 69).

  86. Loading up the boats for the crusade, from the statutes of the Order of the Knot, 1352. Photo Josse / Scala, Florence

  87. John of Joinville and Louis IX at the storming of Damietta, miniature from the Histoire de Saint Louis, fourteenth century. De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images.

  88. Aerial view of Caesarea, Israel. © Zev Radovan / Bridgeman Images.

  89. Carts for the wounded, from the Crusader Bible, 1240s. Pierpoint Morgan Library (MS M.638, fol. 12r).

  90. Spanish Christian troops, detail from the Cantique de Sainte Marie, thirteenth century. Photo Josse / Scala, Florence.

  91. St Jacobus defeats the Moors by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.

  92. A Moor and a Christian playing chess, from the altarpiece of SS Nicholas Claire and Anthony Abbot, fifteenth century. Museo de Mallorca, Palma, Mallorca, Spain / Mithra-Index / Bridgeman Image

  93. Archbishop Gelmirez blesses two knights, from Tumbo de Touxos Outos, thirteenth century.

  94. The Almohad banner captured at Las Navas de Tolosa. Universal History Archive / UIG / Bridgeman Images.

  95. A Knights Templar watchtower on the Ebro near Tortosa, Tarragona, twelfth century. Manuel Cohen / Scala, Florence.

  96. James the Conqueror besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229–30. Museo de Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain / Index / Bridgeman Images.

  97. The surrender of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs by Muhammed XII, wood relief, c. 1495. Granger / Bridgeman Images.

  98. Alegoria de Franco y la Cruzada by Arturo Reque Meruvia, 1948–9. akg-images / Album / Oronoz.

  99. Tree idols in Livonia, twelfth–thirteenth centuries. Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Riga, Latvia / Tarker / Bridgeman Images.

  100. Danish soldiers under Valdemar I, gilded copper foil, twelfth century. De Agostini Picture Library / A. Dagli Orti / Bridgeman Images.

  101. A bronze Christian pendant, thirteenth century. Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Riga, Latvia / Tarker / Bridgeman Images.

  102. A page of Henry of Livonia’s Chronicle. Estonica.

  103. Baltic amber. Muzeum Zamkowe, Malbork, Poland / Bridgeman Images.

  104a. Seal with Hanseatic cog, fifteenth century. Private Collection, Buyenlarge Archive / UIG / Bridgeman Images.

  104b. Riga, Latvia. De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images.

  105. Turaida Castle, Latvia, begun 1214. De Agostini Picture Library / W. Buss / Bridgeman Images.

  106. The Battle on the Ice, 5 April 1242, c. 1568–76. © Leemage / Bridgeman Images.

  107. Marienburg Castle, Malbork, Poland. Photo © Bednorz Images / Bridgeman Images.

  108. Königsberg/Kaliningrad Cathedral, Kneiphof. Sputnik / Bridgeman Images

  109. The Battle of Tannenberg, 15 July 1410, engraving by Marcin Bielski, 1554. Universal History Archive / UIG / Bridgeman Images.

  110. Markward of Anweiler, from Liber ad honorem Augusti, fol. 142r. GDK.

  111. Fragment of a Cathar text, twelfth century. Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, France / Bridgeman Images.

  112. Stone relief showing the siege of Carcassonne in 1209, thirteenth century. Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire, Carcassonne, France / Bridgeman Images.


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