by Cora Reilly
Romero’s hand around mine tightened, but the hand with his gun was steady. He hadn’t moved it at all. It was still pointed straight at Fabi’s head. If he killed my brother…I couldn’t even finish the thought.
“I didn’t know what else to do,” I said. I decided not to mention that Benito had still been very much alive when Romero plunged his knife into his heart. That would have complicated things even further.
“What about you and him?” Fabi nodded toward Romero. “I’m not stupid. There’s something going on between you.”
There was no denying it, and I had a feeling that Fabi would get angry if I tried to lie to him. Matteo had inched closer to Fabi while we’d been talking. I wasn’t sure what he planned to do but knowing Matteo it wouldn’t end well.
“We’ve been together for a while. You know I never wanted to marry Benito but Father didn’t give me a choice.”
“So you want to leave Chicago and the Outfit for New York like Gianna and Aria,” Fabi said.
“I have to,” I said.
“You could come with us,” Aria suggested. Realizing her mistake, she peered up at Luca, who would have to accept Fabi into the Famiglia.
“You could become part of the Famiglia,” he said immediately.
Fabi shook his head. “Father needs me. I’m part of the Outfit. I made an oath.”
“If you’re not fully inducted yet, it’s not as binding,” Matteo said, which was not quite a lie, but really, he’d be treated like a traitor if he ran off anyway and the punishment would be the same.
Fabi glared. “I won’t betray the Outfit.”
“Then you’ll have to stop us from leaving,” Luca said simply. “And we won’t let you. There will be blood, and you will die.”
I stiffened and was about to say something but Romero gave a small shake of his head.
“I’m a good shot,” Fabi said indignantly.
“I believe you. But are you better than all three of us? Do you really want your sister Lily to be punished? If you force her to stay, you sign her death warrant.”
Conflict showed on Fabi’s face. “If I let you leave, and someone finds out, they will kill me too. I could die an honest death if I tried to stop you.”
Luca nodded. “You could, and they would sing your praises, but you’d be dead all the same. Do you want to die today?”
Fabi didn’t say anything but he’d lowered his gun a few inches.
“Nobody has to find out that you let us leave. You could have tried to stop us but we were too many,” Romero said suddenly.
“They will think I was scared and ran away, and that’s why you escaped.”
Luca gave Romero a small nod. “Not if you got wounded. We could shoot you in the arm. This was meant as an easy first job, nobody expects you to be capable of stopping the best fighters of New York. They won’t hold it against you if you got shot.”
“You want to shoot my brother?” Aria asked incredulously.
“What if you injure him seriously?” I added.
“I could hit the zit on his chin if I wanted to, I think I can manage to hit an unproblematic spot on his arm,” Matteo said with his shark-grin. “And we’re taking a risk by not just killing him, so an arm wound is really nothing.”
“So what do you say, Fabiano?” Luca asked quickly before Matteo could say more. None of the men had lowered their guns yet.
Fabi nodded slowly and aimed his weapon at the ground. “Okay. But I will have to call for help. I can’t wait more than a few minutes or they’ll get suspicious.”
“A few minutes should be enough for us to drive away,” Luca said. “They will follow us once they figure out what’s going on but five minutes will bring enough distance between us and them. Dante isn’t someone who likes fighting in the open, so I doubt he’ll send his men on a wild car chase. He’ll attack us later, once he’s figured out the best way to hurt us.”
My stomach tightened. All because of me. How selfish could a person be to let others risk so much for her?
Romero gave me an encouraging smile, but for once it didn’t manage to cheer me up. “War with the Outfit was inevitable. Things have gotten worse by the day.”
Luca looked over to us. “That’s true. If it weren’t for Aria and Gianna, Matteo and I wouldn’t even have come to Chicago for the wedding.”
That might have been the case, but Benito’s death would put fuel into the fire. Things would get very ugly now.
“Let’s do this now,” Matteo urged. “We’re wasting time.”
“I think we should move our shooting to the garage. Maybe that will buy us additional time. People won’t hear your scream as easily,” Romero suggested.
Together we headed for the door and down a flight of stairs into the underground garage. It wasn’t as big as the one I’d seen in New York. Despite our decision to work together, none of the men had put their guns back into their holsters yet. When we stopped close to our two rental cars, I slipped out of Romero’s grasp and walked up to Fabi. I didn’t miss the way Romero tensed and raised his gun, but I trusted Fabi. Maybe he was on his way to becoming a soldier of the Outfit, but he was also my little brother. That wouldn’t change. I hugged him and after a moment he wrapped his arms around me. In the last year, he’d avoided public displays of affection because he’d tried to act cool, but it felt good to have him close, especially since I didn’t know when I’d get another chance to see him.
“I’m sorry for getting you into trouble,” I whispered. “I wished things were different.”
“I never liked Benito,” Fabi said. “Father shouldn’t have married you off to that guy.”
Suddenly Gianna and Aria were there too, and took their turns embracing him.
“We have to go now,” Luca reminded us.
I pulled away from Fabi and returned to Romero. He motioned for me to get into the car, while Aria and Gianna got into the other. I watched as they tried to figure out the best way to fake a shooting. Eventually Fabi fired two muffled shots, and then it was Romero’s and Matteo’s turn. When Matteo’s bullet, sliced through Fabi’s upper arm, I winced. My brother dropped his gun and fell to his knees, his face scrunched up in pain. Nothing about that was fake. Romero rushed toward our car and slid behind the steering wheel before flooring the gas. Luca pressed the button that made the garage doors slide open. Most guests had parked in the driveway so I worried that the sound would draw attention to our flight even before Fabi started screaming. I doubted anyone had heard the silenced shots through the thick ceiling of the underground garage. Romero steered our car up the slope and down the driveway. Matteo was behind the steering wheel of the other car and close behind us. We raced down the driveway, past a couple of drunk guests who sat on one of the marble benches on the side. My heart stuttered in my chest, but there was no time for worry. I clutched the seat as we drove off the premises at a dizzying speed. I glanced through the rearview mirror, but the only car behind us was the one with my sisters and their husbands. “Nobody is following us,” I said.
“Give it a moment. Most of them are drunk and it’ll take a while for them to figure out what’s going on, but someone will be sober enough to chase us,” Romero said.
He looked calm about it. This wasn’t something new to him, even if the circumstances that had led to us here were, but Romero had been a Made Man for a long time. This wasn’t his first chase and it wouldn’t be his last.
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. I’d walked down the aisle toward a husband I hated, a husband who had been killed by the man I loved. Romero linked our fingers and my eyes shot open. Despite our speed, he was driving with only one hand. He’d stashed his gun in the compartment between our seats. I gave him a grateful smile. “When we’re back in New York, what happens then?”
“You move in with me.” He paused. “Unless you’d rather stay with one of your sisters.”
I shook my head. “I don’t want to b
e away from you again.”
Romero brought my hand to his lips and kissed it gently, but then his eyes darted to the side mirror and he tensed. He let go of me and grabbed his gun.
I peered over my shoulder. Three cars were chasing us. I sank deeper into my seat and folded my hands, sending a quick prayer above. I wasn’t particularly religious but it seemed like the only thing I could do. So far not a single shot had been fired from either side and it made me wonder if the Outfit had set a trap somewhere. “Why aren’t they shooting?”
“This is a residential area and Dante doesn’t like to draw attention to the Outfit. I assume he gave orders to wait until we’re out of the city limits, which will be any minute now. We’re crossing over to an industrial area.”
He was right. Once the family homes were replaced by storage facilities, the Outfit cars closed in and started firing. Since Matteo was close behind us with the other rental car, Romero didn’t get a clear shot at our pursuers, but I could see Luca shooting bullet after bullet through the open passenger window. I couldn’t see Aria and Gianna; they were probably crouched on the back seat so they didn’t get hit by bullets.
What if we didn’t get away? What if all of our lives ended here?
One of the bullets tore through the tire of one of our pursuers. The car spun around and stopped. But the other two cars closed in. I couldn’t even see their license tag anymore.
I wasn’t sure how long they chased us but I knew at one point either Matteo or Romero would make a mistake and lose control of their car.
Suddenly both cars slowed and then they did a U-turn.
“Why have they stopped following us?”
“Dante’s orders, I assume. I told you, he is a very cautious man. He’ll wait for a better opportunity to make us pay. This is too risky for his taste,” Romero said.
I exhaled. I knew it was far from over. From what I knew of Dante, Romero was right, but I was simply glad that we’d all get away unscathed tonight. We’d figure out the rest tomorrow. I glanced at Romero again. I couldn’t believe I’d finally be allowed to be with him.
* * *
Except for two toilet breaks, we didn’t stop on our drive to New York and then we barely spoke. When the skyline of New York finally rose up outside of the car, relief flooded me. For some reason the city already felt like home and I knew we’d be safer here. This was Luca’s city. It wouldn’t be easy for Dante to attack us here.
After more than fourteen hours on the road, we arrived at Luca’s penthouse. Lily had fallen asleep a couple of times during our drive but she’d startled awake almost instantly. She was probably having nightmares about Benito. I was so fucking glad that I’d killed him. When I’d walked into the bedroom and seen Benito with a letter opener in his body, I’d wanted to scream with joy. I knew the next few weeks and months, maybe even years, would be hard on the Famiglia, and for each of us. Dante would retaliate with everything he had.
I parked the car in the underground garage and got out. Lily could hardly stand on her own feet from exhaustion but she put on a brave face. I wanted nothing more than to take her home with me, but first, Luca, Matteo, and I needed to have a talk without the risk of an Outfit attack.
When we stepped into the penthouse, Aria and Gianna led Lily toward the sofa. A protest lay on the tip of my tongue. I still felt very protective of her after almost losing her and wanted her at my side at all times, but it would have been ridiculous to say something. She was still in the same room as me. Her longing gaze in my direction when she sat down between her sisters told me that Lily felt the same way.
“We have to call everyone in for a meeting. They need to know that the truce between the Outfit and us is no longer in effect. I don’t want anyone to walk into a trap because they thought they could trust an Outfit bastard,” Luca said. I could tell that he was still pissed at me, and he had every right to be. That he hadn’t killed me was a bigger sign of his friendship than I’d ever hoped for.
“Some people might not be happy with Liliana and you,” Matteo said. “They probably won’t act on their anger but I’d be careful if I were you.”
“Don’t worry. And if someone lays a finger on Lily, I’ll rip their throat out.”
“I think you have done enough damage for a while,” Luca said tightly. “And nobody will try to hurt Liliana. She’s now part of the Famiglia and under my protection. I assume you’re going to marry her?”
I had never asked her but I wanted her to be my wife. “If she says yes, then I’ll marry her.”
“After all the drama of today, she better marry you,” Matteo muttered. He leaned against the dining table and yawned widely.
“I’ll ask her soon enough.”
Luca raised his hand. “This isn’t our main concern right now. We have to double security measures. We didn’t only kidnap Scuderi’s daughter, we killed a Captain with a loyal following of soldiers. There will be blood to pay.”
I chanced another look at Lily. The Outfit might try to kill her. Knowing her father, he’d probably do it himself. He’d have to go through me if he tried to hurt her.
After two hours in Luca’s apartment, we were finally at Romero’s place. I’d never been there and I was curious despite my exhaustion. I could tell that Romero was tense but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe he regretted everything that had happened? Or maybe he was only worried about what was to come.
Romero unlocked his door and opened it wide for me. I walked past him into a long hallway. Family photos in pretty silver frames decorated the walls. I promised myself to take a closer look at them later. Several doors branched off of the hallway. Romero led me toward the last one on the right. A master bedroom waited behind it but we didn’t stop there. We had been on the road for hours and I’d been awake for more than twenty-four hours. It was already past noon but I wanted to sleep.
I could still smell Benito on me though; his blood, his sweat, his body odor. It made me sick. Romero opened the door to the adjoining bathroom. I quickly shimmied out of my clothes and stepped into the glass shower. Romero watched me silently, an unreadable look on his face. He looked exhausted. When the warm water streamed down my body, I felt some of the tension leave my limbs.
“Do you want to be alone?” Romero asked after a moment. He sounded…uncertain. That wasn’t something I was used to from him. Maybe I needed to take into consideration that he needed some time to work through everything.
I shook my head. “I want you to join me.”
Romero got out of his clothes. I didn’t try to hide my admiration as I watched him. I loved Romero’s body. I loved everything about him. I moved to the side so he could step into the shower with me. I slipped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his chest as the water poured down on us. I’d missed the feel of his skin against mine. I squeezed my eyes shut. So much had happened and so much was still to come.
“Things will get really bad for Luca and the Famiglia now, won’t they?”
Romero stroked my back. “The union between the Famiglia and the Outfit was bound to break at some point. I’d rather have it over something as important as you than over money or politics. You are worth a war.”
“I’m not sure Luca agrees. He’s probably already regretting taking me to New York.”
“I know Luca. He doesn’t regret his decision. Once he’s made up his mind, he stands by his decision. And this wasn’t only for you. It was also for Aria and Gianna. They want you to be happy.”
I tilted my head up and smiled up at him. His body shielded me from the water. Romero lowered his head and kissed my forehead, then my lips. We didn’t deepen the kiss, though. His closeness was enough for now.
We finished showering quickly. Romero stepped out first and took a towel. He wrapped it around me and gently started drying my body. I relaxed under his gentle ministrations. The last bit of tension slid out of me. After he was done with me, I took a to
wel out of the shelf and dried Romero in turn. He closed his eyes when I massaged his shoulders. “How do you feel?” I asked softly. I knew men, and Made Men in particular, didn’t like to talk about their feelings, especially sadness or fear.
He looked at me. “Tired.”
“No, I mean because you had to kill Benito for me. Are you okay?”
Romero let out a humorless laugh. He took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. He sank down on the bed and pulled me between his legs, then made me sit down on one of them. “He hasn’t been my first and he won’t be my last, but I enjoyed his death more than the others, and I don’t regret it. I’d do it again and enjoy it just as much.”
It was the truth and now that Lily and I would start living together, she needed to know it, needed to know every dark part of me. I searched her eyes for a sign of revulsion but there was none. She kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder. Her fingers traced my chest lightly. That and the feel of her firm butt on my thigh stirred my cock, but now wasn’t the time to follow that urge. Not too long ago Lily had to fight off her new husband, had to stab him and watch him die. She needed time to recover. I stood and lifted Lily into my arms before I lay her down. She kept her hands wrapped around my neck and didn’t let go even as I tried to straighten. “Lily,” I said quietly. “You need to rest.”
She shook her head and pulled me down on top of her. I braced myself on my elbows so I didn’t crush her under my weight. Lily wrapped her legs around my hips and dug her heels into my lower back, pressing me down.
I didn’t resist. Slowly I lowered myself until our bodies were flush against each other and my cock pressed against her pussy. She raised her head to claim my mouth for a kiss. I stared into her eyes; they were soft and filled with longing. I wasn’t sure how I could have ever believed that Lily didn’t want me. Her eyes showed her love for me as plain as day.
“I need you,” she murmured, lifting her hips a few inches and making my tip glide over her lower lips. I let out a small hiss at the sensation. She was wet and warm. She always felt so fucking inviting. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I always wanted her. I quickly put on a condom, cupped her head and eased into her slowly, and as I did I realized just how much I needed it too. She was tighter than usual, maybe from tension and exhaustion, and I made sure to be careful.