Razor's Pass

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Razor's Pass Page 13

by L. Fergus

  Kita’s throat closed as her heart froze. “You picked up the contract on me?”

  “You better believe I did. Completing a contract on someone like you will make me a master and solidify my reputation as a big game hunter. Don’t take it personally—it’s business. I thought I’d give you a sporting chance. I owe you that.” Sarah laughed lightly.

  “You sound awfully confident,” Kita whispered.

  “Come now, girl, speak up. I know facing your imminent death is hard, but try doing it with some dignity.”

  Sarah’s words were harsh in Kita’s ears. “I’m not the same person I was back then.” Kita was unable to hide the sorrow in her voice.

  “Well then, it’ll be all the more interesting, won’t it?” Sarah drew her sword and dagger.

  Kita dropped her cloak and drew Dawn and Dusk.

  “Those are pretty. I’ve been meaning to get a new set. Do you mind if I have yours? You’re not going to need them.” Sarah spun her dagger in her hand.

  “You’ll have to take them from me.”

  “I’ll take them from your cold, dead hands.”

  As the pair circled, the floorboards creaked. Sarah lunged. Kita blocked, but her heart wasn’t in it. Her arms were tired and weak. Sarah’s blows came fast and hard, finding their target more often than not. Kita couldn’t offer more than token attacks that didn't come close.

  Sarah knocked Kita to the ground and kicked her. Kita lay doubled over, coughing. Sarah looked down with a disgusted look.

  “I was told you were better than this. You’re worse now than before. Pathetic!” Sarah snarled.

  Kita pushed herself to her knees and hung her head. “I can’t do it. Not you, anyone but you.” Tears hung in Kita’s eyes.

  “What are you blubbering about?”

  “I love you. I won’t fight you.” Kita let Dawn and Dusk fall from her hands.

  “You silly, pathetic little girl,” Sarah scoffed. “You think I loved you? Now that’s pathetic. Sorry, little Kita, but you were nothing more than a toy. You had a great body and were fun to sleep with because you did whatever I said. I kept feeding you crap so you would keep coming back.

  “I taught you how to be an assassin as a joke. Kita Logine, daughter to Duke Logine of Arbol, the assassin. It was too funny and too good to pass up. I never loved you. You were willing to please and a good way to pass the time while I worked.”

  “Please don’t say that. You meant everything to me.” Tears streamed down Kita’s cheeks.

  “You meant nothing to me. I never loved you; I barely liked you,” Sarah hissed.

  “No…no, please,” Kita said around sobs.

  “Oh, yes. Now get up and fight me like I taught you. Die with dignity, you pathetic noble bitch. Stop blubbering like a coward. Assassin’s don’t cry when they’re about to lose, they fight to the end. You say you’re an assassin, so prove it. Put your feelings aside. Prove me wrong, you pathetic little joke of a noble.”

  Kita pushed herself to her feet, tears falling down her face. She tried to wipe them away, but more came.

  “I told you I don’t love you, so stop crying about it!” Sarah yelled. “You want me to tell that thing you're sleeping with that you died crying like a baby? Would it help to tell you I’ve got a contract out on her too?”

  Red halos closed around Kita’s eyes, and her tears stopped. She felt the blood pounding in her veins. Hate and anger welled up inside her like sticky oil. In an instant, it ignited.

  “Touch her, and I will kill you,” Kita snarled.

  “Now that is the reaction I was looking for.” Sarah grinned. “Come on, baby girl, show me what you got.”

  Kita flashed forward, giving Sarah no time to block, leaving four long cuts across Sarah’s torso through her armor. Kita spun her blades. Sarah missed blocking the whirlwind attacks, and Kita left a series of gashes up Sarah’s arm. Kita continued her attacks as she moved around Sara causing her armor to fall apart and her dagger to shatter. Sarah collapsed to the floor, covered in slash and stab wounds. Kita kicked her across the room. Sarah struggled to her knees but sank back to the floor.

  “I told you I wasn’t the same person I was before,” said Kita.

  “I believed it then, and I believe it now,” Sarah whispered as she coughed up some blood. “Will you at least let me die with my head up?”

  Kita nodded and helped Sarah to her knees. Kita raised Dawn.

  Sarah looked into Kita’s eyes. “I love you, and always have loved you. You know that right?”

  Liar. Kita brought Dawn down.

  Zidin reached the top of the stairs and heard the sobs coming from behind the door. He pushed it open with Great White. Kita sat cross-legged, bent over with a head cradled in her arms. A headless body lay next to her.

  “Oh, kitten!” Snowy yelled as she pushed passed Zidin to rush to Kita’s side.

  Cowboy looked at Zidin. “You’re not going over there?”

  Zidin gave the other man a wary look. “I think this one’s covered. If that body belongs to who I think it does, I’m glad for the cat. You can take Bart back to the inn. I think we’ve caught the aftermath. I’ll wait here. It might be a while.”

  Cowboy nodded and pushed Bart out the door.

  Snowy coaxed the head out of Kita’s grasp. Zidin settled in for what was possibly going to be a long wait.

  Snowy stood next to Zidin.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “Asleep. I felt it was best that she had a chance to rest before taking her back to the inn. Do you know who that was that has her so worked up?”

  Zidin didn’t answer.

  “You obviously know. Tell me,” Snowy demanded. “It would make helping her easier if I knew. Was it a friend? Long lost sister? Her mother?”

  “If she wanted you to know she would have told you. I know who she was.”

  Snowy growled. “Maybe she does but hasn’t had time to tell me. I promise I won’t tell her I heard it from you.”

  “You’re not going to like who it is. I shouldn’t even say that much.”

  “Dammit, tell me. I need to know. I don’t care who it is.”

  Zidin sighed. “She was her teacher and—”

  “Was that so hard?”

  Zidin grunted. “I wasn’t finished yet. She was also her first love if I read between the lines right.”

  Snowy shrugged. “We all have our first. It’s no big deal.”

  Snowy came downstairs and joined the others at a table. Glen and Barb brought over tea and cookies and joined them.

  “How is she?” said Barb.

  “She’s ok. She’s sleeping right now,” said Snowy.

  Glen looked at Zidin. “You say the other person was Sarah?”

  “That’s my guess from the reaction. We won’t know for sure until Kita wakes up.”

  Glen chewed his lip. “It’s not unheard of for assassins to go after each other. I find it hard to believe Sarah would go after Kita. I’ll have my people check into the contracts that have been issued. I know I didn’t approve this one, but it’s possible it came from out of town.”

  Barb grunted, and her eyes narrowed. “Find out who did it, dear. This kind of behavior is uncalled for, especially against Kita. If someone has forgotten she’s under your protection, they need to be reminded.”

  Cowboy coughed. “I don’t know if she’s told you about her new organizations.”

  Glen shook his head. “She said she would when she had time. I figured she’d found work with some small-time groups out around Arbol or Champignon.”

  “Not small-time, sir. You might say she hit the big time.”

  Glen cocked his head. “You’re saying she made it to the Kremlin or the Orient, and she's working for them?”

  “She’s now in a major leadership role with two different organizations known more for their strength and firepower.”

  Glen looked confused. “Muscle and firepower were never her thing. The girl could weasel her way into anywhere. I
wouldn’t put her in a stand-up fight with my normal bruisers.”

  “Well, sir, I wouldn’t put her in against your best of the best, for their sake. Kita can tear them apart. She isn’t the same girl you knew a few months ago. Your daughter is now the Commander of the Legion of Yorq and the Rose for the nation of Arcone. I’m sure you know that both are powerful positions.”

  Glen raised an eyebrow. “I knew that girl would be someone. I figured she’d take over for me someday. Who would have thought she’d be a leader in two of the most formidable armies in the world? I’m glad she just didn’t join the local authorities.”

  “I’m glad you see it in such a good light, sir. I was afraid it might run into some difficulties. I would rather our people worked together than fight against each other.”

  “I know the Legion has increased the number of spies working in the city. We noticed the activity. They’re not the local Legion.”

  Cowboy chuckled. “If you're tracking them there will be words back at camp.”

  “Well, son, if you need our help, let me know. From that look in your eye, you’re not sure if you can trust us. Kita’s enemies are ours. If I find there is a leak, I will find out who did it. Barb can make a potent truth serum."

  Zidin, Snowy, and Cowboy smirked.

  “Kita used those exact words,” said Cowboy.

  Glen smiled. “I taught the girl well.”

  “I will make sure you are notified of our intentions and our movements in the city. I think our two groups can help each other. You don’t have a counterpart in the capital, do you?”

  Glen rolled his jaw. “I have some influence there.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to set up a liaison with you. If you’re willing to help, that is?”

  “As long as the Legion’s willing to ignore us.”

  Cowboy nodded. “Shouldn’t be a problem, but the tubes will remain off-limits.”

  “That’s been the standard agreement. I hoped Kita might be willing to give more.”

  “I will leave that to her. That’s what I can offer for now.”

  “Works for me.”

  They shook on the deal.

  “I will contact our forces and I should have someone here by tonight.”

  Glen turned his attention to Snowy. “Tell me, young lady, how long have you known Kita?”

  Snowy twitched her whiskers, and her ears flattened in embarrassment. “Not long, sir. She rescued me when I was trapped by one of the ravager armies in Razor’s Mountains.”

  “Razor’s Mountains are not a safe place,” said Barb. “I’ve heard awful things about the war cats, but I guess they don’t bother you.”

  “My cats wouldn’t hurt anyone. They were only doing bad things because I was a prisoner. They’re loyal to me.”

  “How are they getting along without you?” said Glen.

  “A few follow me around. I’m sure there are some around the city. More are up in the mountains waiting.”

  Barb raised a nervous eyebrow. “Are they in the city?”

  “A few of the braver ones might be, but I haven’t seen any. I’m sure if I went outside and called, they’d come out of the shadows.”

  Glen laughed. “Sounds like my men. So how long have you and Kita been together?”


  “Yeah, why don’t you tell us, alley cat? I’ve been wondering that myself?” Bart injected.

  “Uhm, well…”

  “Well, are you or aren’t you?”

  “We haven’t talked about it.”

  “She’s just a game to you then? Just a moment of time?”

  “No, of course not. Well, she is, but it doesn’t feel like it,” Snowy said, frowning.

  “So, you’re not with her then?” Bart said with a glint in his eye.

  “I guess not, no,” Snowy said, flustered.

  Bart pointed behind Snowy to the stairs. Kita stood with tears streaming down her face. She turned and fled upstairs.

  “Wait!” Snowy yelled and ran after Kita. She reached the door too late. Through the door, Snowy could hear Kita sobbing.

  “Kitten, let me in. Please. I’m sorry. I can explain. Please let me in. I’m so sorry. Please, Kita…” Snowy knocked on the door as she pleaded. When Kita’s sobs didn’t diminish, she admitted defeat and returned downstairs.

  She found downstairs in disarray. Glen and Barb had taken cover behind the bar. Cowboy had a revolver pointed at Bart’s head. Zidin was encased in rock. In Bart’s hand, a fireball burned, and a pair of Glen's bruisers stood between their master and Bart.

  Snowy ignored them. She collapsed into a chair, put her head down the table, and cried.

  Later that night, Zidin, Cowboy, and Glen sat around a table. Bart sat across the room, playing with a deck of cards.

  Snowy entered through the front door. Glaring at everyone, she handed Cowboy a few pieces of paper and disappeared upstairs.

  “She’s really upset, isn’t she?” Glen said to Cowboy.

  “I can't blame her. I wish she wouldn’t camp out in front of the door.”

  “Kita was always good at throwing a fit. I feel sorry for Snowy. That jackass set her up.” Glen frowned at Bart.

  “I should have caught it. I was too busy trying to get him to shut up,” Cowboy growled.

  “Not your fault, son. He caught us all looking the wrong way. I wish you’d let my men take him out back and beat some sense into him.” Glen tapped his fingers on the table.

  “Kita says he’s not to be harmed.”

  “She’s not interested in him, is she? She’s not trying to have both of them?” Glen said, looking concerned.

  Cowboy snorted. “Her interest in him is purely professional. Hmmm, you can help. Kita has him pegged for a spy. Our intelligence people are watching him, but maybe yours should as well. I’ll let the generals know.”

  “I can't believe she’s going through all this for a spy. It’s not worth the hassle.”

  “I don’t know. She’s learned who his handler is and that’s what she wanted. Maybe she planned to oust him here and this business with Sarah and Snowy interrupted it. I don’t want to make a move without her.”

  Snowy came downstairs and went into the kitchen. She came out with a whole chicken. She sat in the corner and took a bite out of the bird.

  “That is disgusting,” Bart yelled when he saw Snowy eating.

  Snowy ripped a big chunk off the chicken and swallowed it.

  “You really are a disgusting flea-infested alley cat.”

  Snowy finished the chicken and cleaned the blood from her fur. As she cleaned her face, rock encased her.

  “Let go of me!” Snowy yelled.

  Cowboy and Zidin sprang to their feet and rushed Bart. Zidin tackled Bart while Cowboy aided Snowy. Zidin yanked Bart up off the ground and slammed him on the table. The rock receded from Snowy. Zidin pulled his arm back to hit Bart.

  “Let him go,” Kita whispered over the yelling and noise.

  Everyone looked up to see an exhausted Kita looking furious.

  “Snowy, I want to talk to you,” Kita said sternly.

  Snowy stepped forward, her long tail draped over her arm.

  “Have fun, alley cat. Try not to say anything too stupid this time,” chided Bart.

  Snowy lashed out with her claws. She ripped three large gashes across his face, and his eyeball bounced onto the floor.

  “You mangy gutter whore! You took out my eye!” Bart screamed as he clutched his face.

  “You’ll live,” Kita said flatly. She turned and led Snowy upstairs.

  Kita shut and barred the door then turned to Snowy.

  “I’m sorry,” they said in unison.

  “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Kita,” said Snowy. “I opened my big mouth and stuck my foot in it.”

  “No. I knew he was trapping you, but hearing you say it hurt. It’s not the reason I’ve been locked up here. I’m sorry for that. I feel awful for making you sit outside. You don’
t deserve that. I hope you can forgive me. I should have just told you I needed some time to think.”

  “It’s ok. I’m glad you’re talking to me. I’ve been worried sick. Is there something I can help with or just listen? Is it something I did?” Snowy cringed.

  “No, love. It has nothing to do with you. It’s all me.” Kita smiled to reassure her. “Did anyone tell you who she was?”

  Snowy shook her head.

  At least she’s willing to pretend I have secrets. “The woman was Sarah. She was my teacher, lover, and first love. At the end, before I killed her, she said she loved me.” Tears filled Kita’s eyes.

  “Oh, kitten. I’m so sorry. No wonder you’re torn up inside.”

  “It’s been years, and I thought I was over her. I met you and she seemed like a distant memory. When I saw her again, it brought it all back. It was like I fell in love all over again. Then she told me she didn’t want me, that she never wanted me. My heart broke as I never imagined it could. When she told me she loved me, it tore me up inside. Even though I know she was lying to save herself. I’m not over her. I don’t know if I’ll ever be over her. I don’t want to hurt you. You deserve better than me. I just think it would be better if—”

  Tears filled Snowy’s eyes as she moved to the door. “No, stop, please. I understand, and I’ll go. Thank you for sharing time with me. I’ll treasure it forever. I’ll still follow you if you want. Goodbye, Kita.”

  “No, wait!” Kita jumped in front of the door. “I’m sorry. I’m making a total hash of this.” Kita placed her hands on Snowy’s face and looked into her eyes. “I want you, Snowy. Just you and only you. You make me happy. You fill my heart with joy when I see you walk into the room. I bleed when you’re cut. You make me want to be a better person.

  "Please just be patient with me. I know I’m screwed up. Just give me the time to figure it out. I want to be with you—if I can't, I don’t know what I’ll do. You mean everything to me.”

  Snowy blinked through her tears and smiled. “You mean it? You want me? All I want is you, to be yours. That’s all I’ve wanted since I met you.

  "Don’t worry about what you feel for Sarah. It’s normal. We always keep a place in our hearts for our first love. I keep a spot for Gerald. But we have to be willing to move on. I’ve moved on. When I saw Gerald for the first time in thousands of years my heart jumped, but you’re who I want, not him. I believe you’re over Sarah. You just had one of those moments in an extreme fashion. Don’t worry, kitten. You’re not screwed up. You’re all I want, forever.”


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