Razor's Pass

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Razor's Pass Page 20

by L. Fergus

  “Kitten, what do you mean?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “Leaving for where? Why?”

  “My body, mind, and heart are broken. I can't do it anymore. You said there were spots on The Mass of great beauty. I’d like to see them. Maybe I’ll start at Razor’s Reef. You said part of the beauty was watching the creation.”

  Snowy’s eyes filled with tears. “You can't leave! What about us? What about your Legion? What about everyone else?”

  “They don’t need me. Everyone does better without me. I bring nothing but trouble, misery, and pain. I’m sorry. I hope someday you can forgive me.”

  Kita pushed past Snowy. The cool evening air hit her in the face when she opened the door and stepped outside. Flapping her wings, she took off into the growing night.

  “Damn that girl!” Snowy screamed in frustration. “We bust our asses to get her out of that city and now she wants to quit.” She stomped her way to the door.

  “Where are you going?” Cowboy demanded, grabbing her arm.

  “To bring her back.”

  “You can't leave, not now. We’ve got people strung out all over. She’ll come back on her own.”

  “You didn’t see the look in her eye. Her spirit’s crushed. Cunningham didn’t have to kill her to take her out of the fight. If she leaves, we lose, and you know that’s the truth.”

  “I agree with you, but we can't afford to lose you, too.”

  “You’re going to have to. Thorne and Petersen are more than competent. We’re only running small actions right now, and we’re winning. I’ll be back in five days with or without her.”

  “Are you bringing her back for us…or for you?”

  “Both. Now, let me go. The longer I stand here talking, the farther away she gets.”

  Kita dangled her feet in the cool water of Razor's Reef. A school of tiny fish nibbled at her toes. They tickled, and it made her giggle. The water was clear all the way to the bottom. Colorful creatures had taken root on the spire. What wonders does the monitoring station contain in its computers?

  Something tickled Kita’s ear, causing her to jump. Losing her balance, she fell into the water. Swearing, she pulled herself out. Snowy’s legs appeared in front of her. Kita looked up at Snowy’s frown.

  “What do you want?” Kita said, shaking the water from her wings.

  “I’ve come to bring you back.”

  “I told you I’m not going back.”


  “I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired of pain and death.”

  “Kitten, those are part of life.”

  “I know, but how much of a part do they have to be? I can’t take anymore.”

  “Any more pain or any more death?”

  “Pain. I’m tired of hurting. I just want it to go away.”

  “You’re kidding?” Snowy tapped a toe claw on a rock.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I chased you for over two days because you can't deal with some pain? You didn’t even talk to anyone about it.”

  “Does this look like a little pain?” Kita shrieked, holding up her dismembered hand.

  “No, it looks like a lot. It still doesn’t give you the excuse to run away.”

  “You weren’t there, you don’t know. You’ll never know.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. I suspect what you went through would kill anyone else. But you live, and now you need to heal and move on.”

  “That’s what I’m doing,” Kita growled.

  “No. You’re running away and you’re going to dwell on it forever. Is that what you want to do?”

  Kita shook her head. “I’ll forget it and I won’t hurt anymore.”

  “You think you’re the only one that has to deal with pain? You’ve got it easy. Your pain is physical. That fades in time. It has to. Otherwise, women would never have a second child. I can't believe you’re letting this stop you.”

  Kita lowered her head. “I just don’t want to hurt anymore.”

  “You’re going to hurt, and you’re going to be in pain. It’s part of life.” Snowy cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “Did you hear that, Omega? Life is pain as well as love. You can't have one without the other. Did she explain that to you?”

  Kita put her hands over her ears. “Stop it. What do you know about pain?”

  “You’re looking at it. You think I waved a wand and I looked like this? I spent two thousand years in a tank. Most of that time I was wracked in pain as the gene therapy ran through its trials to get it right. If that’s not good enough, would you like to move onto emotional pain? Like you, I’ve lost both parents. I know the weight of the few innocents you’ve killed hurts a great deal. It’s no different for me. In my case, it’s not a few innocents, it’s three billion.”

  Kita tried to comprehend a billion.

  “You’re allowed to take time to heal, but you’re not allowed to run away from it.”

  Kita looked out at the water. “I still don’t want to come back.”

  Snowy crossed her arms and frowned. “Fine. It’s your decision, but you can do it without me. You can add that to the pain you’re running away from. You can come back whenever if you want, but I won’t be there.”

  “I, but you said—” Kita’s voice cracked.

  “I have a Legion to run. I don’t abandon my responsibilities.”

  “I’m not, I just don’t want them getting hurt because of me.”

  “They’ll be slaughtered if you don’t lead them.”

  “No, I’ll just get them killed. I couldn’t bear that. I’m tired of fighting and death.”

  “Fine. Stay here and play with the fish. I’m leaving. I told them I’d be back in five days.” Snowy walked away, then stopped and yelled back over her shoulder, “You’re turning out to be just like your mother.”

  Kita landed in front of Snowy. “What in the ten thousand blazing suns does that mean?”

  Snowy cocked her head. “You wear her armor and use her weapons. She was a Rose and so are you.”

  “She gave me my roses and equipment.”

  “Yeah? Why do you think she kept them in a closet? Your mother quit her command. It took her what, ten, twelve years to quit? You’ve lasted a few months. Didn’t you say she quit because she was tired of the fighting and death?” Snowy pushed by Kita and ran along the catwalk.

  “I am not becoming like my mother!” Kita screamed as she took flight and chased after Snowy.

  The door of the inn banged open. Kita stormed in, cursing. Pushing her way upstairs passed stunned onlookers, she ignored the questions they called after her.

  Snowy entered after Kita.

  “How did you get her back? Is she back for good?” said Cowboy.

  “I think so,” Snowy said with a smile. “I told her what any young girl never wants to hear.”

  “You didn’t call her fat, did you?” said Forrester.

  “Ugly?” said Xeen.

  “Did you split up?” said Cowboy.

  Snowy shook her head and motioned toward the stairs. Kita came down carrying her armor and weapons, still muttering and fuming louder than before.

  “Where are you going with your mother’s weapons and armor, kitten?” said Snowy.

  “I am not like my mother!” Kita yelled and stamped her foot. She stormed out the door.

  “I love you, kitten,” Snowy called after her.

  Xeen and the others laughed.

  Kita landed in her Legion’s camp and approached the first group of legionnaires she saw. “Did the armorer from Outpost Twenty-four make it?”

  The group jumped to attention. “If he did, he’d be in the supply area, Commander.”


  The supply area consisted of several tents full of crates, sacks, weapons, uniforms, and everything an army needed. A tent belched smoke, and the clanging of metal came from within. Everyone inside was so busy it took a few moments for Kita to be recognized. How do you miss a giant ch
icken standing in the tent flap?

  “Attention on deck,” a legionnaire yelled.

  “Where’s Sergeant Abernathy from Outpost Twenty-four?” said Kita.

  “Here, Commander,” the man answered.

  “Good. Stop what you’re doing and get over here. Everyone else, carry on.”

  “What can I do for you, Commander?” the old man asked with a smile.

  “Sergeant, I want a complete redesign of my armor. We can use the materials from this set to create a new set.”

  Abernathy cringed. “Are you sure, Commander? This suit is a work of art. There’s damn few of these in the world. This might be the last set.”

  “Believe me, I am.”

  “As you wish, Commander. Follow me, and we’ll sketch something out. Do you have something in mind?”

  “Anything but this,” hissed Kita.

  After a day of catching up with her Legion, Kita’s stomach growled. The jovial sounds coming from the lower enlisted mess made her decide to eat with her troops.

  She forgot how much she missed the raucous and raunchy atmosphere. Kita told jokes that made even the hardened legionnaire blush. Some of them returned the favor. I forgot how much fun this is. You don’t get this eating with the big boys. These guys wouldn’t have been upset if I made out with Snowy on the table.

  A runner informed her Abernathy was ready. Kita hopped off the table, said goodnight, and rushed to the armory tent.

  Abernathy looked proud. On an armor stand hung his newest creation. Kita clapped her hands in delight. It looked better in real life than on paper.

  “Can I try it on?” said Kita.

  “Of course. I need to check if there are any minor adjustments that need to be made.”

  Kita took the pieces and found a quiet place among the crates to change. When she came back, Abernathy had a full-length mirror. Kita turned around and took it in. I love it, and it’s all me.

  The door to the inn banged opened. Kita stood in the doorway. Snowy was in mid-bite of something raw and spat it across the table. Kita, doing her best to be sexy and graceful, crossed the room and flipped onto the table. Every eye was on her. There is a lesson here…beauty can be a weapon.

  “Remember to breathe,” Cowboy whispered to Snowy.

  “Shut up, Gerald,” Snowy hissed after taking a breath.

  Kita stopped in front of Snowy and twirled.

  “What do you think?” Kita couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice.

  Snowy stared and Kita grinned. The armor was black and dark purple replaced the silver accents. The front was cut so low it required a small piece to make sure Kita’s breasts didn’t pop out. Under her chest, a pair of thick belts crossed, one black and one dark purple, exposing her bare midriff.

  The back dipped low to allow full range of motion for her wings. Attached at the shoulders was a large oversized hood. Ribbon crisscrossed her upper arms to a set of upper arm pads. Spike studded bracers covered her arms and hands.

  She wore black low-rise skintight leggings with an oversized black belt hanging from one hip. Thigh pads strapped to her legs contained throwing stars, and tall combat boots with a low heel completed her outfit.

  “I... I…stars…you look…wow…I, uhm…wow.” Snowy gulped.

  Kita bent down and kissed her. “That’s the reaction I hoped for.”

  “You intend to conduct diplomatic meetings and lead a Legion dressed like that?” scoffed Jeffrey.

  “You’re no fun.” Kita stuck out her tongue. All her exposed skin from the neck down turned black and her pants hung looser.

  “What shaping is this?” demanded Jeffrey.

  “Secrets of the Legion, dear brother. What’s even better is I can do this.” Kita vanished.

  “How are you doing that with the armor?” said Cowboy.

  “The armor has an overlay of the environmental cloth. Omega told us how to do it. He also gave instructions on how to do this.”

  The spikes on her bracers glowed red-hot. “These stars are cool. The legionnaires from the Orient gave me a bunch.” Kita pulled a throwing star from her thigh. Flicking her wrist, she threw it across the room, sticking it in the wall.

  “I take it you didn’t like your mother’s armor anymore?” Cowboy teased.

  Kita’s eyes narrowed. “My mother’s armor was hers. This armor is mine.”

  “I’ll say.” Snowy sighed.

  Kita kissed her on the cheek.

  “If you’re done ruining Snowy’s concentration for the night, we need to go over the force status with you. We’ve overshot the timetable for the attack on Leedings. Do you still want to try for it? We have about six thousand troops out protecting the countryside,” said Cowboy.

  “We have to capture it,” said Xeen.

  Kita nodded. “I agree. What the city gives us will be worth it. We need to open a supply route that’s not overland. It will also give the Shadow Guild free roam and they can concentrate on making life in the capital miserable for Cunningham and his cronies. How long a march is it?”

  “Three days. Less if we don’t break this camp down,” said General Forrester.

  Kita walked over to the wall and pulled her star out. “Break it down on a different schedule than the assault force. Leave a small force here so we can use it as a supply point. Let’s leave the day after tomorrow.”

  General Forrester nodded. “I’ll get the orders issued. I’m glad to have you back. It’s hard to make a decision around here without you.”

  Kita laughed. “Is there anything else tonight?”

  Everyone shook their heads.

  “Good.” Kita grabbed Snowy’s arm and pulled her away. “Come on, Snowy. Let’s go fix your concentration problem.”

  The next morning, Kita left to visit the Arconians. Everywhere she went, she attracted a large group. As she toured the camp, she came across a practice session. The Arconians lived up to their reputation as hard fighters. Even serious wounds didn’t stop them.

  “Lady Rose, would you like to duel next?” asked a woman from the Parrot Guild.

  “Sure.” Kita had watched the woman work up the courage to ask her.

  Kita stepped into the ring and agreed to the rules—no flying and no shaping. Sigh, they know how to take the fun out of it.

  The woman wasn’t much of a challenge. Kita didn’t need anything but experienced footwork and a quick set of blades.

  “Thank you, Lady Rose. I have learned much,” the woman said when the duel ended.

  The first duel brought a torrent of challengers. Kita started with the women and worked her way up to the biggest men.

  “Anyone else?” said Kita after defeating the last man.

  The crowd remained silent, then a voice from the far back responded, “Aye.”

  The man pushed his way to the front. Kita had never seen an Arconian wear a cloak and hood before. Who are you, stranger?

  When the man reached the ring, he dropped the cloak. Kita’s eyes lit when she saw Zidin. She jumped on him and gave him a bear hug.

  “Zidin, I’ve missed you so much,” said Kita with glee.

  “And I have missed you.”

  Kita let go and glided to the ground. “Did you get my letter?”

  “Yes. Thank you for telling me. I’ve come back in hopes that I can serve you again.”

  “Of course, you can. Don’t say serve, say help. I don’t own you anymore.”

  The crowd shifted as a squad of Arconians made their way to the ring.

  “Lady Rose,” said the squad leader, “your friend has violated the Traditions of Arcone by seeing you.”

  “It’s ok. He’s a friend of mine and has served me faithfully.”

  “I’m sorry, Lady Rose, even you can’t violate Tradition.”

  “What’s going to happen to him?” Kita demanded.

  “He will be put to death.”

  I need to do something before they kill him right here. “Zidin, I draft you into the Legion of Yorq.”

p; “What?” said Zidin.

  “As the Legion Commander of Yorq, I have the power to draft anyone I wish into the Legion at any time. Like Arconian Tradition, the Legion rules also have a penalty. If he refuses to be drafted, he will be put to death. What do you say, Zidin?”

  “The Legion won’t take me, I’m an Arconian. They’ve said so themselves.”

  Kita pointed to her face. “Uhm, hello? Times change. Plus, since you’re an outcast, you won’t be running home if life becomes hard.”

  Zidin shrugged. “I guess I accept.”

  “Excellent.” Kita held up her hands to the squad leader. “Problem solved. He’s been exiled to the Legion for the rest of his life. I’ll make sure he’s worked hard.”

  “It’s not that simple, Lady Rose. He’s violated Tradition.”

  “Ok, right now, I’m not Lady Rose.” Kita’s roses faded. “Right now, I’m the Commander of The Legion of Yorq. I want him; you can't have him. The Legion’s men are untouchable by anyone except the Legion. I understand your concern, but legionnaires go where I tell them, no matter who they are. If you attack him, it’s an attack on the Legion and attack on me as his Commander. Which I”—Kita turned her roses back on— “as Lady Rose would find insulting. Now, you wouldn’t want to insult me, would you?”

  The befuddled squad leader shook his head.

  “Don’t worry about anything. I will make sure Xeen is aware of this, ok?”

  The confused squad leader nodded.

  “Now, everyone, clear the ring. Zidin and I will show you how it’s done.”

  “And what are the rules?” said Zidin.

  “How about none and first to three cuts wins?”

  “Somehow this must favor you.”

  Kita winked at him. “I’ll go easy. I promise.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  They faced off. A referee gave the signal. Kita tried a quick spin and slash, and Zidin countered by punching her in the gut. Before Kita could stand, Zidin charged and caught her with his shoulder. She rolled and jumped over him, dodging Great White. As she flew over him, she extended Dawn and sliced his shoulder open.


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