Razor's Pass

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Razor's Pass Page 24

by L. Fergus

  “Why not?” Kita asked, giggling.

  “It’s not funny,” Snowy yelled, “because I’m still trying to forget the cities I have burnt to the ground!”

  “See? You do want to yell at me!” Kita screamed. “I’m not going, I want to stay here.” Kita fled upstairs and a door slammed hard enough to rattle the pictures on the wall.

  “Well, you might settle in for a spell. When she gets like this it could be a while before she comes out,” said Barb.

  “Oh no she doesn’t. She's not pulling this crap on me,” Snowy growled and headed upstairs.

  Zidin and Cowboy, along with Glen and Barb, drank and listened to the screaming match upstairs.

  “I think they were made for each other.” Cowboy chuckled after one very loud exchange.

  “Have you known them both a while?” said Barb.

  “I was married to one of them,” Cowboy said with a wink.

  There was thud, followed by a crash, some screaming, and then silence. Snowy appeared downstairs with Kita in her arms, hanging limp.

  “Is she going to be alright?” said Glen.

  Snowy nodded. “She’ll be fine. I only gave her enough volts to knock her out.” She handed Kita to Zidin.

  “Come on, let’s go. I’m tired. I hoped to get to bed early tonight,” Snowy said grumpily.

  Kita woke up disoriented. The big bed had a warm comforter and soft pillows. There was a dent next to her to prove Snowy had slept, but it felt cold. Sitting up, she took stock of the elegant décor. It reminded her of some of the older earls' castles. A vanity sat in the corner along with a large wardrobe. From the floral decorations and the soft colors, the room obviously belonged to a woman.

  She scooted out of bed. When the cool air hit her skin, she realized she was naked. She opened the wardrobe. The clothing's conservative style suggested the owner was old. A door led to the bathroom and a shower, and Kita squeaked in excitement.

  The shower felt wonderful, but her wings made fitting into the stall challenging. She discovered if she put a wing outside the stall, she could make it work. Finding a towel, she dried herself, then she sat at the vanity. Searching through the drawers, she found a metal comb.

  Heat it. You never know who has what parasites.

  Kita did as instructed, then ran the comb through her hair as she decided what to do with it. She tried several ideas, but she wasn’t happy with any of them.

  “Let me, kitten.”

  Kita jumped, but feeling Snowy’s hands running through her hair put her at ease.

  “I’m sorry for being a brat last night,” Kita said in a small voice.

  “It’s ok, but let’s not repeat the lock-oneself-into-a-room bit. It doesn’t solve anything and only makes the situation worse. Same with drinking. General Forrester was ready to forgive and forget, once the smoke cleared. Instead, you came back unconscious and drunk and you were laughed at.”

  Kita sighed and relaxed as a comfortable silence rose between them as Snowy worked on Kita’s hair.

  “When do you think we should tell them?” said Snowy.

  It took Kita a moment to come out of her trance. “I thought after this is over. There’s no hurry. I have you. You have me. Everything else isn’t important.”

  “That’s what I thought. It would be a distraction, otherwise. There, what do you think?” Snowy stepped back and Kita looked in the mirror. Two braids ran low on the side of her head. The tails of each braid had been wound together to hold the rest of the hair into a ponytail.

  “Oh, I love it. Thanks, love.” Kita reached back to give Snowy a hug. In the process, her towel fell off. Snowy seized the opportunity to run her hands up and down Kita’s body. She stopped to fondle Kita’s breasts.

  Kita sighed and let out a happy purr. “We could do that if you want to.”

  Snowy shook her head. “We have a staff meeting. I came to get you.”

  “It won’t start without us.”

  “True, but they will begin to wonder where we are after four hours.”

  Kita huffed and collected her armor.

  “Think of it this way, kitten. You’ll be all the more ready when we do get a chance. It’s a nice bed, I want to do more than sleep in it.”

  Kita did her best to keep the restlessness under control as the meeting dragged into its third hour. Having studied the architecture and the large high windows of the giant cathedral-style room several times, she had moved on to counting the stones in the wall.

  “Why not use the Arconians? They could be good enforcers,” said Jeffrey.

  Kita ignored him to finish counting her line of stones.

  “Kita, pay attention.” Jeffrey slammed his fist on the table.

  Kita swore as she lost her place.

  Forrester shook his head. “We don’t want to look like an invading army.”

  “Use Glen’s men,” said Kita. “They’ve plenty of experience being enforcers. They can show the city constables how it’s supposed to be done.”

  “Are you crazy?” Jeffrey yelled as he jumped to his feet. “We can't let a crime lord run the constable’s office. Why don’t we just give him every valuable in the city?”

  Kita crossed her arms and sat back, glaring. “Why not? He already does more to protect the city than the constables do.”

  “That’s only because he forces people to pay him.”

  “He doesn’t force anyone to pay him. People pay him because it protects them from the petty thieves and the constables.”

  “Now you’re saying the constables are crooked?” Jeffrey demanded.

  “Yes. They’re the worst kind of criminal. They don’t need what they take, they just take because they can. Along the way, they abuse their power and take advantage of those they’re supposed to protect. Glen’s men are a hundred times more trustworthy.”

  “What about the rest of Glen’s activities—smuggling, stealing, fencing, gambling, assassinations?” Jeffrey hissed. “He is the perfect candidate for the fallen angel. You’ve spent too much time with him and are corrupted.”

  Kita jumped to her feet. “Don’t you dare tell me what my business is. Glen cares about the people he protects. He makes sure they have affordable food and are safe. Every copper he makes as Shadow Master goes back to those he cares for. For those who cross him, they are not innocent, they deserve what they get.”

  “What about the innocent they harm to help his innocent?”

  “Those people aren’t innocent. They’re fat merchants and stuck up nobles.”

  “Don’t forget which one you are!”

  “I’ve been trying to forget it for years,” Kita said with a huff.

  “Yet you had no problem coming back to your noble parents. Did life get too tough on the street for you?”

  “Stop it!” Snowy yelled from a few seats down.

  “This doesn’t concern you,” Jeffrey snarled.

  “I’m your sister! It does too,” Snowy snarled back.

  “When did this happen?” Jeffrey yelled, returning his attention to Kita.

  “Couple of nights ago,” Kita said, looking down.

  “Were you going to tell anyone?”

  “We were going to wait until this was over.”

  “Were you going to give me any time to prepare?”

  “Prepare for what?” Kita said, exasperated.

  “I’m the King for sun's sake. I need time to get the politics in order. I already have a hard enough time explaining you to the conservatives. I keep them at bay telling them you’ll be unseen most of the time. Adding her will compound things.”

  “Compound what things?” Snowy demanded.

  “Look at you—look at her. You’re not normal. If we were still a lower noble family, no one would care. But we’re not. You should have kept your relationship quiet for a while until I was established and could make sure the political connections are there.”

  “No! Don’t do this!” Kita shrieked as tears streamed down her face. “You sound even worse t
han Father. It’s my life, not yours!” Kita put her head on her arms.

  Snowy moved to Kita while glaring at Jeffrey.

  Violently Kita shoved her chair back from the table. “Dammit all to the blazing suns.” She glided up to an open window and climbed outside. She flew to the highest outlook on the keep. Dismissing the guard with a silent motion, she dangled her feet off the edge of the wall. Razor’s forest was visible to the west. How much simpler was it when it was just Snowy and I out in the woods?

  The thought restarted her tears. She pulled her legs up, wrapped her arms around them, and cried for herself.

  Zidin knelt next to Kita. “How are you doing, fallen angel?”

  Kita hugged him. “I’ve missed you,” she said, smiling with tears running down her cheeks.

  “I missed you too. I understand congratulations are in order?”

  “I guess. No one was supposed to know. I wanted to keep it special for afterward. I guess that’s ruined.” Kita sighed.

  “Are you mad at Snowy for ruining it?”

  “Why would I be mad at Snowy? I’m mad at that jackanapes brother of mine. Make that ex-brother. You’re all the brother I need.”

  “Don’t spear Jeffrey from the school just yet. You might need him someday.”

  “For what?”

  “I’m sure he could get you good seats to the tourneys,” Zidin said with a grin.

  Kita laughed.

  “I think there is someone else who wishes to talk to you.” Zidin stepped aside to reveal a nervous-looking Snowy.

  “Snowy, what’s wrong?” Kita jumped off her perch and took the weeping girl in her arms.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I just couldn’t let him do that to you. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Just don’t get mad and leave me.”

  Kita held Snowy at arm’s length. “Why would I leave you? I’m not mad at you. I should be thanking you. You’re the most important thing I have and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I love you, and I’m never going to let you go.”

  “Promise?” Snowy asked between tears. Kita nodded and kissed her. Kita closed her wings around them as she soothed Snowy.

  Voices caused Kita to open her wings. Cowboy, Sarge, Zidin, and Xeen waited.

  “Why is everyone here?” Kita said as she held Snowy.

  “We came to offer our support. None of us think it was right for your brother to say what he did,” said Cowboy.

  “There is no reason to hide who you are,” said Xeen. “The entire Arconian Nation is proud of you and is excited to welcome an outstanding warrior like Snowy. We will have to get you both fitted for kilts.” He clapped his hands together in a big smile.

  Both girls laughed.

  “Doesn’t plaid clash with spots?” said Snowy.

  “Maybe they can get you a kilt in black and gray. It won’t clash as much,” said Kita.

  “Too bad I can’t be like you and just hide them.”

  “Hide these?” Kita said, rubbing her hands down Snowy’s sides. “Don’t say such a thing. You’re beautiful and you’ll look amazing in a kilt. If Xeen can pull it off, anyone can.”

  “I hope I’m not intruding on anything?” said Forrester.

  “Of course not, Forrester. You,” Snowy paused when she saw the rest of the general staff with him, “and everyone else, are welcome.”

  “Thank you, Commander. I just wish to say that the rest of the staff and I would like to express our support.”

  “Thank you,” said Snowy. “It means a lot to us. We are grateful to have the support and understanding of everyone.”

  A lieutenant came through the door with a large box and presented it to Forrester. He motioned for the lieutenant to put it on the ledge. After the lieutenant left, Forrester poked through the box. “This was the best he could find in this gravel pit?” he muttered. Some of the other generals crowded around him.

  Snowy and Kita traded glances.

  Forrester appeared from the crowd and handed the girls glasses of wine. “You will be the first Legion wedding in history as far as I know. Cowboy, you would be the authority on that.”

  “The closest I can think of is Commander Isa when he married his twelve-year-old bride—”

  Twelve-years-old! That poor girl. How can the Legion let that happen? It won’t happen under my command.

  “— and later made her his junior. Most commanders are married to the Legion,” said Cowboy with a chuckle.

  “Aren’t we all?” said Forrester. “Now, I know you said you were going to wait, but we on the staff thought the occasion should be saluted. When we met, I had my doubts, but I’m happy to say Commander Kita has proved me wrong. Through your words and deeds, you have earned our respect and loyalty. We couldn’t have a finer commander. Here’s to you both. May you find happiness in each other and lead us to ultimate victory!”

  Kita raised her glass, drank, and kissed Snowy.

  Loyalty is the currency of the leader. To spend it, you must earn it. I read that somewhere. What did I do to earn such loyalty? All I did was be myself.

  Thanks to the following Patrons!

  Adam Dunsmuir

  Jeremy Walker

  K.V. Wilson


  L. Fergus is an Amazon Bestselling author with Birthright and Rebirth. Both titles were #1 new releases in LGBT Science Fiction. Before Amazon, L. was a Wattpad Featured Author and #1 writer of science fiction. The Fallen Angel Saga has more than four hundred thousand reads. The books Birthright, BykeChic, and Rebirth have won over twenty awards, including Best Overall.

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  Like L. Fergus' main character Kita, L. fosters children to give them a supportive place to grow and thrive. L. lives with four dogs: Rust, Moxy, Stormy, and Valor, and five cats: Nova, Jupiter, Crater, Pluto, and Forest Fire.

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  If you want the most up to date stories consider becoming a patreon at www.patreon.com/FallenAngelKita

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  “Kita, this isn’t fair!” Snowy yelled.

  Kita landed, flourished her swords, and sheathed them. She looked at Zidin sitting on a rock, sharpening his sword. “Did I cheat, Zidin?”

  “You did a double layout with a twist followed by a triple corkscrew backflip, slashed her, and you kicked dirt in her eyes. You tell me.”

  Kita shrugged. “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying. What’s the matter? You’ll heal in an hour.”

  Snowy huffed. “Why do I have to learn to fight?”

  Kita raised an eyebrow. “What else are you going to do with those claws, learn to cook?”

  “I’m a hunter. I know how to use my claws.”

  “There’s a big difference between the horns of a goat and the blades of Cunningham’s men. You’ve got to be able to protect yourself. I won’t always be around.”

  “And this is your way of teaching me?”

  “Ah, yeah. I took plenty of lumps and cuts when I trained to be an assassin. Sergeant Major Petersen left me bruised all the time.”

  Snowy’s hackles rose. “I’m your partner, not some new Legion recruit to be hazed and treated like dirt.”

  Kita sighed heavily. She was tired of Snowy’s resistance. Ever since capturing Leedings several weeks ago, she had been trying to turn Sn
owy’s hunting instincts into a fighter’s. She couldn’t have a junior commander who couldn’t fight. Out of ideas, it was time to lean on her imposed advisors. I might as well get some use out of them.

  “Zidin, you’ve trained people. Have you ever had anyone resist like Snowy?”

  “I’ve dealt with all types, but none that didn't want to learn. She can use her claws, but her footwork is awful.”

  “I’ve been trying to get her to move them.”

  “Maybe you should ask her to dance,” Zidin said with a wry smile.

  Cowboy chuckled.

  “Something I should know?” said Kita.

  “I’m not going to pass on notes to my successor.”

  Kita got the hint. “You can’t dance?” she yelled at Snowy.

  Snowy snarled, baring her fangs. “Goddammit, Gerald. Shut up!”

  Cowboy held up his hands. “I didn’t say a word. The young Commander inferred it on her own.”

  “But, you’re a cat!” said Kita.

  “To be fair, she did not look like that during the spectacle at the Cattlemen’s Ball,” Cowboy said, his eyes twinkling.

  Snowy aimed her claws at Cowboy. “Not another word.”

  “Enough,” Kita ordered. “I don’t care if you can or can’t. We’re going to try something new.”

  Snowy raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m going to teach you gymnastics. Can you do a cartwheel?”

  “A what?”

  Kita demonstrated. This would be good for her, too. Her wings had changed her center of gravity and she was still adjusting.

  Snowy attempted and fell on her side.

  “We’ll work on it,” said Kita. At least she tried without complaining.

  The pair worked on several simple tumbling maneuvers. As the sun came up, a lieutenant arrived and whispered in Cowboy’s ear. He whistled at the pair.

  With Snowy following, Kita came over. “What is it, Lieutenant?”

  “Commander, General Forrester reports a disturbance in the city.”


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