Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys

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Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys Page 13

by D'Ann Lindun

  He sat her on the middle stair, kneeling on the next one down, his hands on her thighs. His gaze rested on her diamond bellybutton stud before dropping to take in her wax job. She’d left only a narrow strip of pale blonde curls between her thighs. “Nice.”

  Before she could reply, he rose and claimed her lips with his own. He nibbled on her bottom lip with little nips that had her trembling. She circled his neck with her arms to draw him closer. It didn’t take much encouragement until he ravaged her mouth with his tongue.

  Her back pressed into the concrete wall of the pool, her thighs against the steps. She wiggled to the edge of the stairs, Gentry’s hips between her legs. His erection molded along her stomach.

  Freeing her mouth, she said, “This isn’t very comfortable.”

  He drew back. “I can fix that.”

  He stood, pulled her to her feet and led her to the small rock cabana near the edge of the lawn. Inside, he laid her on the bench seat, stretching out on top of her. With both hands, he cupped her face and captured her lips with his own.

  This time he didn’t nibble or nip but instead dove into her mouth with his tongue. He tasted like honey, powdered sugar and hot desire. Her yearning rose as quickly as a hot wind.

  Lifting himself off her, he tasted her jaw, neck and chest. Her breasts ached for his attention. He did not disappoint, latching onto a nipple with his mouth, scraping his teeth across it.

  “Gentry.” She wrapped her fingers in his short hair and held him close as he teased and tormented.

  After he lifted his head, he continued to lift and shape her breasts with one hand. The other one slid between them, toward her bellybutton. He lingered there, circling the jewel with his forefinger.

  Alannah smothered a giggle. “That tickles.”

  He chuckled, too. “Are you ticklish everywhere?”

  Without waiting for an answer, he slipped his work-roughened fingers past her bellybutton, over her ribs. Again, she giggled and flinched away.

  “You are ticklish,” he said gruffly.

  “I am.” She smothered her laughter against his chest. His curly dark hair against her nose made her giggle more.

  He inched lower toward her hip. “What about here?”

  She sobered. “Not so much.”

  His fingers tiptoed toward the vee between her legs. “There?”

  “No.” Her voice was strangled.

  “Good.” He angled his hand over her mound. “It would be a shame if I couldn’t touch you here.”

  “Uh-huh,” she managed.

  A finger slid inside her. “How’s that?”

  “Good,” she managed to gasp.

  “Not ticklish?” He wiggled it a little.

  “No,” she gasped, lifting her hips. Her fists curled around the cushion on the bench as he added another finger. With his thumb, he circled her clit until she bucked against his hand. All thoughts of laughter fled as desperate need took control of her body.

  Before could she could peak and crash over the edge, he withdrew his hand. “I want to be inside you when you come.”

  A shudder of disappointment ripped through her. She needed him inside her now, or she might lose her mind. She reached for his cock with both hands, stroking until he grew impossibly hard.

  Taking the initiative again, she guided him to her pussy. Expecting him to enter her, she moaned in disappointment when he held back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need a condom,” he muttered. “And there’s none out here.”

  “Crud.” She bit her bottom lip as disappointment flooded her.

  He pushed off her. “I’ll go get one.”


  With a light kiss, he rose and wrapped a towel around his waist. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  After he left, she caught her breath. What was she doing? She’d never slept with a man she barely knew. There was something special about this man, something that set him apart. It would be hard to forget him when she left.

  And she would leave.

  Nothing could make her stay, not even the sexiest cowboy she’d ever met.

  Before her thoughts drifted any further, Gentry returned carrying a box of neon condoms. “Got ’em.”

  She laughed. “A whole box?”

  “Didn’t want to parade across the yard with my pecker on display more than once.” He opened the box and removed one of the condoms. When he moved to unwrap it, she held out her hand.

  “Let me.”

  With a sexy smile, he handed it to her. “Please.”

  She motioned him forward. “Come here.”

  He dropped the towel and stepped in front of her. With quick efficiency, she rolled the electric-blue condom over his cock. Even covered in neon rubber, he was something. Gently, she squeezed his balls. His sharp intake of air let her know he liked it.

  Her body dampened, wept.

  She reached for his wrist and pulled him over her. Her nipples, stiff and aching, rubbed against the coarse hair on his chest. His thighs nestled between hers, and the head of his penis pressed against her.

  With one fast shove, he filled her pussy.

  She gasped at the intrusion.

  With a fluid motion, he withdrew. Pushed in again.

  Her nails dug into his back. Her knees tightened around his slim hips.

  They caught a rhythm and held it, almost as if they’d been lovers for years, not minutes. An involuntary moan came from Alannah’s throat as the tempo increased. Tremors low in her stomach began to ebb and flow, each thrust taking her a little higher. The intensity increased and peaked. Exploded.

  A cry ripped from Alannah as she raked her nails across Gentry’s muscled back.

  He too grew close to his limit and thrust into her with extra force until she was nearly lifted off the bench. She wrapped her fingers around his biceps and held on as he rocked her.

  Gentry grunted and, with final effort, came with a shudder that shook his entire body. His head dropped, his breathing harsh. “Damn.”

  Laughter gurgled out of Alannah. “Yeah.”


  What the hell had he done?

  He knew better.

  Gentry punched his pillow and crammed it under his head. He couldn’t get comfortable. He and Alannah had fucked three times, and he should be sleeping like a baby. Instead, his mind wouldn’t slow down enough to allow him to rest.

  He’d been alone too long. The only excuse he could come up with to explain how he’d allowed himself to screw not only a woman he barely knew but one who had no plans to stick around. He’d never been a love ’em and ride off into the sunset kind of man—exactly the kind of woman Alannah claimed to be.

  Sleeping with her had been a release, but more than that, too. Something about her intrigued him like no other woman ever had. He hadn’t been able to get enough of her body, rising time and again until utter inability finally stopped him.

  He’d escorted Alannah to her bedroom door, kissed and bid her a goodnight. When he really wanted to carry her to his bed—something he never did—shut the door and stay there for a week straight. He shook his head. Not happening. He’d let her take a few pictures, send her down the trail and forget her.

  He glanced at his bedroom door. Was Alannah lying in her room having similar thoughts? Already planning her next conquest? Or was she sleeping soundly? He rolled to his side and twisted the damn pillow under his head again. If he didn’t get some rest tonight, he wouldn’t be worth a plug nickel in the morning.


  Hell, it was nearly dawn now. He might as well get up and start his day.

  If he hadn’t promised Alannah she could ride along with him, he’d leave this minute. Catch a catnap under a bald cypress or pecan tree around noon. Maybe Alannah would like to take that nap with him. Not a good idea. They probably wouldn’t catch any Zs if they lay down together.

  The thought made his cock twitch.

  Before he let his imagination put him in an uncomfo
rtable situation, he turned his thoughts in a different direction—cows, calves. The bull he had to round up again. The young horse he was working with.

  Anything but the blonde across the hall.


  When the alarm went off, Alannah automatically reached over to hit the Off switch. Just as she drifted back to sleep, her eyes popped open. She’d invited herself along on the ride with Gentry today.

  Oh my God.

  What had she been thinking? She’d asked before making love half the night. She was sore. Riding would be difficult.

  No backing down, though. She’d thrown a gauntlet. She couldn’t let Gentry see any weakness. After yesterday, he probably thought her a total bubble-headed blonde. Someone he wouldn’t want for more than sex.

  What difference did it make?

  She would be leaving in a few days.

  No matter that she’d had the best sex of her life with the stoic cowboy. He’d done things to her body that had her clawing the ceiling. She wanted him again. Now. If she were wearing panties, they’d be damp.

  Making love again wasn’t a good idea. She couldn’t get attached to him. Or anyone who wanted to tie her down.

  With a sigh, she tossed the comforter aside, stumbled out of bed and into the shower. After ten minutes of standing under warm water, she felt better. Almost human. A quick scrub with her mango-scented body wash rejuvenated her a little more.

  She toweled off and chose a forest-green tank top that made her skin glow with a golden hue, jeans and her red boots. After pulling her hair back in a tight ponytail, she applied makeup with a light hand and stuffed a berry-flavored ChapStick in her pocket. Last, she grabbed her straw hat and took a deep breath.

  Time to face the country music.

  She headed for the kitchen, the enticing scents of coffee and bacon urging her forward. Rounding the corner, she spotted Gentry sitting at the table, reading a newspaper.

  “Hi.” God, she sounded like a porn star using her husky, come-hither voice.

  He looked up, and something hot flashed in his eyes before he masked it. “Morning.”

  She wet her suddenly dry lips. “Morning.”

  “Coffee’s on.” He stood and moved to the cupboard. The sight of his ass in tight Wranglers made her quiver. “Would you like some?”


  He poured a cup, handed it to her and indicated a cream and sugar set on the table. “Help yourself.”

  “Thanks.” To Alannah’s irritation, her hand shook as she added cream to her coffee. What was wrong with her? They’d had a good time together, nothing to get all worked up about.

  “You hungry?”


  Were they talking about food here? Or the way her body ached for his after only a few short hours? Lupita’s appearance cut short any more of those thoughts.

  “Good morning, senorita. I’m making huevos rancheros.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Can I help?” She wanted to escape the heat in Gentry’s eyes. Last night had been great, but she wouldn’t repeat it.

  Lupita shook her hands like she was shooing a chicken. “No. Sit, sit.”

  Alannah took the seat across from Gentry and sipped her coffee. “Are you surprised to see me up this early?”


  She waited.

  “I figure you’re anxious to get your pictures taken so you can leave soon.”

  “Right,” she answered coolly.

  Lupita set a steaming plate of food in front of her, cutting off anything else Alannah would have said. As she tasted the spicy eggs and tortillas, her mind raced. What was there to say? They’d spent a night together, nothing more. She should be relieved. Not hurt.

  Gentry looked up from his own plate, toward her breasts. “You can’t wear that shirt.”

  She glanced down at her tank top. “Why not?”

  “Sun, bugs and a lot of prickly plants will tear you up.” He shrugged. “You have a long-sleeved shirt? And a decent hat? One that doesn’t look like something a clown would wear?” He sounded cold as a New York winter.

  “But it’s so hot—”

  “Ever seen someone from the Middle-East? Covered from head to toe? That same philosophy works out here. Covered up keeps you cooler.”

  “Okay.” She chewed her food without tasting it. The nasty Gentry had come back, the one she’d first met and the one she didn’t much like. Maybe he regretted last night. Well, that made two of them.

  Lupita warmed their coffee. “I made lunch, patrone.”

  “Gracias,” he said. “Lots of water?”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “How long will we be out?” Alannah lifted her fork and set it back down.

  Gentry frowned. “You have a date?”

  Would he be jealous if she did? “No. Just curious.”

  His stiff shoulders relaxed a little. “A few hours. As long as it takes.”

  “Okay.” She shoved her half-eaten food away.

  Lupita moved from the stove with a frown. “No bueno?”

  “Wonderful,” Alannah assured her. “I’m just stuffed.”

  The housekeeper’s frown turned to a beaming smile. “You’re too skinny. You could use some meat on your bones.” She held her hands in front of her own ample breasts. “Especially here.” She patted her wide hips. “And here.”

  Alannah choked on her coffee.

  “Time to ride,” Gentry said abruptly. “Meet me by the barn in five.” He stood, placed his Stetson on his head and stalked from the room.

  “He’s a little grumpy today,” Lupita said as he disappeared through the doorway. “Must not have slept well.”

  “I guess not.” Alannah sighed. “I better get that shirt and a decent hat.”

  In her bedroom, she rummaged through her luggage until she found a long-sleeved, pastel western shirt with pearl snaps. After slipping it over her tank top, she left it unbuttoned. From the closet, she withdrew a hatbox. Inside lay a white Stetson. Carefully removing it from the tissue paper, she ran her fingers around the brim. The hat, a gift from an admirer of her work, had never been worn.

  She placed it on her head. “Hope this is good enough for you, Mr. Gentry.”

  After grabbing her camera, she hurried toward the barn.

  The headlights of two pickups glowed in the dim predawn light. Gentry stood by the first one, talking to his ranch hands. When Alannah approached, they all faced her.


  The handsome cowboy who had brought water yesterday touched the brim of his hat. “Miss.”

  She lifted her camera and aimed it at him as he smiled broadly. Handsome, almost pretty, but not anyone she would be attracted to. The other one, Raul, ducked behind the open pickup door when she turned the camera his direction. Shy, then? She’d like to catch him on film. His face, while not classically handsome, had interesting planes that would be fun to photograph.

  Neither of the men held a candle to Gentry’s good looks, though.

  Gentry motioned toward his truck. “If you’re ready?”

  With a quick smile at the other men, Alannah climbed into the big, black Dodge. Gentry jumped in on the other side and put the truck in gear.

  They drove in silence for a few minutes. Finally, Alannah spoke. “Where are we going?”

  He motioned toward the red cliffs alongside the road. “Up there.”

  “You do know I’m not the most experienced horsewoman, right?” Was he going to get her killed? This wasn’t going to be a canter in Central Park.

  “You’ll be fine.” He glanced at her with an indefinable expression. “I’ll take care of you.”

  Her stomach clenched with remembered desire. He’d taken excellent care of her last night. Don’t go there, Alannah.

  He broke into her thoughts. “Nice hat.”

  She automatically touched it. “Thanks.”

  “Where’d you get it?” His voice deepened, like he was angry with her.

om a friend. It was a thank-you for a shoot we did together.” Why was she explaining? Her past love life, or lack thereof, was none of his business.

  “It’s going to get dirty,” he warned.

  “I don’t care.” She edged sideways in the seat so she could watch his profile. “It’s just a piece of clothing.”

  “Have you worn it before?”

  “No. Never.” What was up with all the questions? She felt like a witness in a murder trial.

  “I didn’t think so.” His tone was as dry as the Arizona hills.

  She glanced out the side window at the sunrays just starting to peek over the top of the ridge. Gorgeous. But not her kind of place, at least, not for long. Turning back his way, she said, “I’m not a cowgirl, Gentry.”

  He snorted. “I caught that right off.”

  “If you despise me so much, what was last night?” she challenged him.

  “Real good sex,” he replied bluntly.

  Lifting her chin, she said, “Thanks for the screw, cowboy.”

  “No need to be crude,” he said. “But I would like to know how many other guys you’ve fed that line.”

  She gaped at him. “You’re asking me how many men I’ve slept with?”

  “No.” A muscle worked in his jaw. “Just how many you’ve jumped in bed with at first glance. You were eyeing Sergio pretty good back at the ranch. Is he your next ride?”

  “How dare you?” Fury filled her. Before she could stop herself, she slapped his cheek so hard his hat flew off and hit the side window. He jerked the wheel and the truck swerved. He righted it with a quick flick of his wrist. A bright red handprint stood out on his darkly tanned face, evidence of how hard she’d struck him.

  He replaced his hat and rubbed his jaw. “Guess I deserved that.” He pulled to the side of the road and turned off the engine.

  “You did. And a few more for good measure.” Her pulse exploded as he undid his seatbelt, slid across the seat and unbuckled her, too. Then he took off her hat and placed it on the dashboard next to his. “What are you doing?”

  He answered with a mind-numbing kiss that melted her anger.


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