From the Depths

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From the Depths Page 7

by S. J. Sanders

  It wasn’t like they were doing anything top secret. Her team was studying deep sea animals in the Gulf of Mexico in the hopes that they would be able to find a way to make ocean dwellings a possibility in the future, the near future with any luck. The war with the Grutex was getting out of hand, and many people feared what would happen if the alien invaders won. Hiding out in the vast oceans might be the only way to escape enslavement.

  Amanda perked up at the sound of a door opening and smiled wryly at the pitchy rendition of a rock ballad echoing through the hall as Jim made his way out of the building. Finally. ​ Her joints ached as she quietly stood, opening the creaky door poking her head into the empty hallway. ​Coast seems clear. ​ She slung her bag across her back and quickly made her way back to the room to grab her gear. Jim had only left a small floor lamp on, and it cast a meager light around the open space. She was thankful they hadn’t gotten around to installing security cameras in the new facility just yet. It wouldn’t do for her to be caught skulking around when no one else was there.

  She grabbed the equipment she had shelved after her talk with Jim, double checking that she had everything she would need for her solo excursion, and groaned under the weight as she swung her load up onto her shoulder. The loud thud of something slamming into the door startled her, causing her to drop her gear and stumble back into one of the dark corners of the room to hide, her equipment forgotten on the floor of the lab. Her eyes were wide with fear, and her pulse pounded loudly in her ears. Adrenaline flooded her system, forcing its way through her and trying to escape. When it came to fight or flight she was firmly in camp flight, but there was nowhere to run. She was caught, fear rooting her to the spot. The door on the other side of the room burst open with such force that it bounced loudly off the wall behind it and splintered.

  The hulking figure that stood in the doorway was the stuff of nightmares. ​It looks as if someone took a xenomorph and bred it with a dragon fruit. ​ Only this male had six glowing red eyes set into the elongated slope of his head, framed by numerous blunt-tipped protrusions. His skin was a deep mauve, vine like tendrils of varying sizes curling around his neck. The holes for his nose sat high up between his first four eyes. ​Grutex. ​ They looked even scarier in person. The Grutex male tossed his head back as he sucked in a deep breath, almost like he knew she was there.​ Don’t look here, Leafy. ​ As if hearing her thoughts his head swung to where she had taken refuge. Heavy footfalls vibrated the floor, the thundering sound surrounding her body. ​I need to leave! Get up! Get up!

  “Female, drop the bomb and put your hands up.” he growled, staring down at her menacingly.

  Huh? Bomb? ​ Amanda looked down at her hand and noticed she still had her bag clutched in a death grip. She wanted to tell him that it wasn’t a bomb, but she couldn’t find her voice.

  “I don’t like repeating myself, human.” The Grutex reached for her.

  Amanda’s throat filled with bile as the large male fisted her blouse in his clawed grasp and lifted her off of her feet. The fabric ripped beneath his hold, no longer hiding her body from his view. All of his eyes seemed to narrow on the flesh that he exposed, a rumble of appreciation vibrating his torso.

  “It’s JUST my bag!” she forced out around the lump of fear that had lodged in her throat.

  Amanda struggled against him, kicking and clutching at his forearms as he pulled her closer. The sudden shifting of the plating that covered his groin made her body seize with alarm. She stared down in bewildered horror as a thick, black appendage sprang free and grazed along her jean-covered hip. It was hooked, the tip pointing back toward his pelvis where a smaller protrusion wiggled stiffly in a circular motion. ​Is that a bee penis?! Thank you, National Geographic, for that information. ​ The alien crushed her against him and buried his face between her breasts, all of the hard ridges and sharp points scraping against her soft skin. She was so startled by the warm, wet stroke of his tongue that she didn’t notice when he pried the strap of her bag from her hand.

  “I will take pleasure in breeding you, female, in hearing your screams for me to stop as I fill you with my seed.”

  Amanda reared back in disgust and felt his sharp teeth scrape over the flesh of her chest.

  “Let. Me. GO!” She screamed as she swung one leg forward, connecting with his endophallus.

  The Grutex male grunted, dropping both her and the bag to the ground as he curled into himself. Amanda ran, not even feeling bad about the pained whimpers that seemed to echo around her. Without hesitation she dashed through the empty frame, not sparing a glance at the crooked door that lay against the wall. Every step was another one closer to freedom, and she knew that her kick wouldn’t hold the extraterrestrial there forever.

  Labored breaths followed her down the halls, tipping Amanda off to the ever decreasing space between them. She made it out the front door and began to run toward the only place she felt safe, the ocean. ​If I can just get to a boat! ​ The moonless night didn’t aid her escape. Her feet slid on the loose gravel, refusing to find purchase. She managed to scramble on to the boardwalk just as the Grutex male slammed into her back, pinning her to the weathered planks.

  “You’re mine.” The feeling of the male grasping her hair and sliding a hand suggestively up her thigh sent icy rage through her body.

  “No!” Amanda screamed her refusal.

  Please don’t let this happen, ​ she pleaded desperately to the Universe just before hot liquid sprayed across the back of her neck. She gasped in surprise as the heavy male was suddenly torn from her body. A sharp crack penetrated her shocked mind, and she rolled quickly to the side. Struggling to her knees, she prepared to continue her escape but hesitated when she caught sight of the scene unfolding behind her.

  She had expected to find two Grutex locked in battle. It was something she had seen on television too many times to count. The large males would challenge one another for the rights to a human female before abducting her. Instead, Amanda watched with wide eyes as the Grutex reeled backward from the force of the blow that the tall, lean male landed to his midsection. Her stomach heaved at the sickening crunch the exoskeleton made when it shattered, and she quickly

  turned away, squeezing her eyes shut and slamming her palms over her ears. ​This is not real. I’m dreaming. I obviously fell asleep in the closet waiting for Jim to leave. ​ The muffled sounds of fighting stopped just as suddenly as they had started. Amanda hesitantly opened one eye and steeled herself for what she would find as she slowly turned her head.

  A bright, golden glow filled her vision. It radiated from the exposed body of the stranger who was crouched over the broken, twitching form of the Grutex, its blood soaking the boards beneath it. She watched as the lights raced angrily over the new male’s face in the same way she had observed in comb jellies. They followed the path of small barnacle-like growths that started over his large yellow eyes and swept across his brow, disappearing behind long, pointed ears. His chest rose and fell quickly with each labored breath, the slits in his face where a nose should have been flaring as he looked her over. “Are you injured, female?” He swayed on unsteady legs, stumbling forward before collapsing.

  Amanda jumped to catch him before his face could hit the boardwalk. She carefully pillowed his head against her upper thighs and brushed back the ends of the black dreads that had fallen across his face. The harsh black suit he wore was torn, blue liquid seeping from what seemed to be a hidden wound on his side. His limp arms were tipped with long, bloodsoaked claws. His skin transitioned to a deep grey as the lights faded away, and gills on either side of his neck flared slowly as his body relaxed into unconsciousness. She wasn’t sure who he was or even WHAT he was, but he had risked his life to save her. Leaving him here to possibly die wasn’t any way to pay him back. She needed to get him somewhere safe so that she could clean him up. “Looks like you’re coming home with me, big guy.” First she would retrieve her bag from the floor in the gear room, then she would figur
e out how to get her unconscious savior to her car.

  Chapter Three


  Oshen shot up, water sloshing around the basin he was curled up in, his heart hammering against the inside of his chest. His gills felt like they were on fire, and an ungodly taste was overwhelming his senses. ​The Grutex! ​ Blinking, he took in his unfamiliar surroundings. He was partially submerged in a basin that was far too small for his bulk, causing water to spill over the lip and onto the floor. ​Where am I? ​ The room was cast in shadow, the only source of light coming from the gap beneath the door

  “Female?” he called softly, pushing the blankets aside.

  His ears twitched as hurried words filtered in from somewhere outside the room. “Jun, I need you to come now! Bring your med kit.” There was a short pause, and she huffed softly. “It’s not for me, I’m fine, I promise. I have someone here I need you to help. He’s been hurt, and I can’t take him to a hospital.” Oshen tilted his head to hear her conversation better. There was no reply, so he assumed she was using some sort of comm unit. “It’s complicated. He’s not exactly human.” The female hissed in annoyance, “It’s not a Grutex! I don’t actually know what he is, but he saved me, and now I need your help to save him. Please. I can’t do this alone. I’m a marine biologist, not a nurse, damnit!”

  Oshen moved as slowly as possible to keep from displacing the foul tasting water and noticed that his uniform shirt had been removed. There was instead a long, white bandage wrapped carefully around his torso. He placed a gentle hand on his wound and grinned as the female continued her conversation. “You know I wouldn’t have woken you up unless it was an emergency.” His foot knocked into a box sitting on the floor beside the basin, making him arch a brow ridge. What ​is ​ this? “He looks aquatic, Jun. I wasn’t sure what he needed.” Her voice sounded stressed. “I put him in the tub with some salt and turned off all the lights. What if he’s sensitive to light?” He crept across the floor to the door, gently turning the knob and easing it open. Water pooled under his feet, leaving behind large puddles.

  The female stood with her back toward him, her attention focused on her task as she clutched an outdated handheld comm between her ear and shoulder. She bounced anxiously from foot to foot, her disheveled hair tied back in a careless knot at the base of her neck. The bright light overhead clearly outlined her form, her hip cocked against a table that had many chairs. He assumed this was where she ate her meals. Oshen padded slowly toward her, curious to see what she was doing. She nearly jumped out of her skin as the wood beneath his feet creaked loudly, spinning around to face him. This close up, he could see that the female was even smaller than he had originally thought, the top of her head barely reaching his chest. Her hands had been carefully working a needle through his torn uniform. Wide, startled eyes the same blue as the okeanós ​ on his homeworld stared back at him from a softly rounded face.

  “He’s awake,” she breathed.

  Oshen took a step forward, and the comm fell from her shoulder as she stumbled away from him. A shrill voice howled from the device at their feet. “Amanda! Amanda, are you okay? I’m coming for you! That thing better not lay a hand on you!”

  Oshen and the female both looked down at the comm, neither knowing what to say as her friend continued to rant. A frown marred his face as he took another small step forward. She had told another human about him. He wasn’t supposed to be on this planet, and he most definitely should not be interacting with the inhabitants. He raised his foot slowly from the ground before slamming it back down on the fragile device, immediately cutting off the angry words as its screen shattered. ​Threat eliminated.

  “What the ​fuck!” she screeched, jumping away from him

  “Using an unencrypted comm device is not advisable. You don’t know who could be listening.” He grinned down at the angry female. “No need to thank me.” ​Amanda. He liked the way her name felt on his tongue.

  “Since when have you ever worried about what is advisable?” his A.I. butted in from his wrist comm.

  Oshen ignored the device. A moment ago Amanda had looked as fiery as a ​tigeara ​ , anger flashing in her eyes and practically spitting flames. He had actually found it surprisingly endearing. His A.I., on the other hand, could find itself deleted if she didn’t mind her own programing.

  Amanda’s eyes darted around the room in confusion, “Who was that?”

  “It’s the artificial intelligence program connected to my internal comm unit.” He gestured to his wrist where the device was still secured. The slight movement caused the bandage to tug at his wound. Amanda’s face scrunched in concern, and she sprang forward, patting at his side where a small amount of his lifeblood had seeped through the thin bandages.

  “Look, you’ve opened it back up! It took me so long to get it to stop bleeding.” She tsked softly as she fussed over him.

  Running his hand over the wound curiously, Oshen assessed the damage before a tiny hand reached out and slapped him away.

  “Stop it! Your hands are dirty! Go! Go lie down while I get some towels,” irritation coated her voice.

  He couldn’t help the incredulous chuckle that fell from his lips. “This is nothing, Amanda.” Her eyes narrowed with suspicion as they fell on his face, “how do you know my name?”

  “The snarly female used it when she addressed you.” Oshen informed her as he sat down on the couch just inside the doorway of the connecting room, trying to put her at ease. She dashed down the hallway in search of towels, slipping on the puddles of water he had left behind as his eyes took in the space. He wasn’t sure if this was considered upscale for humans. Silver metals filled the room, the white walls seeming almost too bright for this time of night. He looked down at the beige couch he sat on and frowned when he saw that his blue lifeblood was beginning to stain the fabric.

  “Did you really have to trail water all the way out here?” Amanda appeared at his side, “are you similar to a horseshoe crab? Is it hemocyanin in your blood that causes it to be blue? I couldn’t help but notice that you were aquatic. Do you have piezolytes to stop the molecules in your body from crushing you when you go into deeper water like a hadal snailfish? Do-”

  “Female!” he interrupted, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “I do not know what any of these ​horse crabs ​ and ​snails ​ are. They do not exist on my homeworld.”

  “I’m sorry.” Amanda blushed, “I have a habit of getting carried away. My parents used to say it was my nervous trait.” Oshen watched as she spread her towels out, taking advantage of the quiet to get a good look at her. She looked softer and more vulnerable than his kind. She had no noticeable natural defenses.

  A rumbling growl interrupted his assessment, his head jerking towards the doorway the female had come through. ​What in the gods names is a tigeara doing here? ​ These were incredibly dangerous creatures with mouths that could open up and swallow a Venium’s arm whole if you gave them half a chance. They were one of the things his people feared when traveling to the mainland with pups since they were known to eat them whole.

  “I don’t wish to alarm you, Amanda, but there is a ​tigeara ​ in your home. We need to get you to safety now.”

  The beast stepped closer to Amanda, making his heart drop with worry. He had just rescued her from the Grutex, and now he was facing down one of the most dangerous beasts from his homeworld. Was death really so keen to have her? Surely not. His body rose into a crouch on the cushion, ready to pounce the moment the predator made a move. The ​tigeara ​ ’s black-striped, silver fur puffed out, yellow eyes flashing in warning, and it yowled threateningly. He didn’t waste any time jumping from his position, throwing himself between the female and the deadly creature. He held her behind his body, his eyes narrowing on the ​tigeara, as he bared sharp, pointed teeth. A hiss pushed from between Oshen’s lips, his tail curling protectively around Amanda’s leg.

  The sweet sounds of her laughter came from behind him.“
I have no idea what a ​tigeara is, but that’s just my cat, Hades.” She snorted loudly, and he glanced backward to see her bent over, giggling uncontrollably.

  “Cat. ​A small, domesticated, carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet for humans or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.” ​Mouní ​ informed him, and for once he wasn’t mad at her.

  “Pet?” he glanced back toward the creature, not entirely convinced it was safe.

  “Yes.” She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and grinned “What did you say your name was?”

  “I didn’t.” He straightened, moving to Amanda’s side, not turning his back to the cat. “It is Oshen.” His tail stayed firmly wrapped around her leg.

  A loud bang rang through the room as the front door was thrown open, and another, even smaller female rushed into the house. Her black hair was tangled wildly around her round face, dark eyes blazing angrily. She held a primitive looking plasma shooter, aiming it directly at his chest as she addressed the female behind him.

  “Amanda!” She yelled turning her gaze to the female at his side. “Did he hurt you?” Her eyes whipped back to him, and he could practically feel the burn of her glare. “I’ll kill you, putang ina.”

  Mother fucker, ​ his translator supplied. “I don’t fuck my dam!” Oshen’s lips curled in disgust.

  The ​tigeara, cat, bristled, its ears flattening to its head and eyes rounding before it turned tail and bolted back down the hall. Oshen stared at its retreating form incredulously. It was scared of the tiny female but not him? ​Coward. Were his claws not big enough? His teeth too


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