From the Depths

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From the Depths Page 10

by S. J. Sanders

  “​Mouní, ping Brin.”

  “Pinging the most handsome man in the verse.” Two flashes lit up his inner arm before Brin’s face appeared on the projection.

  “Oshen! I was worried for you, but this small, crazy human told me to leave you be!” Brin seemed mildly irritated, his eyes darting back behind him as his ​fushori ​ glowed a bright blue. Oshen raised a brow. The ​fushori ​ normally only flared in times of extreme emotion, and this male was known for his control over it. ​Interesting.

  “I’d ask if everything was alright, but now is not the time. I need your help, ​brutok.”

  Brin’s face suddenly became serious as he focused all his attention on the other male. “Name it.”

  “The human government is here-” Brin began to curse, his​ fushori ​ brightening. “They need our help.” Oshen explained what had happened in his friend’s absence and why they would require his special set of skills. Brin didn’t hesitate to offer his assistance. In turn, the agents agreed to set up a meeting to figure out a solution to the problem of the Grutex.

  After seeing the agents out, his little human was having a hard time regaining her calm. She had an adorable habit of rambling on and on about the creatures of their ​okeanós, none of which he was familiar with. Amanda moved around her home, frantically arranging and rearranging everything she came across. He had seen women of his kind do that when they were ready to whelp their young, but he knew his ​gynaíka ​ wasn’t carrying their pup.

  Curling himself around her body he quietly hummed one of the lullabies that reminded him of his youngest sister. Ina was hard to please, constantly fussing and angry. The youngest pup was sometimes the hardest to deal with, but when Ina couldn’t calm, this lullaby was his dam’s savior. A pang of sadness pierced his body at the memory. He missed his family with all of his being. Oshen wanted so badly to go home, but first he needed to convince his mate that she was his.

  “Be calm, Amanda. Everything is going to be okay. I’m right here with you.” Oshen nuzzled into the crook of her neck, brushing his mouth over her delicate skin.

  No matter how much he wished to be elsewhere with her, he knew that this was where she needed to be. Amanda’s voice soothed him down to his core, making him forget everything but her.

  “I don’t know how to be calm. Everything about this situation is stressful and uncertain.”

  Oshen’s tongue slipped out to run along the side of her neck, the unique flavor she produced bursting over his taste buds and claiming permanent residence. The overwhelming demand for him to sample her very essence was staggering, but he needed to take his time. He knew she was allowing this intimacy to help soothe her anxiety.

  Amanda’s hand snaked around his head, pulling him closer to her body. Her breath hitched as his claws gripped her hips, and he ground himself against her. Oshen’s world focused entirely on the female in his arms, each beat of his heart solely for her. The growl that vibrated through his body was not a warning but a promise of pleasure. He kissed his way around her throat, stopping to nip at her chin. ​His. ​ Every fiber sang in joy as he allowed himself to accept that she would be the only female for him. His ​gynaíka ​ was finally welcoming his touch once again. As much as Oshen had hated to stop her after that first kiss, he couldn’t regret it. This moment meant so much more to him.


  The whispered sound of his name urged Oshen on as he spun her around, pressing her against the wall. He fisted his hand in her dark hair, tilting her head back so that he could claim her lips. Passion seeped into each caress as she clung to him. ​Wrapping his hands around the backs of Amanda's thighs, he pulled her up against his body, his claws pressed gently into her skin.​ The change in position brought her core into direct contact with his pelvis. Her arousal permeated the air, and he fought for control over his excitement. The gyrations of her body against his and the soft sounds of her mewling nearly had him releasing in his pants.

  The taste of her mouth set off something primal inside him. She tugged his shirt up over his head before he even realized her intentions. Did she know how much he had wanted her since that first kiss? He had ached for her, but he hadn’t wanted her to feel pressured into being physical. Amanda dropped the shirt to the ground and ran her hands up his chest until he took them in his own, pressing a kiss to the back of each one. “Do I have your consent, ​gynaíka?”

  A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she rested her forehead against his. “Hell yes.” She giggled before his lips descended on her own, nipping and tugging until she was breathless.

  The moan that caressed his ears only drove him on. Oshen pulled back from the kiss, licking along the sensitive flesh of her neck as he took in her soft whimpers. His fangs ached with the need to bite her and leave a permanent mark, to make it known that she was his. He gave up everything to her as he allowed himself to become immersed in the pleasure they shared. Everything had always been so hard for him; finding a ​gynaíka ​ was impossible, or it had been. He curled his tail between them, slowly sliding the tip up the inside of her leg to rub along her cleft. ​Mine. ​ His hand moved from her hair to cup her covered breast, testing the weight of one in his palm. He ran sharp fangs over her collarbone, working his way down her body. He wanted to taste her. Moisture coated the end of his tail as it soaked through the fabric that separated him from her cunt.

  “Don’t you dare stop!” she hissed between clenched teeth.

  Amanda arched beneath his hands, letting out a soft gasp of pleasure, hips tilting down to allow Oshen better access. Her fingers dug into his shoulders like she was attempting to hold him in place, as if he could have pried himself from her. Watching the pleasure dominate her features as he wrung a scream from her throat sent a thrill down his spine. Her head fell back, chest rising and falling rapidly with her labored breathing, just as the front door flew open with a loud bang.

  Brin barreled into the front room, his claws fully extended as he scanned the room for any unknown threat. Amanda squealed in shock, her skin flushing as she buried her face into Oshen’s shoulder shyly. Her hands moved between them, pushing his tail away in mortification. When Brin’s eyes found the couple a ghost of a smile dispersed across his face, “FINISH HEEEEERRRRRRR!”

  “See, I told you she wasn’t being attacked!” Jun followed close behind, her arms crossed over her chest, eyes rolling. “Sorry, guys, someone is a wee bit obsessed with Mortal Kombat.”

  Amanda snorted into Oshen’s chest before letting loose a stream of giggles. Tears leaked from her eyes as Oshen stood there, confusion painted on his face. “What is this mortal combat? Who is in great peril, and why are we fighting them?” He tilted his head. “Is this a battle with the Grutex?”

  “It’s just a fighting game.” Amanda shook her head and grinned at Oshen. “How do you even know him, Jun? When did this happen?” Amanda glanced quizzically at her best friend.

  Jun glanced sideways at Brin and smiled. “It’s a story for another day.”

  Chapter Eight


  The trip to the government run building went better than she expected, even with trying to fit Oshen into her tiny red car. Jun had an easier time fitting Brin into her car, almost as if they had practice getting him in and out. Brin was a master when it came to breaking into the systems they needed; it didn’t seem to matter that the technology was alien to him. The distress call reached the Venium ship, and Earth’s government started talks with Commander Vog, a rather handsome but surly looking warrior. Communication between the human and alien governments had gone about as well as she thought it would. There had been tense moments, but in the end they had come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Venium would assist in the fight against the Grutex, and the humans would allow the Venium to look for bondmates amongst the population. Amanda wasn’t sure how people would react to the terms, but she knew that Earth needed the help the Venium were offering.

  By the end of the negotiat
ions Amanda was ready to be home, curled up with Hades and Oshen, watching movies like they had done for the last few nights. She had gotten used to his company, but the longer she was around the Venium, the more she realized that her lazy days with her alien were truly over. She sat close to Oshen, watching the members of the One World Council gather their official documents and hurry off to set the plans into motion. The sooner they could start fighting off the Grutex, the better.

  “I expect both you and Brin to report to your stations as soon as we reach the surface. Is that clear?” Commander Vog asked, turning toward them.

  “Yes, sir.” Oshen glanced sideways at her, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

  “Since your bondmate has yet to accept your claim she will not be permitted to accompany you.” Vog squared his shoulders. “For your disobedience, you and Brin will be confined to the ship until further notice.”

  The pained sound that released from Oshen’s throat made Amanda’s heart twinge. “Understood.”

  Dread settled like a stone deep in her belly. ​It will be my fault if I lose him. Who cares if it seems too fast? ​ Oshen was kind, thoughtful, selfless, and courageous. He could have taken advantage of her when she was scared and vulnerable; instead he had shown her more respect than many human men would have. It occurred to her now how ignorant she had been to the wonderful man he was. She realized in that moment that she wanted to be his, and she was pretty sure that Vog, by the hint of a smile that curled his lips as he said goodbye, knew it as well.

  The ride home was tense. Amanda broke the uncomfortable silence. “How long until you leave?”

  “One Earth day at most.” Though he hid it well, Amanda could hear the strain in his voice when he answered. “They have to let the cloaking core charge before they enter your atmosphere.”

  “Should we be worried about them?” Amanda asked, referring to Jun and Brin who had left together.

  “Even with as violent as Jun is, Brin can take care of himself. His dam is one of the fiercest warriors I have ever met.”

  “You have female warriors on your planet?”

  “You do not?” he scoffed.

  “We did at one time, but we’ve been banned from joining since the population started to decline.” He only grunted and shook his head in response. Amanda couldn’t help the worry she felt over Oshen’s conversation with Vog.

  Before she knew it, they were walking through her front door. The thought that this could be his last night in what had quickly become ​their ​ home nagged at her. ​I don’t want to go a day without him. ​ The door just barely missed clipping a distracted Amanda as she allowed Oshen to lead her inside. The hall was cloaked in darkness, but piercing yellow eyes glowed at the end. Hades no longer growled at their guest, and they seemed to be developing a rather close bond.

  “Oshen?” her voice was barely a whisper, but he seemed to have no problem hearing her.

  “Yes, ​gynaíka?”

  “What does that word mean?” she finally asked, her eyes unable to meet his.

  “Wife, I believe is the human word for it. A lifemate. It means that you will forever be mine. Even if you never look on me again. That I will be yours,” he seemed to choke on his words, “always.”

  The sound of her heartbeat seemed to echo in the room as it picked up pace at his words. What had she been thinking when she told herself she wasn’t ready for this? Amanda had waited all her life for someone to love her the way Oshen seemed to, and here she was letting him go. No more. He wouldn’t be leaving her behind.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Oshen frowned down at her in confusion. “Do what?”

  “I’ll be yours.” She shook her head and huffed out a laugh, “That’s not right. I mean that I want you to be mine,” she wrung her hands anxiously. “I don’t ever want to have to think of you with someone else. I don’t want to torture myself with images of you loving someone the way you have loved me.” A sudden fierceness filled her voice. “Just the thought of it makes me feel murderous.”

  A smile broke across Oshen’s face as he pulled her into his arms, his body trembling with the relief she imagined he felt. His face pressed down into the crook of her throat, his tongue curling up along the side. A nip to the lobe of her ear had her jumping, a desire so pure that it had her knees buckling shot to her core. It had been so long since anyone had inspired this kind of passion inside of her. His hands felt as if they were made to trail over her body. They stumbled

  blindly toward the bedroom. He tugged her shirt over her head, tearing a seam in his haste. A flash of the Grutex filled her mind, but his voice held her in the moment.

  “I will never let you need for anything.” A kiss to the corner of her mouth. “My heart will always be yours.” A sharp claw flicked at the middle of her bra, the fabric giving way and sliding down her arms onto the floor. “I affirm my love for you as I invite you to share my life.” His shirt brushed against her side as he cupped her breasts in a simple caress. “To grow old with you. To love you without reservation.” The heavy orbs spilled over Oshen’s hands, slipping between the gaps in his fingers.

  “Even when my body gets old, and my hair turns grey?” Panting, she worked at the clasp of his pants, thanking whatever God there was that they practically fell open.

  “Even then,” he agreed. “I felt it in those first moments with you. I knew you were the one I would share my life with. The one I would create a family with.” He stood naked before her as he slipped his hands over her belly causing a blush to heat her cheeks. He curled the tips of his claws under the waistband of her pants and pulled them down her hips.

  Oshen’s eyes glowed with his arousal, his erect cock jutting up between them from the slit in his lower abdomen. Amanda wrapped her fingers around the shaft, stroking downward from the head to the base while her left hand prodded the slit curiously. Oshen hissed, his chest heaving as he seemed to try to hold himself still. Her right hand moved over the ridges that circled his member, wondering how they would feel inside of her. “What are these?”

  “They’re my mating glands, meant to seal me to you and ensure procreation.” The one nearest to the base swelled under her touch, a pulsing movement that caused him to jerk in her grip. “Amanda,” he strained, fangs gliding over her shoulder. “I need to taste you.”

  Gently, he removed her hand from his erection. Oshen lifted her into his arms, killing the protest on her lips with a searing kiss as he carried her to the bed. Amanda squirmed until he gently laid her down, breaking away from her mouth so he could work his way down her body. The flick of his tongue over her nipple had her arching beneath him, a whimper falling from her parted lips. Tremors wracked her as he nipped the sensitive peak before moving further down. Oshen seemed in no hurry, exploring her body at his leisure. Hot breath fanned over the curls on her mound, liquid desire soaking her folds.

  The growl that rumbled from his body as he inhaled deeply turned her on with a fierceness she had never felt before. Oshen brought out a side of her that she hadn’t known dwelled within her. He dove for her as if she were a drink of water in the middle of a desert, carefully prying her lips apart and sliding his slick tongue over her cleft. Her cunt clenched, the empty feeling nearly consuming her. He prodded and explored until he found her clit, curling his tongue around the nub. Amanda’s fingers tore at the sheets, twisting the material as she tried to find purchase.

  A claw ran over the delicate skin of her thigh before his knuckle tested her opening. He was careful not to cut her as he pressed into her folds. A dam broke inside her, forcing a scream

  from her lungs. Amanda fell over the edge of the orgasm into oblivion. With a gasp, her whole body tensed up, her soaked channel clamping down on his knuckle as she rode out the waves of pleasure. Pants and moans merged together, her hips jerking against his mouth. Trembling hands clutched his head to her, every stroke of his tongue becoming almost unbearable. “P-please Oshen, I need you.”

  That seemed to be all
he needed to hear. Retracting his hand, he swept his tongue fully along her slit before pushing up onto his knees. Hooking a hand behind her thigh, he tugged her toward his towering form. Trepidation seized her for a moment as she said a silent prayer that he would fit inside her. Oshen’s slippery cock brushed against her folds, drawing out a moan. The bulbous head nudged her opening, his eyes meeting hers as if seeking consent. Words seemed trapped in her throat, so she nodded her head, grasping his forearms in an attempt to ground herself. Every insecurity that had ever plagued her seemed to vanish under the sweetness of his gaze.

  His gills flared on either side of his neck as he began to push slowly forward. She felt drugged by him, as if in a haze of bliss. She writhed beneath him, his hands gripping her hips. Amanda moaned in ecstasy as he fully seated himself in her tight cunt. The slight sting from her body stretching to accommodate him gradually faded into pure pleasure; every ridge dragged inside of her as he pulled himself back and thrust forward again. Her nails bit into his skin, a groan of pure satisfaction rumbled through Oshen, his ​fushori ​ flaring. This was where he belonged. Every thrust of his hips brought her higher, every whispered caress brought them both closer to the peak. The pressure from his base swelling and a flick of the tip of his tail to her clit propelled her into a soul shattering orgasm.

  “Mine.” He growled biting down on her neck, piercing the soft skin, his tail wrapping around her calf as if to hold her in place.

  The pain couldn’t compete with the buzz that left her trembling. He rocked his hips against her almost frantically, driving himself into her spasming body. The swollen glands on his cock tied them together as he came with a growl, his seed pulsing into her and bathing her walls with heat. Oshen’s claws dug into her sides, blood dripping from the small wounds onto the bed. His tongue swiped soothingly over the bite he inflicted. Amanda sighed as he rested his forehead against hers. The scars he left on her skin tonight would always remind her that she was his.


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