Touch of Eon: Eon Warriors #2

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Touch of Eon: Eon Warriors #2 Page 7

by Hackett, Anna

  Caze’s mouth snapped shut. “He…has always expected the best from me.”

  “Did he tend your wounds? Did he hug you? Did he make you laugh?”

  A long pause. “Those are not things one gives to a warrior in training.”

  Her chin dropped to her chest and she felt some inexplicable emotion inside her. The need to show him there was more to life than being a stoic warrior. But hell, it wasn’t like she was the best example of living life to the fullest.

  “You’re close to your sisters.”

  Caze’s words weren’t a question. “Yes. We fight occasionally. Eve and I had plenty of hair-pulling fights when we were younger, and quite vocal arguments as we got older. Our younger sister, Wren, would get upset and break us up. She was always the voice of reason, and the one to calm us down.” Lara smiled. God, she missed them. “We love each other. We had to look out for each other.”

  He raised a brow in question.

  Now Lara felt uncomfortable. She rarely talked about her childhood with anyone. But Caze had shared.

  A spasm of pain hit her and she grimaced.

  “Keep talking, Lara.”

  “You’re just trying to distract me.”


  “See, a nice guy.” She blew out a breath. “My dad died. He was a space marine and was killed in an early Kantos confrontation.”

  “I’m sorry, Lara.”

  “My mom…fell apart. She started drinking.” Lara frowned. “Do the Eon drink? Alcohol?”

  “Yes, we brew a liquor called Voga. I don’t drink it.”

  “Of course, you don’t.”

  “So, your mother was unable to cope with the loss of your father.”

  “Right. He was the love of her life and she blamed the Space Corps for his death. She was in the Corps as well, but as her drinking and wild conspiracy theories increased, she was discharged.” Lost in old memories, Lara stared ahead. “It was like she’d forgotten that she had three little girls, who were also grieving for the father they’d lost. It taught me that love is a crappy thing. If love breaks you, it isn’t worth it.” She shook her head. “After she left the Corps, Mom took jobs to make ends meet…when she was sober. She was either away at night a lot working security, or at home, drunk, having spent our grocery money on booze. It was just me, Eve, and Wren. We did what we could to make sure we had food to eat and clothes to wear.”

  He stroked his hand down her side. “Your mother didn’t do right by you.”

  “She was weak. Love made her weak.” Lara’s eyelids drooped. She was so tired.

  “The healing tires your body. Sleep now.”

  She tensed. She’d be unconscious and vulnerable.

  “I’ve got you,” he murmured. “Sleep.”

  And Lara decided she did trust him. Strangely, she trusted this warrior sent to hunt her down. Who instead had protected her, saved her, and fought by her side.

  Trusting him felt right. More right than anything in her life until now.

  She closed her eyes and drifted off.

  * * *

  They were getting close to the stealth station. It was tucked behind a small moon, and hidden by the best camouflage generator the Eon had created.

  Caze touched the controls. He’d be happy to be there and off this swarm ship.

  In his lap, Lara stirred, and her blue eyes opened.

  “Hi,” he murmured.

  “Hey.” She straightened, her eyes heavy.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Pain feels better. I’d kill for a long, hot bath and something to eat.”

  “A side effect of the havv is hunger. Once we get to the station, I’ll feed you. And I may be able to sort that bath out for you.”

  She smiled. “Really? I’d love a bubble bath. There’s that nice guy again. I’d definitely owe you one, warrior.”

  “We’re approaching the stealth station now.”

  She leaned forward, looking at the viewscreen. “I can’t see anything.”

  Caze commanded his helian and it pulsed, sending out a signal. There was a shimmer in space directly in front of them.

  A small space station appeared.

  It was a multi-level, cylindrical structure that tapered to points at the ends. There was a docking hanger at the base, storage areas, and a small living area at the top. Stealth agents could use these stations to rest, recover, and restock.

  He flew them in, and the hangar doors opened. Landing the swarm ship wasn’t smooth, but soon, they were down. He parked the ship between two Eon stealth ships.

  “Welcome to Skeo Station,” the computer voice said.

  “Come on.” Caze helped Lara to her feet.

  She was looking much better, but she still gripped his arm as he led her out of the ship.

  “No one else is here?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “These stations are unmanned.”

  Their boots echoed on the sleek floor as they crossed the hangar. The place was all metal and sparse lines.

  “You guys don’t believe in decoration, do you?”

  Caze had never given it any thought before. They passed several storage rooms he knew held weapons and parts. He led her into the lift, and they zoomed upward smoothly.

  The doors opened into a living area and Lara gasped. There were no windows, but a large screen dominated one wall. Right now, it was showing a display of pretty colors dancing together.

  “See, decoration,” he said dryly.

  Her lips quirked. “I stand corrected.”

  The station had a functional kitchen area, and some long sofas grouped in the center of the living area.

  “Bedrooms.” He pointed to several closed doors. “And the washroom.”

  He opened the door. Lights clicked on, illuminating the shower stall. Then he pressed a button on the wall. The stall slid away into the wall, and a tub appeared from the floor.

  Lara gasped. “That is incredibly cool.”

  “Space-saving and efficient.” He touched the tub controls and water flowed into the tub. “You have a soak. It’ll help with your recovery. I’ll organize some food.”

  She ran a hand along the edge of the tub, pleasure on her face.

  He touched a panel on the wall, and programmed it for some things to put in a bath. The synthesizer flared to life. Several salts and lotions appeared. Lara reached for them, sniffing the contents of each container, and closing her eyes to savor the smell.

  Caze watched her face, unable to look away. She was a tough, battle-hardened soldier, but she also took time to savor and enjoy every small sensation.

  When had he ever stopped to enjoy a taste, a smell, or a sensation? When had he ever done more than just be a perfect warrior?

  She sniffed another container and moaned a little.

  The sound made Caze’s cock rise. “I’ll bring you some new clothes.” He hoped she didn’t notice how husky his voice sounded.

  As he turned to leave, she grabbed his arm. “Thanks, Caze. No one’s ever looked after me before…thanks.”

  Warmth burst in his chest. He nodded. “You’re welcome, Lara.”

  He closed the door behind him and, as he crossed to the kitchen, he thought more about the way Lara Traynor seemed to embrace life.

  He felt deeply—for his work. But being around Lara made him realize that he kept everything else at bay—just like his father had taught him.

  Even his fellow warriors.

  A good warrior lets no one close. A good warrior has no liabilities or weaknesses. His father’s deep voice echoed in his head.

  And on Caze’s rare nights with a woman, there was no intimacy, no time spent together doing anything else other than fucking. He fucked and left.

  Annoyed with himself, he shook his head. Lara needed clothes and food. He changed directions and entered one of the bedrooms. In the closet, he found mostly black Eon uniforms. But he did find some casual clothes for use on the station. That included a smaller shirt the same color as Lara’
s blue eyes.

  He knocked on the bathroom door. “I have clothes for you.”

  There was no response.

  “Lara?” Had she had a relapse of her injury? Had she slipped under the water? “Lara?”

  He was about to barge through the door when he heard her voice.

  “Come in.”

  Caze opened the door and he stepped inside. His steps faltered.

  She was in the tub, covered in a mound of bubbles. She’d pulled her hair up in a messy knot on top of her head. She shot him a lazy smile.

  His gut contracted hard. Need hit him like a blow. He dropped the clothes on a small table near the bath.

  “I’ll find us some food.” He spun and hurried out.

  He moved across the living area, desire drumming through him. Cren. Desire for a Terran woman who had him twisted up in knots. His fingers clenched and he sucked in air.

  Lara needed food. Focus on taking care of her, not your own desires.

  He quickly ordered up some food and he methodically ate his own nutritional pack. He spent more time selecting some tasty Eon delights he thought Lara might like.

  He liked the idea of watching her enjoy them.

  He waited several minutes and all was quiet from the bathroom. Again, he felt that niggle of worry. She’d been badly injured. He needed to check on her.

  He gave a small knock before he entered.

  The bubbles were almost gone, and Lara was resting in the tub, her eyes closed and her beautiful body on display. His gaze moved over her full breasts, tipped with pink nipples.


  Her eyes opened. “Sorry. I must have dozed off.”

  He swallowed and held up the plate. “I have some food for you. The havv uses a lot of energy.”

  She sat up, her breasts sliding beneath the water. But he could still see them. He fought back his groan.

  Moving closer, he crouched beside the tub. She reached for some of the food, studying it with interest. If he’d expected the strange food to make her hesitate, he was wrong.

  “Um, that’s good.” She munched on some gadd. Then she reached for more.

  Lara savored each tidbit, making small sounds that turned him on more. Caze was just a throbbing mass of desire. She made him tell her the name of each food, and he saw her cataloguing every taste and smell.

  After trying some telra cakes, she licked her fingers with a long moan. He was sure his cock was going to burst out of his trousers any second. She sagged back in the water, clearly satisfied.

  He wasn’t satisfied. Not by any means.

  Take care of her, Vann-Jad. Be a warrior.

  “I should…check your injuries.” Cren, his throat felt like it had an asteroid lodged in it.

  She nodded, sliding an arm across her breasts.

  Her stomach was clearly visible through the water. Caze leaned over the tub, sliding one hand into the water.

  Focus on her injuries. He stroked new, pink skin. The havv had performed its job very well.

  “It looks good.” So good. Against his will, his eyes drifted down to the small tangle of black curls between her toned legs. He swallowed a groan.


  He jerked his gaze back to her face. Her cheeks were flushed from the warm water. Except, as he looked at her, he wondered if it was just the water. Heat warmed her eyes.

  “You can touch me,” she murmured.

  He sucked in a breath, just staring at her.

  “I want you to touch me,” she said.

  He swallowed. “You were hurt—”

  “I’m not hurt now.” She reached for his hand and brought it up, placing it on her breast.

  His fingers convulsed on her and she moaned. In his head, a voice told him to leave. Get up and get away from the temptation of this woman.

  “Our mission—”

  “Touch me.”

  His fingers moved, caressing the soft fullness of her. He moved his thumb over her nipple and she moaned. Seeing her response made him do it again, plucking at it. It pebbled for him.

  She shifted in the water. “Yes. More.”

  He cupped her breast, stroking and savoring. He watched her face, listened to the noises she made. He wanted to know exactly what she liked. He let his hands move lower, over her flat, toned belly. Then he reached those intriguing curls between her legs.

  Caze stroked his fingers through them, and she opened her legs for him. Her eyes were glittering, her lips parted. He slid one hand between her thighs, finding the soft folds there.

  “Yes.” Her hips bucked, water splashing.

  Something inside him broke free. “You like that.”

  “Yes, Caze. I need it.”

  “You’ve been driving me crazy. You know that?”

  She moaned. He stroked those beautiful folds again, then thrust two fingers inside her.

  Lara cried out, her head dropping back. “So good. More.”

  “I’m in charge right now, Lara.” She was so tight, her body clenching his fingers. So slick, so uninhibited. “You’ll take what I give you.”

  He found the small nub with his thumb, rolling it. Small, husky cries escaped from her.

  Hunger vibrated through him. His cock was hard and painful.

  He reached into the bath and pulled her out of the water. She gave a small cry, gripping his shoulders. He lay her down on the mat beside the bath. He knelt between her legs, looking at the way her wet skin glistened.

  “Lara, you’re so beautiful.”

  She arched her body and she let her legs fall apart. He shoved them wider.

  “Look at you, spreading your legs for me.”

  His words made her gasp, her tongue licking her lips.

  He dropped his head to her breasts, sucking a nipple deep. She made an incoherent sound, and with impatient need, he licked, sucked, and nipped at her plump breasts and pink nipples. With one last, hard suck, he let the nipple pop from his mouth.

  He had to taste her. Was desperate for it. He wanted to hear her scream his name.

  Caze lowered his head and put his mouth between her legs.

  “Oh, yes.” She shoved her hands into his hair, directing him. He nipped her thigh, and then his tongue was in her, tasting her. She rocked against his mouth.

  By the warriors. He wanted to take his time, to savor, but the flavor of her burst in his mouth. More. He needed more. He wanted to devour.

  “Harder, Caze. I want your tongue on my clit.”

  He loved that she knew what she wanted and was bold enough to demand it. Usually, he had to temper his strength when he was with a woman. They never asked for more. He obeyed, licking and sucking that intriguing nub. She cried out his name, grinding against his face.

  Caze took his time, relishing her response. Her legs moved, wrapping around his head, her thighs clenching on him. He felt like a god, put here just to pleasure her.

  He thrust his hips helplessly, his cock weeping against his trousers.

  Her moans and cries got more desperate. He slid a finger inside her tight warmth and sucked her clit into his mouth. He worked a second finger inside her, driving deep. A second later, she exploded.

  She cried his name again, her scream echoing off the walls, her thighs shaking around his head.

  As she flopped back on the mat, Caze was a mass of roaring need. Air sawed in and out of his lungs.

  Her blue eyes locked on him.

  “Come here.” She pulled him over her until he straddled her chest. Her hands were at his trousers, tearing them open.

  Then her hands were on his cock.

  Caze groaned. Sensation slammed into him.

  She pumped him, and her fingers moved around the wide head of his cock, spreading the seeping fluid she found there.

  His blood was pounding through his veins, and her caresses tore another groan from him.

  Lara pulled him closer and lifted her head. She sucked his cock into her mouth.

  “Lara.” A tortured groan.

bsp; She started sucking him, hand sliding around his ass to pull him closer. It felt so good.

  He thrust gently into her hot mouth. “Lara.”

  She licked him and he hissed. “Stop thinking, Caze. Just enjoy. I’m giving, and your job is just to take the pleasure.”

  She sucked him again, her cheeks hollowing as she put effort into it. Soon, he was thrusting his hips forward, and the sounds she made drove him on. Caze shouted several guttural obscenities.

  Licking along his length, she looked at him with heated eyes. “You like that?”

  “Yes. More.”

  She circled her tongue around the head of his cock. Then she sucked him deep, to the back of her throat.

  He shouted. He’d never seen anything sexier. Never seen anything that had driven him to the edge like this.

  She kept working him, and he suddenly felt fire rip down his spine.

  “I’m going to come.”

  Her mouth slid off him with a pop. “So come, warrior. I want you to come on my skin, my breasts, my belly. Show me what you’ve got.”

  The sexy taunt threw him over the edge. With another harsh groan, he gripped his cock and started coming. Fluid hit her breasts. He shouted his release as he spilled over her skin.

  Panting, Caze slowly came back to reality.

  Lara was smiling at him, looking at where he’d marked her skin. She murmured his name, and he felt that single word deep inside him.

  She raised her head and her smile widened. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that we’re both feeling a lot better.”

  A laugh broke from him.

  Chapter Nine

  A beeping noise came from the other room.

  Lara heard Caze curse, his body tensing above hers. “That’s an incoming call.”

  “Go.” She waved at him.

  He pushed off her and yanked his pants up. He gave her a long look, seeming reluctant to leave, then strode out.

  Lara pressed a hand to her temple and blew out a breath. This was a dangerous path. Fooling around with an Eon warrior, and enjoying it…

  Hell, loving every wild, sexy second of it.

  She knew that Eon warriors were dedicated to their empire. Caze, especially. And she had a planet on the brink of destruction and a sister lost in space.

  The last thing Lara needed was a man to complicate things. She shoved a hand through her wet hair. But touching him had been so good. Him in her mouth. Watching him let go and enjoy the pleasure. She shivered.


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