Abducted by the Alien

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Abducted by the Alien Page 17

by Sabrina Kade

  Cade and Dash grin. “Three, we believe. They are not nearly as big as the father, but they are formidable. They are also clumsy. If they believe there is prey, they will chase after it no matter what. You could easily lead them to a spot with actual prey. That way, they would feast and want to stay there, or continue following their instincts and head further south. You would only need to lead them away, Drazal. Otherwise, they will remain here. And they will look for easy prey.” Dash’s intense eyes settle on Phoebe once more, despite moving to block his vision. “You could take care of all of this before your mate wakes.”

  “You know I couldn’t,” I grumble.

  “So we’ll tell her a lie until you return,” Dash offers, shrugging. “Females are silly. We’ll make something up.”

  “She is not silly,” I snarl.

  “Whoa. Forget it,” Dash says, holding up his hands. He can probably scent how serious I am. How upset I am about the idea of leaving Phoebe. “So tell her.”

  “I can’t do that either.” I push a hand through my hair, glancing over my shoulder. I do not like the idea of lying to Phoebe, but I don’t like the idea of leaving her alone either. There is no way she’ll let me leave for such a task. There is also no way I’d want Dash or Cade to be the ones to tell her about my task in the first place. “I will go.”

  “You don’t exactly have a choice,” Dash reminds me.

  “But I want to spend the morning with my mate. I want to tell her what I must do. I do not want to lie to her, and I certainly don’t want either of you to tell her what I’m doing. I do not want to frighten her.”

  Cade hums. “She will not like it?”

  “Of course not.”

  “It is best this way,” Dash says. “You made foolish mistakes and though you got the female you wanted; you should still be punished for stealing Iriel’s mate. Death would be honorable.”

  “I will not die.”

  Dash frowns. “Hopefully not. Your mate is a confusing one. Dancing from one male to the next.”

  “Enough.” I cross my arms. “You know nothing about Phoebe, and I will not have you speak ill of her. I will spar you both when I return, and that is not if I return. It is when.” I wave them both away. “Go now and let me spend time with my Chosen mate. Let me break this news to her. I can only hope she’ll understand this is for the good of our people. I rather take on this task than send—”

  “Hujun or Azan. They have sprogs,” Cade says.

  “Prince Korben would never go,” Dash huffs.

  “He’s the prince,” I hiss. “He shouldn’t have to. He would go if he had to.”

  “Well, that works out then,” Dash says. “Because he doesn’t have to go. You do.” I advance and he holds up his hands, skittering back. “Calm yourself. I’m going. Tell your mate. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. Females are like that.” He shakes his head before I can rush up to again, heading back to the way he came.

  Cade glowers at me. “I am sorry it must be this way,” he admits. “But the spinesk cannot stay. It is best to try and chase the family further south before we are trapped underground for an extended period of time. You do understand this isn’t personal, yes?”

  I frown. I’m not entirely sure this isn’t personal, but the look on Cade’s face lets me know he wishes things were different. Spinesks are not fun creatures to chase away. Especially the youngers. They are eager and will attempt to eat almost anything. And since their mouths are so large, they’ve been known to swallow entire animals whole. I shudder at the thought. I don’t want Phoebe’s last memory of me to be my body in a spinesk’s gaping maw. I must complete this task. I must come back alive. I must be sure to keep Phoebe safe no matter what.

  “I will do this,” I say in a low voice. “I will find a way to lead the spinesks further south.”

  “Alone?” Cade asks.


  “No. He won’t be going alone.”

  My eyes widen, and I spin around, finding Phoebe standing with wide eyes and a partially opened mouth. Her cheeks are bright pink, and her pale eyebrows are furrowed deeply.

  “Phoebe,” I grumble.

  “I’ll let the others know,” Cade says, shuffling away before either my or Phoebe’s attention lands on him. He can’t move fast enough to get away from us.

  “What is this?” she asks when it’s only the two of us. “You’re going where? To chase off whatever’s making that terrible sound up there?” She points to the ceiling, and her finger trembles. She lowers it back to her side. “They’re sending you out there, alone to chase off…”

  “Spinesks,” I finish.

  “The giant roaring spiders?” she shrieks. “No! They can’t make you do it!”

  “Actually, they didn’t have to. I’ve already agreed to do it.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Her lower lip trembles, but she doesn’t take the words back. For a moment, I’m sure I’ve misheard her. “Did you hear me? I’m coming with you. You shouldn’t have to do this alone. It’s complete and utter bullshit.”

  “Have you lost your senses?” I hiss. “Absolutely not. Spinesks are nothing to be messed with. And this one is not alone. He has several young. They are not sprogs, so they are more dangerous. I will go alone, Phoebe.”

  “If there’s more than one, that’s all the more I reason should go with you.”

  “How can you ask me to permit such a thing?”

  “Who says I’m asking?”

  I spin back into the prison lair and take a seat on the floor, perplexed about what Phoebe is saying. It doesn’t add up. She is terrified of dilewilers. She is terrified to leave the lairs. I am still shocked she made it here during flenhein. And now she is offering to accompany me on a dangerous mission to chase a family of spinesks away? Her behavior does not make sense!

  Human females are silly creatures.

  I snarl at Dash’s voice in my head, focusing back on Phoebe who stands in front of me. She’s back in her skirt and top again, but I still scent her. She is angry but determined. Is it possible she actually wants to do this?

  “You cannot come with me, Phoebe.” I try not to let my irritation drip into my voice, but I cannot understand why she is asking. “This is something I must do alone. The spinesks are frightening. I have to protect you.”

  “Whether I’m here or with you, you can still protect me.”


  “Maybe I’ll be a good distraction,” she continues as though I haven’t already given my final answer. “They say the younger ones like easy prey, right? What’s easier prey than a human female?”

  “You were listening?”

  She blushes and shrugs. “You were all talking so loudly.”

  I shake my head. “Despite what you heard, you are not coming with me, Phoebe. I want you to stay here where are you safe. That’s what you always wanted, yes? To be safe?”

  “I want to be with you more than I want to be safe.”

  My eyes widen, weighing the possibilities. She is not wrong. The spinesk’s young would be interested in Phoebe. She is small and slow, and I would be able to watch over her. But what if I cannot? What if I fail her again? “Phoebe. I appreciate you offering to come with me, but I cannot allow it. You would be safest here with the others.”

  “What if something happens?” she asks in a challenging voice, though it’s shaking when she continues. “I only just got you, Drazal. I won’t be away from you any longer. Not if there’s something we can do together.”


  “Even if it’s dangerous, I trust you, Drazal. Please.” She kneels down and rests her hands on my knees. I flinch from her touch, but she makes sure to keep her eyes on mine, so I don’t look away. My hearts pound in my chest as I take in the desperation in her face and in her voice. “You’re blaming yourself about what happened with Chocal, but I’m a grown woman, Drazal. I can make adult decisions. You can’t keep me here because you think it’s best for me. I’m best when I’m w
ith you.”

  She grips my knees more tightly, and all words have been sucked from my lungs. I know how afraid Phoebe is. Even now, she is quivering, and it takes everything I have not to pull her into my arms and whisper she is best here where she’s safe. But I can’t do that. Because she doesn’t want it. Not anymore. She wants to be with me more than she wants to be safe.

  Scheita. I never imagined Phoebe would say such a thing.

  My frightened little waif has become someone ready to flip the cosmos upside down.

  She’s not going to let me tell her no. If I did manage to get the word out, I’m sure she would find a way to follow me. She made it here during flenhein. There would be no stopping her now. And then, I wouldn’t know where she was. I wouldn’t be able to protect her.

  “I suppose telling you no is worthless,” I admit, resting my hands over hers. “You would follow me to the ends of the universe.”

  “You jump, I jump,” she says in a low voice.

  I crook an eyebrow. “We are not jumping anywhere.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Line from an old movie. It’s a classic.”

  “You’re losing me, Phoebe.”

  “Sorry.” She blushes, pressing her lips into a thin line before meeting my eyes again. “Long story, short? Yes. No matter what, I’m going with you. You’re only being forced to do this because of me and my cowardice when it came to Iriel. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for me. I should be held as much accountable for this as you, Drazal. I’m going.”

  I swallow hard. There it is. There’s nothing I can do other than physically restrain her to keep her from coming with me. And I would never do that to her.

  “You are not the same female I first met,” I say with a trace of awe in my voice. “You are brave, and though I am flattered, I still do not like that you will not stay behind.”

  “You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

  “I shouldn’t,” I admit. “One of my brothers should come with me though, not a human female.”

  “This human female is going to make amazing prey,” she says, grinning which I find a little odd, until she reaches forward and strokes the length of my cock in one long upward downward motion. All breath leaves my lungs, and I stare at her with wide eyes. Her expression is decadently innocent. “I should give both of us a reminder of what we’re trying to come home to before we start this, don’t you?”

  She strokes me again, maneuvering her body into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Who are you?” I can’t help asking. She grins, pressing her lips against mine. I’m really starting to enjoy this human kiss thing.

  “I’m your Chosen mate,” she reminds me, eyes closing as she leans in for more kisses.

  “Yes,” I hiss. “You are mine.”

  “And I’m yours.”

  I am one lucky male.



  My heart is practically thudding right through the thin layer of my top once Drazal and I reach the opening of the second lair. I remember how nervous I felt when I left the first lair to come here, but there was also such a sense of desperation. I was desperate to see Drazal and make him mine and nothing would have stopped me. I still feel all of those things now.

  Desperation to stay with Drazal.

  Nervous about losing him.

  But there’s a new feeling when I’m standing beside him and staring into the sky as the suns set. Darkness is coming, and Drazal says this will be the best time to try chasing the spinesks away. Their vision is not great at night, but it will still be bright enough for them to feel confident tracking down prey. I’m not afraid. Not with Drazal next to me. Drazal, my lithe, muscular and incredibly clever and attractive partner. He’s the only one I need to face my fears, and now, staring out at the spinesks sprawled around the trees, it’s good he’s here now because fear threatens to creep up.

  I sneak a look at Drazal, and he’s watching the largest spinesk move around. It’s large and cumbersome with its movements, and everything other than the size reminds me so much of a white and puffy daddy-long-legger. The legs (there’s ten instead of eight) have to each be ten or fifteen feet long, and the body of the largest one is about the same size as a Volkswagen Beetle. But the faces are different. Actually, that’s not true. I’m not sure if they’re different because I’ve never looked closely at a daddy-long-legger’s face, but the spinesk has a huge mouth. Large enough to swallow me whole if it wanted to, and listening to Drazal, that’s a legitimate concern.

  I swallow hard, watching them move. The smaller ones move with a grace and elegance that shouldn’t leave my mouth hanging open with awe. These creatures are so alien. And though I’m scared about being eaten alive, I’m not as scared as I should be. Drazal makes me feel that way. Thanks to him, I can attempt to ignore the dried blood rimming the mouth of the largest spider. It’s because of Drazal that I’m not crying and shaking and shivering and trying to run back to the prison lair because it’s safe.

  Despite all of that though, I’m not a machine. I’m still terrified out of my wits when I notice how fast these things can move on their ten legs.

  “Seriously,” I whisper to Drazal. “I’m bait. I leave the lair, and they’ll all go scuttling after me.”

  Drazal nods. “I will stand in their way. I am not afraid to fight them off, but it is not me they will want. They’ll want you. You’re smaller. Slower.” He slicks his tongue across his lips, and my resolve weakens. I could go back to the cave and wait for him. He wouldn’t mind. He’d probably prefer it. Ugh, and yet, I wouldn’t feel right. “You will be much tastier to them than me. They like easy prey. The younger ones will be clumsy and desperate. They shouldn’t be able to chase you down but be on your guard.”

  “R-right.” My voice trembles at the end and there’s no way Drazal’s missed it.

  He rests a hand on my shoulder, pulling my eyes away from the fuzzy spiders. “I will say this one more time, Phoebe. You do not have to do this. You can stay here.”

  “With the other females?” I say dryly.

  “With everyone else who isn’t me.”

  My heart hiccups. I feel terrible because I actually consider taking up his offer. He doesn’t need me for the plan to work. We’re not hunting them or anything; only scaring them further south so they get too frightened to travel back here after dark and then continue on their journey the following morning. And though it’s not that dark yet, Drazal promises their vision isn’t great. He could complete this entire mission by himself. He doesn’t need me. If anything, I’m going to be a liability.

  He could die because he’s so obsessed about protecting me.

  The words bubble on my tongue. I’ll stay. I’ll stay here and wait for you.

  But I can’t do it anymore. Like the great Kate Winslet said, you jump, I jump.

  “Let’s do this.”

  So I don’t jump. I fucking leap.



  For a moment, I only stare at my mate in wonder as she sprints toward the spinesk and his young. Her tight bottom flexes with each step, and though she is not fast, that is good because otherwise, the spinesks would only watch her leave the scene. As it is, the young are interested in the pale, tiny moving being fleeing past them through the fields and toward the cluster of talas. I hate not being able to go to her, but I’d ruin everything if I jumped out now. The younger ones may run to the father for protection. At a young age, spinesks scent the difference between predator and prey.

  So I wait, watching the largest spinesk and the three smaller ones surrounding him. The youngers perk up at the movement of Phoebe sprinting past and for a moment, I worry they will not fall for the bait. Then I will have to wait for Phoebe to come back. No. Of course I will not do that. I will have to find her and—

  One of the smaller spinesks lets out a squeaky roar suddenly and starts shuffling in Phoebe’s direction. Yes. One is interested. That’s all it
takes before the other two youngers start chasing after their brother. The father roars in outrage at first, and to my shock, Phoebe lets out a scream as well. Whether she is truly terrified or not, it works because the father stops roaring and ambles after his young. He probably thinks they have found easy prey.

  Fantastic. Because that’s exactly what needs to happen.

  Once the three youngers separate from their father, I jump out and wave my hands around to distract and infuriate him. He rears back, roaring loudly and those long, spindly legs wave wildly in my direction. The movement rattles me, but I hold my ground. For Phoebe. I cannot fail her again. I must protect her. She is acting as bait to three spinesk youngers, I can do this.

  I shuffle back a few feet, testing to see if the spinesk will follow me, and he lowers his massive body and lets out a roar so rough and loud that my hair slicks down my back, and I close my eyes. But only for a moment because once I open my them, he’s on the move and heading right back at me.

  Get to Phoebe, my mind screams. Get the big one further south.

  I spin away from the lumbering beast and lower my attention to the dirt where Phoebe’s footprints are still fresh. I can follow her this way; I slow my run to check to make sure the father still follows me.

  Whether it’s to catch me or his young, he’s still behind, already crashing into the woods and thrashing those long legs. It dawns on me that it’s trying to trip me. It’s tracking movement and swiping at spots in hopes of capturing its prey.

  I gulp, cursing myself for not thinking of this earlier and pick up the pace, but it’s a dangerous balance. I can’t go too quickly because then he won’t see me to follow. I can’t go too slow; otherwise, the beast will trip me up with one of those long legs. The spinesk is cleverer than I assumed, and I’m happy Phoebe doesn’t have to deal with this same problem. The younger ones will think only of their hunger, so as long as she’s moving, they’ll keep chasing. And as long as the younger ones move, so will the father.


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