Light My Heart (Crystal Shores Book 1)

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Light My Heart (Crystal Shores Book 1) Page 11

by Terra Kelly

  Jan tugged me back to the couch. “Sarah, you would be an amazing mother.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because your heart is bigger than anyone I have ever met.” She reached for my hand and placed it on the center of her belly. “The baby is kicking.”

  The moment I felt the kick tears clouded my vision. I felt something hit my hand. “I think I can feel the outline of his foot.”

  Jan reached up and wiped the tear falling down my cheek. “Sarah”–she squeezed my hand–“you are too beautiful of a soul to have any anger bottled up inside here.” She placed her hand on my chest over my heart. “It’s time to let the past go and move forward.”

  I dropped my head onto her lap and let the tears fell.

  How did I get so lucky when I found this family?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Hey, you need to check this out.” Jackson handed me his phone.

  “What is it?” I glanced at the headline, Local Man Arrested, Person of Interest in Attempted-Murder Case. “Why are you showing me this?”

  “Look at the location.” He pointed at the small text under the headline.

  “Charlotte, North Carolina? Wait. Oh shit.”

  “That image looks like the guy from Marv’s grocery store.”

  I handed his phone back and grabbed mine out of my pocket. “I need to go.”

  On the way to my truck, I pulled up my contact list and found the name I was looking for. I hit call and waited as it rang three times, on the fourth ring a guy answered.

  “Well, long time no talk.”

  “Hey, Greyson. You got a sec?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “There’s a case in Charlotte about a local man arrested because he is the person of interest in an attempted murder case. Do you know anything about it?” He was in Wilmington but I knew he watched the news daily.

  “Are you talking about the guy who possibly threw his wife down a flight of stairs?”

  “That’s the one.” My heart sank. If the suspect was Sarah’s father, how was I supposed to let her know? “Hey, Sarah. Oh, by the way, your dad may have tried to kill your mother.” There was no easy way to tell her and I didn’t know how she would take the news. “Do you know if the guy is in custody?”

  “I don’t think he is and the woman is conscious but she’s refusing to talk.”

  “Okay. Thanks, man.”

  “Why are you interested in a case down here? I thought you moved back to Michigan?”

  “Yeah, I did. You know what they say, small world.”

  We talked for a few more minutes and then I hit end. I needed to get home.

  “You’re early?” Sarah stepped closer to kiss me.

  “Yeah, kinda. Is Kelsey down for a nap?”

  “Yup, she fought hard but finally fell asleep. I was just cleaning up from lunch. You hungry?”

  I didn’t want to just blurt out what Greyson and Jackson shared. “Sure.” I sat down at the table and watched her pull out the ingredients to make a sandwich. “How are you doing today?”

  “Good. Kelsey insisted we learn more than ten numbers. I think you have one smart cookie on your hands.”

  “Her mom was crazy smart.”

  “Yeah?” Sarah turned to face me while still holding the butter knife.

  “She graduated top of her class in high school and college.”

  “Wow, impressive.”

  “Hey, I need to ask you an uncomfortable question.”

  Sarah set a small plate in front of me and sat down in the chair directly next to me. “Okay.”

  “Have you talked to your mom lately?”

  “My mom? No.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to upset you.”

  “No, you’re not. The last time I talked to her was at the shady motel after my dad attacked me. She begged me to forgive my dad and I left.”

  “Has she always begged you to forgive your dad.”

  “My mom has been begging me to forgive him all of my life.” She stood up and walked over to the sink. “Why are you asking me this?”

  I took a bite of the sandwich and waited for a few seconds to think about my next words. “Can we call your mom and check on her?”

  I noticed her scowl. “Why would I need to check on my mom?”

  “Well, she may be in the hospital.”

  “How would you even know that?”

  I pulled the link Jackson had shared with me less than an hour ago. “This.” I handed her my phone.

  She didn’t say anything for the longest time. When she spoke, her voice cracked. “I need to go.”

  “I will go with you.”


  “She can stay with Jan.”

  “Jan is still sick.”

  “Then I’ll ask Jackson.” He was my last resort, but I didn’t want her going alone.

  “Eddie, I’m not sure.”

  I reached for her hand. “Hey, this thing between us,” I moved my chair closer and moved her legs in between mine, “we’re a team now. I will never let your father hurt you again.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She reached up to wipe a tear away.

  “Don’t say anything. Instead, let’s call the hospital to see if your mom is really there.”

  Sarah pulled her phone from her back pocket and walked into the living room. I wanted to give her space, so I waited in the kitchen. I could hear her side of the conversation. It sounded like she was talking to someone she knew.

  Her footsteps became louder. “Thanks, Aunt Cheryl.” Sarah stopped in the doorway. “Mom is in the hospital. My aunt encouraged me to stay put, but said if I had to come home not to come alone.”

  “Did she say why?”

  “Dad was released on bail.” My blank stare must have been telling. “They don’t have evidence to prove he did it and Mom won’t talk.”

  “Sarah, maybe we should stay here?” I was worried about her safety.

  “I need to see Mom.”

  I knew Sarah had made up her mind. Which also meant I would not let her out of my sight for a single second.

  “I’ll go call Jan.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Mom.” I pulled a chair over and sat down beside her hospital bed. I reached for her hand and took a moment to look at all the bruises on her face and the deep cut with several stitches on the corner of her mouth. Her arm was in a cast and her right leg had metal rods sticking out in every direction. “What did he do to you?”

  She opened her eyes. “My baby. Why are you here?”

  “You know why. Mom, did he do this to you?” She ignored my question and stared up at the ceiling. “Why do you protect him? I don’t get it.”

  “Go back to Michigan, Sarah.” She turned her head away from me.

  When we arrived in Charlotte, Eddie notified the police immediately. I agreed to go to the station and talk to them about my parents. Unfortunately, it didn’t end up being a quick trip. They questioned me for several hours. Before I left to go see my mom, they convinced me to put on a wire. Our hope was Mom would say Dad pushed her down the stairs.

  “Is that what you really want, Mom? You don’t even want help from your own daughter?”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Help me? No one can help me, Sarah. Your father will always win.”

  “Let’s stop him together, Mom.”

  She looked at me. “No…I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “I know you are. I am, too.” I moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Why was he mad this time?”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled it close to her chest. “He lost his job.”

  “How long did he have that one?”

  “He made a new record of six months.”

  “Wow, that is a new record.” We both laughed which would be weird for any normal family. “This is extreme.” I pointed to he
r leg and arm. “He’s never done something like this before.”

  “Yeah, since you left he’s been different. After coming home from Michigan, it just got worse. I couldn’t say anything without pissing him off.” She looked toward the door as if she was afraid he was going to storm through at any minute. “Please don’t be mad at him. He needs help but I don’t know how to help him.”

  “Mom, he tried to kill you. He needs to be locked up.”

  “No, Sarah. Please don’t.”

  I bent down and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Mom.” I did love her, she made it tough to love her, but I did love her with all my heart. “I’ll check in with Aunt Cheryl and see how you’re doing.” I could tell mom was mad at me because she started crying and yelling my name.

  She probably knew I would tell the police everything. As I left the room, she continued to yell at the top of her lungs, “No! Please don’t. Sarah.”

  Eddie was leaning against the wall just outside her room. The moment I saw him, I needed to be in his arms. I think I believed I could help my mom, but I knew that was just a fantasy. The reality was, she had been beaten down for far too long. What she believed and what was real were two very different realities. It was time to let go of this part of my life. My Aunt Cheryl was the one who convinced me to walk away almost six years ago and never turn back.

  Why did I come back?

  I needed to listen to my aunt this time.

  “I just talked to the police chief. They found your dad at a bar about twenty minutes outside of town.” Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed and handed me a small brown paper bag.

  “Shocking. Dad practically lived at bars.” I sat up and threw a pillow behind my back.

  “There’s something else.”


  “Your mom had to be sedated. She wouldn’t stop yelling for you.”

  My mom had lived in the dark for so long. “It’s okay, Mom can finally rest.”

  “Maybe.” He crawled over to lay down beside me. “Aren’t you curious?” He tapped his finger on the bag.

  “A little.” I opened it and peeked inside. “What did you do?” There were all different colors of taffy and a few wrapped chocolates.

  “I thought you needed a treat.”

  “Some people need wine. I need sugar.”

  “Which is probably why Kelsey connects with you so much.”

  “Because I like sugar?”

  He reached into the bag. “Well, every kid loves sugar.”

  I swatted at his hand. “Get your own bag, Mister.”

  “Oh, is that how it’s going to be?”

  “Maybe.” I pulled the bag close to my chest and inched away from him. His smile fell and his eyes turned black. “Eddie, what are you doing?”

  It’s funny, I felt sad but not in the way a traditional family may feel sadness. I knew my mom needed help. She needed to find peace after all these years. The information I shared with the police combined with hospital notes of all my mom’s injuries: My dad would probably end up spending several years behind bars. Fingers crossed, it would be for the rest of his life.

  I felt relief honestly.

  Eddie was now on all fours towering over me. “I’m not done eating my candy.” I reached into the bag for another piece.

  He grabbed the piece of taffy right before I popped it in my mouth. “Oh, you’re done for now.”

  Eddie bent down to kiss me but I turned my head away. “Do you think I would be a good mom?” The question popped out unexpectedly and caught me off guard. I couldn’t believe I actually gave voice to the words that had been on my mind for several weeks. I could feel my cheeks heat up. A part of me wanted to wish the words back.

  He was straddling me but moved to the side and sat down. “Do you want to be a mom?”

  “I don’t know.” I threw my arm over my eyes. This conversation felt so uncomfortable. “I mean, I never wanted to be one before.”

  He moved closer and grabbed my arm to pull it away. “Why?”

  “Why don’t I want to have kids?” I actually groaned the moment I said the words.


  “You were with me at the police station.”

  “What does that have to do with having a baby?” He slid his hand up my arm and combed his fingers through my hair. “Tell me, Sarah.” He brushed his hand down the side of my face and traced the outside of my lips with his fingertip.

  “I would never want to treat my kids the way I was treated growing up.”

  “Sarah.” He bent down and kissed me. “You are nothing like them. I have been asking myself how you turned out so decent and kind-hearted.”

  “But what if I’m not?”

  “Have you felt angry or upset with Kelsey yet?”

  “No. I can’t image getting upset at her, she’s so sweet.”

  He kissed me again. The contact sent a shiver up my spine. “Baby, you will be an amazing mom someday! I promise.” He moved his body closer. “What brought this on?”

  “Jan. Kelsey. You. Life.”

  It was true, for the first time in a very long time something felt different.

  I wanted more.

  I wanted forever with Eddie.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Do you need any help?” I pulled back the shower curtain.

  “What?” She jumped and burst out laughing. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll get right on that.” I pulled down my shorts and stepped into the shower. The water was scalding hot on my skin. “Holy shit.” I shielded my body trying to avoid the intense heat.

  “A little too warm?” She flung water at me.

  “You call this warm?”

  Sarah reached down and moved the handle over just a smidge. She turned back and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Is that better?”

  “Are you mocking me?” I poked her sides. She tried to jump away a little too quickly and her foot slipped. Right as she was about to go down I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “My hero.” She peppered several kisses all over my face.

  “So,” I rocked our bodies back and forth.

  “So, what?”

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  She placed her hands on my forehead. “Are you okay?”

  “Ha ha.” I pinched her ass. “Hear me out, okay?”

  “Okay.” She gave me a questioned look.

  “No, this is good.”

  My mind flashed back to right before my wife got sick. We both talked about having another baby. I wanted Kelsey to have a brother or sister. Then when my wife died, I let those thoughts wash away. I knew Kelsey and I would be okay alone.

  Then I met Sarah.

  “I can’t get what we talked about last night out of my mind.”

  “Oh Eddie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  “No, it’s okay.” I bent to kiss her before she could say another word. “I’m not saying let’s try today but we can start practicing.” I slid my hands over her ass and pulled her even closer. “I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight. I’m in this for the long haul.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What I’m saying,” I kissed her nose, “is that I want you to make Michigan your home. I want you to make my home yours. We can redecorate, sell some things, whatever you want.”

  “Eddie, are you sure you’re ready to make that big of a change?”

  “I want this.” I picked her up and pushed her body against the shower wall. “I want you.”

  Sarah wrapped her legs around my waist. “Yeah?”

  I pushed my cock against her body. “Does that answer your question?” A small moan escaped her lips. The vibration caused me to get harder. I leaned forward and kissed her. “If I have to prove to you every single day for the rest of my life, that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Every day?”

  “Every. Single. Day.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head.
There was a small smile emerging on the corners of her lips. “Eddie, how will you go to work with that new crazy schedule?”

  Sarah’s eyes went wide the moment I reached down and pushed my cock deep inside her. “We’ll figure out something.”

  “Eddie, I…”

  “What? Tell me?”

  She was quiet for several long moments. “I need more.”

  There was a look in her eyes I couldn’t quite figure it out. I slid my hands down her back and over her gorgeous ass. We moved together in and out. She felt so good.

  “Please don’t stop,” she begged.

  I rested my forehead against hers. “Never.” I lightly kissed her but it shifted to more. Then I pulled back and stared at her for the longest moment. The words “I love you” were on the tip of my tongue but I was too afraid to give voice to them.

  But I did love her.

  I somehow managed to find love again.

  Two months later…

  “Daddy!” Kelsey ran down the hallway.

  “Hi, Baby Girl!” I squatted down and wrapped my arms around her little body. “How’s my Sweet Pea?”

  “Good. I helped Aunt Jan bake cookies because she’s sick.”

  I stood and made my way into my sister’s kitchen. Jan was sitting at the table with her hand on her now bigger than ever baby bump. “Hey, Sis.” I sat down opposite my sister and reached for a cookie. “Oh, wow–” I glanced over at Kelsey– “you made these?”

  “Yup.” Her head was moving up and down so fast.

  “All by yourself?”

  “Yup.” You could tell she was trying to keep a straight face but then burst out laughing. “No, Daddy.” She was in fits of giggles. “Aunt Jan helped, too.”

  She was so precious. I reached over and tickled her side. “Hey Sweetie, do you think I could talk to your Aunt Jan alone for a few minutes?”

  “Sure, Daddy. You’ll let me know when you’re done, right?”

  “I promise.” I held out my pinky finger for her grab. “I pinky swear.” She connected my finger with her own and shook our hands up and down. Then she turned, and I watched her run down the hallway toward the living room.


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