Tremble: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 7)

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Tremble: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 7) Page 2

by Mazzy J March

  By the time Tris and Samson wandered into the kitchen, one after the other, I had a platter of crisp bacon, savory sausage, and glistening ham on the table along with the tray of crepes, and was spooning soft-scrambled eggs into a bowl. I’d let them get a start on their meal before addressing the elephant always with us in the room. Hungry wolves were not good listeners.

  Samson sat at the table. “Wow, what’s the occasion?” His eyes narrowed. “Did those females drop some of this off again? I told them—” He told them to stop? Hmmm.

  “No.” Not bothering to hide my umbrage, I spit out, “I can cook. I just don’t do it often because you guys and Gigi do it.” Oh crap…was I setting myself up to get stuck with meal duty? “For which I am very grateful. Now, sit down and eat, Tris. Before it all gets cold.”

  He hesitated, hovering a little. “Maybe I’ll take a plate to my room—”

  I straightened my spine and stood as tall as I could, instinctively wanting to loom over him, over both of them. “Both of you will sit down and eat the food I cooked for you. And when you’ve taken the edge off, we will have a little talk and see if we can’t straighten out some of the shit going on here.” Okay…I’d shown my hand, but I wasn’t a saint! I had my limits. And Tris was still standing. “Sit. Down. Now.”

  The shriek might have made my point for me. My big strong wolf man dropped into a chair as far from his brother as the smallish kitchen table allowed.


  They both began filling plates, and, as I’d hoped, their morning hunger took over. I joined them. When they were halfway through second helpings, I set my fork beside my plate and took a deep breath, praying to whatever goddess helped out those who sought to convince others to do things that went against their current desires.

  “Speak.” Samson was every inch the alpha in that one word. “Before you burst with it. On with the lecture.”

  Tris smirked. “Yes, mate. We are all ears.”

  “You’re all something,” I grumped, secretly pleased they seemed to have ganged up against me. Thrilled they were on the same side in anything. “Okay, here goes. We all live under one roof for the time being. And, not gonna lie, I still harbor a dim hope for it being more than that. But either way, we have the choice of whether to be miserable, and I vote not to be. I like happiness. So”—I stood up and waved to the complete disaster I’d made of the kitchen—“I’m going to school now.” I untied my apron and tossed it over my chair. “As it stands, Tris is here but doesn’t have the run of pack lands. So, Samson, you either have to unbanish him, or he’s a prisoner.” Without blinking an eye, I went after the other one. “Tris, you often come off as the good guy in this whole mess, but you’re not much better. You aren’t making an effort at all. I don’t care about the past or about your father. In fact, I think he was a total asshole for what he did to the two of you.”

  When they both opened their mouths, I held up a hand. “I am not done. I will be back at three. Either things have changed, or I will move to the healer’s house where there are some empty rooms. I’m don’t expect miracles or perfection, but I expect change. Positive. Change.”

  I stomped out of the kitchen and left for school. My heart was pounding, palms sweaty, and I wanted to throw up the breakfast I’d just eaten. I’d laid down my terms. And if they didn’t comply, I’d have to leave.

  Even if I’d sooner die.

  Chapter Four

  I came home filled with trepidation. And self-doubt. As in, who did I think I was to demand these brothers behave in a certain way? They had all that history and had made their decisions as they moved along with their lives. Right or wrong, they were entitled to those decision. Right?

  Classes, work…I might as well have not bothered to go anywhere today because I had zero idea what might or might not have happened. I was pretty sure professors had lectured and that I’d possibly made some notes, but I’d have to check my tablet and hope they looked familiar. I hated the guys being on the outs so much. Why couldn’t they see the clear path forward? They were brothers who had shared their mother’s womb, and their father had apparently spent every day since then until his death trying to rip them apart from one another. Why would he do that?

  What did he hope to gain by forcing his sons to compete on every level until they didn’t even speak to each other for years? Until Samson took that oath to banish his brother? Didn’t the man love his children at all? I’d heard of alphas who put the pack before their families, but this wasn’t that. Fomenting hatred served nobody.

  Although, I didn’t think he’d managed to actually do that. While they were far apart and out of contact, and while they’d been hardly cordial, since Tris’ return, I thought I’d begun to see a thawing of the iciness between them. Slow, very slow, but just the day before they’d actually laughed over something together. For just a few seconds, before it cut off…

  So, why the hell had I not been willing to let them do this on their own time? Why had I allowed my impatience to strike out and maybe ruin the progress they’d made? Sometimes, I doubted my common sense.

  With all this in mind, I walked up the porch steps and reached for the door handle. But the door opened before I had my hand on the knob. And Tris stood there, looking at me, studying me as if I held the ability to make his world good or bad with just a word.

  Why was I such a jerk?

  Wait, they were the jerks…dammit! No. I just didn’t know anymore. But my tension was so high that, without thinking anymore, I dropped my book bag and purse on the porch floor and leapt into Tris’ arms, my mouth crashing into his so hard our teeth clicked together before he wrapped his arms around me and returned the kiss.

  We were grappling on the porch like two teenagers with out-of-control hormones, anyone could walk by and see us, and I didn’t care in the slightest. Tris palmed my bottom and lifted me off my feet, our kisses deepening. When we finally parted for air, he carried me into the house, cuddling me close and breathing heavy.

  We were halfway up the stairs to the bedroom level when the kitchen door slammed. Tris took the rest of the steps two at a time, and, when we reached the landing, he stopped. Let me slide to my feet. Moved back and gave me a rueful smile.

  “We did make an agreement when we moved in. Something about sex being off the table for a while.”

  It was all I could do to keep from leaping on him. “It has been a while,” I gritted out.

  “You know what I mean. Until we knew where the relationships between you and each of us—and by each, you know I mean my brother because I feel pretty awesome about you and me—were resolved one way or the other.”

  My lower lip thrust out in a genuine pout and my wolf howled inside me. “But I miss you.”

  “I’m right here.”

  “Don’t act as if you don’t get what I’m saying.”

  “Things are a little better between us, and I am afraid if we were to…do something to miss each other a little less…it could hurt that.”

  “As if I didn’t cause enough trouble this morning?” Dammit, why wasn’t I the least bit patient? “I shouldn’t have—”

  “No/.” Samson’s voice came up the stairs. I peered over the railing to see him standing below, looking up at us. “You have been very patient, and if you’re done with whatever you’re doing up there, come on down. Both of you. It’s time to settle things.” His grin was a match to his brother’s, except Tris’ tipped up a little more on one side and Samson’s on the other. Mirror twins. “It’s time for peace.”

  Chapter Five

  Samson was not only clenching his jaw but wringing his hands. This was a big moment for him, and an even bigger moment for Tris.

  “I’ve never seen this happen. It’s a big deal when someone as old as me gets to experience something new. You must be pleased as punch.” Gigi squeezed my shoulders and placed a kiss to my temple.

  I was. Samson had decided, all on his own, aside from the cherry-crepe lecture, that he would reinstate Tris t
o the pack and officially welcome him back into the fold. I assumed that some conversation about this had transpired between them, but didn’t ask for details. The point was Tris was in the pack again.

  That should clear up the tension, at least in theory.

  “Could everyone quiet down. Let’s begin.” Samson’s voice was flat, but he’d managed to give Tris several tight-lipped smiles since we’d gathered around. This had to be hard for him, to do what he thought was best, knowing it went against what his father would’ve wanted. A father I wished was still alive so I could give him a piece of my mind. Of course, if he were…we probably wouldn’t have gotten to this point. I had faith in Samson’s heart but doubted their father had one.

  Tris stayed at Samson’s right as though they had rehearsed this shit beforehand. They probably had, knowing the alpha.

  “I was asked, in my alpha’s oath, to ban my brother for giving up the position of alpha to this pack, which was rightfully his by birth. But Tris has proven his loyalty over these past couple of months, and for that reason, along with other factors…” His gaze met mine because the other factor was me and us and our mating. “I have decided to reinstate his membership to this pack.”

  There were several gasps and murmurs among the crowd, but in general, it seemed like everyone was fine with Samson’s decision. Tris was nervous as he scanned the crowd, but when his gaze met mine, his shoulders relaxed. He mouthed “I love you” and I melted right there.

  “Still haven’t gotten a piece of that other one?” Gigi elbowed me in the ribs.

  “Gigi!” I admonished, but fell into her embrace. “Not yet.”

  “That man is ready to explode. I bet if you accidentally grazed his crotch, he’d just…”

  I gasped, and she paused.

  “What? You know it’s true. All you would have to do is to walk in his bedroom late at night, take off your clothes, and he’d blow like a grenade.”

  “Gigi! You’ve got to stop.”

  She laughed while I nearly blushed to death. “Calm down but take my advice. I can practically feel the tension coming off of him.”

  “Please be patient with me as we get through this short ceremony. I’ve never done this before.” Samson winked at the crowd, and I realized he wasn’t the only one about to pop. “Tris, please come over here.”

  Tris hesitated but then walked to Samson and stood in front of him. At first sight, they were identical, but I knew better. They were night and day in every other way. Our talk in the kitchen had indeed brought us to this point, but they’d been at odds for too long to just fall into happy brotherhood so quickly. I swore I’d be patient from now on. An oath I might have a really hard time keeping.

  “Tristan, do you re-pledge your allegiance to this pack? Do you swear to keep what we are a secret from humans and, therefore, keep us safe? Do you pledge to hold your pack membership with pride and defend it to your death?”

  I shuddered at that last part. It pierced me like an arrow, seeing as we were in the middle of this weird feud with an unseen enemy.

  “I swear it.”

  “Gods, the buildup has taken months and then it’s over with in that one sentence.” Gigi sighed and clapped along with the rest of us. “That’s the way these things go. Just like a wedding. Months of planning for fifteen minutes of actual event. That’s why my mates and I got married at the justice of the peace. Easy peasy.”

  “You got married? Like human married?” I asked, genuinely curious.

  “We did. I actually only was legally married to one of them. And no, I won’t tell you which.”

  I learned something new about Gigi every day.

  Tris got through the crowd and approached me. He bent me over backward and kissed me right here in front of everyone. When I was finally on my feet again, I was breathless.

  “You’re pack now. How do you feel?” I asked him, still holding on to his biceps.

  “I feel the same. But then again, my wolf is more content. He’s good with the decision. I’m going to go make a plate. Can I fix you one, mate?”

  I nodded. Samson, while acting like this was no big deal, still had everyone bring a dish so we could feast as a pack. While Tris was at the buffet, I walked to Samson who was finally alone after being swarmed with pack members with questions.

  “Hey, you did good.” I swallowed, wanting to say so much more.

  “I did what needed to be done.”

  “You broke down a wall that needed to be taken down a long time ago. Thank you.”

  He grunted. “He belongs here. He always has.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, well, a lot of things that belong together get taken apart. But if they are meant to be, they will find their way back. Fate has a plan, Samson.”

  “You think Fate has a plan, female?”

  One word and I was goo on the floor.

  “I’m counting on it, Samson.”

  Chapter Six

  I don’t know what I expected to happen after our kitchen meeting and the big reunion, but bedroom wise, nothing changed. Baby steps, I cautioned myself repeatedly. I’d gotten lucky with my ultimatum, and we were definitely on the right path.

  It wasn’t as if they didn’t want me. I could see the glint in their eyes when I passed them and if I “accidentally” brushed against them every time, who could blame me? My mates were hot stuff. Gigi’s idea of jumping in their beds was a little beyond what I could see myself doing, but I had launched my own plan to wear them down with little touches and kisses.

  To start with, nobody left the house without a kiss. If one of them went, I met them at the door and gave them a kiss goodbye. If I left, I tracked them both down, if they were there, for my hug and kiss. Starting today, I’d add welcome home kisses. We might be two hundred years old before we worked our way into normal mating behavior, but the kisses were pretty sweet.

  I had been looking at some toys online in case I needed to take the edge off to prevent explosion.

  Fortunately, life was keeping me plenty busy as always, so when things got too intense at home, my friend Wendi could be counted on for a girls’ day out. Today, we were going shopping for baby clothes. She didn’t know what she was having, not only preferring to be surprised but to avoid human doctors. She was consulting with a healer in another pack, and Gigi had a lot of experience as well in what it meant for a shifter to bear a child. But Wendi didn’t want her baby to wear all pink or blue or any pastel anyway. That was a human tradition. Most of the little ones running around here, if they weren’t full-on naked, wore an array of bright colors reflecting their personalities.

  As Wendi’s child grew, they would no doubt choose their own favorites, but for now, their mama would make that call. Our journey today was to a town about twenty miles away where a shifter—who happened to be the sister of Wendi’s healer friend—ran a baby store. Of course, she sold to anyone who came in, but due to the unusual designs and hues of her items, her clientele was primarily of our ilk.

  Moss helped Wendi to get settled in the passenger seat and gave her a kiss. “You’re sure you don’t need me to come along?” His concern was very sweet, I thought.

  But his mate responded with uncharacteristic grumpiness. “I think I can manage layette shopping on my own! You are all hovering over me every minute, until I can’t even think.”

  He stumbled back a step with a stricken expression that made me want to tell Wendi to back off, but even in her hormonal state, she recognized it as well and reached out her arms before he could close the door. “Moss, I’m sorry. I know you’re just being considerate, but I am a cranky whale.” And just like that she went from surly to tearful. “I don’t deserve any of you.”

  I felt for all the guys who loved her so much and tried so hard to make her happy. Moss dropped to his knees and hugged her, murmuring comforting nonsense. But as much as I loved my friend, if I didn’t do something, this would go on all day.

  “All right, you two. I know you want to cuddle, but we have big plans fo
r today, so kiss and wrap it up so my buddy and I can hit the road.”

  The look Moss gave me over her shoulder held so much gratitude, I had to bite my lip to suppress a giggle. Wendi had told me her mates were taking turns staying home with her, chauffeuring her to classes and anywhere else she needed to go. Even though she was perfectly capable of driving, they hovered like anxious mother hens. Today must be his shift, and despite all his love, he probably didn’t mind the break. One more quick kiss and he stood up, closed the door and stepped back, waving as we drove away.

  Wendi was quiet until we hit the highway. Then she let out a big sigh. “Pull over.”

  “What? Do you feel sick? Do we need to go back?” I steered onto the side of the road and stopped. “Or to see your healer?”

  She snorted. “No, I want to drive. My mates are treating me like I’ve lost my ability to do anything at all. Switch seats with me.”

  I eyed her. “Are you sure you’re emotionally suited to manage a car?” Because I was starting to think she might not be quite as off-kilter as she’d been acting.

  “Yeah. Mostly I get crazy when everyone does everything for me. I’m surprised they aren’t lifting my teacup to my lips so I can take a sip.”

  “Was that whole scene back there real?” I waved my hand around as if it could show what I meant.

  But she got it. “Yeah, it was real, but it was the result of a morning of being followed around and waited on until I couldn’t even think straight.”

  I considered her words as we swapped seats and she adjusted the driver’s side so she could both fit her belly and reach the steering wheel and pedals. That took a few minutes, but eventually we were sailing down the highway again.


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