Tremble: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 7)

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Tremble: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 7) Page 9

by Mazzy J March

  Into the spell?

  He writhed and contorted into the most unnatural shapes on his way then, halfway there, the shift stopped. I wanted to go to him, but it wouldn’t help. The shift came from within, nobody could do it for another. But I held my breath for at least fifteen seconds before he began to change again.

  His wolf was no less magnificent for the agony that got him here. Full furred and standing on all four paws, panting, but when he lifted his head, his eyes held wonder. He didn’t waste time, though, and pushed Brandon and Moss aside, standing over his twin who now only breathed in short gasps, fingers weakly clawing the ground.

  I stood with the other wolves, while Tris lifted his muzzle and gave a long, mournful howl. My heart clenched. Was Samson too far gone to save? And not only him…if he could not be awakened, the others were sure to die.

  Then Tris bent close to his brother and brought his muzzle to his ear. That made no sense. His only hope was mind-to-mind communication. Samson was not conscious enough to hear anything he might say or bark or howl. The alpha’s eyes were closed, and he no longer moved, not even his fingers.

  But suddenly, he screamed and convulsed. I took a step forward then stopped when Tris lifted his head, blood dripping from his muzzle. He barked once. I didn’t have time to think about what might have happened because Samson had launched into a shift even more violent than Tris’.

  If the spell didn’t kill him, I feared the remedy might.

  Moss and Brandon pressed into my sides, but Tris stood next to his brother, the blood still staining his face. He leaned in as if to offer support while Samson went through his shift and, as hard as it was to believe, survived it.

  When he stood on four legs, I knew the source of the blood on his twin’s muzzle. Samson’s left ear held a jagged cut, still seeping even in wolf form. Not for long as, before my eyes, it healed, but I did understand. In his effort to reach his brother before he went too far into the light, Tris bit him.

  He’d probably pay for that later.

  Or maybe not.

  From there, things happened very fast. Samson shook himself and stood firm then turned to face the others, and his words came to me: Shift. Or. Die. Your alpha orders you to shift.

  I had to struggle not to go back to two-legged, and the other three wolves gave a shudder but also held firm as everyone else began their nightmare shift into wolf form. Samson had heard us, had repeated what we’d said, but added his demand, making it impossible for his pack to disobey. Thank all the gods and the goddess we’d saved him. Not only would his loss have destroyed me, it would have destroyed our whole pack.

  Most of the others managed to make it through to fur on their own, but Samson had to move closer to a couple and order them again and again…he saved every one.

  Before I could draw a breath of relief, the ground shuddered under us, and the skree of a hawk rent the air. Opal in all her sorceress’ finery appeared in front of Samson. “I don’t know how you did it, but if you think you’ve done enough to save you and your pathetic pack, you’re a fool.”

  Samson lunged at her only to be flung back as if he’d hit a wall. Tris launched after him, to the same results. The pack warriors who had recovered enough threw themselves at her in a mob, but it wasn’t happening. She was immovable. Her hawk’s cries sounded like shrill laughter.

  “If you’re done”—she brushed her sleeves as if dust marred their luminous perfection — “I’ll give you my terms. As you can see, my spell covered only your human form. This time. But if you try to shift back to human, you will die painfully and a little less quickly than you might prefer.”

  The warriors stood in a circle around her at the distance her blocking spell or whatever it was seemed to allow. I held back, standing near where I’d shifted, listening and trying to come up with a way to kill her. Slowly and painfully, since that seemed to be her favorite way to kill others.

  “Now, I can easily extend the spell to cover all your forms.”

  Liar, said a voice from inside me. Not my mates and not my wolf.


  She can’t make that spell work for more than one form at a time. And if I’m not mistaken, it only works once on a victim. You’ve broken it.

  So, I can…

  Yes, you can.

  But what about her shield?

  It works on wolves. Don’t be a wolf.

  I love you, I told her because anything could happen.

  And I have faith in you.

  I moved back farther, so some trees blocked me from her, and quietly shifted. To my relief, it wasn’t agonizing, probably because I wasn’t breaking a spell this time. I crept forward, freeing my sword from its scabbard among my clothes and moving to stand behind a tree near her.

  Opal was giving her terms, facing away from me for the moment. “I will take that sniveling bitch Christie and her grandmother and leave you in peace. I think it’s little enough to ask since I’ve been waiting for so long—over a century—for my revenge. Then you will have my word…”

  Samson shifted, and I desperately waved, trying to signal that I had it. I’ll explain later. Just hold her attention.

  Yes. He heard me, and Tris gave a head bob, so he did, too.

  I would only have one chance before she came up with some other horrible spell, so I waited for her to be so caught up in her soliloquy about the crimes my family had committed against her she might not notice me… My mates—and the entire pack let out a howl, and I leapt forward and, with one swipe, beheaded the bitch.

  It felt good. Even better when a man plunged through the treetops and landed dead and naked beside her. Looked like we’d broken the spell on her hawk, too.

  I stood holding the sword next to the two bodies. One headless, one with a head.

  Could it be? After all this time…

  Samson and Tris shifted and came up beside me. They enfolded me in their embrace.

  “It’s over mate,” said Samson.

  “Our warrior goddess,” murmured Tris before the led me away from the corpses.

  “Burn them,” ordered the alpha, and then we went home.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Our time had finally come.

  “Can I come in yet?” Wendi called from the other side of the door after knocking softly.

  I’d wanted to be alone while I got dressed despite the protests from Wendi and Gigi. Didn’t know why. It just felt like a private moment.

  “Yeah, I’m done.” I waited until she got in the room and shut the door behind her. “What do you think?”

  I’d chosen a simple off-the-shoulder dress in cream. It had a lace overlay that fanned out along the bottom, giving me a tiny train. I thought the veil was a little much, so I’d settled for a side bun at the nape of my neck and barely any makeup.

  No shoes. Because who needed shoes on a day like today?

  Probably everyone since it was still snowing, but our lives had been so complicated to date. I just wanted everything as simple as possible.

  “You are absolutely stunning, Christie.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, but I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to make them stop. I didn’t want to be splotchy and bug-eyed from crying as I walked to greet my mates. “Stop it. Just say I’m ugly, and we’ll pretend it’s opposite day.”

  She turned me toward the mirror and made me look at myself again. “No, I won’t. You are gorgeous. They aren’t going to be able to speak once they see you. One look and poof, all thought and breath gone. They are two lucky bastards.”

  “They are that,” Gigi said, coming in. Great, now I was really going to cry. “But let’s not make the bastards wait anymore. It’s time, my girl.”

  Gigi walked me down the aisle, right in the split of the pack members. We’d enlisted one of the elders to do the ceremony. Typically, it would’ve been the alpha, but since he was one of the mates, that was impossible.

  Tris and Samson had chosen different suits, of course. But they were equally handso
me and equally mine.

  They extended their hands, and I took them, and stood between them.

  This was how it should’ve always been.

  “Christie, do you take these men to be your mates? To put their needs before your own? To make their happiness your priority in good times and in bad?”

  I looked at my men and gave a glance to our pack—not a dry eye in the place. “Of course, I do.”

  The vows were repeated for each of my mates, and I blew out a breath as Samson said he promised. I felt like I’d waited my entire life for those words.

  “Wanna dance?” Samson whispered in my ear later on, after the ceremony and well into the reception of the century.

  My feet ached, and my lower back throbbed, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from capturing this moment with him. “Of course, mate.”

  I took his hand, and we swayed to the sweetest song sang by one of the pack members while he played his guitar. “I’m glad you finally came to your senses, Samson. Seriously, I’m one hell of a catch and you almost lost me.”

  I was kidding, of course, but his face went solemn. “I did almost lose you, didn’t I? I swear to the gods that will never happen again, Christie. Never.”

  I believed every word he said. His wolf and mine communed while we were this close, sealing the bond even more. “You never would’ve lost me, Samson. It just took us a while to get onto the same page.”

  “And now I have you. You’re mine.”

  I nodded, but it wasn’t good enough.

  “No, baby, I want to hear you say it. Say you’re mine.”

  Baby. That was a first, and it made me tremble from head to toe. “Samson, I’m yours. I have always been yours.”

  “And mine,” Tris said, dancing past us with Gigi.

  She screwed up her face. “Gods, will you three get the hell out of here? Everyone is being polite because this is your mating ceremony, but can you please leave? I need to get my party on, and you’re ruining the mood.”

  Leave it to Gigi to beg us to leave so she could party hard.

  “Don’t overdo it. I’m not coming out here to drag your ass home. And keep your clothes on, for the love of Pete. It’s snowing out here.”

  A whisper of snow touched my face just as I said it, but my mates tugged on my hands, agreeing with Gigi silently. It was time to end the celebration and get to the best part.

  “Have fun.”

  When the door to our home closed behind us, the music switched from sweet and romantic to rowdy and rock.

  The party had officially begun without us.

  “Come on, mate, let’s see if we can make some trouble of our own.” Tris said, taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

  I looked back at Samson, and he winked at me. “Don’t worry. Our night will be tomorrow. You get two honeymoons.”

  Lucky me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  We didn’t take a long honeymoon because, even with our enemy gone—beheaded by me—there were always a million things to do in the pack. Plus, I’d always dreamed of a beach honeymoon, and my mates promised me one the following summer. And the one after that. Multiple honeymoons were going to be a benefit of our relationship, they informed me.

  And I protested not at all.

  Our short trip was pretty magical in itself, just the three of us strolling along the streets of a town I’d never visited before, dining in some beautiful restaurants, and enjoying the first time since we’d been together when no huge danger hung over our heads. It was incredible, and while I cautioned myself not to try to look too far in the future, it sure appeared rosy from here.

  We returned to the alpha house, happy and relaxed, with bags of fun gifts for Wendi and Gigi and all of Wendi’s mates among others. Even some new skills from a private cooking class with an amazing chef who taught me to make a sauce I couldn’t even pronounce. But it was tasty! I ran ahead, up the steps.

  “Gigi? You home?” I called, entering. “We’re here! We have presents!”


  My mates came in behind me, laden with our bags and gifts. “Where do you want the shopping bags?” Tris asked. “These things are heavy.”

  “Gigi isn’t here,” I said. “I thought she’d be waiting. I texted her…as you suggested, Samson.”

  “Maybe she had to run to the infirmary or something,” Samson put in. “I’m just going to leave these bags here, but I’ll take the suitcases up to our rooms. Coming, Tris?”

  They headed up while I stood, poking through the various bags, seeing what was where and still wondering what happened with Gigi. It wasn’t like her not to be here.

  “Psst!” I spun around to see where the sound came from.

  “Gigi, why are you hiding there?” I moved toward the kitchen, lowering my voice when she put a finger to her lips. “Is something wrong?” After all we’d been through, it didn’t take much to frighten me.

  She grabbed my arm and towed me into the kitchen. “No, this way. It’s a surprise. Everyone is waiting in the clearing for the ceremony.”

  I shook my head, blinking. “What are you talking about? We just had the ceremony, remember? That’s why we had a honeymoon.”

  “No, not that one.” She winked. “The other ceremony.”

  “Gigi, have you been drinking?” Because there was something weird going on.

  “Of course not. Wait. Do you really not know?”

  “No, she doesn’t.” Samson came in and wrapped his arms around me from behind. “I didn’t tell her. Everything ready?”

  What the heck?

  “Yes. They know you’re back.”

  “Tris, I need you.” Samson waited at the foot of the stairs until his twin came down.

  “What’s up? I was going to take a shower.”

  “In a minute. Something important has come up.” He led him toward the door and outside. Gigi linked her arm in mine, and we followed.

  My mates had their heads close together, talking as we approached the clearing, but then Samson laid a hand on his arm. Every member of the pack was gathered there, talking and watching their alpha and his twin move closer.

  “Gigi, what the…?”

  “Shh. Just watch.”

  Samson approached the waiting group with his hands in the air and the talking died back. “Thank you all for gathering on this cool, windy day. I promise not to take much of your time, but I gather our mate’s grandmother has shared that we have a happy surprise for you?”

  Lots of nodding and smiling.

  “You’ve all worked hard for the benefit of the Midnight Alder pack, many of you even put your lives on the line, but none more so than my twin, and I feel that I need to right a wrong that was made long ago.”

  Low murmuring began then stopped. I had no idea what he might be about to say. He’d already welcomed Tris back…what more was there?

  “As of today, I am declaring that my twin, my other half, is now co-alpha. As he should have always been. I hope you will give him the respect and obedience you grant me.” He waited a moment, then said, “Are there any objections? Please speak now.”

  Instead of objections, there came a whoop from Brandon followed by shrieks and wild applause. Midnight Alder’s reaction to their dual alphas brought tears to my eyes. I stood with my grandmother and watched my mates being honored, watched Tris being accepted in the role he should have always had. They were twin suns to their people. Both leaders, both caring men who would put the pack’s interests first. I felt confident that with the two of them in charge, that future I wasn’t supposed to be focused on was bright.

  But today brought me about all the happiness my heart could hold, and I thanked all that was good for bringing me here to the life I shared with these men.

  “Christie, come here!” Tris waved to me, and I ran to stand with my men and accept the pack’s congratulations and listen to their stories of what went on while we were gone. Wendi and her mates came up, and I shook my head at how big she’d gotten in jus
t a few days. Their baby was going to come soon. The first birth since everything changed.

  Someday, it would be a baby of ours. These children would be born in a safe and happy place. Even if I had to behead someone to ensure it. Not that anything like that would happen again. But let our enemies never forget my mates had chosen a warrior to stand at their sides. Together, we could do anything.

  Thank you for reading Tremble. The final book in this series is a special holiday edition, Tinsel.

  Tinsel – The Final Shifter of Consequence Tale

  Available Here

  I’ve got my men and my tree, but I’m missing something…actually a lot of things. The alpha’s tree is expected to be huge and inviting and mine is just, blah. Tris and Samson are sprinkling tinsel and taste-testing my cookies, but it doesn’t seem like enough.

  As the alpha female, I have to do better.

  And by better, I mean impress the pack.

  Samson is as good as Scrooge, and Tris is right behind him. I need to get these two on board. Christmas has to be spectacular. Presents, trees, decorations, food. My first Christmas with my harem has to be perfect. That’s what it’s all about, right?

  Tinsel is the 8th book in a paranormal reverse harem shifter series featuring members of the Midnight Alder Pack. This is a special holiday surprise story featuring Christie and her mates as well as Wendi and hers and all the wolves of the pack. It is a why choose werewolf romance with a slow burn buildup sure to make your toes curl. Relationships develop over the course of this supernatural series and, of course, Mazzy guarantees an HEA.


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