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by Timothy J Jorgensen

  Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 149, 427n10

  His, Wilhelm, 235

  HIV, 317

  Hodgkin, Thomas, 136

  Hodgkin’s disease, 131, 135–38, 426n40

  Holmes, Robert H., 191

  homeopathy, 118–22, 126, 214, 443n13

  Hopkins Marine Station, 327

  Hopkinson, Alice, 261, 268

  Hopkinson, Rudolph “Cecil,” 257, 260

  Hoppe-Seyler, Felix, 236

  hormesis, 443n13

  Houk, Vernon, 275

  hybrids, 208, 211–12, 435n3

  hydrogen bombs: airplane crashes and, 375–79, 383–87, 394–96; angle of departure for, 376; atomic particles and, 76; B-52 bombers and, 375, 377–78, 383–87; Bikini Atoll and, 164, 166–67, 171–73, 181, 183, 186, 331, 393, 429n5, 430n8, 431n21; bomb disposal crews and, 377; Buzz One Four crash and, 375, 377, 383, 385, 387; cancer and, 189; Castle Bravo and, 170, 172, 189, 430n11; Chrome Dome and, 385–87, 389, 394; coconut crabs and, 181, 331; compared to nuclear fission bomb, 166; craters from, 173; deuterium and, 178, 430nn15 and 16, 431n29; efficiency and, 185–86; Enewetak atoll and, 167, 429n5, 430n9, 431n21; enhanced radiation bombs and, 185–86; explosive power of, 375–76; food and, 181, 331; fusion energy and, 165–66; hydrogen gas explosion and, 418n47; intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and, 375, 383, 386–87; Ivy Mike and, 76, 429n5; MAD strategy and, 392, 450n22; Mark 53 (B53), 375–76, 387, 449n1; MK-39, 386; NUKEMAP program and, 393; as out of fashion, 394–96; politics and, 375–78, 383–94; power of, 368; preemptive attacks and, 385–86; protecting pilot after dropping, 375–76; QUICK COUNT program and, 389–92; radioactive fallout and, 165–67, 170–74, 182, 185, 368; rule of succession and, 388–89; safety and, 375–87; selling, 382–83; Shrimp, 167, 171–77, 431n19; survivability of, 393–94; tactical ferry configuration and, 378; temperature of, 166; testing of, 164–69, 172, 189, 331, 429n5, 430nn9 and 11, 431n21; theoretical yield calculations and, 170; tritium and, 430nn15 and 16, 431n29; turkey illusion and, 388–89; use of term, 430nn6 and 10; U.S. target sites and, 390; weight of, 377–78

  hydrogen gas, 63, 419n7, 448n41

  hypocenter, 142, 427n5

  Ichikawa, Koichi, 319

  idiopathic environmental intolerance for electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF), 322–24

  Ikeda, Shigeyoshi, 146–47

  incandescence, 10–11, 14–15

  Indiana University, 220

  inductorium, 13

  infertility, 122, 324–25

  infrared light, 35–36

  ingestion, 88, 90, 92, 96, 101–2, 179–80, 201

  interactive complexity, 361–62

  intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 375, 383, 386–88

  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 312, 320, 443n14

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 360, 364

  INTERPHONE study, 313–14, 318, 443n14

  Introduction to the Theory of Optics, An (Schuster), 254

  iodine, 175–80, 182, 365–66, 432n34

  ionization chambers, 98, 106, 404

  ionizing radiation, 36–37; cancer and, 190, 200, 434nn23 and 25; cell phones and, 316, 319, 444n18; genetics and, 436n19; occupational illness and, 98, 101, 108–9, 114–15; radiation sickness and, 150–51, 160; radioactivity and, 45; radioisotopes and, 45 (see also radioisotopes); radon and, 280, 282; roentgen unit and, 420n40; skin irritations and, 419n7

  ions, 36–37, 45, 98, 240, 414n62, 422n68

  iron lung, 421n51

  irradiated food, 446n25

  Ivy Mike, 76, 429n5

  Japan: Akihito and, 357; ancient warning stones and, 371–73; atomic bombs and, 114, 140, 187 (see also Hiroshima; Nagasaki); earthquakes and, 346–57, 362, 368–69, 372, 447nn1 and 5, 447n15; Fukushima and, 330–33 (see also Fukushima nuclear power plant); Hirohito and, 161–62, 165, 357, 448n17; Pearl Harbor and, 262; seawalls and, 353–54, 356–58; sushi and, 329, 333, 336, 345; tsunamis and, 351–60, 362, 368, 372–73; tuna and, 328–30, 332, 336, 341, 343

  jaw bones, 87–88, 94, 102

  Jesuit’s bark, 423n6

  Johns Hopkins University, 60, 128–29, 132, 210–11, 401

  Joliet, Frédéric, 59, 423n76

  Jorgensen, Timothy J., ix–xiii

  Juda, King of Bikini, 171

  Julius Caesar, 1

  Kalashnikov, Michail, ix

  Kano, Masato, 194

  Kaplan, Henry, 135–39

  Kelly, Howard Atwood, 128–33, 139, 246, 248, 279, 417n27, 425n31

  Kelly, Laetitia, 133

  Kelly Hospital, 60, 132, 417n27, 425n26

  Kennedy, John F., 375

  keratinocytes, 122, 153, 167, 187, 230–31, 423n9

  Key, Francis Scott, 210

  Kili Island, 172–73

  kinetic energy, 36, 49

  Kings College, 263, 265–66

  Kirkpatrick, Robert C., 27

  Klaproth, M. H., 414n3

  klystron, 135

  known unknowns, 342

  Koch, Robert, 317

  Korean War, 375

  Kuboyama, Aikichi, 168, 430n13

  Kwajalein Atoll, 174, 182, 432n45

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 436n23

  landfills, 289

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 388

  latency period, 309, 313, 316, 318

  Lauritsen, Charles Christian, 134

  Lautenberg, Frank, 289

  Lazarus-Barlow, Walter Sydney, 94

  lead coffins, 94, 101

  Lee, Rose, 118, 413n45

  leukemia, 97, 182, 188–89, 199, 313, 367

  leukocytes, 120, 235–36, 246

  Lewis, Harold W., 359–60, 363–64

  life expectancy, 105, 191–92, 309

  Life Span Study (LSS): atomic bombs and, 191, 196, 198–205, 227–29; genetics and, 191, 196, 198–205, 227–29; inheritable mutations and, 227–29; Muller and, 227–28

  life tables, 192

  lifetime risk, 200, 285, 295–96, 339, 370, 443n6

  light, 7; atomic bombs and, 149–51; Becquerel and, 38–39; Bragg’s law and, 249, 253–55, 265; chemical storage of, 38–39; Cherenkov radiation and, 422n72; color and, 35–36; Crookes tube and, 22; crystallography and, 250–53 (see also crystallography); fluorescence and, 22–25 (see also fluorescence); incandescent, 10–11, 14–15; infrared, 35–36; magnification and, 8–9; Maxwell and, 16, 55, 403; neon lighting and, 22; Newton and, 261; particle theory of, 403; photo-isomers and, 35; photons and, 415n15; prisms and, 9, 24, 238, 254, 398, 400–402; reflection and, 239, 269; refraction and, 8–9, 254, 398, 400; speed of, 33, 70, 113, 135, 144, 150; ultraviolet, 35–37, 150, 414n61; wavelength and, 33–35

  light bulbs: Davy and, 10; Edison and, 10; electricity and, 10–11, 14–15, 18, 22, 29–30, 68, 116–18, 414n61; fear of, 11, 117; filaments and, 10, 22–23, 117; Grubbe and,116–17

  linac (linear accelerator), 133–40

  linear no threshold (LNT) model, 283–84, 440n11

  lip pointing, 89, 92, 101

  lithium, 66–67, 71, 170, 182, 418n33, 430nn16 and 17

  Lodge, Oliver Joseph, 16–17

  Los Alamos National Laboratory, 105, 182, 427n5, 429n36

  Lucky Dragon No. 5 (ship), 164–65, 173, 178, 194, 329, 368, 393, 429n3, 431n26

  Lucky Jim (Watson), 267–68

  Ludlam, Reuben, 118

  Luke, Bible book of, 116

  lung cancer: as bergsucht, 81–82, 104; cobalt and, 82; false-positives and, 302; Härting and, 82; Hesse and, 82; miners and, 81–86, 90, 104; Müller and, 81, 84–85; radon and, 278–91; silica and, 82; smoking and, 201, 279–80, 284–91, 302, 422n64, 441n34

  lymph nodes, 131, 136–37, 236, 313, 426nn39 and 40

  Lysenko, Trofim D., 219–20

  MacArthur, Douglas, 162

  McClure, Charles F. W., 13

  Macdonald Physics Laboratory, 27

  McGill University, 27, 54, 248, 416n8

  MacHale, Des, 187

  McKinley, William, 30

; Madigan, Daniel, 326–28, 330, 332, 338, 341, 344

  MAD (mutually assured destruction) nuclear strategy, 392, 450n22

  magnetic fields, 16, 29, 55, 75, 312, 322, 413n36

  magnetrons, 36, 113–14, 135

  magnets, 24

  magnification, 8–9

  Majuro Atoll, 179

  mammograms, 297–304, 307–8, 334

  Manhattan Project: atomic bomb and, 73, 103–6, 109–10, 112, 140, 159, 226, 421n61, 425n24; Chicago Health Division (CHD) and, 106–7; Daghlian and, 110–11; deaths at, 110–11; genetics and, 106–7, 226–27; MTD measurement and, 102–4, 109; occupational illness and, 103–7; safety at, 103–7

  Marconi, Guglielmo: death of, 20; Hertz and, 16–17; Nobel Prize and, 50; radio waves and, 15–20, 50, 54, 68, 112–13, 245, 316, 413n47, 419n7; safety and, 19; Thompson on, 413n47; transatlantic transmission of, 17; wireless telegraphy and, 17–18

  Marconi International Marine Communication Company, 17

  margin of safety, 203

  Mark 53 (B53) warhead, 375–76, 387, 449n1

  marlin, 326

  Marshall Islands, 171–72, 180, 182–83, 189–90, 365, 429n5, 430n9, 432n48

  Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal, 183

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 112–13, 340, 358

  mass deficit, 70–73

  Matasubayashi, Ikuzo, 194

  maximum tolerable dose (MTD), 99, 102–4, 107, 109, 421n52

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 16, 55, 403

  Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity, The (Morgan and Muller), 212–13

  Meloney, Marie “Missy” Mattingly, 92

  Mendel, Gregor: background of, 208; Brünn Society for the Study of Natural History and, 208; dominant traits and, 209; garden pea studies of, 208–9, 211, 212, 235, 237, 402; genetics and, 208–9, 211–12, 219–20, 233, 235, 237, 402, 435n4; meticulous records of, 208; Morgan and, 212–13; Muller and, 219; principles of inheritance and, 209, 221, 402; ratios of, 208–9, 212; recessive traits and, 209

  Mendeleev, Dmitri, 415n19

  Mendelianism, 211, 219–20

  meningitis, 195

  mercury, 82–83, 119, 419n3

  mice, 226–29, 420n7, 437n38

  microwave ovens, 1, 36, 114

  microwaves: cell phones and, 319, 443n11; magnetrons and, 113–14, 135; as nonionizing radiation, 36, 319; radar and, 319

  Miescher, Johannes Friedrich, 235–37, 246

  migration studies, 327–28, 330, 332, 345

  milk, 179–81, 343, 366, 446n25

  Millikan, Robert, 260

  millisieverts (mSv), 107–9, 282, 422n68

  miners: asthma and, 83; caged canaries and, 83–84, 182, 419n6; coal and, 83, 419n6; Colorado Plateau and, 279; lung cancer and, 81–86, 90, 104; Müller and, 81, 84–85; occupational illness and, 81–86, 90, 97, 104, 182, 190, 278–79, 281, 284–85, 292, 419n6; radon and, 84–86, 90, 97, 284–85; Schiffner and, 84, 276; Schneeberg, 81–85, 90, 96–97, 276, 278, 419n1, 424n14

  Mining College of Freiberg, 84

  Minot AFB, 394

  Minuteman 3 ICBMs, 387

  MK-39 hydrogen bombs, 386

  moment magnitude scale, 348, 447n2

  Morgan, John Hunt, 210

  Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 402; background of, 210, 213; doctoral training of, 210–11; Fly Room of, 210; fruit fly studies of, 210–14, 233, 243, 402; The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity and, 212–13; Muller and, 210, 212–13; Nobel Prize and, 211, 435n10; skepticism of, 210–11, 404

  Morse code, 17–18, 412n22

  Moseley, Harry, 251–52, 260

  mosquitoes, 2

  motion pictures, 14, 258, 450n22

  “moving target” argument, 300, 360, 387

  Moynihan, Noel, 293

  Müller, H. E., 81, 84–85

  Muller, Hermann Joseph, Jr.: on atomic bombs, 224–25; background of, 206–7; chromosomes and, 214–17; communism and, 218–25; eugenics and, 218–19, 222–25; fruit flies and, 207–17, 220, 222, 225–27, 229, 232–34, 243, 247, 324, 402, 435n14, 436n15, 437nn38 and 42, 444n18; genetics and, 206–7, 210, 212–28, 232–33, 246–47, 324, 435nn13 and 14, 436n19, 437n42, 438n46, 444n18; Great Depression and, 218; infertility and, 324; Life Span Study (LSS) and, 227–28; The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity and, 212–13; Morgan and, 210, 212–13; mutation rates and, 225–26; Nobel Prize of, 206–7, 224–25; Out of the Night: A Biologist’s View of the Future and, 219–20; partial dominance and, 225; radiation and, 207, 215, 216–18, 225–28, 233; radio waves and, 444n18; recessive traits and, 214, 225; sex-ratio assay of, 214–16; temperature effects and, 216–17; tolerance dose and, 233; Watson and, 233

  Murphy, Eleanor Flannery, 126–27

  mushroom clouds, 1, 173, 427n19

  myoglobin, 262

  myths, 289

  Nagasaki: Life Span Study (LSS) and, 191, 196, 198–205, 227–29; measuring radiation doses in, 190; misinformation over, 162–63; plutonium bomb of, 76, 159–60, 162–63, 166, 169, 190, 198–99, 227, 262, 427n8, 430n13, 433n53, 447n8;; radiation sickness and, 159–63; radioactive fallout and, 168–69; silent casualties of, 163

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 346

  Nash equilibrium, 450n22

  National Academy of Sciences, 191, 193, 330, 443n13

  National Bureau of Standards, 102

  National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), 103

  National Institute on Standards and Technology (NIST), 102–3

  National Institutes of Health, 189, 290, 297

  National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 322–23

  National Radio Quiet Zone, 322–23

  National Radium Institute, 128–30

  Nature journal, 266–67, 402

  Nazis, 223, 425n24, 437nn29 and 30, 439n36, 440n8

  Neel, James V., 227

  negative eugenics, 223

  neon, 22

  neurological symptoms, 83, 322–24

  neutron bombs, 185–86

  neutrons: atomic particles and, 43–45, 52, 58, 61–62, 66, 72–73, 108, 110–11, 151, 159–61, 170, 184–86, 319, 355, 415n13, 417n19, 422n72, 423n76, 426n38, 430n17; atom splitting and, 62–64; cobalt bomb and, 184–85; diluting positive charge of nucleus and, 417n19; as ghost particles, 160; Hiroshima bomb and, 160; nuclear fission and, 72–73 (see also nuclear fission); occupational illness and, 108, 110–11; proton ratios and, 415n13; radiation sickness and, 151, 159–61; radioactive fallout and, 170, 184–86; reflection of, 110; relative size of, 161; Rutherford prediction and, 61–62

  Newton, Isaac, 9, 33, 197, 238, 245, 254, 261, 401, 411, 419n3

  New York University, 291

  New York World, 11

  niobium, 175

  Nishina, Yoshio, 421n61

  Nishiwaki, Yashushi, 165

  Nobel Prize: Barkla and, 405; Becquerel and, 39–40, 47–48; Blondot and, 398, 400; Chadwick and, 61; Cockcroft and, 67, 418n33; Crick and, 267; Fermi and, 73, 418n42; Haber and, 262, 439n36, 440n8; Libby and, 415n16; Marconi and, 16, 50; Marie Curie and, 40, 47–48, 100, 415n18; Morgan and, 211, 435n10; Muller and, 206–7, 224–25; Nash and, 450n22; Pauling and, 263; Pierre Curie and, 40, 47–48; Roentgen and, 21, 28, 48, 413n46; Rutherford and, 54, 439n34; Soddy and, 416n8; Thomson and, 51–52; Walton and, 67, 418n33; Watson and, 267; Wilkins and, 267; William Henry Bragg and, 259; William Lawrence Bragg and, 249, 259, 269, 405

  nonionizing radiation: cell phones and, 318–19, 419n7; measurement of, 422n68; microwaves and, 36, 319; radio waves and, 318–19, 419n7

  normal accidents, 362

  Norman, Eric, 343–44

  North Korea, 382

  N-rays, 400–404

  nuclear fission: bomb race and, 105; cesium and, 332; discovery of, 105; as domino effect, 72–73; Fermi and, 73–74; Manhattan Project and, 73, 103–7, 109–10, 112, 140, 159, 226, 421n61, 425n24 (see also atomic bombs); nuclear reactors and, 73–74

  nuclear fusion: atomic particles and, 74–76; B-52 crash and, 386; Bikini Atoll and, 164, 166–67, 171–73, 181, 183,
186, 331, 393, 429n5, 430n8, 431n21; cold, 76; compared to nuclear fission bomb, 166; death zone of, 393; hydrogen bombs and, 76, 165–67, 170–77, 182, 185, 189, 331, 368, 375–78, 383–88, 390–94, 419n47, 429nn5 and 6, 430nn10 and 13; hydrogen gas explosion and, 418n47; lithium and, 430n17; perfect synchrony needed for, 449n14; power plants and, 359, 368; process of, 74–76; radiation sickness and, 156–57; radioactive fallout and, 165–68, 170, 177–80, 182, 185–86; Shrimp and, 167, 171–77, 431n19; Soviets and, 431n29; spies and, 431n29; sun and, 74–76, 166

  nuclear meltdown, 74, 350, 355–56, 359, 362

  nuclear power plants, xii; breached seawall and, 354; cancer and, 358, 364–67, 370–71; cesium and, 330–31, 333; Chernobyl, 364–68, 428n28; effective dose and, 365, 367, 370–71; electricity and, 354; fault trees and, 358–59, 380–81, 388; fuel rods and, 422n75; Fukushima, 330–33, 335, 343–46, 349–50, 352, 356–57, 362, 364, 366–71, 419n47; interactive complexity and, 361–62; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and, 360, 364; iodine and, 365–66; meltdown and, 350, 355–56, 359, 362; normal accidents and, 362; nuclear fusion and, 359, 368; number needed to harm (NNH) and, 361, 365; odds of accidents in, 360–61; radiation detectors and, 275–77; radiation sickness and, 367–68; radioisotopes and, 380; reactors and, 73–74, 330, 346–50, 354–64, 367–68, 381; safety and, 355, 358–64, 370–71; Three Mile Island, 358–59, 363, 380, 388; uncertainty and, 359, 361, 363–64, 389–90; unknown unknowns and, 361–63; US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and, 335–36, 359; Watras and, 275–78; worldwide number of, 360

  nuclear weapons: ABC News stunt and, 379–82, 394; airplane crashes and, 375–79, 383–87, 394–96; Chrome Dome and, 385–87, 389, 394; deterrence measures and, 375, 381–83, 433n52; fear and, 353, 367; intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and, 375, 383, 386–87; MAD strategy and, 392, 450n22; Mark 53 (B53) and, 375–76, 387, 449n1; NUKEMAP program and, 393; QUICK COUNT program and, 389–92; rule of succession and, 388–89; safety and, 422n75, 432n45, 447n15, 449n1; sovereign states and, 382–83; terrorists and, 379–83, 392, 394–95; turkey illusion and, 388–89; warheads and, 184, 375–76, 378–79, 386–87, 394

  nuclear reactors, 73–74, 330, 346–50, 354–64, 367–68, 381

  nuclein, 236–37, 240

  nucleobases, 240, 264–66

  nucleotides, 240–41, 264–65, 267

  Nuke Effects app, 393

  NUKEMAP program, 393

  number needed to benefit (NNB), 442n7

  number needed to harm (NNH): cancer and, 285–86, 295–96, 299, 301, 306–7, 314–15, 321, 338, 343, 361, 365, 442n7; cell phones and, 314–15, 321; diagnostic radiography and, 299, 301, 306–7, 442n7; exposure time and, 285–86, 295–96, 299, 301, 306–7, 314–15, 321, 338, 343, 361, 365, 442n7; food and, 338, 343; nuclear power plants and, 361, 365; radon and, 285–86, 295–96


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