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Rocked Page 8

by Andrews, Stella

  Instead, I head to River’s room and knock on the door loudly.

  “Wake up bonehead, we’re nearly there. Get your shit together.”

  I hear a loud voice shout.

  “Fuck off, Jax.”

  I grin and head back to my seat. That should have done the trick.

  Ten minutes later a sleepy looking Emily heads towards me looking sheepish. Her wig is back in place as are her glasses. She smiles shyly and sits opposite.

  “I’m sorry, Jax. I’ve slept for hours. I don’t know what came over me.”

  I just smile. “Hey, would you like a drink?”

  She grins. “Why, are you going to get it for me?”

  I grin wickedly. “No, I just thought you could grab me one whilst you were there.”

  She laughs, and it makes me happy. I want to hear her laugh all the time. I am starting to realize that making Emily happy makes me happy. It is suddenly the most important thing in my life.


  The sleep has done me the power of good. There were no more nightmares, and the bed was surprisingly comfortable. I felt bad when I woke up though. Poor Jax, he may have needed to sleep himself and was too polite to throw me out.

  When I head towards him my heart races. He makes my senses come alive and my heart fill. He is like a lighthouse calling me to safety from a savage sea. He is the hottest guy I have ever met and I am drowning inside. I keep my thoughts to myself. This guy will break my heart if I let him. I will try to keep away for my own sanity.

  By the time we pull up outside the hotel I realize the extent of what I’ve taken on. The place is filled with screaming girls. Barriers have been erected and security are holding the crowds back enough to allow the crew to leave the bus and head inside. I go in first to check on the reservations. However, I soon can’t make myself heard over the roar of the crowds and the loud screams that fill the air as the guys exit the bus. The receptionist looks at me and grins.

  “No prizes for guessing who are on their way.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes.

  As soon as they make their way inside, I hand them each a room key. Their bags are being delivered by a porter and they look totally wrecked.

  Cody puts his arm around me and whispers.

  “You know, I still haven’t had my chat with you. How about we do it now in my room?”

  I just laugh and push him away.

  “Save it for another time, Cody. You missed your slot.”

  He pretends to be angry, but winks as he walks away.

  River and Tyler grab their keys and shout to Jax.

  “See you in yours in ten.”

  Jax grins. “Sure.”

  I hand him his key and he smiles.

  “So, Miss Stone. May I ask what room you will be in?”

  I grin. “Nowhere near the stars suites. I think I’m with the servants in the basement.”

  He laughs. “Then you are formally invited to my suite in ten minutes. Don’t be late.”

  I shake my head.

  “Sorry, I have to meet with the manager and go over the arrangements. Have fun though. I’ve ordered you the required refreshments and asked for the prettiest staff to deliver it. That should keep Cody happy for five minutes.”

  Jax laughs.

  “You know him so well already. Seriously though, make sure you find the time. All work and no play makes Emily a dull girl.”

  I walk away and shrug. “I’ll be there if I’m there.”

  I leave Jax and try to concentrate on the job in hand. By the time I find the manager I have my business head on.

  It must be two hours later the band meets me downstairs for their first interview. This one is at the local radio station and the cars are waiting.

  They all appear in high spirits and as usual Cody throws his arm around me.

  “Ride with me, sweetheart. It’s my turn now and you’re not getting away this time.”

  Laughing, I nod and don’t miss the frown on Jax’s face as I head towards the car.

  Once again, the screams are deafening and I watch as the guys play the crowd. They sign autographs and take selfies and the excitement is overwhelming.

  We head towards the radio station and Cody has me in stitches as he tries to charm the pants off me. I’ve got his number though and just give back as good as I get.

  Once we are there I find the press officer and we are shown to the waiting room. Drinks have been laid on and the band walk around restlessly with nervous pent up energy. They have also downed quite a lot of alcohol in their room so are in high spirits. Cody is out of control and for the first time I realize what I’ve taken on. Even River is wired and I know I’m in for a long night.

  Once they head into the studio, I breathe a sigh of relief. I watch from the sidelines and see exactly why they are riding high. They are good fun and then the DJ plays their latest song. It’s so good and I feel my soul stirring as I hear the gravelly tones of Jax, accompanied by the distinctive sound of their music. Wow, these guys really do rock.

  They manage to behave themselves and not swear which causes me great relief. It appears to come naturally to them so I marvel at their self-control.

  Once the interview is over, they line up for promotional photographs. Once again, it strikes me how hot they look. Four super-hot guys, full of muscles and tattoos, oozing sex appeal. Their eyes flash with wicked intent and their cheeky grins would make a nun drop her panties. I feel the testosterone coming off them and filling the air and have to shake myself to remember I’m here to do a job.

  I just enjoy watching them for a moment until my world stands still.

  Behind them is a monitor and appears to have turned to the news channel. I watch as a man stands there talking earnestly as a picture of Ashton flashes up behind him. Suddenly, I feel sick and all sounds fade into the background. I find myself moving towards the TV and leave the room so I can listen.

  I just catch the end of the piece as the presenter says.

  “If you have any information on the whereabouts of Ashton Mortimer, then dial the number on the screen.”

  My mind is buzzing and I think I’m about to have a panic attack. Ashton is missing! I think I’m about to pass out as the blood roars in my head and I see white stars before my eyes. Then I feel a heavy arm land around my shoulders and am pulled against a wall of muscle. Jax leans down and whispers,

  “Everything alright, darlin? You’ve gone as white as a ghost.”

  I just shake my head and look at him in disbelief.

  He takes charge.

  “Come on guys, we’re out of here.”

  He takes my arm and pulls me along beside him and cuts through the gaping crowd as we head outside. The guys have to run to catch up with us and I wonder what they must think.

  By the time we reach the car they want answers.


  Chapter Eighteen


  When I saw Emily leave the room, I watched her closely. Something pulled her out of there like a bat out of hell, so I quickly wrapped up the session and followed her out. I could tell she was rattled, and was just staring at the TV looking as if she was going to pass out.

  I’m not sure if she even registered what I said. I feel my good mood disappearing This shit stops now.

  I pull her out of there as quickly as possible. The guys follow and I sense their surprise.

  When we’re all in the car I turn to Emily and look at her firmly.

  “Before we go any further, tell us what’s going on. We can’t help if we don’t know what you’re running from.”

  The guys look astonished as she starts to tremble. Tears spill down her cheeks and she tries to brush them away. Her voice shakes as she whispers.

  “I can’t.”

  Cody puts his arm around her and says softly.

  “Yes, you can, darlin’. We’re big boys, we can take it.”

  She sniffs and looks at us with terrified eyes.

  “I can’t. I’m sorry- it�
��s too big.”

  I feel exasperated, then Tyler tries.

  “Listen, honey. Whatever it is, may not be so bad. Things may seem impossible now but we’ve all had shit to deal with in our lives and we’ve lived to tell the tale. Let us help sort yours out.”

  River leans forward.

  “He’s right, Emily. The best way to face your fear is to face it head on. I should know, like the guys said I’ve had more than my share to deal with growing up. Now it just seems like nothing.”

  Emily just shakes her head and says in a trembling voice that breaks my heart.

  “I don’t want to get anyone involved because if you know then you’ll have to run too. This is the best way. The people who will come for me are ruthless. They won’t stop until I’m back where they think I belong. I’m only kidding myself thinking I’m free. I will never be free of them. This is bigger than all of us.”

  I feel the exasperation taking hold. This girl will be the death of me. The guys look at me and I can tell they don’t know what to do next.

  I try a different approach.

  I soften my voice and say.

  “Whatever it is, we can sort it. Nothing is impossible. Not when you have so many on your side. Whatever is causing you to run is controlling you. Be strong, Emily and fight back. You need to take control and how I see it a problem shared is a problem halved.”

  She starts to cry and my heart breaks. Christ, I need a drink, this shit is real.

  Now we are back at the hotel and there is no way in hell I’m leaving her. I grab her arm and say forcefully.

  “You’re in with me tonight. I’m not leaving you until you let me in.”

  The guys agree and we all head to my room. Even the waiting fans don’t hold us back. This needs sorting- tonight.

  Soon we are alone in my suite and the guys sink down on the settee, pulling Emily between them. I sit opposite and fix her with a determined look.

  “Right, start at the beginning and leave nothing out. We don’t care what you’ve done- if anything, and won’t judge. We are fine ones to talk and our stories would make yours look like fairy tales.”

  Tyler hands her a glass of water and sits beside me and we all wait for her to speak.


  I think I’m in shock. The guys are all looking at me with intent and I know I’m not getting away with this. Ashton’s face fills my mind and in my heart, I know something happened to her that night. Don’t ask me how—I just know.

  I swallow hard and play with my fingers, which I always do when I’m nervous. The room is silent and full of expectation. So, with a deep breath, I tell them everything.

  I leave nothing out. If they want the truth, they can have it. If they want me to leave afterwards, then so be it.

  So, in a low voice, I tell them how it started with Scott. How he made me feel and the dreams we shared. Then I told them how it all went wrong. The emotional battery and physical torture. I told them of the wedding and the night before. I told them about Grady and that I was given to him. Then my voice trembles and I almost can’t form the words as I tell them about the club. I relive that night and I hate myself for my weakness. The only thing I leave out are the names of those involved.

  Now I have started, I can’t stop. I tell them everything and when I am finished, there is a shocked silence all around me. I dare not even look at them because then I will crumble. Instead, I place my head in my hands and sob uncontrollably. I cry for the girl I once was and the dreams I had. I cry for the innocence that was destroyed over the last two years and the love I have lost. Then I cry for the poor innocent girl who may have lost her life that night. I cry because I feel so damn guilty that I did nothing about it.

  I feel an arm around my shoulder and know it belongs to Cody. River is on my other side and does the same, rubbing my back. Tyler reaches over and pulls my hands away and laces his fingers with mine. Then Jax does the same to the other hand and says gruffly.

  “Look at us, Emily.”

  I raise my eyes and see emotion blazing in his eyes and I can’t look away. He looks angry, so angry it stifles me. Then he speaks in a voice laced with steel.

  “Listen hard, darlin’, because you need to hear this. None of this is your fault. You are running to save yourself and have done nothing wrong. If those guys come for you they will have to go through us first. In fact, I can’t wait. They need to get what’s coming to them and I want to be the one to do it.”

  The other guys murmur in agreement and I sniff as Tyler hands me a tissue and I look around at them in shock.

  “But you must hate me.”

  Cody laughs softly.

  “For what, honey? For falling in love with a crazy son of a bitch or for running from another one. Those guys are the ones who deserve our hate, not you. Stop running now, Emily because you have found your way to us. We look after our own and won’t let you down.”

  River rubs my back saying gruffly.

  “What about this girl? It seems the authorities are looking for her. Maybe you should tell them what you know.”

  The guys nod and I shake my head in total and utter fear.

  “No, I must never breathe a word of it. You don’t understand.”

  Jax says in a hard voice. “Then make us.”

  I take a deep breath and tell them the final piece of the puzzle.

  “Because the men involved are the most powerful in the land. Nothing would happen to them because they control everything. Problems mysteriously disappear around them and lives are destroyed as a result of going against them. I didn’t just work for anybody at the White House, I worked for the men at the top.”

  Tyler whistles and I hear Cody say,

  “Well, hot damn. If you’re saying what I think you are, we do have a problem.”

  I shake my head sadly.

  “There is nothing I can do. Either way, I’m fucked. If I tell what I know there would be a huge scandal. I’m not naïve and know it would go nowhere in the end. If I go back, I will be trapped in that life forever and if I try to get out, I would be taken care of. I made a deal with the devil and now I’m paying the price.”

  Jax gets up and paces angrily. He snarls.

  “You made no deal. Your only crime was to love somebody worthless of that love. Like I said before, it’s time to stop running. We will help you find a way. Just let us think about it some more. At least we know you have two weeks before this guy returns. You don’t know for sure that anything has happened to that girl, and that gives us time.”

  He stops pacing and sinks down in front of me on his heels and takes my face in his. He stares at me long and hard and says in a low voice.

  “Trust me, Emily. We have your back and you are safe here.”

  I sniff and say softly. “Why would you want to help me? You have a lot on your plate with the tour and everything. It could only bring you trouble.”

  Jax just grins and his eyes sparkle.

  “Because a good PA is hard to find and by the sounds of it darlin’, you’re the best one out there.”

  The guys laugh and River says.

  “Fuck me I need a drink. In fact, I need a fuck too. All of this serious shit is scrambling my brain.”

  The others laugh and Cody says brightly.

  “Well this is gonna be one hell of a tour, I can feel it already.”

  I just wipe my eyes and smile at them all and say softly.

  “Thanks, guys. I mean it, you don’t know what a relief it is to have told someone.”

  Tyler pulls me up and hugs me hard. Then the rest all join him and we stand here in the room like some sort of crazy sandwich, hugging each other like a proper family would. Despite it all, I have never felt so happy.


  Chapter Nineteen


  When Emily told us what happened to her, the rage roared within me. I want to beat the shit out of those guys who have broken the beautiful girl sobbing in front of us. When I think of what she went through,
I want to kill them all. But most of all, I want to pull her close and never let her go. I want to look after Emily Stone or whatever her name is, forever. Don’t ask me how it happened, but she has crept into my ice-filled heart and it feels almost like a physical pain.

  Now I want the guys to leave so I can take care of her. She is not leaving my side until this gets resolved and even then, I’m doubtful I’ll let her. The thought of those crazy bastards coming for her fills me with fear, not of them but of losing her. I can’t lose her now that I’ve found her. This has gone way further than wanting to fuck her senseless, now I have feelings that I have no business having.

  I watch the guys trying to make her laugh. They are as shocked as I am, I can tell. They hide it well but I know them. They may be crazy and off their heads most of the time but they are loyal and kind. They are as sickened by the whole sorry tale as I am and I know they have been deeply affected by her sad tale.

  Emily did the right thing in telling us. We will get her through this and do whatever is necessary.

  Soon the guys start to drift off to bed. After Tyler says good night, Emily looks at me and smiles shyly.

  “Thank you, Jax. I mean it, thank you for everything. I should go and let you get some sleep. You have a hard day ahead tomorrow and to my knowledge, you didn’t sleep at all on the journey.”

  I look at her and frown.

  “You’re going nowhere, darlin’. If you think I’m letting you out of my sight for one minute without either me or one of the guys, then you’re seriously mistaken.”

  She looks surprised and whispers,

  “What do you mean?”

  Reaching out, I take her hand and tilt her face to mine. I feel her tremble under my touch and nearly lose my mind. Fuck me, this girl will kill me. I say gently.

  “You can stay here with me. You’ll be perfectly safe I promise you. I’ll take the couch in here and you can have the bedroom.”


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