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Rocked Page 15

by Andrews, Stella

“I may have had a few. It’s so boring being stuck with Cody talking about his dick antics for five hours. Tyler was writing some song and even security were doing other things. If you’re not gonna be on the bus, then I want a pretty fan to hold.”

  Cody shouts, “I always knew you were a girl, River. Long hair and a fan; you’ll be wearing a dress next.”

  River flips him the bird as Eddie shouts,

  “Enough of all that. Right, now I have you all together—at last! We can go over everything. Emily, you need to make sure you report to this Carter guy who is going to be with you at all times.”

  Cody laughs.

  “Fancy having to watch Jax try to show Emily a good time. The poor man will be suicidal if he has to witness an amateur at work.”

  He turns to Emily and pretends to be annoyed.

  “You could have kept him hanging darlin’. I was having a great time watching the pain he was in. Now I’m gonna have to watch him strutting around the place like King Kong. I don’t know what you see in him, anyway.”

  Emily smiles sweetly.

  “Rather a lot as it happens, Cody. I’m sure Carter will be able to leave me in Jax’s very capable hands whilst he gets some sleep.”

  Tyler pretends to vomit and I just laugh, pulling Emily onto my knee. “Get used to it guys because I am much more interested in hanging out with her than any of you.”

  Eddie looks worried.

  “This is all very nice and all but have you all forgotten we’re here to do a fucking show. Put your dicks away and concentrate on the job in hand.”

  Cody laughs loudly.

  “Jax has had a lot of practice at that lately.”

  Eddie sinks down wearily.

  “Fuck me, this is hard.”

  Cody goes to speak but Eddie glares at him.

  “Enough Cody. You should learn when to shut the fuck up.”

  I smirk at him and he grins and then stretches his legs out with his hands behind his head.

  Eddie then proceeds to tell us what’s happening. The usual media circus and rehearsal schedule. After about thirty minutes he says wearily.

  “Go on, off you go and do whatever it is you all get up to. I’m having room service and calling my girl for some adult conversation. I’ll see you at 10 am in reception. We need to be at the Radio station for 10.30, then it’s back-to-back interviews until 12.30. We’ve got a full day tomorrow, and you had better get some rest.”

  As we all head off he calls Emily back.

  “Wait up, Emily. I need a word.”

  I wait with her and he glares at me.

  “Alone, Jax. It’s ok, she’ll be safe with me. Go and find that sister of yours and see if Carter has arrived yet. I won’t keep Emily long.”

  As I see his expression I know it will be futile to argue. So, I just kiss Emily and wink. “See you back at the room. Don’t be long.”

  She grins and looks so adorable it takes all my self-control not to throw her over my shoulder and take her anyway, Eddie or no Eddie.


  Chapter Thirty-two


  I feel nervous as I look at Eddie. He is looking thoughtful and I’m aware that he hired me to do a job and I have behaved most unprofessionally. I smile at him nervously.

  “I’m sorry, Eddie.”

  He looks surprised.

  “Why, what have you got to be sorry for?”

  I shrug my shoulders and sit down in the nearby chair.

  “You have been so kind to me and all I’ve done is cause you trouble. Apparently, I am a wanted woman and will be tracked down and returned to Washington. You have a tour to run and have to deal with everything that goes with that. Then to cap it all, I start a relationship with one of the stars of your show and drag them all into my sorry mess. I think that’s rather a lot of sorrys, don’t you?”

  Eddie surprises me by laughing loudly.

  “Well, now you come to mention it, that is rather a lot of problems.”

  He grins. “No, you still have nothing to be sorry about. As for starting a relationship with Jax, I’m just worried for you. Those guys have buckets of charisma and sex appeal and no girl is safe from them if they set their sights on them. I just want to check you’re ok with it. The tour is a long one and things could change. I don’t want you to go through another trauma on top of the one you’re already going through. Helen would kill me for allowing it.”

  Just for a moment doubt enters my heart. Maybe Eddie is right. We have gone full speed ahead and fallen fast. Jax is a man used to many girls and once the novelty’s worn off he could move on to the next girl. Then there is the risk of being returned to Scott. What if he gets his way and I have no choice?

  Eddie must see the confusion in my face because he gets up and squats down in front of me, taking my hand in his.

  He looks at me kindly.

  “Listen, Emily. For what it’s worth, I think Jax has fallen hard. He has never to my knowledge seen the same girl twice in all the time I’ve known him. For him to hold back as long as he did speaks volumes and I’m sure that for now anyway, he is madly in love with you. I just wanted to say, take it slow and don’t make too many plans. You have a job with me as long as you want it, despite what may happen with Jax. Just get this other stuff sorted first. Go and find Carter and do what you must to stay safe. I’ll hang around and deal with the tour until you feel able to.”

  I smile at him shakily and squeeze his hand, saying softly.

  “Helen is lucky to have you. Thanks, Eddie.”

  Shaking his head, he says gruffly.

  “No, I’m the lucky one. I sometimes wonder what I’ve done to deserve such a girl. She has to put up with a lot from me and yet never complains. I hope you and Jax will be as happy as we are.”

  I smile and think about what he said. More than anything I want my happy ever after with Jax. I just hope this fairy-tale has a happy ending.

  Once I leave Eddie, I head back to Jax. Despite The doubt he placed in my mind I am excited to see him. Super-hot and more man that I have ever had to handle in my life. He’s rough, crude and wild and he sets my world on fire. I thought I lived an exciting life before—now I’m rocking it on tour with the hottest band around, and spending wild nights and days with the hottest man I have ever met. I feel free and out of control and Amelia James has well and truly left the building because Emily Stone is fearless. I almost hope Scott does come after me because I will not be afraid. He needs to know that what he did was not ok with me. I’m done running.

  As the realization hits me I slow my pace. That’s it—I’m done running. I am no longer the victim and will take charge of my own life. How did I lose sight of the strong woman I once was? Growing up alone and yet surviving. Not just surviving, but succeeding. I worked my way up to where I am today not just by sleeping my way there. I am a good PA, one of the best. Now I need to prove that to myself and the world.

  I drag the wig from my head and rip the glasses off my face. I feel almost light headed and giddy as I toss them in a nearby trash can. Jax doesn’t need a complaining, whining woman with a shed load of problems. He needs a woman to be proud of. Even if he tires of me, then so what- I will be fine. I don’t need a man to define me, I will be just fine on my own.


  I head back and call Sammie. The sooner we sort this out the better. I’ve got a show to think of and all of this is scrambling my brain. I head up to their room and see a man mountain sitting in the corner.

  This guy looks hard and just nods at me as I enter the room.

  Sammie pulls me over to say hi.

  “Jax, meet Carter, a very good friend of ours. Carter, this is my baby brother, Josh.”

  Carter smiles and his eyes twinkle which surprises me. For such a ferocious looking guy, he has a certain softness to him.

  Logan hands me a drink and we sit and wait for Emily.

  It’s not long before we hear a soft knock at the door.

  When she comes in, I can feel my
heart rate increase by just seeing her. She has ditched the disguise and smiles as she sees the questions in my eyes.

  She spins around and laughs, totally going against how she should be feeling. Then she announces to the room.

  “I’ve ditched the scared woman on the run and decided I’m no longer afraid. If they come, I’ll be ready.”

  My heart tightens as I see the brave woman standing before me. Carter laughs softly and stands up. He moves towards her, his hand outstretched.

  “Then let me shake your hand, young lady. This will make my job a lot easier.”

  Emily looks at him in wonder and well she might. He must be well over 6ft tall and almost as wide. He has a buzz cut that was obviously set to the closest shave and his arms are a tattooist’s dream. Muscles jostle for position on his body and he looks like he could rip a man in half with just one hand. He shakes her hand and looks at her steadily.

  “Don’t worry, honey. By the time I’ve finished, you will be able to take on the world. I’m glad to see you’ve got guts because that is half the battle. If you can conquer your fear, then you are half way there.”

  Sammie nods and I notice they share a look. I wonder what he has taught her along the way?

  We all sit and I pull Emily beside me. I must have contact with her at all times. It’s as though I need to keep on checking she’s real and not just a feature in my dream.

  Logan looks around and I see his mind working.

  “Ok. Carter will brief Emily on what to expect. He will join the tour and Eddie has said that she can take tomorrow to go through it all, whilst the band are doing their media and rehearsals. Meanwhile, I am working on getting these guys off our backs for good.”

  Sammie interrupts.

  “How can you do that? They could make things difficult for your business.”

  Logan grins.

  “I think I’ll be safe. It shouldn’t take long to get the evidence together. I’ve asked my business partner, Artie, to gather the evidence, which he was only too happy to do. He moves in the shadows and there’s nothing he doesn’t hear about. I have no doubt that he will have everything we need by the time Senator Parker returns from his honeymoon. We need to set up some insurance and he is just the man for the job.”

  Sammie smiles at Emily reassuringly.

  “It’s ok, Emily. With Carter and Logan on your side you have nothing to fear. Even if they come, you will be protected. Just try to enjoy the tour.”

  She looks at Logan and smiles happily.

  “Now, let’s go and eat because I’m getting tired and hungry and it’s getting late.”

  We follow them out and I fully intend on just eating and dragging Emily off to bed. Despite the fact I love spending time with my sister, I can’t ignore this insatiable need I seem to have for the woman who has claimed my heart.


  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Everyone has gone to bed and we are finally alone. Almost as soon as the door closes, Jax pulls me towards him roughly and kisses me like a man possessed. He removes my clothing quickly and without care, tossing them away like the inconvenience they are. His own soon follow and my breath catches as I see him standing before me in all his glory. He is magnificent. There is not an inch of him I don’t desire.

  He starts raining kisses down my body and sucking and biting at my breasts. My legs start quivering and it takes all my self-control to remain standing as he licks and kisses every inch of my body. I sink down to my knees before him and he pushes me to the ground. I reach for him but he holds my hands away as he kisses my neck and then my breasts. He moves lower and I shudder with desire as I feel his tongue between my legs. He licks and sucks until I almost can’t stop coming apart around him. I groan with anticipation and longing and he reaches his jacket and pulls a condom out of his pocket. With one hand on me, he uses the other to cover his dick before he thrusts inside.

  The feeling of him inside me is indescribable. Just knowing that we are joined together, both in tune to the other, is a connection that is the strongest bond. Love mixes with lust and desire with need. My body strains to get closer and comes alive under his touch. This is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

  I push him back and he rolls onto his back still embedded in me. This time I sit on him and ride him hard. He leans towards me and sucks my breast as I drive him deeper. I hear him groan as I use my hands to massage his balls, pushing him in even closer. He growls.

  “Fuck me, Emily. I can’t go on much longer. You’re gonna make me come apart.”

  I kiss the words away and squeeze him harder between my thighs. I want to own him and fuck him until he can’t remember any other name but mine. He holds my waist and moves me up and down his shaft, faster and harder. I start to rub my clit and groan as I feel the orgasm mounting. He growls, “Oh baby, seeing you touch yourself like that is so hot.”

  I move my hands over my breasts and watch as his eyes darken with desire and feel him thrust just a little deeper. He moves his fingers to take up the vacant space my own left on my clit. As he rubs the small bundle of nerves, I do a lap dance on his dick. I gasp as the feeling of ecstasy draws near. I close my eyes as the climax builds and he groans,

  “Look at me baby.”

  I lay my head against his and stare into his eyes and we both see the stars together. I watch the effects of his orgasm as he does mine. Both of us closer in mind and body than we have ever been. My sweat joins his and runs down our bodies like a victory dance. We breathe heavily and I feel the heat spread through my body as it savors the feeling of being totally possessed. Then his arms wrap around me and pull me to his chest. As I lay on Jax, with him still inside me, I feel the happiest I have ever felt in my life.

  By the time we shower and return to bed I think I could sleep for a thousand years.

  “A-m-el-ia”. The sound of my name is drawn out over several syllables and mocks me. I feel my heart thumping and look around. I can’t see anyone but the voice carries on. “I’m over here, in the shadows.”

  My heart thumps as though trying to find a way to escape me as the fear returns.

  “You can run but you can’t hide. I am coming, Amelia and I’m angry.”

  I start to run and hear my shallow breathing as it battles to keep me alive. I hear a scream and quicken my pace. The scream gets louder; more intense. I can’t get away from it. I shake my head and cry, “No- go away. Leave me alone.”

  The scream intensifies until I realize it’s coming from me. It fills me and brings terror to my heart.

  I am knocked to the ground, and the world turns black.


  My eyes open and I see them. Five faces looking down at me and I try to move. My wrists are bound and tied above my head. My ankles are tied. Spreading me wide. I am naked and shiver under the lustful gazes of the club.

  I open my mouth to scream but a hand gags me and the sound is stifled. He stands there looking at me with dark intent.

  “You have been a naughty girl, Amelia. We like to punish naughty girls, don’t we men?”

  I hear the excited murmurs of the men around me and then scream as I feel the flick of a whip against my breast. Grady laughs and has another shot. My skin is burning from the contact and then he strikes again. I start to beg.

  “Please no! I won’t tell, I promise you.”

  Todd Preston moves into my view and looks at me with lustful intent.

  “You won’t be able to tell, my dear. We will have our fun and then you will be sold. You are a loose end that needs tying up.”

  They all laugh and then a blindfold is fastened roughly around my eyes. I hear a noise and recoil in fear. It’s some kind of machine. Then the machine hits my skin and I scream in agony. Two strong arms hold me down as I am violated in every way. There is a burning down below and there are hands all over my body. The pain is intense and I think I must pass out because the next thing I know I am lying in a moving vehicle. The floor is hard,
and I am chained to the side. I’m wearing a long white robe and the pain down below is agonizing.

  I look down and recoil in horror as I see the ink on my abdomen- Slave!

  There are red marks all over my body and bruises are starting to form. My lips feel swollen and damaged and I taste blood in my mouth. The ache between my legs tells a sorry tale of abuse and then we stop.

  I am pulled from the van and see my captor. His dark eyes gleam in the darkness and he grins wickedly.

  “Welcome to your new home, my dear. Say goodbye to your old life because you have been sold. Your new master is demanding and impatient. You’re in for quite a ride.”

  I open my mouth and the scream that tears from the depths of my soul would wake the dead—and I don’t stop.


  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Holy fuck. I am ripped from my dreams by the sound of a nightmare. Emily is flailing around and screaming the place down. I grab hold of her and say loudly.

  “It’s ok, Emily. You’re safe, its Jax.”

  She fights me but I hold on whispering soothing words until she comes back to me.

  Then she starts sobbing that makes me come undone. I rock her like a baby until the trembling subsides. She feels weak and small in my grasp and I fight my anger back. If I could just have five minutes with those men who have hurt my Angel, then it would be five minutes well spent.

  She soon calms down and whispers tearfully.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Pulling back, I look deep into her eyes.

  “Never apologize to me. I’ll always be here for you and will never harm you. Take my love and wrap it around your heart like a shield. Nothing can take that away from you. You’re not alone anymore, Emily. We will face these demons together.”

  She smiles gratefully, and it tears me up. I pull her down beside me and her head falls to my chest. I hold on tight, even when she falls into a deep sleep. I would stay awake all night if she needed me to watch over her.


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