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Rocked Page 19

by Andrews, Stella

  Eddie groans as he follows me to the back-stage area. I shout to security.

  “Search this place, I need to find Emily.”

  We start ripping open the doors and searching every room. Then we find Carter.

  He nods as we find him, sitting in a vacant room with his iPad open. He says softly.

  “Just a little longer and we’ve got the bastard.” Eddie and I crowd around him and my heart lurches as I see Emily crouching on the floor next to the Senator. He has his head in his hands and he’s speaking like he’s broken. Emily is looking at him with shock and disgust. I can’t hear what he’s saying but I can tell that Carter hears every word. His expression is grim and mirrors the disgust in Emily’s.

  Then she says something and I watch him change. He looks at her with a dark anger and grips hold of her wrist and I watch her wince in pain.

  Carter growls. “Now we go in.”

  We follow him outside the room and I walk behind a curtain of fury. I see nothing but anger and rage and feel able to rip him apart with my bare hands.

  Then I kick that fucking door in and shout angrily,

  “Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend.”

  His head snaps up in disbelief and Emily looks at me with a mixture of relief and surprise.

  I move quickly and reach him before anyone knows what happening. Then I punch the son of a bitch in the face and watch as his head snaps back, and he falls backward. I growl.

  “Go to Carter, Emily.”

  She scoots over to Carter and watches with fear as the Senator begins to laugh madly.

  He stands up and starts to applaud like a crazy man.

  “Bravo. The hero comes just in time to save the damsel in distress. Shame it won’t have a happy ending.”

  I growl. “For you, you mean.”

  His eyes flash and he looks at me like I am dirt on his shoe.

  “You forget who you’re talking to. You are no match for me and you know it. You may think that Amelia loves you but you’re wrong. I owned that woman’s heart a long time ago and she may be angry with me but we are impenetrable. You, on the other hand, are disposable. One word from me and your band will be finished. I have powerful friends who deal with shit like you before breakfast before they move onto more challenging things. Let us leave and you will be spared from finding out what that means. Do yourself and your friends a favor and get the hell out of my way.”

  He looks at Emily and his face hardens.

  “Now enough of this, Amelia. If you love this man or think you do, then you know I don’t make empty threats. You can save them from a whole lot of trouble if you do what it is inevitable and come with me now. We will draw a line under your disobedience and start again. New rules for a new beginning.”

  He starts to move towards her and Emily looks at me with devastation in her beautiful green eyes. My heart tugs as I see the questions in them. I shake my head and stand in front of her and face him.

  “She’s going nowhere. Your threats mean nothing to me. I’m not one of your puppets and dickhead business associates. There’s nothing you can do to me to make me let you take her with you. Emily ran for a reason and that reason is looking at me. The fact that she went to such great lengths to do it, should tell you what you’re obviously too stupid to understand. She hates the fucking sight of you and who can blame her. Men like you get off on power and manipulation. You used her and wrapped it up in the disguise of love. Now you’re just pissed that your favorite toy is missing. Well, let me tell you, Amelia is long gone and Emily has moved on.”

  I feel Emily move beside me and she takes my hand in hers. The Senator looks at us with anger in his eyes and something else—total heartbreak. I feel Emily trembling beside me and squeeze her hand as we face him together.

  Then he whispers angrily.

  “Amelia, you have one chance alone to save him. If I return alone, I will set in motion the storm that will destroy you all. You will disappear and these guys tied up in scandal and litigation for the next fifty years. Their lives will be ruined and so will yours. The world we live in has no emotions. They have no reason and no compassion. You know how this all works and if you love this man,” he sneers as he says it, “Then you will do what you know you must. Now I am done talking, come on we’re leaving.”


  When I saw Jax the relief was enormous. If I had any doubts after seeing Scott they were blasted away by the man looking at him with so much anger. I didn’t need asking twice, and I raced to stand behind him. Scott is a monster. I suppose I always knew that. He may be charming when he wants to be, but the mask has been slipping for longer than I care to admit. What lies behind the facade is a damaged mind that has lost all sense of morality. How could I have ever found that attractive?

  I shiver as I see the rage in his eyes. He is angrier than I have ever seen him and stares at us with the eyes of a madman. Every word he speaks is laced with ice and promise. This man has power. More power than we truly understand. Can we ever really be free of him?

  His words sink in and I feel the walls closing in on me. The power in our relationship has transferred to me and now it’s not just me it affects. If I go with him, the guys are safe. Nothing will happen to them and they will carry on as if nothing has happened. If I go with him, I leave the part of myself behind that I have struggled to find. My heart.

  Jax owns my heart, wholly and unconditionally. He has been the only person in my life who has given me everything of himself and demanded nothing in return. Then again, there is Scott. He loves me in his own twisted way, which he has demonstrated so powerfully in coming for me. It’s a different kind of love. It stifles and imprisons. He controls and he conquers. It’s on his terms and his alone. I’ve no doubt that he means every word he says. Men like him are used to getting what they want and consider no other feelings than their own. It’s what makes them who they are and gets them where they want to be. In getting there they lose a valuable part of themselves.

  Jax notices the stricken look in my eyes and I see the worry enter his. It breaks my heart as he pleads with me to stay. No words are needed, it’s loaded in the look of love that floors me. Scott has that same look and they both look at me with heart-wrenching desire. I have a choice; my heart or my head. In giving into my head my heart will break. If my heart wins the lives of everyone around me becomes infected with a cancer-like growth that will kill them in the end. Can I live with being the cause and the cure for that cancer?

  Jax leans down and pulls me close. I feel his heart thumping and he whispers,

  “Stay, Emily. Forget the consequences and sense of doing what’s right. Walk into the light and the darkness will fade. Walk into it with me and I will be by your side forever.”

  I sink against him and my heart constricts. Then I pull back and look at Scott through tear shrouded eyes. He looks at me with pure love burning in his eyes. His gaze pierces my heart as he says in a broken voice.

  “I will give it all up for you, Amelia. I know now that I have nothing without you. Come with me and we will build a life together. I will leave Shelby and the Whitehouse if it means that we can start a life together. I realize that nothing else matters. Nobody else’s dream is worth turning my back on love. Because I do love you, Amelia James and it’s taken all of this to bring me to my senses.”

  I feel crushed and torn and turned inside out. This is too much. However, I know my answer even before I say the words. There is no contest really.

  I look at Jax and the tears run down my face. Reaching up I stroke his face and the feel of his cheek against my palm calms my soul. I stare into his eyes and see the pain. It surrounds my soul and I feel my heart breaking at what I must do. I have no choice, there is no other way. The surrounding silence is oppressive. Carter, Eddie, and Scott cease to exist as I utter the damning words.

  “It’s you, Jax. I choose you.”


  Chapter Forty-One


  Just for a
second, there is no sound. The look in Jax’s eyes cements my decision.

  I whisper. “I’m sorry.”

  He looks confused. “What for?”

  I look at him sadly.

  “Because I’m selfish. I have turned my back on the only way out of this mess for all of us. Things will be tough and you only have me to blame for what is about to happen. But I can’t leave you. I would rather die than walk away.”

  I see the mist forming in Jax’s eyes as he crushes me to him. Before his lips can claim mine, we hear a sharp intake of breath as Scott growls.

  “I never had you down for a fool, Amelia. Now you must live with your choice, as will I. You have given me no other option.”

  Jax moves towards him quickly but Carter is faster.

  He says darkly.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  We all turn to look at the mountain of a man who is standing guard at the door. My legs grow weak as I see the murderous intent on his face. He advances slowly and I see Scott visibly flinch.

  Carter laughs darkly.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch one inch of you. Men like you aren’t worth my time or energy in that department. The only thing you understand is power and manipulation. You think you have it all worked out. Well so do we.”

  Scott turns pale and barks. “What do you mean?”

  Carter stares at him with a hard expression.

  “Let’s just say, thanks to you, we have the proof we need to put you away for a very long time. We knew you would come and we have prepared for it. Every word you just said, both in front of us and when you were alone has been recorded. We have a video to back it up and it has been downloaded to iCloud fucking cuckoo land where you will never find it. If you even think about any of these guys again that video will make you a star. Oh, and just in case that doesn’t convince you, we have also taken out an Insurance policy should the need arise.”

  The blood drains from Scott’s face.

  “What sort of Insurance policy?”

  Carter looks at him with deadly intent.

  “Every one of your club members is now on file with details of their illicit hobby. That file is on standby to be delivered to every wife, girlfriend and family member of each particular asshole. Not only that, a copy will find its way into your enemy’s hands and those of the FBI. In fact, all the people that can’t be bought off, or manipulated by your fucking club. So now I think it’s best if you do us all a favor and disappear because my fist is itching to put a hole in your head.”

  We look at Scott in disbelief as the realization hits him. He is beaten.

  His shoulders sag and the defeat shows in his face. He nods miserably and the relief washes over me. Finally, I am free.

  He turns to leave and then looks back and my heart beats even faster as I see the desolation in his eyes.

  He looks at me and smiles ruefully.

  “I do love you, Amelia. I may not have shown it in the best way possible but my heart beats an empty drum now it doesn’t have you in it. I understand how I destroyed that love and if I do anything else with my life, it will be to become the man I should have been. The man who deserves the love of a woman like you. If it means losing everything I have built up to become that man, then I will.”

  He looks at me wistfully.

  “Take care, my darling. I wish things were different but respect your decision.”

  He looks at Jax and I see the anger flare in his eyes.

  “Take care of her—for me.”

  Jax looks at me and I see the anger turn to rage in his eyes as he touches my face. I feel it burning where before it had been numb. He turns to Scott and growls.

  “Just one thing.”

  As Scott turns Jax punches him hard in the face. Blood spurts out from his nose and we hear the crunch of bone shattering.

  Jax says darkly.

  “Next time you hit a woman, remember how it feels. Now get out and crawl back to the hole you came from.”

  Carter grabs hold of Scott and frogmarches him from the room before he can say or do anything.

  Jax turns and the love blazing in his eyes takes my breath away.

  He pulls me close to him and tilts my face to his. He whispers.

  “Thank you. Thank you for choosing me and I will never let you down. It’s you and me against the world, Emily and that will never change.”

  As he kisses me so sweetly and with so much care I think my heart will burst. In fact, I swear I hear an orchestra playing the sweetest love song as he devours my lips. Then we hear Eddie say in despair.

  “Well, this is all lovely and everything, but haven’t you got a fucking show waiting?”

  We pull back and Jax grins.

  “We’ll continue this later. He’s right I think we’ve tortured those fans long enough with the sound of Cody’s voice.”

  He takes my hand in his and pulls me after him. Away from my past and present and into my future.


  Chapter Forty-Two


  The crowd goes wild as I jump back onto the stage. Cody and River look at me anxiously and I nod. They visibly relax and I shout to the crowd.

  “Did you miss me?”

  The noise is deafening as we start playing the opening bars of our current hit. As I start to sing, I feel reborn. I have it all. The world at my feet and a career I love. The band are my brothers and we have made it to the top. But most of all I have Emily. When the star fades and the crowds run out, we will be side by side. Unbreakable, that’s us.

  I see her watching from the front of the VIP area and my heart swells. Even from here I see the sparkle in her eyes and the excitement in her face. She is free and so am I. Free to love and be loved and take on the world.

  As soon as the concert ends I am heading off to find her. I don’t hang around and set off with purpose in my step. As I turn the corner I see her running down the hall towards me. I can’t get to her quickly enough and as she jumps into my arms, I kiss the life out of those sweet lips. I hear Tyler laughing, as Cody shouts, “Get a room why don’t you.”

  They pass us by and we carry on. I can’t break away from this woman even for a second.

  As she pulls away, I see the lust in her eyes. I smile wickedly.

  “Maybe it’s time to show you what I do best after a show.”

  She licks her lips and her eyes darken as she whispers.

  “What took you so long?”

  Quickly I push her through a nearby door and swing her around- her back facing it. Then I pull her t-shirt over her head and rain kisses down on her beautiful body. I want to worship this woman and it won’t wait. She tugs my t-shirt off and her eyes widen as she traces my tattoo. I waste no time in stripping the rest of her clothes from her body and mine quickly follow.

  I groan, “I love you, Emily, but this is gonna be hot and dirty. You make me fucking wild and what I picture doing to you won’t wait.

  She moans against my chest and pants.

  “Just fuck me already. You talk too much.”

  She arches herself towards me and I quickly protect myself and thrust inside. As I feel myself inside her, it’s like heaven. She groans as I fuck her hard and fast and kiss her lips like I’m god-damned starving. She fists my hair and cries out with ecstasy. “Oh my god, I can’t hang on.”

  I growl. “Give it to me baby. Give it all.”

  It only takes one final thrust before she screams my name. “Jax, fuck, oh god, don’t stop, don’t you fucking dare stop.”

  I feel her shudder as the orgasm takes over and she flies. Her body trembles underneath me and I swear I see stars as I shoot up inside her, wishing that even the thin layer of rubber separating us wasn’t there. We will deal with that- quickly. I want every part of this woman and to give her everything of myself in return. Nothing must stand between us, not even a thin layer of rubber.

  Then I hold her close until the shaking subsides. Our sweat mingles together and her breath is ho
t on my face. She sighs with contentment and says softly,

  “I love you, Jax. Always and forever, because I never want to lose this feeling. You are my family now and I’m where I belong.”

  I swear tears form in my eyes and a lump in my throat. At this moment, I actually thank Senator Parker for letting her slip away because the thought of never having met Emily Stone is not a thought worth considering. She may think I saved her but she is so wrong. She saved me and I will never ever stop thanking her for that.



  Eight Weeks later


  I feel nervous and Jax squeezes my hand.

  “Relax, Emily, she’ll love you.”

  I smile but the butterflies won’t still. We head inside the Nursing home where Jax’s mom lives. We are paying her a visit because the tour has reached her home town. I have tried to dress respectfully to reassure her that I’m a suitable woman to love her son. Jax, meanwhile, is in his usual jeans, scruffy t-shirt and pantie melting leather jacket. His hair is wild and unruly, probably due to the fact we are not long out of bed.

  He looks at me with those velvet brown eyes and I drown in them. Will I ever get enough of him?

  The lady who greets us is the manager and she smiles warmly.

  “Come inside, your mom will be ecstatic. She has talked of nothing else for weeks. She’s so proud of you.”

  Jax squeezes my hand which is the only indication that her words matter. He just smiles as we follow her into the room.

  I look around me at a light filled pleasant room with tasteful furnishings. There are many people here and they all appear happy and content. Laughter rings out all around us and I notice the interest in the glances thrown our way. Obviously, word has spread that Mrs Jackson’s famous son is in town and they are curious.


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