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Rocked Page 22

by Andrews, Stella

  I follow her inside the grand entrance into a large hallway. The decor is clean and minimalistic and the parquet flooring clicks beneath my heels.

  She leads me into a waiting room and gestures for me to take a seat.

  "The Doctor won't keep you long. Can I get you any refreshments whilst you wait?"

  I smile and shake my head. "No, thank you."

  She leaves me to my solitude and I pick up a magazine nestling on the table in front of me. I try to concentrate on an article about the latest politician but my mind is racing. I always feel a nervous anticipation before a job and this one will prove to be a longer one than normal.

  It must be 20 minutes later that I hear footsteps approaching. The same Nurse appears and looks at me kindly. "The Doctor will see you now."

  I follow her outside and she leads me across the hallway towards a closed door.

  Opening it she announces my arrival. "Miss Smart to see you Doctor."

  I walk past her and behold my highest bidder. The Doctor must be around 60 years old but is a tall and distinguished looking gentleman. He stands up and smiling at me offers me his hand.

  "Pleased to meet you Miss Smart. Please take a seat."

  I sit down in a seat opposite him and he positions himself behind the great desk.

  "Now Miss Smart, I believe that you have come here for a complete medical examination, is that correct?"

  I nod and his eyes flash as he smiles. "Good, then we will get started right away. Please prepare yourself by removing your clothing behind the screen. You will find a gown there waiting for you and then please lie down on the bed provided."

  I stand up and do as he says. Soon my clothes are folded neatly in a pile on a chair next to the bed and I lie down on the clinical table.

  I hear him cough. "Are you ready Miss Smart?"

  I call out nervously, "Yes Doctor."

  The screen moves aside, and he stands beside the bed and looks me up and down.

  "Hm, I think we may need Nurse Vaughan in here to

  assist. Just one moment please."

  He moves to the door and opens it slightly and calls. "Nurse Vaughan please can you assist the patient."

  I hear her approaching and then they are back beside me. The doctor says to her, "Please remove Miss Smart's gown so that I may examine her."

  She moves beside me and gently lifts the gown off me until I am lying completely naked before them.

  The Doctor's eyes flash, and he says in a low voice.

  "Firstly, we need to examine your breasts. Nurse Vaughan will you do the honors?"

  He stands and watches as the Nurse proceeds to massage my breasts fully. She stands behind my head and reaches over rubbing and caressing them as he watches.

  After a while he turns to her and says, "I believe we need to elevate her legs for the internal examination. Please arrange the stirrups."

  Nurse Vaughan moves to the end of the bed and carefully places each foot into a stirrup and pulls them up until my legs are apart and my opening completely exposed.

  The Doctor moves to the end of the bed. "Now I will examine you inside. Relax Miss Smart and you won't feel any discomfort. Nurse Vaughan please prepare the implement."

  The Nurse moves across to retrieve something whilst the doctor places his hands on my abdomen and says softly, "Relax my dear, you will feel my hand inside your opening."

  I feel his fingers enter me gently probe. I feel the excitement mounting and his breath quickens as he says gruffly, "Stay still Miss Smart, I don't want you to move an inch."

  The Nurse comes back and I feel something warm and smooth enter my core. It feels so delicious and I squirm with delight. The Doctor laughs softly, "I think our patient is enjoying her treatment Nurse."

  The Nurse smiles and comes over and strokes my hair. "Yes, she is proving to be an extremely responsive patient Doctor."

  I can feel the warmth from the glass phallus gently rocking back and forth as the doctor administers it. It feels so nice that I groan in ecstasy. Reaching for my clit the Doctor massages it until I think I will burst.

  The Nurse continues to stroke my hair and I feel my orgasm building. He growls, "Come for me my dear, you need the release."

  As soon as he says the words, I feel my orgasm crashing through me. They laugh and the Doctor releases my feet from the stirrups and places them gently down.

  He then smiles. "Sit up my dear, I need to check your mouth."

  I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and he moves across to face me. I watch as he unzips his pants and releases his large hard cock. He growls, "Open wide my dear and let me in."

  I fasten my lips around his shaft and start to suck. His groans of pleasure increase my desire to pleasure him and I lick and suck relentlessly until he bursts into my mouth with a loud roar.

  Patting me on the head he zips up his pants and says to the Nurse. "Clean up the patient Nurse and show her to her room. She will need prepping for surgery."

  He smiles at me as he moves to the side to watch the Nurse. Placing her hands on my shoulders she smiles. "Lay back my dear and I will clean you up. Spread your legs and relax."

  I lie back and the doctor stands by my side and brushes my breasts lightly with his fingers. As the Nurse settles her head between my legs, he starts to tease and pinch my nipples. Soon I feel her soft tongue licking my clit, sucking and squeezing it and pleasuring me until I feel the orgasm building within me.

  The doctor continues to play with my nipples rendering them hard and erect to his touch. As the two of them continue to play and tease my body, my climax builds and in no time another earth shattering orgasm consumes me.

  The Doctor groans as soon as I come and I feel him cum over my breasts. The Nurse moves up and replaces him and once again cleans up the evidence of his release, groaning with pleasure as she does so. The feel of her tongue on my breasts, biting, sucking and licking them clean feels so good and I writhe under her administrations.

  Once again, I feel the excitement building but the doctor says sternly, "Enough my dear, you need to rest. The surgery will be demanding and you will need your energy."

  I almost don't think I'll be able to do it again but they both smile as they sense my doubt.

  The Nurse strokes my hair and says softly, "Come, rest now and I will settle you in."

  I follow her on my shaky legs as she leads me out of the room and up the large staircase to a pleasant looking bedroom.

  "Here we are dear. You may take a shower before slipping into bed. I am afraid we must insist that you remain naked as there will be further examinations in due course. I do believe the Doctor has requested a second opinion. If you need anything there is a bell on the table by your bed. I will leave you now, get some rest because you will need your strength."

  Once she leaves I am grateful for the time given me to shower and rest. The room is pleasantly decorated and the bed comfortable and clean.

  As I lie in bed feeling the cool satin sheets caressing my body, I drift off into a satiated sleep.

  It feels like hours later that I am woken up by a soft hand gently stroking my hand. A soft voice whispers, "It's time Miss Smart, they are waiting for you."

  Bleary eyed I open my eyes to see Nurse Vaughan waiting beside the bed with excitement shining from her eyes. My heart rate increases as I wonder what they have in store for me.

  I allow her to put a satin robe around me and follow her out of the door barefoot.

  She doesn't speak and all I can hear is the click of her heels on the tiled floor.

  She leads me to a room at the end of the corridor and opens it and stands to the side.

  "They're waiting for you in here dear, in you go."

  As I enter the room, I see a large bench style bed in the middle surrounded by lights. There are no sheets on the bed just the sterile dressing of a hospital bed. There are now two men standing either side of the bed both wearing matching white coats; I can tell that they are both naked beneath them

  The earlier Doctor looks at me with excitement and beckons me forward.

  "Miss Smart may I introduce you to my esteemed colleague Doctor Rivera. He is a specialist in his field and has agreed to examine you personally."

  I look at Doctor Rivera who I guess must be about 50 years ago with short brown hair and a distinctive paunch. His eyes are kind though so I just smile. "Thank you Doctor you are very kind."

  He smiles and licks his lips as he points to the bench. "Take your robe off young lady and lie on this bed on your back."

  I do as he says and watch as his eyes dilate as I stand naked before him. Slowly I lower myself on to the bed and make myself comfortable.

  Doctor Harley smiles and says softly. "Now we need to secure your ankles again to enable us to search properly."

  As he does, so he takes one ankle and places it in the stirrups and Doctor Rivera does the same the other side. Soon I am open to their inspection and both men look at each other the excitement evident in their eyes.

  Doctor Harley moves to the top of the bed and holds my upper arms firmly. "Now this may hurt a little dear but we need to be thorough."

  I see Doctor Rivera move between my legs and open his coat revealing the biggest erection that I have seen in some time. It excites me and I feel myself getting wetter by the moment.

  He pushes the tip to my opening and then thrusts inside quickly and sharply. His cock fills me entirely and I gasp at the intrusion. He thrusts forcefully as I am held down by his friend. Relentlessly he hammers into me and it feels so good.

  I groan in ecstasy as he drives his cock forcefully into me repeatedly. Doctor Harley's breath quickens as he watches and I can sense his excitement building.

  Doctor Rivera well and truly fucks me, there is no other word to describe the carnal way he is taking what he paid for. This in turn excites me far more than it should and I can hear myself panting in wanton desire as he takes me further and further to the edge. Just before I get there he cums and his roar almost makes the glass windows shatter. The sound of it is so basic and animalistic and I want nothing more than for him to keep on pounding into me.

  As he moves away Doctor Harley takes his place and once again fills me. Once again it is brutal, and he slams into me again and again grunting and groaning as he punishes me to the core. I almost can't contain my orgasm as I need to cum more than I have ever needed to in my life before.

  The sweat runs down my body in rivers and all I can do is cry out. "Please- don't stop."

  As he carries on pounding and pounding, I feel that he is close and then we fall off the cliff together in one incredible wave of ecstasy.

  I am not sure how long I bask in the afterglow of what just happened but when I re-focus I am aware that the men have moved away and see Nurse Vaughan approaching.

  "Well done my dear that wasn't so bad, was it? Now let me clean you up and then arrange for some food. You must be starving."

  Then I feel the warmth of a soft flannel cleaning me up. She rubs soap all over my body which in turn is just as arousing as the Doctor's. I groan with pleasure as she washes me clean and her hands massage every part of me.

  She drops light kisses where she administers the flannel and unbelievably I feel myself getting turned on again. She lowers her mouth to my breasts and starts sucking and licking the tips. Moving down she unshackles my ankles and rubs them to restore the circulation.

  She moves up to my clit and gently blows warm air on to it causing it to stand to attention. Then she sucks and bites it until I groan with need. I feel myself ready for more and wonder if I can take any more, this is off the scale.

  Settling herself between my thighs she proceeds to titillate me until I am begging for more. Before I know what is happening she beckons someone forward and I see another woman dressed as a Nurse. "This is Sister Mason, she will make it all better."

  I watch as the Sister unzips her uniform and her large breasts spill out. She has no underwear on and she pulls me up until my face is between her large breasts.

  As I lick and caress her breasts, she reaches down and plays with my clit. She thrusts her fingers inside me and searches for my G Spot. Once again, I feel my climax building and then I can't control it as once again she sends me over the edge.

  I fall back and lose all control of my limbs. That's it I am done, I can't possibly take anymore. I think I almost lose consciousness because suddenly I am swept up in a pair of strong arms and carried from the room.

  I am taken to an extremely large bathroom where a massive tub resides in the middle. It is full of hot soapy bubbles and Doctor Rivera steps into it with me in his arms and pulls me back so that my head is resting against him.

  He whispers, "Good girl. Let me make it all better."

  I allow him to wash me all over and feel myself getting drowsier by the second. All too soon he finishes and Sister waits with a big fluffy towel to dry me off.

  Then Doctor Harley carries me into an adjoining bedroom and tucks me next to him and cradles me off to sleep. My last thought is that I never want to leave this place - ever!

  As I wave them goodbye, the next morning I almost can't believe what happened. We all had a wonderful meal together in a large dining room with the most amazing food on offer. The rest of the night was spent all in the largest bed I have ever seen where we alternated between sleeping and fucking until the early hours.

  I have never really cared for group sex much, I much prefer one on one but the sight and smells of the others copulating around me and my own participation certainly taught me that I should try everything. I can’t remember ever having spent such a glorious night in my life and the fact that they paid me to do it is just the icing on the cake.

  As soon as I get home, I go to bed. Everything else will have to wait, I need to sleep now and rest after one of the best nights of my life.

  If you want to find out what happens when Samantha’s fantasy world becomes one of nightmares – click on the link.

  Amazon US – The Highest Bidder

  Amazon UK – The Highest Bidder




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