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Kai Page 5


  Well, all hail Lucifer. Sign me up.

  After I’d finished my food, I was still hungry. They didn’t even have the decency to put whipped topping on the fruit, which would make it super palatable. My stomach gurgled, which meant some of the raw veggies would probably be making a second appearance sometime before night’s end.

  Ronnie and Nadia were whispering and giggling while making goo-goo eyes at each other. This vacation sucked. Ronnie was going to get laid eventually, and I was going to be starved and worked like a horse.

  Jesus, I have landed on Noah’s Ark Island. Everyone was paired off.

  Wait a minute. I enjoyed being single. I chose to live without a man. I didn’t need a cock to “complete me.” I had come here for one reason: taking my company public. Maybe I’d feel different and want more after I lost a ton of weight. I hadn’t thought about my future after leaving here, but looking around, all I saw was smiling faces, and most of them had many more pounds to lose than I did.

  Ronnie had pushed this on me because she knew I would crumble at the disappointed faces when I rang that stock exchange bell. That in itself should have been important to me. I had always known men were easier to lead if they had something sexy to follow. When I did porn, I got whatever I asked for. Well, I didn’t ask for the dick I’d married. I had hoped he would be my prince—my happily ever after.

  I leaned back in my chair and stared up at the sky. Twinkling lights had come on, surrounding the dining area. It was a romantic atmosphere, no place for the seriously single.

  “I’m always asking you if I can sit.”

  I looked over at Reese, who was pulling a chair to my table. “Well, since you already found a chair, I suppose so. Did you come for the scrumptious food?”

  “Now, now. It’s not that bad. I’ve told you many times you’ll get used to it,” he replied with a wink.

  “Well, I don’t see you grabbing a plate.” I snorted. “I’ve been eating this healthy cuisine for twenty-one days, and it still tastes like shit.”

  “I already ate. Don’t ask. Besides, I came here for the captivating company, not the food.”

  I slapped him playfully. “Oh, you are a charmer, and at such a young age. Who was your teacher?” I teased, but in reality, I wanted to know.

  “My mom said I came into the world as a ladies’ man. Maybe it was in my genes.”

  I leaned back and caught Ronnie shooting daggers at Reese. Her chair screeched along the concrete as she scooted closer toward me.

  “Why the sudden closeness. Don’t you have Nadia to snuggle up to?” I asked because I could sense an interrogation brewing.

  “Nadia had to do something work related. We’re meeting later.” She turned her eyes toward Reese. “So what are your intentions with my girl here?”

  I actually cringed. “Ronnie, Jesus, what are you, my mother? Because I hate her, and this right here is none of your business. We’re having a conversation. God, you’re embarrassing the hell out of me.”

  Reese’s hand landed on my wrist. “It’s fine. She’s only looking out for you, as any good friend would. I totally get it. And to answer your question, we’re friends. If it turns into something more, we’ll keep you posted.”

  I glared at Ronnie, whose eyes landed on the placement of Reese’s hand. “Why don’t you wait for Nadia in our room so I can talk with Reese?”

  “Well, I—” She began before I scolded her with my glare.

  “It wasn’t a suggestion, Ronnie. Don’t make me the bad person or this awkward. Just go.”

  I watched as my best friend in the entire world trudged off.

  I felt the loss of warmth when I removed Reese’s hand from my wrist. “It appears you have quite a reputation with women, which is why Ronnie was acting so crazy. She wasn’t wrong. Only, it should have been me that asked about your intentions, rather than her.”

  “I thought we hashed this out during our many talks. Does it seem strange that I find you attractive? I’m sure I’m not the only one. Yes, I’ll admit I have rather exotic sexual tastes, and I love the opposite sex. I told you the truth when I said I find older women better suited for me.”

  “Oh, Reese, I’ve been fending you off for weeks. What am I going to do with you? If you’re looking for a sexual adventure, you’ve definitely hit on the wrong woman. I’m sure you think because I used to be in porn, I’m wild and free. That was a long time ago. I don’t do that anymore.”

  Confusion racked his expression. “What don’t you do, sex?”

  “Okay, this is getting way too personal. Let’s just say I don’t have relationships with men anymore.”

  His eyes grew wide with acknowledgment. “Oh… you’re into girls. Like Ronnie. I get it.”

  “What? No, I’m not gay. Jesus, because I no longer sleep with men, all of a sudden I’m a lesbian. Typical male logic,” I jeered.

  He looked embarrassed. “I apologize. You said you weren’t interested in men, so I assumed.”

  “It’s like this, Reese. I don’t need a penis to make my life whole. Something you really don’t need to know, but I’ll tell you anyway. I am satisfied daily. You forget who I am and what I design. I came up with some very creative ways… well, to get off. You might need a woman to fulfill you, but I’ve had my fill of men, and though I’m not adding you to the category, most men are jackasses.”

  Reese looked stunned to the point of silence. Somehow, I knew that wouldn’t last. He finally chuckled. “Tegan, tell me how you really feel,” he commented as he got out of his chair. He bent close to my ear. “There is no substitution for the real thing. Personally, I could never be content with just getting you off. I’d have to kiss your mouth, fondle your breasts, and tease your clit. I can wait. The question you have to ask yourself is… can you?”

  As he walked away, dampness penetrated my panties. I was glad he left, because my nipples were hard and I had to constantly cross my legs to keep the wetness at bay. Crap. In years, no one had come that close to making me surrender. If he offered again, I wasn’t sure I would say no.

  He had been right in his assessment. No matter how good my toys were, they didn’t give me intimacy. And I did miss kissing the most. If I could have restraint to stay away from Reese, I could channel that willpower to deal with Kai. Once I apologized for being so negative and hard to work with, maybe it would be smoother sailing.

  Who was I kidding? Kai was a fitness tyrant. The man wouldn’t be happy until I had either lost forty pounds or died trying.

  Chapter Nine


  Another glorious day waiting for the ex-porn star to arrive and make the hours seem like months. Thank God I didn’t drink much, but the two sisters I ended up fucking actually wore me out. I had dragged myself back to St. Willis a little after three. With only four hours of sleep, I was punchy as hell.

  I’d already gulped down three energy drinks and was now working my way through thirty-two ounces of water. My hand was slick with perspiration as it wiped down the center of my chest. I did another set of squats, then hung on the chin-up bar. It felt good to stretch the few muscles I hadn’t used last night. After this morning’s session, I’d do a hundred laps in my pool, then refuel before I saw Tegan for an afternoon session.

  When she walked in, as usual, I couldn’t stop staring at her face. I knew I had to ruin the moment by dropping my eyes to the oversized blue-and-white dotted T-shirt and navy yoga pants she wore. At least she’d worn athletic shoes today. I envisioned her the way she used to look as I brought myself back up to her face. Don’t say it, fool. She probably hears it all the time. But she does have a gorgeous face.

  “What, do I have breakfast on my face? Is my lipstick smeared? My teeth not pearly enough?” she questioned, sounding irked.

  The sound of her voice chaffed me out of my trance. “No, you look fine. Listen, I wanted to say I’m sorry about the way I’ve been acting. It isn’t very professional behavior toward a client. The truth is you’re doing quite well, and you s
hould be proud of what you’ve accomplished.”

  She tossed her bag on the sofa as she walked toward me. “It’s me who should apologize. You’ve just been reacting to my hunger and unwillingness to be here. I promise to try to be more open to this whole process.”

  I walked past her to a chair and motioned for her to sit on the couch. “We never talked about what you wanted from this experience. I’d like to hear about your final goals.”

  “I did think about it, believe it or not. I’m already seeing some changes, and I guess that’s inspiring me to want more. I’d be content at a size eight. I’m thirty-seven years old. I don’t anticipate going from where I am now to what I looked like in my twenties. My body has changed, and I would rather set an objective that’s realistic than attempt a weight goal so unrealistic I’ll fail. I’m not a nice person when I’m forced to do anything, as I’m sure you can attest to based on my daily conduct. My personal assistant appears to believe if I lose weight, my life will all of a sudden become perfect. The truth is I’m okay with my life. I had some rollercoaster events happen years ago. I’m sure you read about it in the tabloids. Those cockroaches followed me around for years. But in the last eight years, I’ve developed a successful career and become an admired businesswoman. So you see, I am anything but in despair.”

  I wondered who she was trying to convince—her or me. “You didn’t mention a personal life. No man or woman playing a part in that fabulous life?” I asked with true interest.

  “Men played a large part in my ruin, so I’ve made it my motto that I don’t have to have a man in my life for it to have meaning.”

  Now my curiosity was definitely heightened. I just assumed she would have troves of men swarming around her. I knew of one: Reese. It was good to know he didn’t stand a chance. That meant one thing. I would help her reach her goal, and she could help me with mine. I yearned for a blowjob from the master. I began to wonder how long it had been for her. Her company must have some amazing products if she could get by without a man. I had a catalog somewhere. I’d have to find it and have a peek at what little Ms. Porn Star had created.

  I started her out walking the treadmill. After that, we did some light rope exercises. I explained that as she got stronger, the weight of the rope would increase and it would help sculpt her body. I took one end of the rope and helped her apply the workout. Then we went to the stability ball, tossing it back and forth. She was beginning to sweat and looked tired.

  “This is exhausting,” she grumbled as she slammed the ball toward me.

  “But worth it. You’ll see,” I replied.

  “You’ve been saying that for weeks. Can we stop now? I’m thirsty,” she inquired as she hugged the ball, her breathing labored.

  A slight erection began to press against my shorts. I’d heard that breathing before, watching her take part in gangbangs. I casually turned away and adjusted myself, hoping she didn’t notice. Closing my eyes, I willed away that old image of Tegan. She wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to do this. I couldn’t get the porn star out of my mind, even though the woman that stood before me definitely wasn’t her. Not anymore.

  I had her finish off the two hours by riding the bike and doing some leg presses. I tossed her a few stretch bands. “If you’re not too sore, using these in the morning will help prep your body for more extensive workouts,” I explained as I took a band from the hook on the wall. I demonstrated some light, easy stretches. “I’m going to have you go to Margo, our Pilates instructor, tomorrow before our session.”

  “I thought you would be the sole one helping me.”

  “Even though I am fully versed in Pilates, I’m not the instructor Margo is. And your muscles need to get really flexible. I want you able to do our boot camp course without waking up crippled. As it is, I’m concerned that maybe I’ve pushed you too far today. I’d planned another two hours with you this afternoon, but I think it will be too much. How about a swim later?” I asked as I tossed her a bottled water.

  She choked as she swallowed. “Only if you’re hiding a swimming area for fat people.”

  I snorted. “It’s more appropriate to call them plus-size,” I said.

  It was true I only said that for her benefit when, in reality, I had no desire to see her in a swimsuit. Talk about turning my fantasy into a nightmare. At this point, I wished I’d never seen her naked. Her porn image stalked my fucking mind, and I couldn’t seem to eradicate it.

  “You can come up to my room, or we can use the one in yours. They’re both private. And I think you’ll find it’s a lot easier to do exercise in the water. We could try. You might like it.”

  Her expression was one of ponder. I honestly thought she’d fire a flat-out no. “When and where? Just so you know, I could change my mind. I didn’t even contemplate bringing a bathing suit on this trip. So I guess it depends on what the shops have.”

  “The boutiques we have on the main floor are fully stocked from size zero to five-X. I’m sure you’ll find something that caters to your taste. If you don’t like anything, I can always get a personal shopper to bring you options from the mainland. We do offer that service. Let’s say about three. That will give you time to shop and have lunch.”

  For now, Tegan and I had a truce. I was used to the garish behavior of some clients. There would be tears, foul language, threats, and pleading. She would hate me at the end of ninety days, and I most likely would feel the same way.

  I was already mentally struggling with the memory of the woman who kept me sane during my cold, dark Alaskan nights. Even Riley, my best friend, would never believe how far Tawny Temp had fallen. Of course, he was not a porn guy, especially now, married with kids.

  Jesus, he truly believed in keeping his wife barefoot and pregnant. I was glad he was happy. At least one of us should be. I was content. I had it all. This fitness club, money, and women, lots of them. I shouldn’t take Tegan’s fall from grace so personally, and if anyone could bring her back to fuckable, it was me.

  “I’m in the penthouse,” I said, following her out.

  She turned with a sardonic grin. “How am I not surprised?”

  * * *

  “So details, Kai. How did your session go with the BJ queen?” Jasper inquired as he leaned back into the Carpathian leather sofa.

  “Don’t disparage her like that. God, you’re such an ass.” Reese chimed in, chastising Jasper.

  “Don’t you two have work to do? I mean, what’s with the social gathering in my office?”

  “I was genuinely curious,” Jasper said as he straightened his tie. “I have no idea why he’s here.” His eyes turned in Reese’s direction.

  “I just wanted to make sure you treated her with respect. I’ve heard you’ve not been very cordial.” Reese spoke up.

  “Cut the gallant act, Reese. You just want to fuck her. May I offer some advice? Being a friend to her isn’t going to work. That pussy has been closed to the public for a long time, and I don’t foresee a grand opening anytime soon,” I announced loudly enough that Jasper heard. In case he had any ideas.

  “Believe it or not, Kai, this isn’t just about sex. I actually like her. Just the way she is. I don’t have to have a skinny model that dines on watercress and diet soda. I’m not either of you. You just want some oral so you can brag about getting it from a porn star, and you…” Reese continued as he looked at Jasper. “I haven’t a clue what your angle is. I seriously doubt it’s utter curiosity. Just do your job, Kai, and be that smug prick, because that alone will drive her straight to me.”

  “Wow, Reese. Don’t hold back.” I scoffed. “Believe it or not, I used decorum with Tegan. We straightened out our past grievances during today’s session. I thought it would serve me better to conduct myself in a way that doesn’t piss her off. I’m hoping my alluring charm will give her the desire to be here. I want her to show up every day a little more inspired than the one before.”

  “Oh please. Shut up. You sound like a fucking commercial. You just
want a blowjob. I’m looking for something more,” Reese retorted.

  “Care to add anything, Jasper? Any words of wisdom or shrewd commentary?” I asked.

  “Fuck no. I’m just enjoying the show, watching you two blokes fight it out. I’m not interested in whatshername,” Jasper replied as he headed for the door. “Listen, Kai, just have her suck your dick, because that’s the only way you’ll get her out of your system. Then she’ll go to Reese all hurt and frustrated. I know you, and you, my friend, will never shag a fat chick. It’s not part of your chemical makeup. Reese will take care of her because—we both agree—he’s the nice one.”

  “Jesus, will you two just go away? You’re giving me a headache,” I pleaded. “I need some food, as well as alone time before I meet her at the pool.”

  “What pool?” Reese demanded, sounding territorial.

  “In my penthouse. She won’t swim in public. It was her choice,” I said carefully.

  “Bullshit,” I heard Reese utter under his breath.

  Jasper grabbed him by the arm, pulling him toward the door.

  “Truly, Reese, there is no sinister plot. This is another session. I thought some water exercises might be easier for her and maybe she’d enjoy it. I don’t have any diabolical plans.”

  Reese huffed as Jasper pushed him across the threshold. I could hear them talking.

  Christ, Reese had it bad. And here I’d thought she would end up hurt. No, it would be him. Even though he enjoyed an occasional sharing of women, I knew he pined for just one. He was a romantic at heart, and at twenty-four, he wasn’t as I had been. He might be the nice one, but that made him vulnerable. He would be easily wounded. Jesus, why did he have to pick Tegan? She was so much older and definitely opposed to any kind of a relationship. She truly disliked men.

  If that woman did ever submit to giving me a blowjob, I could never tell Reese.


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