Sprinkled with Love

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Sprinkled with Love Page 19

by Faye, Jennifer

  Even though it was just the two of them in the house, she whispered, “Blake asked me out, but I haven’t told anyone.”

  Avery wasn’t sure how to react so he settled for, “I hope you have a good time.”

  It took him a while to get used to folding in the flour. As Suzanna explained the reason for folding the flour in versus whisking it, he worried that he would stir the batter too much and the cake would go flat. He was not enjoying this tedious and stressful part of the process. Knowing his luck, he’d end up with a pancake.

  At this point, he had no illusion about winning the Bake-Off. None whatsoever. But he’d pledged to do his best so that’s what he’d do. And afterward, he’d pack up and leave town. The further away he went, the better.

  But there was one thing that was still bothering him. Try as he might, he just didn’t get the whole Glenn and Jillian thing. At first, he thought she might be dazzled because Glenn was flashy with nice clothes and a fancy car, but surely she’d seen past all of that by now. Maybe he needed another perspective.

  After sliding the angel food cake in the oven and setting the timer, Avery turned to Suzanna. “What does Jillian see in Glenn?”

  Suzanna’s eyes widened. “I…I don’t think I’m the person to ask.”

  “I just don’t get it. Sure he might have some money and maybe women think he’s good-looking, but he doesn’t seem very nice.”

  Suzanna crossed her arms and leaned back against the counter. “I didn’t know you knew Glenn that well.”

  “I don’t. But we’ve had a couple of run-ins. I just keep thinking Jillian can do better.”

  Suzanna smiled. “You’re jealous.”

  “I am not.” Liar. Liar.

  Suzanna arched a brow. “You are. It’s written all over your face.”

  “It doesn’t matter if I am. Jillian made it clear she still has unfinished business with that man. I don’t know why I ever thought there could be something between us.”

  “Oh boy, you have it bad for her.”

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter now. I’m leaving town.”

  “Heading back to the rodeo?”

  “It’s where I belong.”

  “Would you say the same thing if I told you there is absolutely nothing romantic going on between Jillian and Glenn?”

  “But this weekend at the Bake-Off, I heard them. It isn’t over.”

  Suzanna paused as though considering her options. “I’m going to tell you something that could get us both in trouble with Jillian, but I think you deserve to know.”

  His curiosity was piqued now. “What is it?”

  “The only thing between Jillian and Glenn is that he tried to use her and Tangled Charms to secure a loan. Apparently he’s in deep financial trouble.”

  “Really?” Avery never would have guessed any of this. “And Jillian didn’t know about it?”

  “Not until the bank called her.”

  “But why didn’t she say anything to me?”

  “My guess is her pride got in the way. She was embarrassed she ever dated him and she was trying to get him out of her life as quietly as possible—but Glenn isn’t good at taking a hint or even a blunt statement.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure she’s been in love with you since she was a teenager. She tried to move on, but once you came back in her life for the Bake-Off, she couldn’t deny her feelings.”

  It was Avery’s turn to lean back against the opposite counter as he digested this news. What did this all mean? Had he totally misread everything?

  Suzanna moved to start cleaning the kitchen island. “I think you’re foolish if you let Jillian get away again.” Her pointed words sliced into his thoughts. Suzanna continued. “Most people only get one shot at love. You’ve now had two chances with Jillian. You won’t get another one. So don’t waste this opportunity.”

  Her profound words struck him. The truth was he loved Jillian more than he thought possible. And he knew it was one of those once-in-a-lifetime loves. That’s why he was planning to leave Marietta. He just couldn’t bear to be so close to her and yet so far away.

  But now—now he knew what he had to do.

  He just had to hope it wasn’t too late.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  This could be the biggest mistake of his life…

  Or it could be his smartest move.

  Avery dismissed the contradictory thoughts. They were of no help and they were starting to give him a headache.

  It all boiled down to the fact that he had to do something drastic because there was no way he could lose Jillian. He knew an apology for not being the man she needed him to be in the past wouldn’t be enough. He had to show her that he’d changed. And he was willing to risk everything to make things right with her.

  He chose to walk to the Graff Hotel for the final round of the Bake-Off. The physical exertion of walking in the chilly February air was just what he needed to clear his head. Between the competition and trying to win over Jillian, he was a bundle of nerves.

  Tonight not only would he be putting his limited baking skills on display for the town, but he also planned to make his feelings for Jillian known to everyone. That was not an easy feat for a cowboy who was used to keeping everything inside.

  When his parents died, he’d learned to keep his emotions tucked inside where no one could see them. After all, he’d suddenly gone from the cool big brother to a fill-in parent who had no clue what he was doing. And his siblings had needed all of the support and security that he could muster.

  He never knew by stifling his emotions that he’d also miss what was right in front of him—the best thing in his life—Jillian. He just hoped it wasn’t too late to convince her to give him another chance to get this right.

  The closer he got to the hotel, the faster he moved. He pulled out his phone and texted Suzanna to make sure Jillian would be at the event. His finger moved rapidly over the screen.

  Avery: How’s our plan going?

  Suzanna: Hit a few snags but everything is now on track. I’ll get her there but the rest is up to you.

  Avery: Understood.

  Suzanna: How’s your end of the plan?

  Avery felt around in his pocket until he found the integral part of the evening.

  Avery: I’ve got it all under control.

  Suzanna: Are you sure about this? Don’t hurt her again or you’ll have me to answer to.

  Avery: I won’t. I promise.

  Suzanna: I’m holding you to that promise.

  Avery: See you soon.

  Suzanna: Good luck!

  He’d take all of the luck that he could get at this point. He just had to be successful this evening. He didn’t have a backup plan.

  For this round, he had to bake a cake. This should be interesting. Baking a pie was one thing—it’s pretty hard to mess up, so long as you sufficiently flour the countertop and only add the salt once. He inwardly groaned, remembering his ridiculous mistake.

  But baking a cake from scratch was even more complicated. And what had he been thinking when he picked out an angel food cake? Surely there had to be easier cakes, right?

  He was doomed to fail. He was certain of it. He had no illusions about winning this round. He would just be happy to have a cake that wasn’t a gooey glob of a mess. If it was at all possible, he wanted to be able to hold his head up in public when this was all said and done.

  Now within sight of the hotel, he noticed the bumper-to-bumper parking. The whole town was really pulling together and coming out in support. Which just made it all the more stressful for him. Thankfully all of his supplies were already at the hotel or else he was certain that he would have forgotten at least two or three ingredients.

  He was never this nervous for his appearances on the rodeo circuit. Probably because when he was astride a bucking bronc, he felt in control. He’d spent most of his life around animals and understood them better than he understood most humans.

But this baking stuff was a real challenge for him—if it wasn’t for Jillian, he would have never made it this far. No matter how bad things had gotten, she’d been there for him. Even arranging for Suzanna to coach him through this last part.

  Now, the time had come for the third and final round. It just didn’t feel right not having Jillian here beside him. He planned to change those circumstances as soon as possible.

  He entered the hotel lobby and looked around for Jillian, but she was nowhere to be found. He refused to worry. Suzanna had assured him that Jillian would be there.

  In no time, the competition was under way. Avery gave all of his attention to the cake. It had to be perfect. He whisked the egg whites…and whisked them…and whisked them. He’d learned the hard way that if he didn’t beat them enough the cake would not be light and fluffy. And if he overbeat them, the egg whites would separate. It was a fine line to get it right.

  Kind of like his relationship with Jillian. If he didn’t say enough, she’d be gone for good. And if he said too much, she’d be gone too. So he’d been practicing what he’d say for the past two days.

  A hush had fallen over the audience as they watched each bachelor create their cake. Mrs. Monroe did a great job as the announcer. She even did the soft voice like a golf announcer on television. She told everyone what the bachelors were baking and a little background information about each entrant.

  By the time his cake was baked, Avery was a nervous wreck. His big moment was almost here. He had it all worked out in his head.

  As the judges made their way down the line sampling everyone’s cake, he pulled out the special cupcake that he’d baked for Jillian with a diamond centerpiece.

  He hoped Jillian would be impressed. He glanced around for her. She was nowhere to be found. His blood pressure rose. Where could she be?

  And then he spotted Suzanna. She shook her head.

  His heart sank.

  All of his planning had failed.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Should she have gone to the Bake-Off?

  Jillian paced back and forth in her apartment. No, she was fine right here. She didn’t have a vested interest in the final round.

  To her surprise, her mother was not happy that Jillian had backed out of going to the Bake-Off. Her mother insisted that if she was staying home she could at least keep Romeo company. Jillian didn’t want company. She longed for the solitude. Yet, it was easier to do as her mother asked than to argue the point.

  When her mother inquired about her reason for staying home, Jillian had claimed a headache. It wasn’t exactly a lie. Her head was abuzz with thoughts of Avery. Suzanna had given her a heads-up that he’d planned something special for this evening and he wanted her there. Jillian had no idea what he had planned and Suzanna hadn’t given her any details.

  So what was Avery up to?

  And what did it have to do with her?

  Then a sobering thought hit her. Perhaps he was going to announce at the Bake-Off that he was leaving town. It would be his swan song of sorts where he told the whole town goodbye at once. That must be it.

  Still, she felt bad for letting Suzanna down. They’d planned to go to the Bake-Off together. She glanced at the clock. Perhaps it wasn’t too late to go. Saying goodbye to Avery might be the closure she needed—a chance to close this chapter in her life once and for all.

  Before she could change her mind, she grabbed her coat. She moved to the door and pulled it open. In that moment, Romeo dashed out the door.

  “Romeo! Come back!”

  Romeo had been so well behaved lately that she thought he’d gotten past his fascination with the great outdoors. She had obviously been wrong. And so started another round of chasing Romeo through the streets of Marietta.


  He hadn’t won the Bake-Off.

  His plan to win over Jillian had failed.

  And yet Avery refused to give up. The truth was he hadn’t failed with Jillian because he hadn’t found her yet to put his plan into action.

  And that’s why he was out driving around Marietta after the Bake-Off ended.

  He’d checked Tangled Charms and then her apartment. He’d banged on her door but she hadn’t answered. He didn’t know where else she could be. He had no choice but to head home—alone.

  He glanced at the two jewelry boxes on the seat next to him in the pickup. He didn’t know what he was going to do with them. Maybe some sleep would help him focus and regroup.

  He backed out of Jillian’s driveway. Surely she hadn’t left town. Was she really that upset with him?

  He decided to try calling her again. He’d just turned onto his street. Before he could reach for his phone, he spotted her car parked along the curb. Jillian was here?

  His spirits buoyed, he wheeled into his driveway and threw the pickup into Park. There could only be one reason she was here—she still cared. His heart swelled in his chest.

  He grabbed the jewelry boxes from the seat. He jumped out of the truck and placed the ring box in his jacket pocket. During the time he’d been searching for her, he’d been thinking that he needed more of a lead-up to the big moment. He had to make sure she understood just how much he loved her.

  He made his way along the walk to the front porch where he found Jillian sitting on the steps. “Hi.”

  She glanced up at him. “Hi. I bet you didn’t expect to see me tonight.”

  “Actually, I’ve been looking for you.” And then realizing she must be freezing out here, he said, “Why don’t we go inside?”

  Jillian hesitated.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  She sighed. “It’s Romeo. He escaped again and I was hoping he would come here.”

  “It’s all the more reason for you to come inside. I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”

  Jillian got to her feet and looked around the darkened yard before her gaze came back to rest on Avery. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. There’s something I needed to discuss with you.”

  Once their coats were off, Jillian took a seat in the armchair next to the couch. Avery perched on the end of the couch closest to her. His heart was racing as he realized he only had one chance to get his proposal right.

  He cleared his throat. “First of all, these are yours.” He held out the large velvet box containing the necklace and earrings she’d made. “I bid on these for you and I really want you to have them.”

  There was uncertainty reflected in her eyes, but she accepted the jewelry case. Looking uncomfortable, she said, “I heard you’re leaving town tomorrow. I should go so you can pack or make whatever arrangements you need to.”

  “I’ve changed my mind. I’m staying.” He could see his announcement surprised her. “And you should know that I’ve sold the house.”

  Her eyes widened. “You bought the ranch?”

  He nodded, hoping it would please her.

  “That’s wonderful.” She smiled. And suddenly the tension between them seemed to ease. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “The thing is, it’s a big ranch and it can get awfully lonely.” He watched as an array of emotions were reflected in her eyes. “How do you feel about ranches?”

  “Me?” She pressed a hand to her chest.

  “Jillian, I’ve handled this situation poorly and for that I’m sorry. At first, I thought you were still involved with Glenn—”

  “I’m not. At least not romantically. I should have made that clearer.”

  “Suzanna set me straight on a few matters unrelated to cake making when she was here. And I am very grateful to her.”

  “You are?”

  He nodded. “She encouraged me to follow my heart—to take a chance on the future and make my dreams come true.”

  Jillian looked disappointed. “Oh, you mean the ranch.”

  “No, I mean you.” His heart was pounding so hard that it echoed in his ears. “I love you, Jillian. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” And the
n remembering the ring, he said, “Wait right here.”

  He rushed over to where he’d placed his coat, and with shaky hands he removed the ring box from his pocket. She hadn’t bolted out the door so he had to hope that was a good sign.

  When he returned to her, he dropped down on one knee and held the box out to her. “Jillian, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  A tear dripped onto her cheek. His body tensed. Please let it be a tear of joy.

  The next thing he knew, Jillian was kneeling on the floor next to him. Her gaze met his. There was clarity reflected in her beautiful blue eyes. “I love you too. But are you sure about this? You want to start over with your own family?”

  “I’m positive. I tried to tell myself that I was happy out on the road. Then returning and roaming through this house all alone, I knew I was kidding myself. I want to build a life with you.”

  “And a couple of babies?”

  “Them too.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  Avery understood her need for clarity. It had taken him a long time to get to this point. “I realized this living alone isn’t what I want after all. Being a bachelor isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. So what do you say? Do you want to grow old with me?”

  “Yes.” She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his.

  It all felt so right—so perfect.

  A scratching sound interrupted the moment. Soon a meow followed. With a groan, they pulled apart. Avery hesitated to let her go, but he smiled, realizing there would be a lifetime of kisses. They were both smiling when they got to their feet.

  When he opened the door, Romeo ran inside. “Hello, fella.”

  Romeo murred in response, causing Jillian and Avery to laugh.

  Just then Marshmallow entered the living room. The cats sniffed each other and then ran off.

  “Looks like everyone is happy.” Avery smiled at Jillian. And then realizing he still had the ring, he moved to her side. “We forgot this.”

  And with that he slid the diamond ring on her finger and sealed the deal with a kiss.



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