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Called Page 23

by E J Pay

  “I’m ready, Dad.” I feel the firmness of his grip as he holds me for the first time in years. His hand is rough and strong. Strong enough to see me through anything. We turn to face that point in the sea ahead of and below us that is screaming for us to come and get it. We squeeze one another’s hand, then dive down, still linked together, my mom right behind us, with an army of support.

  The Atlantean army is being held at bay for the time being but I am unprepared for what awaits me as we enter the tunnel. I see a golden light reflecting off the walls. It is the same color and pattern that I have seen in my dreams. I know we are close to the power source. My dad and I get only fifty feet or so into the gaping mouth of the cracked opening in the ocean floor, my army entering behind us, when we come face to face with Gwen. She is in full body armor, from head to toe. Her helmet comes to a perfect point between her eyebrows, scales carved into the steel plates. Her torso is hugged tightly by the steel armor, covered in scales that protect the most vital parts of her body. Her arms and legs are free from the heavier weight of the steel but are covered in a lighter mesh to still protect from injury. A gilt sword and shield are at her sides. She glitters in the golden light from behind her that is seeping out from the walls. If I weren’t so uncertain of what she would do, I would have told her she looked beautiful.

  “I was afraid something like this would happen, Evelyn,” she says, “I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and this is how you repay me.” Her voice is filled with anger and she has a look of fury in her eyes, so unlike the Gwen that I know. “I see that you have come with some of my followers.” She gives Lachlan a withering look as he swims up behind me.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way, Gwen,” I say as I let go of my father’s hand to face my friend and foe on my own. “You don’t have to try to destroy everything to prove something to yourself or anyone else. We can end this here and now. Join us, Gwen. We can make a difference together.”

  In an instant, Gwen raises her sword into the air with one arm and lets out a yell that calls to her followers. The tunnels fill with them, all coming from deep inside the crack that led us here, all in glittering body armor and carrying jewel encrusted weapons. They must have raided Ceto’s treasury to have access to such amazing tools and weaponry.

  Gwen lets out another yell and comes shooting through the tunnel toward me. I am not interested in fighting her in these close quarters with my followers so close behind me, so I rocket upward to avoid her blow. In the twinkling of an eye, her soldiers are racing toward my soldiers, both those in the tunnel and those outside. They spill over one another like a wave on the shore. Gwen explodes after me into the water above. I lead her away from the tunnel, away from her troops – the battle in the tunnels exploding into the water. The sea walls created to make those tunnels can’t stand up to the immense pressure of an active battle. Hundreds of soldiers swinging their weapons and pounding into one another only serve to broaden the crack in the ocean floor. Soon, they are all spilling out into the open water, Gwen and I still farther above.

  I swim until I feel a knot within me forcing me to stop. I turn just in time to see Gwen barreling down on me with her sword. Time freezes and everything around me quiets as I focus on my enemy preparing to strike. I lift my shield just in time for her sword to come crashing down. The force of the impact jolts my shoulder and a searing pain shoots down my arm. Gwen skids by me as she deals the blow and is now behind me, turning back to attack again. I raise my mace and shield my torso as she comes careening through the water. This time I swing as she reaches me. My mace wraps around her sword, breaking it in two. Her face is furious when she sees her useless weapon. She drops her damaged sword and withdraws a small knife strapped to her ankle.

  Just beyond where she is I see the Atlantean army gaining ground on my followers. More of my group are engaged in battle, unable to fight off two opponents at once. I reach out with my mind, begging the power source for help. We can’t free it if we have to do it alone.

  Suddenly I hear a loud explosion behind me and I turn to see what it is. A lava burst has broken through the surface of the ocean floor. It creates a rumble that sends shockwaves through the water. Gwen, who was ready to attack with her knife, is blown backward through the water. I manage to brace myself against a rock just before the current hits. I am able to hold my ground. But all of the fighters behind me have been similarly knocked backward.

  As they rise up again, many of them shaking their heads to clear the ringing from the blast, I see a new terror rising above them. Ceto has arrived with her army. She is at their head, a huge smile spread across her face. We could not have played more perfectly into her hands. She shouts orders to her followers and I watch with fear as they descend upon the mass of fighters. Ceto heads straight for me

  Chapter 36

  By the time she reaches me, my mace is raised, but Ceto isn’t battle ready at all. Her hands are empty of either shield or weapon. Her body free of armor. She glides toward me with her hands outstretched as if she wants to hug me. I shrink back, unsure of what awaits me once we are face-to-face.

  “Evelyn.” She says my name calmly, a stark contrast to the battle sounds coming from behind her. “Evelyn I am so happy you are well.” I stand frozen as she wraps her arms around me in a hug. She whispers in my ear, “Thank you so much, my dear, for leading me here. I don’t know that I could ever have discovered the exact location of the Atlantis power source on my own.”

  “I don’t understand,” I say. “I didn’t even know the power source was anywhere near here a few days ago. How could I possibly have led you here?”

  “My dear, this has been my hope all along. I was fully aware that Gus was beginning to take a liking to you. When I left you in his care in my fortress, I knew that somehow you’d be able to find a way out. I made sure Kai was left as well. I knew that together you would lead me to where I wanted so desperately to be. And here I am. Thank you.”

  The knot in my stomach tightens as I register that I have been used by Ceto. It was a trap. She had no way of knowing everything I was going to do, but she gambled on letting me and my dad go and she won. Now she is going to claim the victory.

  “Oh, I don’t know that Evelyn is so special,” I hear Gwen’s voice behind her mother. “I found the power source completely on my own without her help at all.” Ceto turns to face her daughter who still holds that small knife in her hand.

  “Oh my Gwen.” She moves to embrace her child, but is met with a defensive stance, knife raised defensively toward her. “Gwen, what are you doing? I thought we were going to do this together.”

  “Yes, you thought a lot of things, mother. But I am not going to be your puppet. Your dreams for me were not ever and are not now my dreams for me. I don’t want to reign side-by-side with you. I have never been side-by-side with you. It would be completely unnatural.”

  “Gwen,” Ceto says as she moves closer to her daughter, “please my darling girl. Listen to me. I don’t want to rule if I cannot rule with you. There would be no purpose in that. Come with me and enjoy all the power that can be yours.”

  “I know what power can be mine!” Gwen says. “And I don’t have to share it with you, Mother!” In a blinding flash, Gwen dives at her mother with her knife. Just as the tip makes contact with Ceto’s flesh, Gwen’s arm freezes. She screams in pain as ice crystals start to form along the entire length of her arm.

  “Oh Gwen, dear,” Ceto speaks softly, “I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this. You see, I have always planned to have you by my side and have you by my side I shall.” The ice that covers Gwen’s arm moves upward to her shoulder, then her neck, Gwen’s screams growing louder and more desperate as she is quickly and painfully freezing to death. “My darling girl, do you relent your designs? Will you change your mind and follow me willingly?” Ceto continues to speak with complete calm and peace in her voice. It is the most unnerving sound I have heard.

  “Yes,” Gwen screams, “Yes, I will!”

  Ceto slows the freezing down just as it encrusts Gwen’s chin. She reaches for her daughter who collapses into her arms, all the while whispering her love and affection in her ear. She is completely lost in her attention to Gwen. Ceto has forgotten I am here.

  I swim upward and outward, heading to the edge of the continental shelf above me. I have to get away from them. I hear my name being called. I glance over my shoulder just quickly enough to see Ceto rising in the water toward me. But she is not the only one. Both of my parents are swimming after her shouting at me to swim faster. They will help me. I will not be alone in my battle with Ceto.

  I reach the edge of the continental shelf in just a few minutes but I know I still have nearly 500 feet to go. I drop my shield and mace to allow myself more freedom of movement. In a few minutes more I breach the surface, taking in the first breaths of fresh air I’ve had in a long time. The effect is momentarily debilitating as I cough up water and gasp for air. As I regain my ability to breathe above water, I feel rain droplets pounding on my face. The waves above the sea are in just as much turmoil as the battlegrounds I left behind. The water is incredibly warm and getting warmer by the second. I wouldn’t have expected the water to be so warm in November. It must be Ceto’s work already starting in anticipation of finding the power source.

  Rain feels warm against my skin. It isn’t the refreshing kind of rain I grew up with in Arizona. This is laden with humidity so thick I can hardly breathe. That may be the point. I know that Ceto is creating the perfect conditions for a hurricane, and knowing her plans, I know it is not going to be a small one. My parents break the surface of the water to my left. My dad struggles for breath for only a moment before re-entering the sea. He has been so long without the air above water, he can no longer breathe it. He has to stay below the surface to survive.

  My mom swims to my side. “We have to work together to stop her, Evelyn,” She says as the rain pelts her face, “I can only talk to the air above the ocean and to sea creatures. What are your strengths?”

  “I can do both of those too,” I reply, “I can also control water temperature, waves, and tide.” My mother lets out one, hard laugh.

  “Well, then. I don’t see how Ceto stands a chance,” she says. “Your father is headed below to the power source. Ceto will be too distracted to fight us all off.”

  My mother and I clasp hands and turn our faces into the wind.

  Please, I can feel us both speaking in unison to the air surrounding us. We humbly seek your help. The air molecules brush our cheeks, wanting to meet the two-worlders who are reaching out to them. I feel the air around my face cool in a collective gasp. Their unified mother voice speaks to us.

  The Marin child has returned. We are so very pleased. We had begun to wonder where you had gone, Marin child. We had such a fine meeting the last time.

  She has brought her mother with her. We have not heard from her mother since her father disappeared. It has been such a long time.

  We both have missed you. My mother and I both reach out to the molecules with our minds, we have been at war with Ceto. She is trying to destroy life on land. She has found the location of the Atlantis power source and plans to use it to carry out her plans. This hurricane is just the beginning of her designs.

  I feel sighs of worry and concern in the warm air around me.

  Can you help us?

  Yes, of course we can, replies the mother-voice. What do you need us to do?

  Would you please help us to cool the air? We ask. We are trying to break the power she is growing in her hurricane.

  Of course we can. Though she has some already on her side.

  Then to themselves, Ladies. All you’ve got.

  The air begins to chill immediately. I am amazed by its iciness on my cheeks and nose. But I am grateful for the help. My mom and I send our gratitude to the air and I focus on the water temperature.

  I’m grateful I had a Hurricane class this semester. It will come in handy for me now. Water needs to be 79 degrees in order for a hurricane to grow and maintain a steady pace. What I am swimming in is close to 90 degrees. I reach out with my water abilities, but I have only used this particular talent in small areas. I need a super-cooled ocean. I reach out as best as I can, draining my energy into the cooling of the ocean. I rapidly became aware of Ceto working against me to heat the water. She is so much more experienced with her water skills that I know I cannot win that part of the encounter with her. I am growing so tired it is difficult to stay above water, my body wants to sink down and go to sleep. Then, I hear the mother voices speaking to me.

  Let go, Marin child. Let us take over this part for you. You’ll be surprised by what we can do.

  My mom swims to my side and takes hold of my hand. I let go of the water and let the air take over. As soon as I release my hold, the air starts blowing wind about us with tremendous force, causing havoc all around. The water stirs and circulates and cools as the lower elevations of cooler water are stirred to the top. I am aware of the mounting waves breaking on the shore. I know the kind of damage that can be inflicted by a storm surge. I need to use my skill with waves and tide to negate those effects as much as possible. But I am weak from my battle with the water temperature. The waves and tide refuse to listen to me.

  Panic grows within me as I realize that I am powerless. My mother is comfortable working with the air. She has the ability to handle that on her own. All those hopes for my powers being the thing to save the ocean and the world are being dashed to pieces like the waves slamming against the shore. I am feeling desperate when I hear the power source reaching out to me again, this time with words that actually fill the air. Its voice sounds laced with gold. I know royalty is speaking to me.

  “Evelyn,” she says to me in a piercingly soft voice, “I need your help now. Your father cannot reach me on his own.”

  “But what do I do about the hurricane?” I ask. My mom rests her hand on my shoulder with a reassurance that she will stay.

  “Your mother will stay and work with the air to end it,” the voice says, “It will get worse before it gets better, Evelyn. But it will end up for the best. You must trust in me.”

  Every concern leaves my heart as I understand that I can fully trust the voice that is speaking to me. My mom wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses my cheek.

  “You can do this, Evelyn. I have faith in YOU.” I answer her words with a kiss to her cheek and dive below the waves, leaving her to guard the world above on her own.

  Chapter 37

  Once I am back in the water, I see Ceto focusing all of her attention on the water’s surface. Gwen is by her side, just as focused as her mother. Several two-worlders float in the water around them, eyes closed, as they join their collective forces to strengthen the hurricane. No wonder my efforts have been met with such difficulty. Ceto has so many resources at her disposal, I am never going to win head-to-head with her. Beneath Ceto and her band of helpers, the ocean floor is still covered with fighters. Very few are aware of the battle raging above them. I cannot tell who is on which side and who is fighting who. It is a scene of chaos.

  I reach out with my mind to the power source, looking for guidance. I feel the familiar tug telling me where to go. I swim forward, battles raging all around me. I am aware at some point of Ceto and Gwen coming to their senses and looking for me, but I am too far gone to be stopped. I move silently and unnoticed through the water. Everyone is engaged in fighting off another combatant - no one has time to see me. As I reenter the tunnel through the gigantic hole that now threatens to swallow the lifeless old boat, I move with an absolute peace. I feel like I am in a trance or in one of the many dreams that I’ve had over the years. Though I am unprotected and vulnerable to attack, I am grateful to not be burdened by my mace and shield. I know I will not be needing them here.

  I move down the hallway, feeling the pull of the power source growing ever stronger as I move closer to it. The hallway grows lighter and lighter the
farther I move down its length. I see the familiar doors I have been dreaming of for years. I stop in front of the door I know I need to enter. I hover motionless in front of it for a moment or two, taking in the surreal nature of living in one of my dreams. Then I reach out and grasp the handle.

  The door swings open gently at my touch and I enter the blindingly bright room. I blink until I can focus my eyes, raising my hand to shield them from the brilliance before me. As I lower my hand and look around the room, I see the same furnishings from my dreams. The same paintings hang on the walls. The same books cover the tables. Had I not seen it so many times before, I would be tempted to take the time to admire my surroundings. But I am already fully aware of this room and all it holds. I know I have just one thing to look for, and I cannot risk missing it.

  In the center of the room, hovering a few feet above the floor, is the power source of Atlantis. She hovers angelically in the water before me. She is a large pearl, the kind you would see in some old painting of English or French aristocracy. The kind that divers spend their lives and fortunes searching for. She is the size of a small orange, but a completely perfect sphere of white. Her exterior shimmers and I can see worlds of color moving across her surface. Those same colors curl away from her, joining together to create the magnificent light that shines throughout the room. My heart skips a beat as it speaks within me again that this is not one of my dreams. This is finally happening. This is real.

  The power source pearl speaks to me once more in her soft but firm tone. “Evelyn, I am so grateful you have come to me. It has been many years since I was able to see another two-worlder like myself.”


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