Awkward in Print (Awkward #1)

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Awkward in Print (Awkward #1) Page 11

by Rachel Rhodes

  Fenn gives me a thoughtful look and darts out of the bedroom. A second later she’s back with an enormous file. “There has to be a clause in your contract that covers extreme circumstances like this,” she ponders out loud, flipping through the pages so fast it makes my head hurt. A tiny flame of hope flickers in my chest. I daren’t let it kindle.

  “George will know,” I say. “He knows those contracts inside and out.”

  Fenn lifts her phone to her ear. “I’m on it,” she says, striding out of the room.

  Teddy sits down gently beside me and wraps both arms around my shoulders. “What happened?” she asks, keeping her voice down so only Jude can hear.

  “Alex came over. He was bad news, Teddy. He…” my voice breaks and I feel her stiffen beside me.

  “On a scale of one to ten, how bad?” she asks.

  “There is no scale for people like him.”

  Jude curses. I manage a watery-eyed smile as I tell Teddy, “Jude never liked him.”

  Teddy doesn’t smile back, but her grip tightens convulsively. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No. He might have, but Ace stopped him.”


  “I called him, like you told me to.”

  “No wonder the weather’s all over the place. The last time you listened to me you were in kindergarten.”

  “It turns out Ace works for the FBI. They were investigating Alex this whole time.”

  “For what?”

  I gaze helplessly at her. “I don’t know what I’m allowed to say.”

  “Screw that. I’m your sister!”

  “Leave it,” Jude growls, uncharacteristically sharp with her. To my astonishment, Teddy takes a deep breath and leaves it.

  “Where is Ace now?”

  It’s too much. I choke on my words. “He’s in the hospital.”

  “The broadcast I saw mentioned an unidentified man was injured in the shooting,” Jude says. “That was him?”

  “Yes. He wouldn’t even have been here if I hadn’t―”

  “Stop right there,” Teddy cuts me off. “If he hadn’t been here, you might’ve been hurt. Or worse. How bad is it?”

  “He had surgery last night. He pulled through, but they wouldn’t let me see him.”

  “George found a loophole!” Fenn bursts back into the room. “It’s an unspecified clause, but he says in this instance it definitely applies.” She pauses, catching sight of my stricken face. “He also said to tell you that if anyone gives you any shit about it, you let him know and he’ll remind Garfield Harrison about the threesome in Cancun the night before his wedding.” She shrugs. “I don’t know if he means his or Harrison’s wedding.”

  Despite everything, I smile through my tears. George always comes through. “I don’t have to go?”

  Fenn holds up the contract. “According to this, you may temporarily suspend filming for up to twenty-one days.”

  Three weeks. I leap off the bed and scramble for my sneakers.

  “Where are you going?” Teddy squawks.

  Jude is far more astute. “You’re not going to make it through that crowd, Josie,” he warns. I’d forgotten about them. I cock my head to one side and a small smile tugs up the corners of my mouth.

  “Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?”

  Hartley doesn’t question why I want to know if Ace’s bike is in the lot across the street. He even offers to have someone retrieve the keys from their base apartment. I don’t know how much Ace has told him about me, but I gather he knows Ace wouldn’t mind. The same man who followed me home and has been stationed outside my door jogs across to Ace’s apartment block. The baying reporters barely give him a second look.

  Ten minutes later, he pulls into the underground lot on Ace’s bike. Jude gives me a wry look.

  “Last chance to back out,” he warns. “I’m more than a little rusty.”

  “I’m not changing my mind,” I say. “The press sees what they want to. Jojo Hudson, Hollywood’s darling would never be seen on the back of a motorcycle.”

  “Shows how little they know,” Jude grins. “Because Josie Hudson, my favorite waitress, has got a lot more backbone.”

  I climb up behind him, and he guns the engine. I only have time to wrap my arms around his waist, and we’re off, speeding up the ramp and out onto the street. I sneak a glimpse at the pack of reporters outside my apartment doors, baying for blood. Nobody pays us any attention, except for a lone, mousy-haired man a few feet away. I flip him the bird as Jude leans us into a corner and we disappear into the traffic.


  My sneakers make no sound on the clinical white tiles. I feel a bit ridiculous carrying a helmet over my arm, but I’m so thrilled that we managed to evade the press, I don’t even care. In fact, I might start biking everywhere.

  Hartley is the only one left in the visitor’s lounge. He gets to his feet when we walk in. “Miss Hudson?” His eyes fall to the helmet. “I guess you got hold of that bike, although I must admit I didn’t expect to see you back here so soon.”

  “I found a loophole in my contract. How is he?”

  “He’s awake, or so the doctors tell me.”

  “Can we see him?”

  “Not yet. I’m going to stick around until they give us the go ahead.”

  I take my familiar seat. “Well then, I’m waiting with you.”

  Jude brings us coffee from the machine down the hall.

  “You should go,” I tell him after the second cup. “Teddy will be worried. I’ll call you if I need you to come back.”

  He hesitates, torn between wanting to stay with me, wanting to see Teddy, and wanting to escape the monotony of the hospital. I also think he’s itching to get back on the bike, although he’d never admit it.

  “You’re sure?” he asks eventually.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” He gets to his feet. “You call me the second you want to leave and I’ll come back and get you.”

  Hartley listens to our conversation without saying a word. Until Jude leaves.

  “He the bartender?” he asks.

  I imagine a board filled with black and white surveillance photographs and wonder just how much of my life this man has witnessed. “He is,” I reply.

  “Logan likes him. Says he’s a good guy.”

  A movement at the doorway has us both on our feet, but it’s not the surgeon. It’s Ace’s father. Even though I’ve never met him, the resemblance is impossible to miss.

  “Mr. Logan.” Hartley offers his hand, but Ace’s dad pulls him into a bear hug instead.

  “Ben. Thank you for calling me. How is he?”

  “He’s not in any immediate danger, but he’s not out of the woods yet, either. We’re expecting another update any minute now.”

  “Have you seen him?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Ace’s dad nods. His eyes fall to me.

  “This is Jojo Hudson,” Hartley begins, but Ben’s dad holds up a hand to stop him.

  “I know who she is.” He takes two long strides toward me. “It’s Josie, right?” he asks. I swallow the lump which has formed in my throat and bob my head. His eyes twinkle as he pulls me into a hug. “I wondered when I’d meet the girl who stole my son’s heart,” he says in my ear. Then, pulling back to look into my eyes, “I only wish it was under better circumstances.” I start to laugh, dazzled by the fact that Ace told his dad about me, but it turns into a sob. “Oh, none of that now, girl,” Mr. Logan says, pulling me back to his shoulder and thumping my back in what I assume is supposed to be a soothing gesture. “Logan men are made of strong stuff. You better toughen up if you expect to be with one.”

  I hiccup against his broad chest. “Yes, Sir,” I mumble.

  “It’s Robert,” he insists.

  He finally lets me go when the surgeon arrives. I swipe at my eyes and nose, my face burning.

  “Mr. Logan, I’m Doctor Thompson,” he says, shaking Robert’s hand. “I assume you’ve been brought up
to date?”

  “How is my son?” Robert asks, cutting through the preamble.

  The Doctor smiles. “I don’t like to make early predictions, but I think it’s safe to say he’s going to make a full recovery.” He’s barely finished speaking when Robert treats him to his own bear hug, lifting him clear off his feet. He doesn’t seem to know what to do and flops around like a rag doll.

  Once he’s back on solid ground, he turns to Hartley. “I’ve moved him, as you requested. He’s in a private ward. I’m sorry it took so long, but moving equipment out of ICU isn’t as easy as it sounds.”

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done,” Hartley replies.

  “It’s the least we can do, given the circumstances.”

  I blink at them in alarm. Hartley notices me and lowers his voice. “It’s just a precaution, while he’s incapacitated. I’ll have a man stationed permanently outside his door.”

  “Can we see him?” Robert asks.

  The Doctor hesitates, but Hartley clears his throat audibly, reminding him that this is not just any patient. I assume allowances are made for Federal agents who risk their lives for country.

  “Of course,” he replies smoothly. “But only one visitor at a time.”

  We follow him down the hall, through a labyrinth of twists and turns, until we reach a non-descript door.

  “One at a time,” the doctor reminds us, before returning to his rounds.

  Robert goes first. He’s inside a long time, and he’s already apologizing on his way out.

  “He’s fallen asleep,” he whispers.

  Hartley sweeps a practiced look up and down the hallway and then pushes the door open. “Come on,” he tells me with a jerk of his head. I don’t need to be told twice. I slip inside, and he follows.

  Ace is fast asleep, attached to so many machines it takes me a while to navigate my way to his side. Hartley settles for standing straight-backed at the foot of the bed. Ace’s face is so pale even his blond hair looks dark. I find my eyes drawn to the bandage around his chest and my heart pinches. We stand in silence, watching over him. I’m happy just to look at him, but I suspect Hartley has no desire to examine every inch of his precious face because after ten minutes he excuses himself. At the soft sound of the door closing, Ace opens his eyes.

  “I thought he’d never leave,” he wheezes, a flash of mischief in his dulled eyes.

  “You’re awake!” I want to throw myself on him, to hug him, but it’s impossible with all the electrodes covering his chest. I settle for taking his hand.

  “Only just. I should’ve stopped him, but I wanted to talk to you alone first.”

  The word ‘alone’ makes me feel warm and fuzzy. “I was so worried about you,” I say, “I didn’t know if you were going to make it.”

  “Such little faith in me,” he teases. Then he turns serious. “Alex?”

  “He’s gone.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I know he meant a lot to you.”

  “Not as much as I thought.” Carefully, I take a seat on the very edge of the bed. “I can’t believe I didn’t suspect anything. All those terrible things he was doing and I was completely oblivious.”

  “You need to know that I didn’t set out to ruin your life, Josie. I knew you were dating him, obviously. The whole world knew that, but it wasn’t until he came under investigation for murder and abduction that I decided to do anything about it.” I stay silent. “You should also know,” he begins slowly, “that I have absolutely zero interest in becoming an actor.”

  I start to laugh and find I can’t stop. “So you don’t need me to advance your career after all?”

  “I don’t need you to advance my career.” A pause, and then he says the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. “But I do need you.”

  “I need you too.”

  We lapse into a beautiful silence, our hands the only physical contact between us.

  “Hey,” Ace says after a while, “aren’t you supposed to be flying out today?”

  A grin splits my face as I recall how we started, and the road that brought us here. “I didn’t get on the plane,” I say meaningfully. Ace’s answering smile is the sun coming out from behind a dark cloud.

  “You didn’t get on the plane,” he echoes.

  Screw it, I think, leaning toward him. I hear the electronic tempo of his heartbeat spike as our lips meet. By the time Doctor Thompson bursts through the door, a grinning Hartley behind him, neither of us is in any state to notice.

  The End


  Awkward Abroad

  Awkward Infidelity

  Awkward in Trouble


  Awkward Ever After

  Awkward Undercover

  Awkward Matrimony

  Awkward On Air

  About the Author

  Rachel Rhodes is the pseudonym for an authors collective who have come together to publish the Awkward series, a collection of easy-reading, contemporary romance novels.

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