The Story of Civilization

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The Story of Civilization Page 113

by Will Durant

  Roman, 77, 80, 131, 218, 310, 320, 322, 330, 336, 448, 455, 477, 483, 513, 632, 665

  Minos, 284

  Minotaur, 354

  Minturnae, 113, 322

  Minucius, Quintus, proconsul (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 87

  Minucius Felix, Latin Christian writer (fl. 2nd century), 611, 612

  Minucius Rufus, Marcus, dictator (fl. 216 B.C.), 50

  miracles, 60, 75, 93, 435, 442, 466, 512, 525-526, 553, 556, 557, 559, 562-563, 576, 580, 585, 607

  Miranda (anc. Continum Lusitanorum), 427*

  Misenum (Miseno), 132, 265, 325, 326, 457

  Mithraism, see Zoroastrianism

  Mithras, 280, 390, 524, 529, 540, 553, 598, 600*, 606, 639, 654; see also Zoroastrianism

  Mithridates I, King of Pontus (fl. ca. 302, B.C.), 517

  Mithridates VI the Great, King of Pontus (132?-63 B.C.), 122-125, 132, 140, 188, 347, 482, 507, 517-519, 528

  Mithridatic Wars, 122-125, 132, 140, 188, 516-519

  Mnester, dancer (fl. 1st century), 272

  Moab, 530

  Modalists, 605

  Modena, see Mutina

  Modernism, 554

  Moesia, 218, 291, 480, 653, 670

  Moguntiacum (Mayence), 480

  Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French dramatist (1622-1673), 100

  Mommsen, (Christian Matthias) Theodor, German historian (1817-1903), 48, 88, 175, 178, 265, 432, 475

  Monarchians, 605

  monarchy, in Etruria, 6;

  in Rome, 13-16, 34, 139, 190, 193-197, 198, 208, 670;

  Cicero on, 165;

  the Principate, 209-549;

  the later monarchy, 621-670

  monasticism, 595, 657, 668

  Mondragone, Villa, 454*

  money-changers, 533, 570

  moneylending, 79, 88, 103, 129-130, 131, 140, 169-170, 192, 196, 219, 246, 302, 303, 331-332, 336, 482, 500, 539, 627, 657

  Monophysites, 605

  monopolies, 80, 642

  monotheism, 365-366, 390, 502, 507, 578, 582, 612, 639, 656

  Monothelites, 605

  Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, French philosopher and essayist (1533-1592), 304, 307, 440, 466, 484

  Montanism, 613

  Montanus, Phrygian heretic (fl. ca. 156), 605

  months of the Roman year, 66-67; Quinctilis renamed Julius, 193

  Montignac, 470-471

  Moors, (anc. Mauri), 387, 417, 431

  Moralia (Plutarch), 483, 485-486

  morals, in Etruria, 7;

  in Carthage, 41; in

  Capua, 52;

  in Germany, 479;

  in Corinth, 487;

  under the Republic, 54, 57, 58, 67-69, 71, 72, 84, 89, 90, 92, 95, 97, 102, 104, 108, 112, 132-133, 134, 146, 155, 159, 160, 164, 205, 211;

  under the Principate and monarchy, 221-225, 232, 235, 239, 247-248, 251, 253-257, 260, 274, 276, 286, 293, 296-299, 300-301, 305, 307, 308, 315, 316, 363-366, 368, 369-371, 373, 443, 456, 500, 522, 593, 598-599, 602, 626-627, 628, 646, 656, 665-667;

  Caesar’s, 167-169;

  Clodius’, 172-173;

  Antony’s, 199-200, 204-206;

  Julia’s, 230-232;

  Horace on, 247-250;

  Livy on, 251;

  Tiberius’, 263;

  Caligula’s, 266-267;

  Claudius’, Messalina’s, and Agrippina’s, 272-273;

  Nero’s, 276-277, 279;

  Galba’s, 284;

  Vespasian’s, 288;

  Titus’, 288, 289;

  Domitian’s, 290;

  Juvenal on, 438-439;

  Marcus Aurelius’, 444-446;

  Commodus’, 446;

  Herod’s, 532;

  Christ’s moral ideas, 566-567;

  Elagabalus’, 624-625;

  Alexander Severus’, 625-627

  Morgantia, 121

  Mortibus Persecutorum, De (Lactantius), 662

  mosaic, 343, 345, 442, 459, 477, 601, 635

  Mosaic Code, 537, 538, 542, 567, 585

  Moses, 536, 567, 574, 576, 582, 586

  Moslems, 507

  Mosul, 529

  mother, the, in the Republic, 58, 59

  Mt. Alban, 11

  Mt. Moriah, 533

  Mount of Olives, 570

  Mucianus, Licinius, general and historian (fl. 1st century), 310

  Mulvian Bridge, 654, 662

  Mummius Achaicus, Lucius, general (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 87, 297

  Munda, battle in 45 B.C., 190, 470

  murals, see painting

  Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, Italian archaeologist (1672-1750), 616

  Murena, Lucius Licinius, propraetor in Asia (fl. 83-81 B.C.), 519

  murrhine glass, 347, 374

  Musa, Antonius, physician (fl. end of 1st century B.C.), 227, 313

  Musa Paidiké (Strabo of Sardis), 509*

  Muses, 150, 247, 510, 609

  Museum (Alexandria), 500

  music, in Etruria, 7, 11, 18;

  under Rome, 18, 69, 74, 82, 83, 90, 99, 133, 135, 159, 204, 226, 277-279, 282-283, 291, 302, 314, 335, 354-355, 367, 376, 377, 379-381, 384, 414, 421, 430, 440, 456, 487, 500, 511, 512, 523, 532, 599, 624, 625, 635;

  Christian, 601-602

  Musica, De (Varro), 379

  Mutina, (Modena, q.v.), 11, 78, 87, 201, 322, 455

  Mycale, 514

  Myos Hormos, 499

  Myrlea, 520

  Myron, Greek sculptor (fl. ca. 450 B.C.), 338, 358

  Myrtale, 247

  Mysia, 513, 605

  mysteries, see Eleusinian mysteries, Orphic doctrine, Pythagoreanism

  Mysteries, Temple of the, 431

  mysticism, 468, 501-502, 514, 522, 524-525, 537, 547, 549, 553, 582, 589, 594-595, 604-611, 614-615, 633, 667; see also pantheism

  mythology, 75, 84, 94, 165, 241, 248, 251, 256, 316, 317, 353, 367, 522-525, 604

  Mytilene, 186, 516


  Naber, Dutch biblical scholar, 554

  Naevius, Cnaeus, dramatist and poet (?-ca. 202 B.C.), 74-75, 98, 155, 241

  Naissus (Nish), 630, 653

  names, 56-57, 76

  Naples (anc. Neapolis), 4, 35, 37, 52, 141, 236, 237, 278, 316, 356, 455, 456, 457, 461; Bay of, 11, 133, 325

  Naples Museum, 349, 350, 351, 352, 354, 459-460, 634

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French (1769-1821), 412, 416, 484, 553, 670

  Narbo (Narbonne), 116, 473

  Narcissus, secretary of Claudius (?-54 A.D.), 270-273

  Narcissus (or Dionysus), 459

  Nativity, 558-559

  Natura Deorum, De (Cicero), 163*

  Natural History (Pliny the Elder), see Historia Naturalis

  nature, love of, in Lucretius, 147;

  in Virgil, 238;

  in Horace, 246;

  in Rome, 343;

  in Pliny the Younger, 440;

  Christ’s, 559

  Nature of Things, On the (Lucretius), see Rerum Natura, De

  Naucratis, 498, 499

  naumachia, 270, 377, 383, 470

  naval battles, sham, see naumachia

  navigation, 308, 324-326

  navy, Carthaginian, 43, 44, 45, 54, 106, 107;

  under the Republic, 44-45, 80, 106, 107, 139-140, 183-185, 206-207, 518;

  under the Principate, 217, 219, 220, 308, 325, 337, 413, 455

  Nazarenes, 559-560, 576

  Nazareth, 535, 554, 558, 560, 562, 563

  Neaera, 247

  Neapolis, see Naples

  Near East, 5, 211, 254, 559, 615

  Nebuchadrezzar II, King of Babylon (reigned 605-562 B.C.), 39

  Nemean games, 283, 486-487

  Nemi (Aricia), 61, 351

  Neoplatonism, 502, 514, 595, 604, 607

  Neo-Pythagoreans, 497, 594, 604, 607, 614

  Nepos, Cornelius, historian and biographer (100-29 B.C.), 146, 160, 162

  Neptune, 60, 63

  Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus. Originally Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbu
s), Roman emperor (37-68), 56, 68, 81, 92, 159, 263, 273, 274-285, 286, 289, 293, 295-296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 323, 324, 326*, 330, 334, 336, 339, 344-345, 347, 350-351, 352, 358, 359, 361, 363, 366, 371, 372, 374, 375, 379, 380, 384, 388, 397, 418, 434, 443, 456, 479, 482, 483, 485, 490, 491, 525, 528, 554, 575, 578, 587, 591, 593, 594, 603, 632, 633, 646, 647, 667

  Nero, Baths of, 359, 375

  Nero, Circus of, 578

  Nero, son of Agrippina the Elder (fl. 1st century A.D.), 262, 263*, 264

  Nero, Tiberius Claudius, noble, father of Tiberius (fl. 1st century B.C.), 205

  Neronia, 277, 296, 381

  Nerva (Marcus Cocceius Nerva), Roman emperor (32-98), 307, 365*, 371, 407-408, 425, 433, 434, 521, 633

  Nerva, 407, 442, 547

  Nervii, 175

  Nestus, 630

  Neumagen, 474

  New Academy, 164, 308

  New Babylon, 260

  New Carthage, see Nova Carthago

  New Comedy (in Athens), 99

  New Jerusalem, 594, 605

  Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, English writer (1801-1890), 493

  newspapers, Caesar’s, 172

  New Testament, 553-595;601, 603, 605, 615, 616

  New Year, 65, 221

  New York, 81, 100, 325, 337, 340, 360*

  Nicaea (Is-nik), 418, 516, 520, 629, 636, 659

  Nicaea, Council of, 659-661, 662, 663

  Nice (anc. Nicaea), 474

  Nicene Creed, 660*

  Nicias, (Greek Anthology), 510

  Nicodemus, Jewish Pharisee (1st century), 569

  Nicolaus of Damascus, Greek historian (fl. 1st century B.C.), 512-513, 532, 534

  Nicomedes II Epiphanes, King of Bithynia (reigned 142-91 B.C.), 120, 518

  Nicomedes III Philopator, King of Bithynia (reigned 91-74 B.C.), 167, 518-519

  Nicomedia (Is-nikmid), 418, 490, 516, 520, 629, 635, 640, 644, 651, 655, 659, 661

  Nicopolis, 482, 490

  Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, German historian and philologist (1776-1831), 16*, 392

  Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philosopher (1844-1900), 104

  Nigrinus, general of Trajan (?-118), 414

  Nike, 461

  Nile, 188, 419, 498, 499, 502, 636

  Nile, Battle of the, 188

  Nîmes (anc. Nemausus), 357, 417, 422, 473

  Nineveh, 9*

  Nisibis (Nisibin), 530

  Nisida (anc. Nesis), 132

  Noah, 528

  Nola (Nola), 37, 122, 232

  Nomentum, 316

  Norba Caesarina (Alcantara), 470

  Noreia (Neumarkt), 118

  Noricum, 218, 429, 480

  North, the, 481

  North Sea, 470, 478

  Nova Carthago, or New Carthage (Cartagena), 47, 49, 53, 112, 470

  Novatian, Christian schismatic (fl. 3rd century), 618

  Novatus, Christian schismatic (fl. 3rd century), 618

  Novatus, Marcus Annaeus (Gallio), governor (?-65), 282, 470, 584

  Nova Via, 340, 341

  novel, the, 295, 296-299, 514, 633, 636-637

  Nubians, 366, 500

  Numa Pompilius, second King of Rome (fl. 8th and 7th centuries B.C.), 13, 66, 80, 167*

  Numantia, 87, 115, 118

  Numbers, 536

  Numidia, 49, 53, 105-106, 118, 160, 168, 190, 357, 366, 462, 466

  numina, 59-60

  Numitor, legendary King of Latium (8th century B.C.), 12

  nursing of children, in the Republic, 58; under the Principate, 367

  Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 350

  nymphaea, see fountains

  Nymphs, 238-239


  obelisk, 308

  obscenity, in Catullus, 158;

  in Horace, 246;

  Caligula’s, 268;

  in Petronius, 299;

  in Martial, 316-318;

  in mimes, 378;

  in Hadrian, 415;

  in Pliny the Younger, 440;

  in graffiti, 458;

  in Roman theater, 612, 647

  obstetrics, 313, 505

  Ocean, On the (Poseidonius), 514

  Octavia, sister of Augustus (?-11 B.C.), 179, 205-206, 208, 230, 239, 268, 269, 274, 371

  Octavia, wife of Nero (40-62), 273, 277, 279-280

  Octavian, see Augustus

  Octavius (Minucius Felix), 611

  Octavius, Caius, see Augustus

  Octavius, Cnaeus, consul (?-87 B.C.), 123-124

  Octavius, Marcus, tribune (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 114

  Odenathus, ruler of Palmyra (?-266), 630

  Odes (Horace), 215, 246-250, 252

  Odessus (Varna), 480

  Odoacer, first barbarian ruler of Icaly (434?-493), 670

  Odysseus, 240, 353

  Odyssey, 74, 240

  Oea (Tripoli), 465, 466

  oecus, 343

  Oedipus, 278, 623

  Oenotria, 4

  Cfficiis, De (Cicero), 163*, 165

  old age, 83;

  Cicero on, 165-166;

  Seneca on, 304, 306

  Old Comedy (in Athens), 99

  Old Testament, 501-502, 540, 541* 555, 556, 557, 559, 578, 601, 604-605, 614

  oligarchy, in Etruria, 6;

  in Carthage, 54;

  in Rome, 91, 119, 139-140, 190, 208, 212, 214, 460, 670;

  Cicero on, 165

  Olisipo (Lisbon), 470

  Olympia, 124, 277, 486, 489, 521-522

  Olympic games, 277, 282-283, 486

  Olympieum, 418, 487

  Olympus, 35, 60, 92, 242, 275, 357, 495-496

  omens, 60, 73, 93, 147, 171-172, 197, 228, 251, 311, 388, 435, 442, 525, 621

  ophthalmology, 313, 505

  Oppian Law, 89

  Oppius, Caius, tribune (fl. end of 3rd century B.C.), 89

  Caius, Caius, citizen and friend of Caesar (fl. 1st century B.C.), 191

  Ops, 62;

  Temple of, 200

  Optica (Ptolemy), 503

  oracles, 64, 164, 197, 243, 251, 415, 429, 454, 459, 485, 513, 525-526, 540

  Orator, 9, 10

  oratory, 73, 95, 103-104, 108, 115, 132, 141, (Cicero’s) 160-162, 163*, 167, (Caesar’s) 169, 250, (Livy’s) 251-252, 265, 277, 295, 302, 304, 308, 314-315, 317, 356, 362, 367-368, 425, 433, 487, 488, (Dion Chrysostomus’) 521-522, 671

  Orchomenus, 124

  Orcus, 84, 147

  Orestes, 278

  Orestes, Pannonian general (?-476), 670

  organ, 380-381

  Oriental civilization, 366

  Orientals, 78, 364, 366, 438

  Origen (Origines Adamantius), Christian Alexandrian teacher (185?-254?), 578, 591, 606-607, 608, 610, 613-615, 616, 618, 626, 647, 658, 662

  Origines (Cato the Elder), 104, 160

  Ornate (Third) Style (painting), 353

  Orontes, 366, 512

  Orpheus, 94, 256, 385, 525, 626

  Orphic doctrine, 241, 242, 525, 604

  Oscans, 457

  Osiris, 468, 523, 553, 588

  Osrhoene (Diar Modhar), 413, 513

  Osroes, King of Parthia (fl. 2nd century), 413

  Ostheim, 175

  Ostia, 78, 94, 193, 257, 270, 272, 283, 325, 326, 339, 389, 410, 411, 453, 456, 461

  Ostia, Via, 591

  Otho (Marcus Salvius Otho), Roman emperor (32-69), 277, 284-285, 390

  Otricoli (anc. Oriculum), 461

  outlines, 159, 305

  Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), poet (43 B.C.-A.D. 17), 61, 68, 154, 155, 224, 225, 229, 232, 234, 235, 245, 252, 253-258, 301, 332, 334, 369, 370, 373, 388-389, 404, 455

  Oxus (Amu Darya), 669

  Oxyrhynchus (Behnesa), 498


  Pachomius, St., Egyptian founder of first monastery (292?-346?), 657

  pacifism, 538

  Pacuvius, Marcus, tragic dramatist (220-130 B.C.), 98

  Padua (anc. Patavium), 11, 78, 250, 455

  Padus, see Po

  Paestum (Pesto), 3, 35
, 455

  Paeta, Arria, wife of Caecina Paetus (1st century), 371

  Paetus, Caecina, aristocrat (?-42), 371

  Pahlavi, 529

  painting, Etruscan, 6, 10-11;

  under Rome, 82, 92, 233, 278, 310, 338, 339, 345, 349, 351-355, 358, 359, 374, 376, 386, 414, 418, 442, (Pompeian), 459, 477, 511-512, 625, 634, 662;

  Christian, 601

  Pais, Ettore, Italian historian (b. 1856), 15*

  palaces, see mansions

  Palatine, 12, 13, 65, 162, 173, 263, 280, 340, 341, 344, 358, 359, 360, 361, 635

  Pales, 59

  Palestine, 170, 505, 508-509, 510, 522, 530, 532, 533, 535, 537, 543, 544, 546, 547-549, 559, 587, 615, 617, 632, 644

  Palladio, Andrea, Italian architect (1518-1580), 356

  Palladium, 61, 240, 663

  Pallas, treasurer of Claudius (fl. 1st century), 270-273, 543

  Pallas Athene, 240, 663

  Palma, Aulus Cornelius, general of Trajan (?-118), 414

  Palma, 470

  Palmyra (Bib. Tadmor), 329, 419, 454, 508, 511-512, 529, 636, 638, 669

  Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea (?-310), 662

  pamphlets, 159

  Pamphylia, 218, 582

  Pan, 238-239, 353

  Panaetius of Rhodes, Stoic philosopher (ca. 180-ca. 110 B.C.), 97, 164, 490, 514

  Pandateria (Vandotena), 231, 264, 279

  Panathenaic games, 487

  Panegyric (Pliny the Younger), 433

  Panhellenia, 487

  Pannonia, 217, 218, 231, 429, 480, 620, 627, 629, 655, 670

  Panormus (Palermo), 45, 464

  Pansa, Caius Vibius, consul (?-43 B.C.), 201

  Pantagruel, 299

  Panthea, beauty of Antioch (2nd century), 428

  pantheism, Marcus Aurelius’, 444;

  in Stoicism, 490, 497

  Pantheon, 220, 290, 356, 359, 361, 420-421, 661

  Panticapaeum (Kerch), 518

  pantomime, 74, 99, 290, 378-379, 380, 381, 437, 489

  paper, 159, 498, 499

  paper currency, equivalent of in Carthage, 40

  Paphlagonia, 418, 519

  Paphnutius, Egyptian Bishop of Upper Thebes (fl. 4th century), 660*

  Paphos, 582

  Papia Poppaea, lex, 224

  Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis and writer (fl. 2nd century), 555-556, 592

  Papinian (Aemilius Papinianus), jurist (?-212), 392, 510, 621, 634, 635

  papyrus, 159, 498

  Paraclete, see Holy Spirit

  paradise, see heaven

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 244

  Parallel Lives (Plutarch), 483-484

  parchment, 159, 529

  Paré, Ambroise, father of French surgery (1517-1590), 505

  Parentalia, 65

  Paris, 278, 487, 516

  Paris, famous pantomime actor (fl. 1st century), 437

  Paris (anc. Lutetia), 100, 324, 412, 471*, 474

  Parisii, 471*, 474


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