Jeanne of the Marshes

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Jeanne of the Marshes Page 11

by E. Phillips Oppenheim


  "Every one down for luncheon!" Jeanne declared. "What energy! Where isLord Ronald, by the by?" she added, looking around the room. "Hepromised to take me out sailing this morning. I wonder if I missed himon the marshes."

  The Princess yawned, and glanced at the clock.

  "By this time," she remarked, "Lord Ronald is probably in London. Hehad a telegram or something in the middle of the night, and went awayearly this morning."

  Jeanne looked at them in surprise.

  "How queer!" she remarked. "I was down before nine o'clock. Had he leftthen?"

  "Long before then, I believe," Forrest answered. "He is very likelycoming back in a day or two."

  Jeanne nodded indifferently. The intelligence, after all, was of littleimportance to her.

  "Has the luncheon gong gone?" she asked. "I have been out since teno'clock, and I am starving."

  Cecil led the way across the hall into the dining-room.

  "Come along," he said. "I wish we all had such healthy appetites."

  She glanced at him, and then at the others.

  "Well," she said, "you certainly look as though you had been up verylate last night. What is the matter with you all?"

  "We were very foolish," Major Forrest said softly. "We sat up a greatdeal too late, and I am afraid that we all smoked too many cigarettes.You see it was our last night, for without Engleton our bridge is over."

  "We must try," Cecil said, "and find some other form of entertainmentfor you. Would you like to sail again this afternoon, Princess?"

  "I believe," she answered, "that I should like it if I may have plentyof cushions and a soft place for my head, so that if I feel like it Ican go to sleep. Really, these late nights are dreadful. I am almostglad that Lord Ronald has gone. At least there will be no excuse for usto sit up until daylight."

  "To-night," Major Forrest remarked, "let us all be primitive. We willgo to bed at eleven o'clock, and get up in the morning and walk withMiss Le Mesurier upon the marshes. What do you find upon the sands, Iwonder," he added, turning a little suddenly toward the girl, "to bringsuch a colour to your cheeks, and to keep you away from us for so manyhours?"

  Jeanne looked at him for a moment without change of features.

  "It would not be easy," she said, "for me to tell you, for I findthings there which you could not appreciate or understand."

  "You find them alone?" Major Forrest asked smiling.

  She turned her left shoulder upon him and addressed her host.

  "Major Forrest is very impertinent," she said. "I think that I will nottalk with him any more. Tell me, Mr. De la Borne, do you really meanthat we can go sailing this afternoon?"

  "If you will," he answered. "I have sent down to the village to tellthem to bring the boat up to our harbourage."

  She nodded.

  "I shall love it," she declared. "It will be such a good thing for youthree, too, because it will make you all sleepy, and then you will beable to go to bed and not worry about your bridge. When is Lord Ronaldcoming back?"

  "He was not quite sure," the Princess remarked. "It depends upon theurgency of his business which summoned him away."

  "How odd," Jeanne remarked, "to think of Lord Ronald as having anybusiness at all. I cannot understand even now why I did not hear thecar go. My room is just over the entrance to the courtyard."

  "It is a proof," Major Forrest remarked, "that you sleep as soundly asyou deserve."

  "I am not so sure about that," Jeanne said. "Last night, for instance,it seemed to me that I heard all manner of strange sounds."

  Cecil de la Borne looked up quickly.

  "Sounds?" he repeated. "Do you mean noises in the house?"

  She nodded.

  "Yes, and voices! Once I thought that you must be all quarrelling, andthen I thought that I heard some one fall down. After that there wasnothing but the opening and shutting of doors."

  "And after that," the Princess remarked smiling, "you probably went tosleep."

  "Exactly," Jeanne admitted. "I went to sleep listening for footsteps. Ithink it was very rude of Ronald to go away without saying good-bye tome."

  "You would have thought it still ruder," Cecil remarked, "if he had hadyou roused at five o'clock or so to make his adieux."

  The Princess and Jeanne left the table together a few minutes beforethe other two, and Jeanne asked her stepmother a question.

  "How long are we going to stop here?" she inquired. "I thought that ourvisit was for two or three days only."

  The Princess hesitated.

  "Cecil is such a nice boy," she said, "and he is so anxious to have usstay a little longer. What do you say? You are not bored?"

  "I am not bored," Jeanne answered, "so long as you can keep him fromsaying silly things to me. On the contrary, I like to be here. I likeit better than London. I like it better than any place I have been insince I left school."

  The Princess looked at her a little curiously.

  "I wonder," she said, "whether I ought to be looking after you a littlemore closely, my child. What do you do on the marshes there all thetime? Do you talk with this Mr. Andrew?"

  "I went with him in his boat this morning," Jeanne answered composedly."It was very pleasant. We had a delightful sail."

  The Princess shrugged her shoulders.

  "Well," she said, "one must amuse oneself, and I suppose it is onlyreasonable that we should all choose different ways. I think I need nottell even such a child as you that men are the same all the world over,and that even a fisherman, if he is encouraged, may be guilty sometimesof an impertinence."

  Jeanne raised her eyebrows.

  "I have not the slightest fear," she said, "that Mr. Andrew would everbe guilty of anything of the sort. I wish I could say the same of someof the people whom I have met in our own circle of society."

  The Princess smiled tolerantly.

  "Nowadays," she remarked, "it is perfectly true that men do take toogreat liberties. Well, amuse yourself with your fisherman, my dearchild. It is your legitimate occupation in life to make fools of allmanner of men, and there is no harm in your beginning as low down asyou choose if it amuses you."

  Jeanne walked deliberately away. The Princess laughed a littleuneasily. As she watched Jeanne ascend the stairs, Forrest and Cecilcame out into the hall. They all three moved together into the furthercorner, where coffee was set out upon a small table, and it wassignificant that they did not speak a word until they were there, andeven then Major Forrest looked cautiously around before he opened hislips.

  "Well?" he asked.

  The Princess smiled scornfully at their white, anxious faces.

  "What are you afraid of?" she asked contemptuously. "Jeanne suspectsnothing, of course. There is nothing which she could suspect. She hasnot mentioned his name even."

  Cecil drew a little breath of relief. His face seemed to have grownhaggard during the last few hours.

  "I wish to God," he muttered, "we were out of this!"

  The Princess turned her head and looked at him coldly.

  "My young friend," she said, "you men are all the same. You have nophilosophy. The inevitable has happened, or rather the inevitable hasbeen forced upon us. What we have done we did deliberately. We couldnot do otherwise, and we cannot undo it. Remember that. And if you havea grain of philosophy or courage in you, keep a stouter heart and weara smile upon your face."

  Cecil rose to his feet.

  "You are right," he said. "Are you ready, Forrest? Will you come withme?"

  Forrest rose slowly to his feet.

  "Of course," he said. "By the by, a sail this afternoon was a goodidea. We must develop an interest in country pursuits. It is possibleeven," he added, "that we may have to take to golf."

  The Princess, too, rose.

  "Come into my room, one of you," she said, "and see me for a moment,afterwards. I suppose we shall start for our sail about three?"

  Cecil nodded.

  "The boat will be here by then," h
e said.

  "And I will come up and bring you the news, if there is any," Forrestadded.


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