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Secret Page 46

by Brian Toohey

  defence of individual liberty 221, 225

  exploitation of public fears 221

  and Petrov affair 10

  and US base at NWC 80

  and US policy in South America 82–3

  Menzies Coalition government

  and ANZUS Treaty 128, 134–5

  Communist Party ban 10

  establishment of ASIS 21

  hosting of US military and intelligence installations 128–30

  influence with US 126–7

  and Korean War 262

  protection of individual liberty 221–2

  rejection of US demands for military support 127

  royal commission into espionage 11

  and threat of communism 51–2

  and US base at North West Cape 80–2

  and Vietnam War 279–81

  Merchant, Livingston 125

  metadata laws 234, 239–40, 243–4

  MI5 8

  Middleton, Karen 223, 242, 243, 244

  military tourism 253, 283

  Milliken, Robert 64, 71, 72, 74

  Milner, Ian 3, 4

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh 293

  Monk, Paul 293

  Monte Bello Islands 62

  Moore, John 136

  Mordike, John 252

  Morosi, Junie 165

  Morrison, Bill 106, 108, 173

  Morrison, Scott 322

  Morrison Coalition government 224–5, 239, 240

  Mulcahy, Kevin 177

  Munster, George 204

  Murphy, Ian 273

  Murphy, Lionel 163–4

  Murphy, Paul 235

  MX missiles 113

  National Archives of Australia (NAA) 109, 180

  National Broadband Network (NBN) 31, 224, 319

  National Civic Council (NCC) 11

  National Country Party 169, 182

  National Intelligence Committee (NIC) 201

  National Security Agency (NSA) (US) 3, 28, 29, 30–2

  closeness to New Zealand GCSB 139

  malware 33

  at North West Cape 84

  phone tapping 32

  at Pine Gap 84, 108

  ransomware 33, 240

  Reprieve program 31

  role 118–19

  sharing of intelligence with Australia 30

  Stateroom program 31

  supply of intelligence to New Zealand 138

  XKEYSCORE system 31–2

  National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Act 2018 232–3, 235

  National Security Legislation Monitor 20

  National Times 6, 12, 70–1, 113, 125, 170, 202, 205

  NATO 123, 145, 302, 304

  Naval Intelligence Unit Task Force 157, 175, 177

  Naval Security Group (US) 84

  Nelson, Brendan 114, 143

  nerve agents 51–5, 57, 59–60, 291

  Nesbitt, Robert 93

  New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) 111, 112, 306

  New Zealand 136, 137–41, 253

  New Zealand wars 250

  Newton, Maxwell 79

  Ngo Dinh Diem 270, 280

  Nichols, Tom 191

  Nixon, Richard 40, 103, 153, 154, 155, 156, 166, 311

  North Korea 261–5

  North West Cape (NWC) communications base 30

  agreement with US 80–4, 191

  attempt to assert Australian sovereignty over 85–90

  construction of satellite ground station 91–5

  importance 88, 96–8

  as nuclear target 87, 89, 117, 130, 191

  Schlesinger–Barnard agreement 87–8, 91–2

  secrecy surrounding 91–5, 97

  and space surveillance 97–8

  US Naval Security Group unit 84

  and US nuclear war-fighting strategy 86–7, 88, 96–7, 300

  see also ANZUS Treaty

  Novichok 59

  nuclear disarmament 308–11

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 68, 76, 89, 112, 306, 309

  nuclear test ban 67, 112

  nuclear tests by British in Australia

  Aboriginal people and 64–5, 68

  attempted clean up of Maralinga by British 70–1

  clean up project 72–3

  contamination 67–8, 70–3

  disregard for safety 63–5

  at Emu Field 62, 67

  exposure of troops to radiation 65

  extent of 62

  fallout 66

  impact 66

  at Maralinga 62, 63–5, 67

  media reporting on 64

  Menzies agreement to 61–2

  minor trials 62, 67–9, 70

  on Montebello Islands 62, 63, 64, 65

  Parkinson, Alan 72

  plutonium at Maralinga 74–7, 78

  research using human remains 65

  secrecy surrounding 61–2, 67, 74, 75

  Vixen A and B tests 68–9

  nuclear war

  Cuban missile crisis 307

  false alarms and accidents 301–2

  US strategy 86–7, 88, 96–7, 112, 113, 299–301

  nuclear-armed bombers, accidents 301–2

  nuclear-armed warships, visits to Australia 210–11

  Nugan Hand Bank 176, 283

  Nuland, Victoria 305, 306

  Nurrungar satellite ground station 85, 86, 104, 114, 129

  and arms control 110, 112, 113

  operation by US Air Force 100

  Oak Tree Project 129

  Oakes, Dan 25, 289

  Oakes, Laurie 94, 224

  Obama, Barack 288

  Obama administration 306, 316

  O’Brien, Kerry 206–7

  Office of National Assessments (ONA) 87, 211–12

  Oliphant, Mark 63

  Operation Blowdown 53

  Oppenheimer, Robert 71

  Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) 39, 58, 160

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 157, 160

  O’Sullivan, Paul 19

  Ottoman Empire 254

  Outer Space Treaty 1967 98

  Oyster: The Story of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (Toohey and Pinwill) 206–9

  Papua New Guinea 212, 322

  Paris Peace Conference 257

  Parkinson, Alan 66

  Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security 232–3

  passenger airliners, accidental shooting down of 307

  Peacock, Andrew 201

  Pearce, George 252

  Pearce, Noah 67, 70, 71

  Pearce Report 70–1

  Pembroke, Michael 262, 263, 264

  Penney, William 63

  Pentagon Papers 35, 130, 131

  Perry, William 311

  Petersen, Barry 273

  Petraeus, David 41

  petroleum resources, agreement with Indonesia 187–8

  Petrov, Evdokia 10

  Petrov, Stanslav 113

  Petrov, Vladimir 10–11

  Pezzullo, Michael 143, 241, 242–4

  Pham Xuan An 282

  Philip Morris Asia 196

  Phoenix missiles 144

  phone tapping 12, 30, 32, 204–5, 206, 222–3

  Pine Gap satellite ground station 30, 84, 86, 129

  agreement between US and Australia 106, 107, 166–7, 171

  and arms control 110–15

  and Defence Department 106–9

  importance 102

  operation by CIA 100, 106–8, 169–70

  role 101–3, 110, 113, 114, 115, 117–18, 119–20, 154, 191, 300

  secrecy surrounding role 85, 100–4

  surveillance capacity 101

  Pinochet, Augusto 23

  Pinwill, Bill 25, 180, 206, 214, 216, 217

  Plimsoll, James 86, 87, 156

  Polaris missiles 90

  Port Arthur massacre 227

  Porter, Christian 235

  Poseidon missiles 90

  Powell, Colin 3
8, 39

  Powers, Gary 49

  Pritchett, Bill 38, 150, 158–9, 203, 260, 291, 322

  Prouty, Fletcher 132

  Putin, Vladimir 147, 305, 306–7

  Radford, Arthur 125, 126

  Rainbow Warrior 36, 140, 215

  ransomware 33, 240

  Ray, Robert 223

  Rayner, Harry 94

  Reagan, Ronald 138, 307, 311

  Reed, Geoffrey 10

  Refshauge, Richard 206

  refugees, detention on Nauru 19

  Reith, Peter 192

  republican movement 189

  Rhee, Syngman 261, 264

  Rhyolite satellite system 178, 179

  Rice, Walter 154, 155

  Richardson, Dennis 14–15

  Robertson, Bill 23, 169

  Robinson, Gwen 216–17

  Rocard, Michel 308

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 46, 269

  Rotblat, Joseph 308

  Roth, Stanley 37–8

  Royal Commission into British Nuclear Tests in Australia (McClelland report) 52, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 75

  royal commission into espionage 11

  Royal Commission into Intelligence and Security 11, 12, 18, 30, 62, 66, 67, 68, 165

  see also Hope report

  Royal Commission on Nugan Hand Bank 177

  Rudd, Kevin 142

  Rudd Labor government 19, 96, 143, 293

  Ruddock, Philip 19, 231

  Rusk, Dean 309

  Russia 31, 301

  chemical weapons 59

  economy 304

  intervention in 2016 US presidential campaign 147, 306–7

  nuclear arsenal 303, 304, 306

  political institutions 303

  reporting about 40–1

  tensions with the United States 305–7

  US intervention 147, 306

  see also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

  Ryan, Danielle 40

  Ryan, John 24

  Sagar, Mohammed 19

  SALT agreements 101–2, 110, 111, 112, 166

  Santamaria, Bob 11, 12, 162, 271, 272

  Sarawak 267

  Scherger, Frederick 279

  Schieffer, Tom 143

  Schlesinger, James 86, 87, 89, 156, 157

  Schlosser, Eric 112, 113, 301

  Scholes, Gordon 210, 211

  Schubert, Jeff 14

  Scoville, Herbert 111, 116

  Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) 21–2

  September 11 terrorist attacks 285, 286

  Serong, Ted 271–3, 277

  Shackley, Ted 37, 107, 108, 109, 162–3, 165, 171, 172, 177

  Shadow Brokers 33

  Shann, Mick 201

  Shedden, Frederick 7, 125

  Sheridan, Greg 293

  Shoal Bay ASD/NSA ground station 30

  Shultz, George 37, 210–11

  SIGINT Seniors Europe 29

  SIGINT Seniors Pacific 29

  signals intelligence (SIGINT) 28

  Singapore, collapse of 258

  Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) 299, 300, 301

  Sino–Japanese war 46

  Skripal, Sergei 59–60

  Skripal, Yulia 59

  Smith, Alexandria 24

  Smith, Deborah 70

  Smith, Harry 283

  Smith, Rick 328

  Smith, Stephen 114

  Snepp, Frank 37, 163

  Snowden, Edward 31–2, 101, 118, 119, 139

  Somalian expeditionary force 285

  South China Sea 324, 325, 326

  South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) 156


  and dependence upon US for defence 189–94

  judicial sovereignty 195–6

  territorial expansion 185–8

  space warfare 97–8

  Spender, Percy 124, 262

  Spicer, John 221

  Spry, Charles 10, 12

  Stalin, Joseph 4, 261

  Stallings, Richard 106–7, 109, 170, 171, 182

  ‘Star Wars’ 159

  ‘Star Wars’ (Strategic Defense Initiative) 112, 113–14

  State, Army, Navy, Air Force Coordinating Committee (SANACC), ban on supply of classified information to Australia 6–7, 8

  Stephens, Tony 253

  Stockwell, Stephen 103

  Stokes, Bevan 276

  Stone, Margaret 20, 244

  Straw, Jack 294

  Stump, Felix 126

  Sudan expeditionary force 248–9

  Suharto 134, 136, 215, 267

  Suich, Max 257

  Sukarno 23, 132, 133, 134, 267

  Sulawesi 132

  Sullivan, William 278

  Sumatra 132

  Sunderland, Sydney 48, 49, 52, 56

  Swan, Bob 12

  Swan, Wayne 196

  Sykes–Picot Agreement 254

  Symonds, John 68

  Syria 294

  US air strikes 39

  Taiwan 127, 142–3, 324–5, 326

  Tange, Arthur

  and ANZUS Treaty 124

  and ASIS 21, 22

  briefing of Ministers re US satellite ground stations 85, 100–4, 172, 175

  and CIA 117, 181

  investigation of leaks 199–203

  treatment of Whitlam 105–9, 174, 175

  Tanter, Richard 98

  Teague, Ian 276

  technical assistance notices 239–40, 243–4

  Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979 229

  telecommunications data, access to 222–3

  terrorism 224, 226–7, 228, 285

  Throssell, Ric 6

  Timor-Leste 26–7, 135–6, 141, 142, 187, 235

  Titterton, Ernest 63, 64, 67, 68, 69

  tobacco packaging 196

  Townley, Athol 48, 52, 53–4, 270

  TRANET satellite ground stations 129

  Trident missiles 90

  Truman, Harry S. 46, 259, 263

  Trump, Donald 40–1, 98, 293, 306

  Turkey, US satellite ground stations 103

  Turnbull, Malcolm 191, 225, 234, 283, 310, 321, 328

  Turnbull Coalition government 192, 224, 230, 232–3, 236, 241, 311

  Tynan, Liz 72, 73

  Ukraine 147, 305

  UKUSA agreement 29, 138

  Ul-Haque, Izhar 18

  UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 325

  Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) 113, 302

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 25

  Australian spies for 3–5

  foreign policy 148

  and North Korea 261, 262

  submarines 300

  as threat to Australia 201

  US spies for 99, 178

  in World War II 256–7

  see also Russia

  United Kingdom

  Menwith Hill satellite ground station 101, 115, 117, 118, 119

  nuclear tests in Australia see nuclear tests by Britain in Australia

  UKUSA agreement 29, 32

  withholding of information by SIS 21–2

  United Nations, and Korean War 261, 262

  United States

  abandonment of Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 306–7

  AirSea Battle plan 324

  and ANZUS Treaty 123–7, 132–3, 134–6

  attempts to damage Chifley Labor government 3, 6–7

  bombing of North Vietnam 155

  chemical and biological weapons 46–9, 51–5, 56, 58–9

  covert action to overthrow governments 148

  foreign policy 145–8, 153, 176, 237–8, 306–7

  intelligence ties with New Zealand 138–9

  militarism 264

  national security 323

  nuclear arsenal 324

  nuclear war-fighting strategy 86–7, 88, 96–7, 112, 113, 299–302

  political interference in Australia 3, 6–7, 130–1

  relations with Indonesia 132–3

  relationship with China 318–19

space warfare 96, 97–8

  tensions with Russia 305–7

  VLF stations 83–4, 87

  war against China 323–5, 328

  weapons sales 144–5, 189

  uranium mining 75

  Uren, Tom 74, 75

  US–Australian alliance 3, 9, 80, 104, 191

  see also ANZUS Treaty

  Vault 7 documents 40

  Venona deciphering project 3–6, 7

  Viet Minh 269, 270

  Vietcong 270, 273


  aftermath of chemical warfare 278

  Australian military advisers 270–1, 273, 275–8

  division at 17th parallel 270

  military tourism 283–4

  nationalism 274

  relations with China 283

  relationship with China 279–80

  struggle for independence 269–70, 274

  US intervention to prevent 1956 election 270, 284

  US military aid and advisers 270–1

  Vietnam War 12, 37, 48, 53, 54–5, 118, 127, 130–1, 134, 155

  ASIS involvement 22–3

  Australian commitment to 127, 134, 145, 221, 269, 279–81

  casualties 279

  chemical warfare 48, 53, 54–5, 277–8

  Chinese involvement 148, 205, 280–1

  massacres 280

  monitoring of signals at Pine Gap 102, 118

  and Pentagon Papers 130–1, 200

  Political Action Teams (PATs) 276

  reporting about 282

  US attempts to counter opposition to 130

  US ‘Christmas bombing’ campaign 155

  US commitment to 37

  US tactics 276

  Villemarette, Ray 106

  Vincennes 307

  Vo Nguyen Giap 270

  VX nerve agents 51–5, 58, 59–60

  Walker, Bret 229

  Walker, Frank 277

  Walker, John 154, 164–5, 175, 176

  Wallace, Jim 292

  Waller, Keith 25

  Walsh, Geoff 14

  Walsh, Gerard 14

  Walsh, Peter 71, 204

  WannaCry malware 240

  war on terror 228

  Watt, Alan 124, 262

  weaponised malware 33–4

  weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) 31, 38–9, 144, 290–5

  weapons sales 144, 189

  Weisband, William 3, 4, 7–9

  Wesley, Michael 39

  West Irian 133–4

  Westmoreland, Cian 118

  Westmoreland, William 280

  Wheeler, Fred 159

  whistleblowers 26–7, 222

  White, Albert 253

  White, Eric 208

  White, Hugh 327

  White, Lincoln 130

  Whitlam, Gough 80, 85, 105

  and Arthur Tange 105–9

  and ASIS in Chile 23

  briefing on US satellite ground stations 100–4

  covert attempts to remove him as prime minister 161–7

  judgement of people 175

  request for information on CIA in Australia 106–7

  Whitlam Labor government 222, 309

  achievements 160

  and CIA 168–72, 175–7, 179–80

  defence policy 155–6

  dismissal 107, 170, 173, 175


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