Triplets For The Mountain Man: A Mountain Man's Secret Baby Romance

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Triplets For The Mountain Man: A Mountain Man's Secret Baby Romance Page 7

by K. C. Crowne

  Things were looking good.

  I took a seat in my office and leaned back into the chair. I was smiling, but there was still a gnawing feeling in my gut.

  An emptiness inside of me that I didn’t fully understand.

  I pushed all thoughts of that away, telling myself I should be happy. Things were going well; my future was back on track.

  Checking the time, I realized I needed to take my fertility meds again. Since starting them, I was overcome with horniness. Sexy dreams every night, always of Abe. Sensitive nipples. Even my shirt brushing up against them drove me absolutely crazy some days. But so far, that was the only side effect, and those were things I could deal with.

  My phone rang, and it was Abe.

  “Hey there,” I said, trying not to think too much about the handsome, sexy creature on the other end of the line. I crossed my legs, which only put pressure on my most sensitive parts and sending shivers through my body. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to check in, see how everything is going. Are you still feeling alright?”

  “I am, everything is fine,” I said, pulling my hair down from the ponytail and twirling a strand to try and distract me from my thoughts.

  “Are you feeling ready for the appointment in a couple weeks?”

  “I think so, yes,” I said. We had other appointments before then, but I knew which one he was talking about - the one where they actually inseminate me.

  I could be pregnant in a few weeks.

  It was a lot to take in, and it didn’t help with that empty feeling, but I’d already signed up for this and there was no backing out now. Okay, maybe horniness wasn’t the only side-effect, I was feeling a tad bit emotional about the idea of getting pregnant, but that was normal.

  “You don’t sound okay,” Abe said. “Felicity, if you’re having second thoughts, we can—”

  “I’m not having second thoughts.”

  Abe was quiet for a few moments. “I think we should meet up before our next appointment, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.”

  Meet up? Even though the last couple of times almost led to us doing things we’d regret? Even though I was a horny monster ready to rip off his clothes and have my way with him?

  It didn’t seem like the best idea, but I couldn’t argue with him. Maybe I didn’t want to.

  “Sure, want me to come over tonight?”


  Damn. Felicity walked into my house in casual jeans and a sweater, and you’d have thought she was wearing lingerie by the way my erection grew at the sight of her.

  Her jeans hugged her hips tightly, her baby blue sweater showed off those amazing breasts of hers. But most of all, her hair was down, falling down past her shoulders. She removed the beanie on her head and there was some static electricity, which she promptly laughed and tried to fix. “This is why I rarely wear my hair down,” she said.

  I wanted to reach out and help her, feeling that soft, silky hair under my fingertips, but that wouldn’t be appropriate.

  Having her over was a risk, I should have met her in public. But it was too late for that now.

  “I think your hair looks lovely down,” I muttered, then kicked myself for speaking the words out loud. I shouldn’t have complimented her, not like that.

  I took her coat and hung it in the closet for her. It was so hard not to rest my hands on hips or to let my fingers linger on her. But I resisted and quickly walked into the living room, motioning for her to follow me.

  There’d be no alcohol. For one, it was best not to drink while trying to conceive, and two, I didn’t really trust either of us. I knew fertility drugs could make a woman horny, and just thinking about Felicity being fertile and ready for my seed made my knees go weak.

  I poured us both a glass of sparkling water instead.

  “So what did you want to talk about?” Felicity looked up at me, batting her thick lashes at me. Whether she’d intended to or not, it was a seductive look, and it affected me as one might assume it would, all the blood rushing to my cock as I made my way back to the couch. A safe distance from her.

  “I just wanted to check in, make sure you’re doing okay.”

  “I told you over the phone I was,” Felicity said, taking a sip of her water.

  “Yes, but I wanted to see for myself, make sure you weren’t merely saying that out of a sense of obligation.”

  She smiled, and it went all the way to her eyes. It touched something inside of me, warmed me to my core, and I had to look away to save myself from doing or saying something stupid.

  “Thank you, Abe. I appreciate your concern, but there’s really nothing to worry about. I started the fertility drugs the day I got the prescription, as Dr. Miller suggested, and I think we should have plenty of luck at our first appointment. Fingers crossed, of course.”

  She sounded cheery enough, almost happy to be doing this. Was she, like me, even turned on by the thought of getting pregnant?

  All these years, with other women, I’d fretted about getting one of them pregnant. But because of my age and this arrangement, well, I had to admit, I rather liked the idea.

  I liked it a lot.

  I steepled my fingers in front of my face and studied her, trying hard not to focus on the soft curve of her jaw, or her clear, perfectly porcelain skin. She seemed to glow from within, even more than usual, and I wasn’t sure if that was a side effect from the drugs or simply because she was happy.

  I hoped it was the latter. She really did deserve to be happy.

  A buzzer went off, alerting me that the chicken in the oven was done. I hopped up to run into the kitchen, and of course, Koda was behind me.

  Felicity apparently followed along too.

  I pulled out the baking dish and frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Felicity asked, stepping up to the counter. “Anything I can help with?”

  Felicity's sweet scent filled my nose, and it made me forget all about the chicken for a second. There was a lot she could help with, but nothing I could say out loud.

  “Oh, I just can’t tell if it’s done or not. Let me get the meat thermometer in that drawer over there—”

  I had to reach around her, my hand sliding across her hip.

  She flipped around and was now facing me. We were inches apart. “I’m sorry, let me get out of—”

  Before she could finish that sentence, instinct took over. I didn’t remove my hand from her hip, instead, I placed the other hand on the opposite side, pulling her into me. Our lips smashed together, and perhaps it was the dry air or maybe my imagination, but there was an electrical shock as our lips met.

  That didn’t stop me.

  Nothing could stop me now.

  Nature took over from that point, and before I knew it, we were no longer in the kitchen. I was pulling her along with me, down the hall and into the bedroom. I kicked open the door to the master bedroom and pressed her against it, pulling at her clothing.

  I needed to see her naked.

  I needed to put my seed inside of her, to put my child inside her. My lizard brain could think of nothing else but that. And I didn’t bother to try and fight it.

  I unhooked her bra, and her large, round breasts fell into my hands. I stroked her perky, pink nipples and her body shook against mine. A soft moan escaped her throat.

  God, she wanted it as much as I did.

  No one was going to stop us now.

  I removed her pants, and she stepped out of them and into my arms, as I kissed every inch of her perfectly supple flesh. I took her nipple into my mouth, sucking it gently as she whimpered, relaxing into me even more than before.

  I turned us both around and guided her to the bed. I slipped her panties down and noted just how wet they were.

  She was so wet for me.

  My cock was engorged now, begging to be released from my pants. Felicity read my mind and released my erection, pulling my pants down as I fell into bed with her.

  She gripped at my sh
irt, ripping it off, with my help, over my head. Our bodies fell together, naked. Her soft skin rubbed against mine as she wrapped herself around me, arching her back to be closer to me - literally begging for me to fuck her.

  Her body knew what it wanted, and how could I deny her?

  I thrust into her, her tightness squeezing at my erection as I filled her up, going as deep as I could possibly go. Felicity’s nails dug into my flesh as she cried out, “Yes, yes, God yes.”

  It took everything in me not to come right away, to fill her up until she dripped with it. Her tightness wrapped around my cock was heaven.

  I rocked back and forth, thrusting into her - pushing my way deeper and deeper. Felicity held onto me for dear life, her body shaking underneath me. She arched upward, meeting every thrust of mine, eager to take me inside of her again and again.

  Felicity cried out, a series of unintelligible mumbles that turned into a scream as she came around my cock. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to keep my composure and to keep up the rhythm at the same time. I didn’t want it to be over, not yet. I wanted this to go on forever. I wanted to give her so much pleasure.

  As her first orgasm subsided, I knew I needed a break or else I would explode any second. I slipped my erection from her, even as her eyes begged me not to.

  But we needed to change positions, to give me a chance to breathe again.

  “Get on top,” I demanded.

  I sat back against the headboard and Felicity climbed into my lap, straddling me. She slipped down my cock, gasping as I became nestled inside of her once more. Slowly, she began rocking back and forth, rubbing her clit up against me with each movement.

  “That’s good,” I said, grabbing her ass. “Make yourself come.”

  Felicity nibbled her lip and started riding me harder, her eyes barely open. Her head fell forward, and I moved her hair to the side, kissing her neck as her movements became more erratic.

  She whimpered into my ear, her body shuddering up against mine.

  “Good girl,” I growled. “Come for me, Felicity.”

  I moved her hips up and down against me, as she flailed. The sounds coming from her were just enough to push me over the edge, I couldn’t hold it a second longer. I wanted to fight it, but it was too late.

  I came with her, groaning as I spilled my seed inside of her, her pussy seeming to milk my cock for every ounce of it.

  Felicity’s body went limp against me and we sat there a moment or two as exhaustion began to take hold.

  I knew it had been a mistake to do this - but at that time, I couldn’t care less. Nothing else mattered except her soft skin pressed against mine and her breathing, which was growing more and more even.

  I helped roll her over and off me, and she fell onto the bed, her eyes heavy with sleep. But there was also a smile on her face, a content smile that warmed me from the inside out. How could I tell her to leave after something like that?

  I couldn’t.

  I kissed the tip of her nose and covered her with a blanket. She was snoring before I even laid my head down on my pillow.

  I was asleep not too long after.


  I was confused before I even opened my eyes. The light was too bright for my room, which had blackout curtains on the windows since I often took an odd schedule. I peeled my eyes open as the memories from the night before hit me.

  I wasn’t at home.

  I was in Abe’s bed.

  The window opposite me was the cause for the light. There were curtains, but they were thin and not drawn back. Abe had always said he was a morning person, so the sunlight didn’t bother him as much, I suppose.

  Speaking of Abe, he was nowhere to be found.

  I sat up in an empty bed, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

  The door to the master bathroom was shut, and I could hear the sound of water running on the other side. He was showering. I checked the time - it was after seven am. He was usually at my diner before now.

  The diner!

  Shit, I needed to open.

  I hopped from the bed and searched for my clothes. I had to get home, shower and change before going in. There was no way I’d get there in time, not at this rate.

  Then I remembered, the diner was still not open for business. I needed to get approval from the inspector, and our appointment was a few days away still.

  I sat back down on the bed, relieved.

  The sound of water stopped.

  He was getting out of the shower, and I needed to figure out my next moves. I hurried up and got dressed and was about to slip out of the bedroom when I heard the bathroom door open.

  “Mornin’” I said awkwardly, with my hand on the doorknob.

  “Morning,” he said.

  Abe was wearing nothing but a towel, which slipped down low on his slim hips. He walked over to a dresser, facing the other way and giving me a nice view of that ass.

  We’d had sex. Again. And this time, it was somehow even better than the first. The fertility meds had made me so horny, so ready for him.

  The fertility meds. Oh God.

  Abe dropped the towel, and I lost all train of thought. His body was rock hard, and his ass rivaled any underwear model I’d ever seen before. I gawked with my mouth open, and I’m sure there was a little drool hanging out of there.

  He was only nude for a second though. Abe slipped on a pair of boxers and dress slacks, covering up the view. He put on a button-up shirt next. I was still staring, watching every movement of his.

  He turned back around, and his eyes widened. “Sorry, I thought you were heading out. Didn’t know you were still standing there.”

  “It’s okay, I was, just--” I stammered, forgetting how to even talk for a moment. Was he trying to hint at me leaving? Was he trying to rush me out?

  I gripped the doorknob and turned it, walking out of the room while my cheeks flushed red. Even though I knew we couldn’t be together, his words had hurt me a bit. Stupid girl, I scolded myself. You knew he wasn’t interested in dating, and yet you still got your hopes up.

  I hurried down the hall and was about to leave when I heard Abe’s voice call out to me.

  “Felicity, wait.”

  I froze, hoping that maybe he’d ask me to stay. But that was a stupid thought too - he had to be at work. Not like we could spend the day cozy in bed together. It was a nice thought, however.

  Abe entered the room, and right away, the warm and cozy dreams subsided. He was frowning, clearly upset about something.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” he said, unable to meet my eyes. “I shouldn’t have let it get that far.”

  “It’s okay, I should have stopped it too, but you know, fertility drugs and all.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I should have been the one in control. It’s all on me, and I’m sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay, really.”

  Abe looked up to meet my gaze, but I found it impossible to look him in the eye. I was afraid he might see the tears building up or the rose coloring of my cheeks.

  “I really need to get going,” I muttered, turning away from him.

  “Yes, me too. I’m already running late this morning.”

  “See you around, I guess.” I opened the door and fled as soon as I could. I ran down the front stairs and to my car, shaking as I climbed inside.

  It had been such an amazing night, and I’d let my guard down.

  I let myself get too close.

  I wiped away the tears as I started the car. I continued scolding myself as I headed toward home. I didn’t have much to do still, but the plan was the same as always for me - go to the diner and throw myself into the work.

  There was a lingering thought in the back of my head.

  What if I was pregnant? We didn’t use protection, and I was on fertility drugs.

  But then I laughed to myself.

  That was the goal, wasn’t it? To get pregnant? Of course, not like that. We were going to do it the medical way, not th
e traditional way, but the end goal would still be the same.

  I tried to tell myself it would all be okay, even though I feared it might also be a lie.


  A few days later, when I flipped the sign to “Open” for the first time in weeks, I felt a relief like no other. No one was outside, waiting, like most mornings. I was trying to spread the word about being open again, but I expected it to take time. I turned to walk toward the back when the door jingled, signaling that someone had come inside.

  I turned around to find Abe strolling in, as usual.

  My heart jumped into my throat. I hadn’t seen him in a few days, not since we’d slept together.

  He smiled. “I always came by to check, what a lovely surprise to see the open sign today.”

  He was acting completely normal. I wasn’t sure if I could, not after what had happened. But I needed to try.

  “Well I’m glad to see you back, hopefully others will follow.”

  “Of course they will,” he said, taking a seat at his usual booth.

  “The usual for you?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “You know me well.”

  Yes, Abe was acting mostly normal, but I could see some change in his demeanor. He was still smiling, but it didn’t go all the way to his eyes. He was also a lot less talkative and flirty today. Probably for the best, I told myself. We were already getting too close.

  “Coming right up,” I said.

  I hurried to the back to get started on his breakfast when Allison came in. She was still training in the kitchen, and I considered telling her to take care of the dining room so I wouldn’t have to face Abe again, but I knew that would be a cop out. Besides, we were still doing the surrogacy thing, I couldn’t avoid him forever. I handed over the reins to the kitchen to her.

  “Are you sure I’m ready to do it alone, without Gavin or you watching over me?”

  “I believe in you, Allison. Breakfast is pretty simple anyway. But if you have any questions, I’m right out front.”


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