Attempted Abduction

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Attempted Abduction Page 11

by Sommer Smith

  She rolled her eyes. “Again, I don’t work for Arnie Romine. I can’t answer any questions about him.”

  “Then who do you work for?” Grayson leaned close. “I know you weren’t just taking his baby for a joyride.”

  Cole chimed in. “We’ve pulled your records, Miss Burris. We know you have a pretty extensive rap sheet. That means you won’t be getting a slap on the wrist for your crimes this time. Not unless you want to make a deal.”

  She slumped. “Okay, look. I have a friend who used to do a little work for the Romines. He got me on the inside, but I wasn’t takin’ the kid to Romine.” Angelina began to look around nervously, eyes landing on Paretti. “That loser was just supposed to think I was.”

  “I’ve done a little research, Miss Burris.” Shayla circled the woman, her index finger resting on her lip in thought. “You’re with Francisco Harmon... And you used to be Savannah Reid’s roommate. You once went by the name Anna Burlington. You were kidnapping the baby to blackmail Romine.”

  Paretti’s face grew red, and he strained against the cuffs that held him to the chair. “You lied?”

  Angelina reddened and shrugged.

  That only made Paretti angrier. The two began yelling at each other so viciously Grayson couldn’t make out half of what they were saying. Curse words and accusations filled the air unhindered, and he had to restrain himself from not covering his ears as their volume increased.

  “Mr. Paretti, I thought you said you didn’t know who you were working for.” Shayla fixed him with a shrewd look.

  “I said I didn’t have any contact with Romine.” He sat back and clamped his mouth shut.

  “So you did know it was Romine you were working for.” Cole crossed his arms over his chest. “You want your family safe?”

  “He’s been lying to you the whole time. He’s worked for Romine’s gang before.” It was Angelina who accused this time, probably trying to take the heat off of herself.

  Shayla turned it back on her. “Oh? And how would you know that, Miss Burris?”

  Now it was Angelina’s turn to become sullen and silent.

  “She knows because she used to work for them, too, until she hooked up with Harmon and they split from the gang. He’s stupid to trust her, though.” Paretti couldn’t seem to resist blurting the information, despite the fact that he was incriminating himself further.

  Angelina began yelling at him again and another argument ensued between the two.

  “Enough!” Grayson roared the word and both captives sat back in wide-eyed attention. He needed to think, but he had no time. This baby was caught in the middle of a three-way war for dominance. How would they ever get this mess lined out? He couldn’t even be sure he was getting accurate information out of these two.

  First things first—he had to find the baby’s mother. She was the key to all of this. Savannah Reid was the one person connected to both gangs as well as Senator Reid. She was the pivotal link to bringing them all into submission.

  “Where’s Savannah Reid?” He directed the quiet question to Angelina. “You’re still in contact with her.” He didn’t know that for sure, but he thought she might be. A bluff would prove his theory one way or the other.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Angelina looked away.

  “Yes, you do. She doesn’t know. She still trusts you, doesn’t she? She doesn’t know you betrayed her.” His voice was dead calm. Cole and Shayla just stood back and watched. “She’s been gone awhile because of the pregnancy and she doesn’t know about what happened with you and Harmon. Am I right?”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I didn’t betray her, okay? It wasn’t like that. Franco—He—he said we were just starting a new business. We were in too deep before I realized it. He charmed me into going along with his plan with the baby. I didn’t think it would hurt Savannah. I thought we could still be friends.”

  “Was that before or after you tried to kidnap her baby?” Grayson’s voice held no compassion. “I think you’re lying. You intended to betray Savannah all along.”

  Angelina’s voice rose. “I had no choice!” She leaned forward as she screamed the words. “You don’t get it. I had no choice. It was Arnie’s fault. And I wanted to get back at him for what he did to Franco.”

  Grayson circled her chair again. “Look, we aren’t especially interested in your boyfriend’s little family gang right now. That’s not our turf. But we can help you if you help us. Where do we find Savannah Reid?”

  Angelina’s gaze shifted. She looked at Shayla standing at the far edge of the room, around to Cole, Paretti and back to Grayson. Her mouth opened and shut. Then she shook her head.

  Shayla stepped forward. “Angelina. Woman to woman, we are talking about a child here. I know you have some maternal instincts buried in there somewhere. Don’t you think Savannah should have some say over what happens to the baby? Her baby? Think about how you would feel if that were your child.”

  Angelina blinked, her tears flowing again. “She doesn’t want to be found. She knew when she found out she was pregnant that something like this would happen. Do you know she wasn’t going to keep the baby until Romine found out? He talked her into keeping the baby—said Senator Reid’s grandbaby could solve all their problems. They could convince him to give them the money they needed to get out of the country.” Her eyes narrowed and she looked back at Grayson. “No child should be used as a pawn.”

  “I won’t argue there. But the baby is going to be in constant danger until we find her mother.” Grayson stared her down.

  For a long time, she sat completely silent. Grayson turned to Shayla and Cole with a frown. His expression invited further suggestions, but they offered none.

  “I can give you an address.” Angelina’s voice barely penetrated his thoughts, it was so quiet. “But I can’t promise you she’s still there.”

  * * *

  Lily was inconsolable. Lauren knew more from instinct than nursing skill that something was wrong. Her temperature hadn’t risen, but the child fussed about everything and nothing. Lauren offered gas relief drops, changed her diaper, offered her a bottle, massaged her tiny tummy, and rocked and sang to her.

  Nothing helped.

  Grayson had been up to tell her the interrogation had offered a little bit of hope, but had given her few details, and the marshals were all still holed up with their captives. Carlos and Jeff had departed shortly after Grayson and Cole had returned with Angelina. They had accompanied a team to investigate the address Angelina had given them but hadn’t reported back yet. Exhaustion pricked at Lauren’s form, relentlessly reminding her that she hadn’t slept or eaten the way she should in the last forty-eight hours. And this day had seemed never-ending.

  Bringing the baby’s carrier into the kitchen, Lauren decided Lily was just going to have to cry long enough for her to scrounge up something for all of them to eat. The marshals were too busy to worry about it right now, so it was up to her. Cole stood guard with Lauren, but he was his usual quiet self and, if possible, even more wary of the baby than Grayson. She placed the fussy infant in the carrier and began to dig through the household groceries. The food consisted of various odds and ends, along with a lot of boxed mixes and frozen options. Lauren finally decided she had what she needed to put together some tacos.

  She had started cooking the meat and moved on to chopping the lettuce when a car coming into the drive caught her eye. Cole had slipped down the hall for a minute, leaving her momentarily alone, and she panicked.

  She grabbed Lily from the carrier and went to the doorway to call for Cole. When he appeared, she addressed the issue. “Are you expecting company? It’s an unmarked car.”

  “Only one? They were supposed to bring two to pick up both captives.” Cole approached to see what she was looking at out the window.

  “I only saw one car. I hope they didn’t run
into any trouble.” Lauren followed him through the living room, Lily still fussing and whining.

  Grayson appeared at the top of the stairs, just as Lily’s fussing escalated into a cry.

  When Grayson looked at her questioningly, she shook her head. “I don’t really know what’s wrong. She doesn’t have a temp and I’ve tried everything to make her comfortable. Nothing works.”

  She moved away from the window with the infant, closer to Grayson.

  “Maybe she’s just sleepy? Or has an upset stomach?” Grayson looked uncomfortable standing close to the fussy baby. How could he so easily handle dangerous criminals yet be afraid of an infant? It was almost comical.

  “I don’t know. She’s been like this for a while.”

  He shook his head in concern, but the marshals in charge of transporting one of the detainees were at the door. Cole showed them in and asked about the other car.

  “They should be pulling in any minute. They left a bit behind us,” the older, gray-haired marshal explained, not looking so happy to be there.

  The gray-haired marshal loaded Paretti into the car, but the other vehicle still hadn’t arrived.

  “Something’s not right.” Grayson was on the phone in an instant. He explained to someone on the other end that the second car had never arrived. When he hung up, he went outside. It was only a moment before he returned.

  “I asked them to hold up for a few minutes. I have headquarters checking the missing car’s location and they’ll get back to us. Meanwhile, the safest thing is for the other car to stay put.” As Grayson explained, Cole nodded.

  Lauren was concerned for the other officers, but her patience with the fussing baby was wearing thin. “I’m going to try to get Lily down for a nap. I’ve turned out all the fires on the stove and the food is ready. Let me know if there’s something I can do.”

  Lily fought sleep, but finally went down just before Grayson came into the room. His expression was grim in the dim afternoon light. Lauren followed him out of the room and closed the door before he spoke.

  “The officers that were supposed to pick up Angelina Burris have disappeared. Cole and Shayla are going out to help search. I need you to stay extra alert for anything unusual.”

  Lauren’s breath caught at his words. “What do you mean they’ve disappeared?”

  “We aren’t sure yet. The car, the officers—all seem to have gone missing. The GPS signal went out and there’s no trace of them on the road between here and there.” Grayson looked angry, even in the semidarkness.

  “Will you need to help?” Lauren realized how quiet the house had suddenly become.

  “It’s a possibility. But I won’t leave you here alone. Someone has to protect you and Lily. We can’t leave you vulnerable.” Grayson looked toward the door where the baby slept, his dark lashes fluttering in concern.

  “I know you’ll protect us, Grayson.” She put a hand on his arm, and when he glanced down at it, she suddenly felt self-conscious and awkward being alone with him.

  Before she could pull away, he reached up and clasped her hand. “You’ve been so brave, Lauren. I know this can’t be easy for you.” He paused. “I hope it will all be over soon, and you can go back to your normal life.”

  Normal life... She wasn’t really sure what that was anymore. Just the day-to-day, going to work, spending her free time alone? She had thought she wanted to go back to that but...

  For some reason, the thought didn’t hold as much appeal to her anymore—going home alone to her DC apartment, working long hospital hours and occasionally going out with friends. She was starting to realize what an empty existence she had been living. But she smiled and nodded anyway.

  “I really appreciate all you’re doing for us, Grayson.” She let go of his hand, not wanting to cling, even if he was offering comfort.

  Her hand fell back to her side. He gave her a look she couldn’t quite interpret. “Just doing my job.”

  * * *

  Just doing my job.

  Grayson’s words echoed back to him as he paced the back deck. How cheesy had that sounded? And how stupid was he that it wasn’t true, that Lauren and Lily were actually getting under his skin? How could he have let this happen?

  He knew better than to catch feelings for any woman, especially not a witness. This was ridiculous. He had to get over it.

  Lord, You know this isn’t how I operate on a case. I need Your help here. Please help me get things back on track. He prayed silently while looking up into the bright stars. And no matter what, protect Lauren and Lily. There are some things I can’t do.

  The prayer solidified in his heart. There were some things he couldn’t do, as much as he hated to admit it. But he knew the One who could.

  The woods around them were eerily quiet, except for the sounds of late spring insects and frogs renewing their presence along the lakeshore. There wasn’t a lot of activity anywhere nearby, but the night stars sparkled off the water here and there through the trees. An occasional late-evening fisherman cruised past in a bass boat, but the summer fun crowd had yet to make an appearance for the season.

  Grayson had been camping with family in his youth, though, and the sights, sounds and smells carried a hint of nostalgia in the night air. Their surroundings brought back so many memories of his mother before her addiction had taken over her life and robbed him of her presence.

  He swept the reminiscences away. That wasn’t something he wanted to think about right now.

  He still hadn’t heard anything from Cole and Shayla on the missing officers, and his unease was growing. By now Romine and the Harmon gang knew the marshals had their people in custody.

  His thoughts weighed on him, heavily emphasized by the dark night and heavy air. The humidity settled on him, along with the heaviness of impending problems. He often felt this way when a case was about to get more complicated.

  The back door opened.

  He had sensed Lauren’s presence at the door leading to the back porch before she’d made a sound. He wanted to think it was just good instincts from his career in law enforcement, but somehow he knew that, with Lauren, it was something more. He turned and his breath caught at the sight of her. He swallowed it back.

  He could tell by the worried expression she wore that something was wrong. “What is it?”

  Lauren’s pale face illuminated the darkness. He could sense the concern radiating from her in the dark of the moonless night. She was all he could see in the wash of light from the living room lamp.

  “It’s Lily. She’s sick. I think she may have RSV. It’s a respiratory condition common in infants that can quickly become serious. Remember, I mentioned it to you earlier? We have to get her to the emergency room, and quickly.”

  “You’re sure? Leaving this house is a big risk right now.” The kidnapper’s men were undoubtedly lying in wait, ready to pounce on any opportunity to sweep in and nab the baby.

  “I know, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t completely necessary. I don’t have any way of keeping her oxygen levels up without a doctor’s help. She will need breathing treatments. The longer we wait, the sicker she will be. Newborn babies die of this disease far too often.” Lauren held the baby close, but Lily seemed so lethargic she was limp. Even in the low light, he could see the blue around her tiny lips.

  He fought the unease that swelled within him. They would be taking a huge risk, no matter what. Leaving their secured safe house would provide the kidnappers opportunities to get to them. But staying at the house might endanger Lily’s life, as well, if she was truly as sick as Lauren said.

  “You’re absolutely sure there’s no other way? Could we get a doctor to prescribe a course of home treatment for her? Maybe make a house call and bring the needed equipment?”

  “We could try. But we run the risk of wasting time she might not have. If it takes too long to get a call thro
ugh to a doctor, she could die. How much risk are you willing to take?” Lauren’s breathing was growing more rapid.

  He considered the odds a moment. It was more likely that he could protect Lily en route to the hospital and back than he could provide her with timely medical care. Their leaving was sudden and they might be able to move before anyone could suspect what they were doing.

  “Get everything ready to go. I will make a few necessary arrangements. I have to inform the hospital of the situation ahead of time so they can be prepared. We need to get her there as quickly as possible.” He was tapping a number into his phone even as he spoke.

  Lauren shuddered. “You think they are just waiting, hoping we will make a move?”

  Grayson bit back his frustration. He was doing all he could to keep Lily safe, but everything seemed to be working against him. This might prove to be his biggest challenge yet. He knew there was no way this sort of thing had been caused by anything but natural immune response, but it was almost too convenient for the would-be kidnappers.

  He nodded in response to Lauren’s question, though. “Getting her to the hospital is going to be the easy part. Coming home will be the riskiest.”

  The abductors might not expect the move to the hospital, but based on past instances, he was almost certain the people after Lily would know everything they needed to know to plan another attempted kidnapping by the time Lily was discharged from the hospital.

  “And you still haven’t heard anything from Shayla and Cole?” Lauren looked as anxious as he felt.

  “Nothing at all. I tried both cell numbers, but they went to voice mail.” Grayson turned to go inside.

  “Maybe that’s a good sign. They could be busy...” Lauren let her thought trail off. She was probably thinking of all the other negative outcomes he had already considered.

  “As soon as you have Lily’s things ready, we’ll go. I’ll grab the keys.” He never acknowledged her words.

  * * *

  They reached the nearest hospital without incident. And while the rural emergency staff had given them trouble at first over their lack of proof of guardianship for the baby, when they found out Grayson was a US marshal, everything was worked out in record time.


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