Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 23

by Ambere Sabo

  Nodding, I tell him, “I understand that, you have a family to think about. We’ll find another motel.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying. There's a cabin on the back of the property where you can stay. It’s secure. When G sends us someone that needs help running from the cartel, they hide there. I don’t think even Wrecker can get through the security we have on it.” Pausing he looks at me with a cat that ate the canary grin.

  My brows knit together in confusion. “Alright, what am I not understanding here?”

  “Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you watch her. Hell, during this entire conversation you haven’t taken your eyes off of her.” Laughing, he continues, “The way you balled your fists when Hoser called her Carino.”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I ask through gritted teeth, “What’s your point?”

  “My point is you’re going to be in close quarters with Angel for the next three days. There's only a small kitchen, a bathroom, and one full-sized bed. It's meant to house one person for a day or two. Not two people for three days. Can you handle it?” he asks with a smirk.

  “I’ll be fine, motherfucker. It's nothing,” I growl before walking away.

  His laughter from behind me only pisses me off further.

  Do I find myself watching Angel’s every move? Maybe.

  Is she hotter than hell? Most definitely.

  Does she drive me up the fucking wall like no other chick before her? Damn straight, she does.

  But none of that means a damn thing.

  Chapter 14


  With church officially over, I move over to a stool at the bar. Hoser and Casanova follow not too far behind. They both keep trying to one-up each other when it comes to getting my attention. It's honestly funny as hell.

  “Who’s G?” I ask Hoser while I play with the bottle of Corona in my hands. Coronas remind me of mi papa. They were his drink of choice, and we always kept some in the fridge.

  “G is one of our members. He’s undercover in the Infierno Cartel as part of a task force EPPD is heading up with the feds,” he explains, leaning on the bar next to me.

  I nod in understanding, but hearing that one of their members is a cop undercover in the cartel is concerning. The cartel is enticing to lowly paid officers. I’ve seen it happen too many times. “You don’t think he’s in the cartel’s pocket? You trust him?”

  “With my life. He’s our friend,” his voice is tinged with an edge of emotion.

  “Aren’t y’all worried about him?”

  “Yeah. He’s been under for almost a year now. When he can, he gets word to us about people running from the cartel. We help them get stateside and in touch with the task force over here,” Casanova adds.

  While I wait for Havoc to figure things out with Hyde, I examine the men vying for my affections. I look up at Hoser, admiring the man before me who’s obviously a good man. He’s Hispanic and almost as tall as Havoc. A firefighter with a smile that could light up a room, he’s a hell of a catch. With dark hair, dark eyes and skin the color of caramel, I could look at him all damn day.

  Casanova’s also tall and has short, black hair and dark eyes. And when he smiles at me, the dimples in his cheeks are noticeable, even with the light beard that dusts his chin. While he’s handsome too, I think the bickering between him and Redneck yesterday turned me off. Fighting like little kids is a definite turnoff.

  The entire time I’ve been sitting here talking to them, the heat of Havoc's gaze caresses my profile and back. Every time our eyes meet, I squirm in my seat. Butterflies riot in my stomach and not from the of attention the two men in front of me, but from that damn stare.

  I don’t know what the hell is going on with me. Havoc is a complete and total ass most of the time. He drives me fucking insane with his stubborn ways. I shouldn’t be wishing it was him flirting with me right now instead of Hoser and Casanova. Hell, I’ve had plenty of time to talk to him over the last few days and chose not to. I need to remember that now and keep reminding myself of it over and over.

  Shaking off the feelings that I shouldn’t be having, I glance at Hoser when he asks, “You want another Corona, carino?”

  I can’t help the blush that comes to my cheeks when he calls me carino. I’ve never had someone call me it before, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t flattered with a man as hot as Hoser is saying it.

  “Honestly, I’m not a fan of Coronas,” I tell him looking down at the bottle I’m fidgeting with in my hands.

  Laughing, Casanova asks, “Why ya drinking one then?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I spin the bottle on the counter. “It’s what mi papa drank,” I admit, and Hoser slaps Casanova upside the head. “Mi Reina drinks tequila, and I don’t like it one bit. I’m actually not really sure what I like to drink,” I explain sheepishly. I’ve never been much of a drinker, so the need to find out what I liked was never there.

  “She’ll have a Jack and Coke,” Havoc says as he comes up behind me.

  Turning to face him, my eyes flash when they collide with his. “And how the hell do you know I’ll like it?” I challenge.

  He smirks at my sassy tone. “Because I’d bet money that you’re a whiskey girl,” he says, like I’m supposed to know what the fuck that means.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Casanova says with a smile. “I think you’re a…” he puts his finger to his mouth, tapping it a few times before saying, “vodka-cranberry girl.”

  Havoc and Casanova both look to Hoser, who shrugs. “Why the hell not, everyone should know their drink of choice. Let's go with…” Hoser pauses tilting his head from side-to-side, thinking it over before answering, “Malibu and pineapple. I’ve never met a girl who doesn’t like it.” He winks and smiles.

  “Hold up,” I say, putting my hands in the air. “So, I'm supposed to drink these three drinks and decide which one’s my favorite, and then what?”

  “Twenty sound about right?” Havoc asks Casanova and Hoser, only confusing me further.

  They both nod. Looking at me with a smirk Havoc says, “You try them all and pick which one you like best. Whichever one of us suggested that drink gets twenty bucks from each of the other two.” Leaning on the bar he continues, “Now that doesn’t mean just a sip Angel you have to drink all of the drinks so you can make an informed decision.”

  My eyes search his. “Think you can handle it?” he challenges.

  I look at Hyde who has made his way behind the bar and is watching the four of us with rapt attention. “What’ll it be Angel?” he asks.

  “Pour the damn drinks,” I tell him with a sigh.

  It takes me thirty minutes to drink all three of my options. Malibu and pineapple is sweet as hell and definitely not something I’d purposely drink again. I should’ve warned Casanova that I hate cranberry juice. It's not awful with the vodka, but it’s a little too tart. And of course, I love the damn Jack and Coke. I manage to keep my facial expressions neutral with each glass I drain. I’m damn good at poker.

  Though I want to lie about the one I like, just to spite Havoc. The problem with that option is that I’d have to drink one of the other two choices for the rest of our time here. That doesn’t sound like a fun time to me. Damn him. How the hell did he know?

  “So, which one will it be?” Hyde asks.

  I have each guy’s undivided attention, and I seriously do not want to answer him.

  Huffing out a breath, I reply, “I’ll take a jack and coke, please.”

  “Ah, man,” Casanova says while he pulls out his wallet.

  “Really, carino? I thought for sure you’d like the Malibu,” Hoser says reaching into his pocket as well.

  Before I have a chance to say anything, Havoc answers for me, “Cranberry juice is too tart,” he says looking at Casanova. “And Malibu is too sweet,” he directs at Hoser.

  They both look at me, and I just sit there with my jaw on the floor. “How did you know that?”

  “I pay attention, sweet cheeks,
” he says with a wink at me. “She hasn’t eaten much today. A couple of donuts maybe. She’ll be tanked within the hour if you don’t get some food in her,” he tells Hoser and Casanova before walking away with their money in hand.

  They order some pizza, and I spend the next few hours bullshitting with the Dominion members and drinking. I don’t move from my stool at the bar, but each of the guys filters over to talk and hang out. Casanova and Hoser are the only two constantly in my company. I watch Havoc every so often out of the corner of my eye. He’s been on his phone pretty much the entire time since he walked off. Whoever he’s talking to, the conversation is intense. Probably one of the Sons. After some time, Hyde goes over, and they’re deep in conversation for quite awhile.

  When Hyde comes back over to the bar to see if I want another drink, I shake my head and ask, “Where’s the bathroom?”

  Hyde points in the direction of the bathroom. Havoc’s hanging out in the same corner. He’s kept his distance for some reason.

  I’m surprised it's taken me this long to need to pee. I’ve had a few slices of pizza, but have lost count of how many drinks I’ve had. Mi mama wouldn’t be happy with me for that. She always said if I chose to drink, then I needed to make sure I was aware of my surroundings. But I know that no one here would let anything happen to me. Havoc would likely kill them first.

  When I get to the bathroom to handle my business, I realize I’ve had more than I should have. By the time I’m ready to walk out of the bathroom, I feel like all the alcohol hits me at once. Coming out of the bathroom, I stumble. Just as I’m about to hit the floor, strong arms grasp me around my waist.

  “Was wondering when all those drinks would catch up to you, sweet cheeks. You good?” Havoc asks as he places me back on my feet.

  It’s annoying that he wants to act like he knew I’d be reckless enough to get drunk. I brush his hands off me where they linger, not wanting to admit to myself how much I like the feel of them on me.

  “Estoy bien culo,” I slur.

  Chuckling, Havoc asks with a grin, “That so, sweet cheeks? You realize you just said that in Spanish then?”

  Fuck, did I really? Not wanting to answer him, I turn to walk away and lose my footing again. Of course, he steadies me, but not before bursting out laughing. The thought of him laughing at me sets my temper on fire. Turning to shove him off me doesn’t go any better than my efforts to walk away. Before my sluggish mind can process what’s happening, I find myself swept off my feet and hanging upside down with a nice view of Havoc’s tight ass. He really does have a nice ass.

  “Hyde, I think sweet cheeks here might need to catch some sleep. Mind showing us where the cabin is?” he asks.

  Cabin, what cabin? I can’t think straight like this. I’m so confused. And why the hell am I upside down? Not that I mind the view, but being thrown over his shoulder and carried out of here caveman style is pissing me off.

  “Put me down, puto,” I exclaim hitting his back as he walks.

  “Un-uh, sweet cheeks. You seem to have a problem staying on your feet. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself,” he tells me.

  The fucking nerve of this man. I struggle to get out of his hold, but damn he’s stronger than he looks. Hyde leads us out of the bar and to a golf cart parked next to all the bikes.

  “I’ll walk your bike back once I drop you off. It's too far to walk to the cabin. Hop on, and I’ll give you a lift,” Hyde tells Havoc.

  When he sits down, I’m finally back upright, but Havoc has planted me in his lap. As the blood rushes from my head, dizziness takes over. Lord, please don’t let me throw up. This asshole will never let me live it down. My body snuggles into him against my will. Squinting into his eyes, I announce, “Eres un idiota. Pero eres un idiota lindo.” I pat his cheek, then lay my head in the crook between his neck and shoulder, as Hyde erupts with laughter.

  Chapter 15


  “What did she just say to me, man?”

  He can barely talk through the snickering, “Are you sure you want me to translate? You probably won’t like what she said.”

  “Just tell me,” I huff.

  “She called you an asshole. But said you were a cute asshole.”

  My arms inadvertently tighten around her. She thinks I’m cute. I can’t stop the smug smile from turning up my lips.

  As the golf cart hits a bump, an involuntary moan slips past Angel’s lips. She’s out like a light. I look at her features under the light of the moon. Without all that sass and attitude, she looks beautifully peaceful. A wistful sigh escapes me. Hyde glances over at me, but thankfully he keeps his mouth shut and lets my mind wander over the past few hours of watching her enjoy herself. I know I should’ve stopped her when she was downing glass after glass of Jack and Coke. I guess the alcohol didn’t hit her until she stood up. Rookie mistake.

  Watching all the Dominion brothers flirt with her as she tossed them back, was fucking torture for me. It’s my own damn fault. Why did I keep my distance? Oh yeah, because I wanted her to have a good fucking night. With all the hell she went through yesterday at the farm and with her parents, and then this morning when that bastard tried to get to her, she deserved at least one good night. I just couldn’t stomach hearing them flirt with her like they were. Punching one of them would do us no good, and could potentially fuck up the meeting with G. So, I did the right thing. And hated every fucking second of it.

  When we park outside the cabin, I stand with Angel cradled in my arms. “I’m going to put Angel to bed, then I’ll be right back, man.”

  He opens the door for me and points me in the direction of the bedroom. It’s a short walk to the only bed in the cabin. Holding her with one arm, I lean down to pull back the covers. When I gently lay her on the bed, she doesn’t even stir. I quickly pull off her shoes and scoot her legs under the covers. Then I tuck the blanket under her chin and press a kiss to her forehead. Before I can examine my actions, I stride out of the room and back out to talk to Hyde.

  “Thought you got lost, man.” “Nah, just taking her shoes off and tucking her in. So, show me the security for this place.”

  “Ok, this door will automatically lock when I walk out. The monitors for the cameras are all over there,” he says pointing to a panel in the kitchen. “If you need to leave for anything the code to get back in is 4-8-9-6. We change them every time someone comes here, but it’ll work for the three days you’re here. The kitchen’s fully stocked. I had my Ol’ Lady bring enough food for a few days. She left some menudo in the fridge. It’ll be good for Angel in the morning. She’s going to have a hell of a hangover,” he finishes with a laugh.

  “You knew she was drinking too much?” I growl, my fists clenched by my side.

  “Thought you’d eventually get your stubborn ass up and stop her,” he admits then walks out the door.

  Fucking asshole.

  I acquaint myself with the security panel on the wall. Damn, it really is top of the line. There isn’t a single angle outside of the cabin that isn’t covered. How someone would even find the cabin in the first place is beyond me. Brush surrounds it, and there isn’t a damn thing out here. A quick perusal of the cabin’s contents reveals a few DVDs from several years ago, some paperback books, board games and a deck of cards on the shelves in the living room. I move to the kitchen to check out the fridge and cabinets.

  Just as I finish looking through the cupboards, a moan comes from the direction of the bedroom. Abandoning my search, I rush to the bedroom because I know what’s coming. I get there just in time with the trash can. I hold back her hair while she heaves. I'm starting to worry she’ll never stop then she swats at my hand.

  “Go away, pendejo. I don’t want you to see me like this,” she slurs.

  Chuckling, I keep my hand in place. “And why is that sweet cheeks?”

  Turning her head to face me, she mumbles, “Because it’s not sexy.”

  “Sweet cheeks, I don’t think you could ever not be sexy,”
I tell her honestly.

  Her lips tip up in a small smile. It’s short-lived as she quickly turns her head back to the trash can. Fuck, I really should’ve had her stop drinking sooner. When she finally stops throwing up, I put the trash can outside. She’s out by the time I get back. My eyes scan the room. There’s nowhere else to sleep in this damn place, besides the couch.Fuck that. I toe off my boots, then strip down to my boxers. Shaking my head, I crawl up behind Angel on the bed, making sure to leave some respectable space between us, and pass the fuck out myself.

  When I wake up, I don’t know what the hell to do. Angel is apparently a damn bed hog and has me backed up against the wall. Even worse than being wedged against the wall, she turned onto her side while she slept, and now her back is to my front. The issue? Her incredibly sexy, curvy ass is pressed up against my very hard cock.

  I’d love to blame it on plain old morning wood, but fuck there’s no denying my body’s reaction to her. I can tell by her breathing that she’s still passed the fuck out. I try to think of anything, and everything I can to make my erection go down—baseball stats, parts of my bike, even my grandma—but nothing is fucking working.

  Fuck. She's starting to wake up. Half asleep she stretches her body like a damn cat pressing her ass into me even more. When she abruptly halts her stretching, I know she's awake enough to realize what’s going on. Fuck my life.

  “Havoc?” she asks, concern lacing her voice. Damn it. This isn’t good.

  “Yeah, sweet cheeks?”

  “Oh, thank God,” she says, blowing out a breath.

  She settles back against me without concern. Not even trying to move from in front of me. What the fuck? Within a few minutes, her breathing evens out again, and I know she’s fallen back to sleep. Her silky hair tickles my chest. Her heat sears my skin. She fits into the curve of my body like she belongs. Well, this is a new kind of hell for me.


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