Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 38

by Ambere Sabo

  “I’m sorry your marriage didn’t work out. But your story doesn’t have to be our story. Adan gives me everything, just as I give him everything. Love is always enough. And its job isn’t to hide darkness, but to bring light to it. And I promise you this, should darkness come our way, our love will be enough to destroy the darkness.”

  Before we can argue any more, Adan strolls up. “Mother,” he acknowledges with a stiff smile on his face.

  “Adan,” she replies just as solemnly. She turns back to me. “Alex, remember what I said. Don’t be blind.” With that, she walks off.

  Adan wraps his arm around me and escorts me to the car that’ll drive us back to the airport. He helps me into the cavernous back seat, then slides in next to me.

  “I’m so sorry, my love, that they couldn’t find a way to be happy for us. If you want to take back your answer, I’ll understand.”

  I wait for him to crack a smile to indicate he’s joking. But his eyes just hold an unspeakable sadness.

  Erasing the distance between us, I climb onto his lap and take his face in my hands. “Adan, even if God himself came down from Heaven and threatened to wipe out the entire Earth if I went through with my plans to marry you…” I press my lips to his, then continue, “I would still marry you. Nothing can take away the bliss I feel at the thought of just one day being your wife.”

  He crushes his mouth to mine in a kiss so bruisingly intense, I feel my lips swelling beneath his. While one hand gripping me tightly around the waist, his other dips between us. The sound of a zipper hits my ears an instant before the fabric of my panties is shoved aside. In seconds, he’s inside me melding our bodies the way our hearts and souls already are. And the rest of the ride to the airport, he spends erasing the horrible memories of the last hour.

  Chapter 14


  Thirteen years ago…

  Today’s my wedding day. Mine and Alex’s. I’m the happiest man in the world to marry my Alex. I just hate the day isn’t what she deserves. She deserves a big wedding with all of her family in attendance. She deserves her father walking her down the aisle. She deserves to be treated like the queen she is, especially on HER day. She deserves all that and more. Not this small wedding with just a few friends and a priest.

  As I wait for her to come to me and place her hand in mine, I think back to the day she agreed to be mine forever…

  Today’s her last day of school. She’s finally finished with her education. Everything about today is perfect. The weather, the celebration, her in that dress. It’s the right time. I’m going to ask her. If I can get rid of my nerves that is.

  We’re having dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant to celebrate her graduation. We’ve been here a lot over the last four years because it’s close to campus. I can’t focus on what she’s saying, because the small velvet box in my pocket is distracting me. In the middle of dinner, with sweaty palms and an insane amount of nerves, I pull it from its hiding spot. My trembling fingers fumble with the hinged lid for a moment before I get the sparkling circle on display. “Alex, I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. We have been through some rough times. Nothing would make me happier than having you by my side until my dying breath. Will you marry me?”

  The sparkle in her eyes rivals the diamond in the box. At that moment, her smile could light the world on fire. It’s so bright. She nods her head, and her lips say the most beautiful word I’ve ever heard, “Yes.”

  I’m over the moon with happiness.


  I’m even happier today as the pianist hits the chords compelling our guests to stand and honor the entrance of the bride. My bride.

  When she rounds the corner, and is directly in front of me, my heart stutters to a stop. The sight of her in the dress, she’s kept hidden from me for weeks, short-circuits my brain. The ceremony is short, and I can’t remember much other than our vows to each other.

  “I, Adan Ortiz, promise to surprise you with flowers for no reason, feed you ice cream in bed, learn how to make towel animals, and make you smile every day. I vow to protect you and slay all the dragons that dare cross your path, real or imagined. I pledge to love you with every beat of my heart, for as long as I have a heart to beat.”

  A tear leaks from her eye, and a giggle escapes from her lips as she listens to all I pledge.

  “I, Alex Miller, promise to keep my cold feet on my side of the bed, to let you kiss me even when I have garlic breath, to watch futbol with you every weekend, and share my ice cream with you. I vow to cherish every smile and touch from you. I pledge to love you with every breath I take, and even when I have no breath left in my body, I will love you still.”

  When she finishes, a couple tears track down my cheeks. After a few more formalities, the pastor pronounces us husband and wife and says, “You may kiss your bride.”

  I waste no time to pull her into my arms, the way my fingers have been itching to do since she stepped onto the carpeted aisle. And our lips meet in a kiss so scorching it elicits some whoops and cheers from our guests.

  Our reception is a whirlwind of well-wishes, dancing, and food. Finally, I convince her we’ve stayed long enough, so we bid our farewells. I drive us back to the hotel we stayed at three years ago for Alex’s birthday. Earlier today, I was here learning to fold swans, setting up candles, scattering rose petals, and just making everything perfect for my new bride.

  When we walk through the front doors, the desk clerk remembers us from last time. As I lead Alex to the elevator, the clerk calls out, “Enjoy your stay. And congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz.”

  “Busted,” Alex mutters under her breath.

  I laugh with her until the elevator doors close, leaving the two of us alone. We have no bags with us because I brought them here this morning. I didn’t want our wedding night to be spent traveling, so we’re staying here for a couple of days, and then flying to our honeymoon destination, which I’ve kept a secret from her. I yank her against me and devour her mouth. “I’ve been trying to get you alone all day,” I speak against her lips.

  She responds with a moan and hikes her leg up on my hip. This metal box can’t get to our room fast enough. After an eternity, the doors slide open, and we enter a suite that holds so many special memories for us. And we’re about to add some more. Our lips are still joined as we stumble further into the room.

  “Adan, my love,” she pants in my ear, “I need you now.”

  I’m desperate for her too. It takes all my willpower to set her away from me. My eyes roam over every inch of her in her wedding dress. I’m memorizing it. It will be one of the pictures I bring to my mind when I need an image of something pure and wonderful.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Committing you to my memory, just like this.”

  “Well, commit away, but please hurry.”

  I walk behind her and groan at the line of like one hundred buttons holding her dress on. “How attached are you to this dress?”

  “Very,” she says indignantly.

  “I’ll buy you a new one. I don’t think I have the patience to unfasten a hundred teeny-tiny buttons. I need you now.” I plant hot, open mouth kisses on her neck.

  “Rip it off,” she demands. “But you better buy me a new one. We can role play wedding night every so often.” My cock goes even harder at the potential of role-playing anything with her. Even after all this time, my sweet Alex manages to surprise me occasionally.

  Gripping the top edges of the dress, I give a strong yank. Tiny pearl buttons fly all over the room. I kiss her back as my hands push the white satin off her shoulders and down to her feet. She spins around and eases her hands on my shoulders, slipping my jacket off. After she dispenses with my tie, she tugs my shirt, causing my buttons to scatter onto the floor with hers.

  “That was fun,” she giggles.

  “I’ll show you fun,” I say as I stoop down to pick her up over my shoulder. She squeals. I walk into the master bedro
om and spin around, so she’s looking at the bed.

  “Swans,” she coos as I set her down.

  “I told you, I’d learn to make them for you. Mrs. Ortiz, meet the first towel animals your husband has created for you.”

  “You made them?”

  “Yep, this morning. What do you think?”

  “Can we keep them?”

  I laugh. “No. But I can make them for you again. For now, they need to go. I’m about to do some indecent things to my wife that aren’t fit for innocent eyes to see.” I stalk towards her, until I press her body back onto the bed, with her legs hanging off. Then I start to show her just how much she means to me. My wife, my Alex

  I show her all night long how much I love her with every soft word murmured, every caress, every lick, every kiss, every thrust. She gives it all back to me a hundred-fold. And though we’ve been making love for years now, doing it as husband and wife feels different. More significant.

  When she finally drifts off to sleep near dawn, I watch her sleep. And wish I could’ve made her special day perfect. The absence of those she loves is a heavy burden for her to bear.

  I know it hurts her for him to not have given her away. It’s been my hope and prayer that one day he’d realize the love I have for his daughter and come around, but I don’t believe it’ll ever happen.

  Alex doesn’t know, but I went to him just three days ago to beg him to come. To be here for her on this special day, but I was too late. My own mother has ruined my chances to mend things between Alex and her father. She told him everything the minute she had a chance after we’d left the graduation party. Now he knows I can take care of his little girl. But he doesn’t approve of the means in which I can do it.

  Not only does he know who my father is, but now he knows why Selena and Alex were taken all those years ago. Something I’ve never told her. I know if she ever finds out, she’ll never forgive me for keeping it from her. I don’t want her to know where I truly come from. To know the kind of man my father is. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep that from her. No matter what I have to do to make that happen. Perhaps, I’m more like my father than I want to believe.

  This is something that’s eaten at me since I realized the depths I’d go to keep her from finding out. So tonight, our wedding night, as she sleeps, I contemplate making a call that’ll change my life forever.

  Over the last two years, I’ve been working more closely with my father regarding the cartel. Learning everything I need to know about all the various businesses it has. I refuse to be involved with anything illegal. He finally accepts that, but it took him a very long time to agree with it. But for now, he’s satisfied with just letting me handle the books. I know he thinks, like him, I’ll eventually come into the business completely.

  To the outside world, I’m the nephew of his dearly departed second wife who he’s taken under his wing. A woman who’d given him beauties for daughters, but no sons. She died during the birth of their third daughter. Daughters who, after Selena’s death, have all been tucked away in the states with only a select few knowing their exact locations.

  I'm being molded into the next Diablo, and no one even knows it’s already my birthright. The secret of who I am will only come out when my father is in the hell of his own making. Until then everyone will believe Diablo has no heir, and I can pretend that one day I won’t be expected to be the man he wants me to be.

  Tonight, I’ll take the first step to becoming that man, because I’m all out of options. I can’t let her find out the things I’ve kept from her. I can’t live with her hating me. Leaving me. There’s not much choice for me now. Mother’s made sure of that.

  Picking up the phone, I make a call that I know will change my life and probably not for the better.



  Present day…

  Fucking hindsight.

  Chapter 15


  Thirteen years ago…

  Everything in my world is perfect. Or nearly so. Every day waking up as Adan’s wife is a dream come true. We’ve been married less than a month. But he’s everything my childhood dreams say a husband should be—loving, tender, doting. He treats me as if I’m the most precious thing in the world. In his world at least. And I love it.

  I adore taking care of him as well—cooking dinner every night, cleaning our home. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that all we need is each other—no one to do our laundry or cook our meals or pick up after us. When Adan gets home early enough, he joins me in the kitchen and cooks with me. It’s a dream come true. This is marriage in a way I never witnessed growing up. But I’m certain this is what it’s supposed to be like.

  I’m enjoying my home design work and am getting lots of experience from the best in our area. She’s amazing. I’m learning so much from her.

  The only sad spot in my life is the estrangement with my parents. I haven’t spoken to them since my graduation party. They’re still upset about my relationship with Adan. Time heals all wounds though. That’s what they say. I hope so. Mending that relationship would make my world perfect.

  I know Adan blames himself for coming between them and me. But it’s not his fault. No one would ever be good enough in my parents’ eyes. In time, I’m confident they’ll come around. They’ll see how he loves me and how I love him. They’ll see just how wonderful of a job he does at taking care of me and encouraging my dreams. He’ll prove himself to them. I know it with every fiber of my being.

  When the call comes days later, I think it’s some sick joke. Or a nightmare I’ll wake from in the morning. There’s no way my parents can be dead. I want to die. Maybe I am dead, and this is hell. My parents, no matter how flawed, they’re my only family. Were my only family. Now the last memory I’ll ever have of them is the fight we had at my graduation party. Me calling my father a hypocrite and telling him that I hate him.

  It guts me that those are the last words I’ll ever say to him. I’d give anything to change that.

  That’s the only thought running through my mind as my fingers automatically dial Adan. He’s the only thing I need right now.

  Chapter 16


  Thirteen years ago…

  Ever since we’ve returned from our honeymoon, I’ve spent more time at the office than at home, or so it seems. I’m at work when my cell phone rings. Seeing Alex’s name on the screen immediately erases a headache I’ve been suffering from trying to reconcile these numbers. Talking to her will be a welcome break from trying to locate something that appears to be missing.

  “Hello, mi Amor,” I say when I answer.

  Silence greets me. Well, not exactly silence. Breathing and sniffling fill my ears, but no words. “Alex? Are you there? Is everything OK?” panic rises in my voice.

  “Adan,” her voice breaks.

  The wail that follows nearly rips my heart in two. I quickly shut down my computer, scoop up my keys, and barge out the door. I pause by the receptionist’s desk long enough to say, “I’m gone for the day. Something’s wrong with my wife.”

  I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, I take the stairs two at a time until I reach my car. Alex is still sobbing in my ear. “I’m on my way, baby. Whatever it is, I’ll fix it. I promise.”

  As I drive at break-neck speed out of downtown, my mind races with possibilities—she’s hurt, someone has hurt her, she’s had a flashback—each thing I imagine is worse than the last.

  My car screeches to a halt in our driveway. I don’t even bother to shut the car door as I run to the house. I run through the house until I find her. She’s curled up on the floor in the living room. I press end on my phone and move to her side.

  Kneeling, I scoop up her trembling form and sit down on the couch. It takes her a few minutes to realize I’m here and not on the other end of the phone she’s holding like a lifeline to her ear. When her eyes focus on me, she drops her phone and throws her arms around me. Soon my shirt is wet with her tea
rs. She still hasn’t said what’s wrong, but with her in my arms and seemingly unhurt, my own anxiety drops a notch.

  I stroke her hair and croon soothingly in her ear. Whatever dragon has crossed her path and made her cry like her heart is breaking, I need to slay. It’s what I vowed to do on our wedding day. When her tears slow enough that she can draw in a full breath, she lifts her head. Sad eyes collide with mine.

  “Oh, Adan,” her voice breaks before she swallows and continues in a whisper, “my parents…” Fresh sobs prevent her from continuing.

  My blood runs cold as my mind finishes what she’s about to say. The dragon I need to slay is myself. I did this.

  “What about your parents?” I manage to control my tone as I ask. I’ve lived in dread of this moment for a while now. I just didn’t know when it would come.

  “Someone broke into their home last night to rob them.”

  “Oh, no. Were they home? Are they OK?”

  “They were home. And whoever broke in shot them,” she wails.

  “Are they in the hospital? We need to get you there to be with them. I’ll call your work and mine and the airline.”

  “They’re dead,” she whispers.

  “I’m so sorry, mi Amor. What can I do?” What have I already done?

  “The police need me to come and officially i-i-identify them since I’m their next of kin. And I need to make arrangements. And figure out what to do with their stuff. And meet with their lawyer. There are lots of messages on my voicemail. I ignored all the calls that came after the police called.”

  “I’ll check them for you and handle everything. Why don’t you go lie down? I’ll wake you when I have everything sorted out.”

  I carry her to our room, our sanctuary, and settle her beneath the covers. I long to stay and hold her and comfort her. But I don’t deserve to. I feel no grief over their loss. I’ve hated them for years for the way they’ve treated my Alex. So, while I can find no tears to shed for them, I have millions I can shed for her. And I’ll do it as I take care of things, so she won’t have to.


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