Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 48

by Ambere Sabo

  Putting the last of the onions in the pot I give it a good stir and cover it. It needs to simmer for a while before its ready anyway. Moving to stand in front of Baby Girl I nudge her legs just a bit until she lets me in her space.

  “But today is not that day Lilly,” I tell her before softly pressing my lips to hers. “Today you're mine and all is right in my world.”

  Lifting her from the counter I crush my lips to hers as she wraps her legs around me. As I carry her from the kitchen I pause hitting the light. “I have no clue if Venom has had his ass on that counter or not but I'm not taking that chance.”

  Her laughter has me moving across the clubhouse as quickly as I can. The brothers and Cessy all call after us as we make our way to the stairs. I don’t even hear what they say, nothing is more important than taking her mind off of the bastard that haunts her.

  There's something about her laugh. Every time I hear it I want nothing more than to be balls deep in my baby girl. With all the chaos lately, she doesn’t laugh enough. Though it might be a good thing. Wed never leave my fucking room if she did.

  I have her up the stairs in my room and on my bed before I let her down. Shutting the door with a kick of my foot as I pass through it. With one arm I grip the hem of my shirt and tug it over my head. Looking down at her she has a smirk playing on her lips as she reaches forward and undoes the button of my jeans with her teeth. God help me this woman will be the death of me.

  I’m free balling it so as soon as she slips my shorts from my hip my dick is front and center. Her eyes cast down, and she licks her lips before taking my dick in her hand.

  Drawing her face forward she licks down the shaft with the tip of her tongue. She runs it from base to tip a few times getting it wet. I let out a groan drawing her attention up to me, and she takes my cock in her mouth.

  The heat of her mouth with the swipes of her tongue as she draws me in is amazing. She holds my calves as she works her way up and down my dick. It only takes her a minute before I’m hitting the back of her throat. Hollowing out her cheeks as she goes has me fisting my hands at my sides as I look at the ceiling. Fuck this.

  “Baby girl, lay on the bed,” I rasp out.

  Looking up at me confused, she asks, “But you haven’t finished.”

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth baby girl. Lay down, please,”

  She leans back on the bed pulling her shirt up over her head as she goes. My baby girl doesn’t like under things either. Seeing her tits pop free I can’t help but lean down and take one in my mouth. Its one of her sweet spots and causes her to moan. Reaching down I undo her jeans and push them down as far as I can reach while I switch to her other nipple.

  She pulls one leg the rest of the way out of her shorts and wraps it around my waist putting my dick right at her entrance. I push forward slowly, inch by agonizing inch. Shes wet but still so damn tight. Rubbing circles on her clit, she opens her legs wider for me as I go balls deep. I pull back and start pumping into her slowly picking up my pace with each pass.

  It doesn’t take long before her pussy starts to spasm around me, letting me know she isn’t far from coming. Her nails rake across the skin on my back. Leaving a sting of pain as she moves beneath me. Watching her is sexy as hell. She bites her bottom lip to keep from screaming out as her eyes close in ecstasy.

  I can feel her pussy tighten around my cock as she starts to come. Picking up the pace I push her into her orgasm and watch as her back arches and she can no longer hold in her scream.

  “Fuck,” she yells as she grabs on to my arms riding out her pleasure.

  I can't help but follow her release as her body tightens around me. Her legs shake as she comes back to reality. It's her tell that I've done my job right and makes my chest swell a bit. Pulling myself from her, I move to lay on the bed next to her. Watching her as she continues to shake just a bit, fisting the comforter as she does.

  The sound of someone knocking has both of us groaning in protest. “Look I really hate to interrupt whatever you guys are doing in there, and I tried to wait until… Uh, until I thought you were finished but we’ve got church,” Dash says through the door.

  “What for?” I bark at him.

  “No clue, Mythic called it,” he rushes out before we can hear him walking away.

  “Mythic called it? Why the hell would Mythic call church?” I ask Lil.

  Her face turns white as she whispers, “He’s coming.”

  Chapter 22


  The brothers all sit in the chapel, most of them grumbling about an outsider calling church.

  “Were not her lapdogs what right does she have to demand we have church?”

  “She’s not an Ol’ Lady why the hell is she even in church?”

  “Does she really need to fucking be here? Can’t Snoopy tell us what the fuck is up?”

  Rodeo slams his hands on the table in front of him, “Everyone shut the fuck up,” he seethes. “Mythic and Snoopy have found new information that we need to hear. You will show her respect while she’s in this room. Do you understand me,” he asks looking around the room with a glare.

  When no one is stupid enough to defy him he looks to Mythic, and with a sweep of his arm, “The room is yours.”

  Not even a week ago we had to convince this man to let her in the door. But now, he looks at her with sympathy in his eyes. What the hell is going on?

  Clearing her throat Mythic stands from Snoopys lap, well that’s a new development.

  “Look, I know you don’t trust me. I know you think I should have let you know the minute I had Lilly but I had to know if she, hell if you all deserved my help.” Looking at me with a small smile she talks only to me. “You deserve everything I can offer and so much more Lilly. Its been a very long time since I felt a connection with anyone. You made me open up. Made me see how wrong I’ve been all these years. I thought I could hide from the world, hide from him but it left me leading a very lonely existence.”

  Snoopy reaches over and grabs her hand, “I told you I would do anything I could to protect you, no matter what the cost to myself. Enterrador is aware someone helped you in Flagstaff. All he knows of me is that I have blue hair but I imagine sooner rather than later he’ll figure out who I am.”

  “He’s coming,” she says before the brothers erupt in anger.

  “How the fuck can you know this?”

  “Maybe she led him here?”

  “Enough,” Rodeo roars.

  “You broke through the encryption,” I ask quietly from Gunners lap.

  With a nod, “We did. With some work, we were able to gain access to years of data stored on the system. All the way back to when he first bought the house for Alex.” Looking away from all the eyes on her she takes a deep breath.

  When she doesn’t continue Snoopy tells us, “It will take time to go through everything, but for now we have a bigger problem. Not only do we have less than a week before he plans to come for Lilly. One of the girls was sent here by Enterrador. She has been the one feeding him information and delivering his gifts.”

  “What?” Cessy exclaims. “None of my girls would do that.”

  “I didn’t want to believe it either, Cess, but there was a call between them just yesterday,” Rodeo says, hanging his head.

  “Well, who, which one is it?” Havoc asks, cracking the knuckles on his hands.

  “We don’t know,” Mythic replies. “She was sent back here at some point with a burner phone. She’s been to the compound in Juarez.”

  Looking at me with tears in her eyes, I know what they're thinking, “It’s not Rose. She wouldn’t” I whisper shaking my head in denial. Looking around I realize, Ma and Rose aren’t here. Do they really think my sister could do this? After all we’ve done to keep her safe?

  “The man who told Enterrador you were home was the father of Rose’s children, Lil. Who else could it be?” Snoopy asks.

  Slamming his hand on the table, “I want to see this tape,” Ha
voc growls.

  Looking at my brother with a nod, Snoopy tells him, “ I thought you would. We have it cued up and ready for when church is over.”

  Nodding, Havoc puts his elbows on the table holding his head in his hands while Angel rubs his back.

  “I can’t do this, I won’t believe that it was Rose. I just won’t,” I tell the room of people, shaking my head.

  “No one wants to think Rose would do this, Lil,” Rodeo tells me softly. “But in truth, we have no clue what happened to her after Wrecker sold her to the cartel. We all know how much she’s missed her children. And we don’t really know anything about her relationship with their father. They could have easily used any of that as leverage.”

  “I know you can play videos in here Snoop. I’m not waiting until after church I want to see it, now.”

  Snoop looks to Mythic and she nods her head, then to Rodeo who with a harsh breath also nods his head. The two get up and walk out together getting whatever the hell they need to show why exactly they think my sister could do this to me.

  How she could turn my world upside down, helping that fucker make my life a living hell. Walking on eggshells every day wondering if he would come. Wondering if that day would be the day he sent another present or came to take me in my sleep.

  It only takes them a few minutes to bring in whatever they need and the video is beamed on the wall. Everyone sits in silence watching the interaction between the man who wants me and the one who's already had my sister. Nothing in the call he makes gives us any clue who he could be talking to. They're basing their whole assumption its Rose on one thing. Her children's father is the one he’s talking to. I bristle when he calls me his prize.

  “I am no one's prize,” I seethe.

  “We know that Lil,” Cess says reaching over to take my hand. “But can you see now why they think its Rose?”

  Snatching my hand from her, I look around the room. “Do you all think this?” Looking from Havoc, who turns away from me, to Mythic and Snoop. Over to Cess and Venom. They all look at me with sadness. None of them wanting to say it out loud. Say that they truly think my sister could be capable of this.

  Turning to Gunner, “ And you? What do you think?”

  With a shrug, he looks down at my legs, “It looks pretty bad Baby Girl.”

  Standing I throw my hands in the air, “Rose is not the one he called. Do you know how I know?” I scream looking around the room. “ Because one,” I say holding up a finger, “she is my sister and would never put me through what she’s been through, and two,” I say pointing to the wall. “Whoever he’s talking to doesn’t know I’m home, and Rose does.”

  Grabbing my waist Gunner turns me to face him, “Rose knows, how?”

  Stepping away from him, I can see the hurt, “Because I called her three nights ago when I got back. You may keep me hidden here but I would not let her continue to think I was missing.”

  Stepping away from the man I love and almost all the family I have I walk to the door, turning just before I reach it. “This is not Rose, but whoever it is, will die. By my hand or his,” I say pointing to Enterradors man. “Now figure out how to end this. He will come for me in six days and I am not hiding anymore.” With that, I open the door slamming it behind me as I walk away from church. I am no one's prize and I am done with running from this man.

  Chapter 23


  “Did you know,” I demand turning to Mythic, “Did you know she spoke with Rose?”

  Her brown eyes narrow, “Do you really think I would have accused her of being the spy if I had. You may not think highly of me Jeremy Jackson but that girl is the first friend I've had in years.

  Slowly standing from my chair I place my hands on the table and stare this bitch down, “How do you know my name?”

  A cruel laugh slips past her lips, “I know all of your names,” she tells me as she begins pointing around the room, “Ashton Turner, Michael Black, Daniel Cline, Alex Haynes, Ethan Walters, Eric Anderson, Reine Walters, formerly McIntosh. Shall I go on? I was not exaggerating when I said I did my research on the Sons.”

  “Why exactly would you need to research any of us?” Prez asks through gritted teeth.

  Throwing her hands in the air she begins to pace the room. “Why he asks, why?” with a cold chuckle she continues to talk to herself, “Why would I want to know if the people I could possibly be giving my life for were worth it? Oh, I don’t know,” she finishes with a yell looking at Prez.

  Walking over to him she gets up in his space. All Five foot nothing of her staring up at him with a scowl on her face. “When that man comes for her, and he will, I am the only shot you have of keeping her safe. I’m literally going to have to give my life as I know it for hers. He will hunt me to the ends of the earth. So excuse me for wanting to make sure I was fucking my life to hell for people who deserved it.”

  Prez and this crazy bitch have a silent standoff both glaring at the other. While we watch waiting to see what our president is going to do.

  “Why does Enterrador want you?” Angel asks, drawing everyone's attention from the pint-sized crazy woman.

  Looking to Angel, her scowl fades just a bit, “Enterrador is not the one who will come for me. He’s not anything I fear he’s already taken everything he can from me. But Diablo, Diablo will not rest until he has me once he knows where I am.”

  “If you’re the only chance we have of keeping my sister safe, how exactly do you propose we do that?” Havoc looks at Mythic skeptically.

  “We give him what he wants?”

  “What,” Havoc yells as the room erupts in anger.

  “This bitch is crazy.”

  “What the actual fuck is she talking about.”

  “There is no way in hell I'm letting that son of a bitch put a hand on my baby girl,” I growl at the crazy bitch across from me. She’s lucky there's a table between us and she's a woman. If any man in this room would have said this I’d knock his ass out.

  Throwing her hands in the air, “I’m not saying we give him Lilly, you fucking morons,” she yells. Looking to Cess, “Are they always this dense?”

  When Cessy doesn’t answer her but just stares back in contemplation she huffs out a breath. Pinching the bridge of her nose she looks at the ceiling. Is she counting to ten? She really fucking is. What the hell?

  Looking down she looks between Prez, Havoc and me, “Look, Enterrador has no clue we have this information. That we know he has a spy. So give him what he wants. Let the girls come back to the clubhouse. Have a BBQ or something, I don’t really fucking care. We can feed the girls what information we want him to have.”

  “All of the girls,” Havoc asks with a raised brow.

  “Yes, all of them. Maybe it will help us figure out who he has inside. Either way, we can choose where he thinks he’ll take her. Tell them Lil is going home or is going to work at Blue Bells, something. He’ll take his opportunity and that’s when we get to him.”

  “Well, fuck me sideways,” Cess says with a huff. “Like the chick or not, that’s a damn good plan.”

  “And what exactly, do you propose we do when we get him?” Prez asks with a hand on his chin. He’s actually contemplating what this girl is saying, Jesus Christ what has my life come to.

  “I’m hoping I can find what I need on the server for his home in Monterrey. I know Jesus Armijo didn’t order the hit on his family. If I can find out who did, who I think did it anyway, Enterrador will have too much to deal with from the aftermath of that revelation.”

  “And if you can’t find it,” Havoc asks.

  Looking at her feet, “Then we give him me.”

  “I thought Diablo wanted you, not Enterrador?” I grumble.

  Looking up at me I see the tears in her fucking eyes. Why’d she have to go and do that shit? I hate when chicks cry.

  “Diablo may want me but believe me it’ll be a trade worth making for Enterrador.”

  “And you’d do that, for Lilly? Gi
ve up your life?” Angel asks.

  “I could have stopped Enterrador long ago.” She replies the tears finally trailing down her face. “I choose to stay hidden then, everything he’s done since is on my head. I won’t let Lil be another person I didn’t save.”

  “Who did they take from you?” Angel questions.

  “More people than I can count, but most importantly, Iliana Marie Armijo. My daughter.”

  Gasping, Angel covers her mouth, from behind her hand she asks, “You’re an Armijo.”

  Shaking her head, “Not by blood, but my daughter was. She was killed the night Enterrador became the man he is today. Jesus Armijo saved me, protected me, kept me hidden, and for that, he lost his life.”

  Snoopy pulls Mythic back into his lap, wrapping an arm around her middle. “Look I know there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. I know you think Mythic can't be trusted but give her the chance. The chance each of you were given when you came to the Sons running from whatever you were running from. This plan won't work if we can't get the information we need. Right now we have years of footage to go through, and it looks like yall have a party to plan.”

  Everyone looks at Prez, it takes a minute but he nods. Letting everyone know were actually going with this crazy ass plan. I swear if it doesn’t work Mythic won’t have to worry about Enterrador or Diablo. I'll kill her myself. Woman or not.

  Chapter 24


  I can't believe them! How every person in that room could actually believe Rose would do this to me. Put me through what she’s been through. I can’t believe they think so little of the relationship we’ve built, Gunner especially.

  He knows how much time we spent together when I was here on the weekends. He may not have been privy to our girl talk but he could hear the giggles just the same.

  Rose was destroyed after she lost the baby she was carrying when she was rescued. Knowing she might never see her children again kills her every day. Not knowing what they’ll do to her daughter weighs on her heavily. The little one was also a girl, she said she refused to learn the sex while still at the compound because she knew. Knew it was a girl and what they would do to her.


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