The Searching Soul

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The Searching Soul Page 6

by Ronald Zastre

  “Whoa, whoa, lady.” Carl moved to cut her off. “You misunderstand. We don’t want to hurt anyone; we just need some answers, that’s all.”

  “Oh yeah, to fry someone’s ass!” Alice was trying to get around Carl who was maneuvering to keep her from the door. “So no thanks!”

  “No, no, look, I’ll tell you something.” Carl was calm, putting his two hands on Alice’s shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “Before you shed this little bit of light on us, we were of the opinion that Winston was getting his information illegally. We are obligated to act accordingly, but if what you are telling us has some validity, Winston is still a thorn in our sides, but there are no laws against what he’s doing.”

  “Something terrible isn’t going to happen to him over all this, is it?” Alice sounded concerned.

  “What do you mean by that?” Carl asked.

  Alice turned back into the office and sort of slumped. “People get really weird about this sort of thing. I mean, I saw it happen. Everyone thought he was sneaking around, ah, doing something bad. You wouldn’t believe the things that were said, Devil, Witch, Warlock, that sort of thing. The police arrested him more than once and even put him in reform school for six weeks because they said he was breaking into houses. He just knew things about people and everyone assumed that he was going in their homes.”

  “You believed him then, that he was just reading minds or something?” Carl asked.

  “Sure, I knew him better. We were sort of friends and he was really kind of sweet. He would never hurt anyone. It was really hard for him, being so different.”

  “Alice, for Winston’s good, do not divulge this information to anyone else, okay?” Carl advised

  “Somebody would hurt him?”

  “Remember how he scared people when he was a kid? He’s gotten himself in the big league now, and when they get scared, they hurt, for real.”


  After Jim Maddox and Alice Smithers had left the office, Mac and Carl discussed the meeting.

  “What do you think Mac, could Winston be getting his information like she implied?”

  “Christ, I don’t even like to think about it. What the hell are we going to do if it’s true?”

  “Shoot, I don’t want to think about the possibilities either, but we can’t let this get out. If it does, Winston will be number one on the hit list by dark.”

  “Why are you concerned about Winston, he’s always trying to ruin our day just for something to do?”

  “Because this is a bad time for something to happen to him. The suspicion would be directly on the program, you know that.”

  “That’s the least of our worries. Have you considered the problems of our credibility if this gets out? You know what’s going to happen? Winston will be the expert everyone goes to.”

  “I hadn’t considered that.”


  Jim and Alice were walking toward their car.

  “Do you think those guys are putting us on?” Alice asked.

  “Why would they do that?” Jim returned.

  “Oh hell, who knows, they’re government people. They can’t be trusted, remember.”

  “Alice, we’re not in academia anymore, you don’t have to be so left wing.”

  “Just habit I guess.” Alice reached for the car door. “But, I just can’t get a grasp on what they expect from us, I mean, it’s obvious they have some equipment malfunction.”

  “They seem sure that they don’t.”

  “Jim, Jim, what else could it be?”

  “Oh, I couldn’t even hazard a guess. Let’s say they’re on the up and up. What would you think then?”

  “You know Winston alluded to the possibility this was some sort of secret mission. What about that possibility?” Alice asked Jim. They were on different sides of the car, both standing with their elbows resting on the top of the car, discussing the situation.

  “When did he do that?”

  “On his last telecast, you didn’t see it?”

  “No, missed that one.” Jim paused, thinking. “Why would they be trying to get outside people involved, if they know what’s going on?”

  “Something went wrong?”

  “Could be.”

  “Keep the interest focused someplace else?”

  “Could be.” Jim was clicking his tongue, thinking. “If we just walk away, it might be the best thing to do?”

  “I’m too damn curious to do that.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Jim smacked the top of the car. “I guess we’ll have to look at this thing like it really exists. Could Donald be alive?”

  “I don’t see how, considering the time he’s been out there.”

  “We have to assume that he’s dead then, and that the equipment is working properly, and there are signals coming from him, from his brain. What does it mean?

  “That he is not completely dead,” Amy stated.

  “That’s what I get too, but there’s no rational explanation?”

  “Is it possible to be clinically dead and still function mentally?”

  “I imagine that it could be possible for a short period, but not as long as he’s been out there,” Jim said.

  “Maybe up there it’s different? Maybe up there in that environment he could still be functioning?”

  “What kind of statement is that?”

  “Oh, just something that Amy commented on when she set the meeting up.”

  “What did she say?” Jim asked.

  “That Donald was the first one to die up there.”

  “That’s true, but what would that have to do with anything?”

  “How should I know?” Alice reached for the door handle. “You know, there might just be someone that might have some answers,” Alice said quietly, pulling open the door.

  “Are you referring to your long lost friend Adams?”

  “Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time that he was privy to something that no one else was.”

  “Oh come on Alice, you’re not kids anymore. This is grownup stuff; Winston is no more psychic than you or I.”

  “Jim, we may have been kids, but I wasn’t dumb back then either, and Winston wasn’t normal, I can guarantee you that. Why don’t you throw all this data into the computer and see if it recognizes anything, and I’ll talk to Winston?”

  “Do you think that’s wise? I don’t think we got the okay to stick our noses too far into this mess. I don’t want to get on the wrong side of those gov types.”

  “Why Jim, how left wing of you. They asked us to help, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah, but they didn’t say anything about interviewing anyone,” Jim said uneasy.

  “Stop worrying, besides I’m an old friend. Winston is not likely to talk to someone he doesn’t trust and it would be wonderful to talk to him.”

  “Aren’t you a little worried about this?”

  “Jim, I’m an irresponsible idiot when it comes to worrying about sticking my foot in the bucket,” Alice said sliding into her seat. “Just ask my mother.”

  “What about you?” Alice continued, when Jim started the car.

  “Oh, I’m curious, but I don’t know. I’m not as cavalier as you.”

  “If something goes wrong, you can blame it on me.”

  “Don’t worry, I will,” Jim said putting the car in gear.”

  Chapter 7

  ALICE SMITHERS HAD HER PHONE TO HER EAR - “Hi Winston, Alice Smithers. It’s been a long, long time, how are you?”

  “Alice, my gosh, it has been a long time,” Winston replied into his phone. “It’s great to hear from you. I think the last time we talked was what, ten or so years back?”

  “Karen’s wedding, twelve years ago. You’ve gotten a little notoriety since then.”

  “Is that why you called?” Winston didn’t sound suspicious.

  “I guess it is. It’s easy to forget old friends, but when I saw you on the tube, I thought about calling. Sorry I waited so long.”

  “Oh, that’s
okay; you’ve always been a friend. I know how things can occupy your time to the point that the past isn’t important. What are you doing for a living these days?

  “I’ve got a good job; it’s exciting, keeps food on the table and me out of trouble.”

  “You never minded a little trouble when you were younger. All grown up now Alley?”

  “We don’t have any choice, do we?”

  “No. we don’t, do we? Are you in town? Can we get together?”

  “Of course, that’s why I called, and besides you do owe me a dinner, I think?”

  “Of course I do. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a pizza.”

  “Oh yes, I can relate, and I know a wonderful place. Let me give you the address. Is nine okay?”

  “It’s perfect.”


  “My gosh Winston, you do look debonair,” Alice said, as Winston walked up to the table where she was already seated. “I hope the atmosphere is okay. I know this place is a little funky?”

  “Funky, I haven’t heard that term for a long time. You used to use it a lot. Of course now that you’re a woman of the world, I assume that you have upgraded your slang.”

  “Of course, I just save the oldies for the goodies.”

  “Ah ha, always the diplomat. So, what does my long lost friend do now, that keeps her out of trouble?”

  “I’m doing research for the Protell group.”

  “Whoa ho, big time. I’m not surprised though because you always did have a curious mind. What kind of research?”

  “Ahum, I guess you’d call it dream research.”

  “Whoa again. Interesting, we certainly do dream. Are you finding anything interesting?

  “Oh yeah, but so far, I can definitely say that it is far beyond our real understanding.”

  “The mind is a very confusing arena all right.”

  “Winston, I have a confession to make.”

  “Oh don’t apologize. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t want to talk to me. After all I have a strange mind, and you are naturally curious. It would only make sense that you would like to discuss this sort of thing with me.”

  “Gee Winston, that’s not the only reason. I’ve really thought about you quite often, but you know how it is?”

  “Yeah I know, but I’m guilty of the same thing. You know, you, your sister, and brother were the only real friends I had in the old neighborhood, and I haven’t kept in touch with you guys. I guess our priorities just change.”

  “You must be very busy these days; I imagine a high power job like yours is not easy.”

  “Not a bit. It is a battle. I use to worry about people not liking me, but now it’s a lot more serious. Back then, they just thought I was weird, but now they really hate me.”

  “Now Winston, you just scare them, that’s all. Like I told you a long time ago, don’t tell them anything if you don’t want to be chastised. They’re just stupid; they don’t know that you can see things they can’t.”

  “I wish I couldn’t you know.”

  “I know, I know, you always wanted to be like the rest of us, but it’s something special. You’ve got to live with it. Just quit making it so damn obvious.”

  “Is that what I’m doing?”

  “I saw you on national TV three times yesterday and you weren’t in the back ground either,” Alice lectured.

  “It’s my job,” Winston said calmly.

  “But you’re kind of dictating the process.”

  “Is that what you think I’m doing?”

  “Kind of looks like it.”

  “This thing with the astronauts,” Winston paused.

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “Two things actually: one, that’s why you’re here.” Winston looked at Alice and waited.

  “Yeah,” she confessed “but I got involved and I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “That brings up number two.” Winston sort of smiled, “There’s something they don’t know.”

  “Obviously!” Alice remarked. She waited for Winston to add something, but it was obvious he was not going to continue.

  “Who doesn’t know what?”

  “I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “Come on Whinny, you can talk to me.”

  “I haven’t anything to say that would make any sense to you,” Winston said, shrugging his shoulders. “Now what about the family?” Winston asked, changing the subject. “How about Karen, is she doing well?”

  “She’s fine, not married anymore, as you guessed.”

  “It was no guess; he was a bad person for her. Is she still pee-ood at me? I know I shouldn’t have said anything at the wedding, but you know me.”

  “It’s okay. She isn’t mad at you. She understood that you were just trying to help and you were right. So if I was you, I would call her. She’d love to hear from you.”

  “I’ll do that. Now what else do you want to know?”

  “Now Winston, don’t be so harsh. What makes you think I’m here to pick your brain?”

  “Alley, this is Whinny. I know, you want to know something. What is it?”

  “I can level with you then?”

  “I wish you would.”

  “I have to bring up the astronaut thing again.”


  “I have been asked to help solve a little problem, a very sensitive problem. I don’t know if I should be talking to you about it, but you seem to be somewhat involved.”

  Winston looked intently at Alice, not saying a word, just staring.

  “You haven’t lost the talent have you? I still remember that stare, that look that can see into someone’s head.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting into; this Donald thing is something very different.”

  “What do you mean by that?

  “I don’t know?”

  “Not talking huh?”

  “No, really, I actually don’t know. Something is happening and I don’t have the slightest idea what it is.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that, but something is happening and it will change everything. People will be terrified, because they don’t understand change, but I know things will never be the same again.”

  “Explain please.”

  “Why are you involved with this thing and those people?” Winston ducked the question again.

  “I was asked. They’re just trying to figure out what’s going on.”

  “They’re letting their huge egos get in the way, as usual. You know, I tried to warn them about Rendezvous and Redoubt and do you know what I got for it?”

  “Whinny, you’ve gone through that sort of thing many times. Why does it surprise you now?”

  “It was the look on those people’s faces, watching Rendezvous going up, and the look as they watched that thing blow up. I warned them. I pleaded with them, and they said that they couldn’t listen to every kook that came along.”

  “Winston, you of all people understand the reaction of society when they are confronted with something they don’t understand.”

  “Alley, those people lost their lives through neglect. And then Redoubt. The same thing, and the people that didn’t listen are still in responsible positions, why?

  “It’s politics Whinny; you know how important politics are.”

  “Politics makes life so cheap. Those guys in that program feel like they’re so untouchable, and talk about righteous. My God, this thing with Donald is so far beyond their concept of understanding, and still they refuse to cooperate with anybody. They are in for one hell of a surprise, believe me.”

  “Whinny why do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “I’ve asked you what’s going on, and you won’t tell me. Then you hash out your end of it. That’s not fair Winston. Now, what the hell do you know?”

  “I’m sorry Alley, but there’s not much I can tell you, because I don’t know. There is something happening, but I c
an’t get a grasp on it.”

  “How do you know something’s happening?” Alice was frustrated.

  “I’m Winston for God sakes!” Winston almost shouted. “Look Alley, it’s something that I can’t explain,” he said in a normal tone. “Please don’t ask me anymore.”

  “If you get some answers, would you tell me then?”

  “If I figure out what’s going on, I will keep you informed, fair enough?”

  “I can accept that.”

  “I kind of wish that you would keep yourself out of this thing though.”

  “Again why?”

  “Because it could be something big, and if it is, people are going to want it, and then it might be dangerous.”

  “Something big, and you expect me to walk away?”

  Winston didn’t say anything.

  Alice didn’t say anything either, just fiddled with the glass in front of her, Winston watching her. She finally looked up at him. “You don’t really want me to walk away, do you?”

  Winston just shrugged.

  “Dammit, this is playing out like one of those stupid books you read and hate.” Alice looked directly at Winston, sliding her hands forward on the table. “You start reading, and there’s something there, but then nothing develops, and you feel cheated.”

  Winston had an evil little smile. “But you still have to read on, otherwise you’d never find out if you were going to be disappointed.”

  “Why are you in this—this—thing?” Alice had no hint of a name for this thing they were discussing.

  “It might be for personal gain.”

  “I know you Whinny, you don’t do things for personal gain.”

  “I might have changed. I’ve gone through a lot and I might be just trying to get even.”

  “I doubt that. Since you were a kid, you were always trying to help.”

  Winston didn’t comment, he just looked at Alice again. It was perhaps thirty-seconds before he spoke “I might need some help myself.”

  “Good, we can trade favors.” Alice finally felt like she was getting somewhere.

  Winston rested his elbows on the table, putting his fists together, and rested his chin on his knuckles. “What do you think of that Carl Boroughs?”

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “You met with him.”

  “I didn’t say anything about—” Alice stopped, feeling kind of silly. Winston just looked at her with the grin still there, waiting for her answer.

  “A pompous bureaucrat, maybe not as rigid as most,” she said.

  Winston sat back in his chair, his grin turning to a serious look. “I’ve been provoking him every chance I can, for a reason, but now I need to talk to him seriously.”


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