I Will Revel in Glory

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I Will Revel in Glory Page 11

by Stunich, C. M.

  He cups the side of my face, kissing me again. It’s in no way less demanding than it was before, but there’s enough restraint to it that maybe … But then his hand digs into my hair, and he’s pressing in, kissing me long and deep, making me moan and writhe underneath him.

  Beast reaches between us to undo his jeans, finds my molten core, and drives into me yet again, like he just can’t fucking wait a second longer. The headboard slams into the wall with each thrust of his hips, but it’s hard to care about that. Who’s here to listen? Reba will put headphones on or hum to herself; I’m sure Grey’s learned his lesson.

  Crown … will have to get used to this.

  If …

  I can’t quite decide what Beast is trying to say to me, what he’s asking.

  He grinds his pelvis into mine, pushing so deep that he makes my lower stomach muscles ache from all the clenching and squeezing they’re doing. I’m going to be so goddamn sore tomorrow.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” I groan, threading my fingers in his hair as he moves over me. His eyes find mine, and I think back to that first night we spent together in the pool. And then outside of the pool. And then almost two years later, right next to that goddamn pool again.

  Other than that, the only other time we fucked was in the closet after the wedding.

  That’s it.

  Well, except for today of course. This is all brand-new.

  New and shiny and exciting.

  “I’ll make you feel good until the day I breathe my last breath,” Beast murmurs, and then he’s pushing my right thigh up toward my chest and fucking me until I’m certain that this is my last breath. Pleasure crashes over me, making me sex drunk, making me sloppy and needy in a way I haven’t really allowed myself to be before.

  This isn’t a quick fuck and a goodbye, a last hurrah before we go back to ignoring one another, pretending the other person doesn’t exist while pining after them.

  This is a new chapter.

  I refuse to allow myself to sink back into ruin; I will revel in glory.

  “Turn over,” I whisper, putting a hand on Beast’s chest to halt his movements. I’m not ready to come just yet.

  He studies me in that way of his, a way that might be unnerving if I were quite literally anyone else.

  Beast rolls onto his back, taking me with him for the ride and leaving me breathless above him. His cock remains sheathed inside of me, and I bite my lower lip, adjusting my hips and leaning forward. How the fuck does he feel even bigger like this?! I wonder, bracing my palms on his stomach and trying to find a comfortable sitting position.

  “Easy, wife,” he murmurs, and the sound of his voice makes me feel hot and sweaty. I sit back with a groan, letting my head hang back, my braid slithering over my shoulder like a dark serpent. Lids half-cracked, I start to move, undulating my hips against his thick shaft, taking him all the way inside of me. Once I’m fully seated, I start to move faster, harder, pressing down against him and finding a spot that gets my clit.

  As impassive as Beast can be sometimes, he’s a very attentive lover. I’m not just fucking a huge cock and a hard body; I’m fucking him. He makes that very clear by reaching up and taking my chin between strong fingers, tilting my face down to look at him.

  “Whose wife are you, sugar? Tell me,” he commands, and I groan, pushing my hips down harder, fucking him harder.

  “Yours,” I murmur back, my voice this breathy, wild thing, like a bird with bright red eyes and black plumage, something taking flight. My nails dig into Beast’s bruised body, marking him as the slickness between our bodies grows, my arousal drenching us both.

  Beast takes my hips in his hands, gripping hard, his jaw clenching, eyes glittering.

  “Say it again,” he tells me, but he forgets that I’m the one on top right now.

  I slow the roll of my hips and look down at him, a pretty frown blossoming on my mouth.

  “Whose husband are you?” I ask, and he lets out this low, deep chuckle that vibrates straight through him and into me.

  “Was Cat right? You gonna give me trouble, darlin’?” he asks, but I just give another hard push of my hips against him, and he curses up a sultry storm that has me flushing with pleasure. I love that, seeing how I can get him to break in a way that nobody else can.

  “Alright, alright,” he purrs, sliding his hands under the wedding dress in such a way that I can see he’s ready for me to take it off. I grab hold of the hem in tight fingers and then cock a brow, looking down at him with what I hope is a serious expression. “Your husband, hun. Just yours.”

  I tear the dress off and toss it aside, loving the flare of heat in his eyes when he sees what I’ve got on underneath.

  A white balconette bra that pushes the girls up and makes them look full and plump, ready to spill over the lacy edge of the garment. There’s a single red bow in the center, just a hint of sin to break up the disturbingly virginal white color.

  It matches the red bow at the top of the panties, the crotch-less ones that are now soaked straight through. The panties are situated over the garter belt because, if you’re in the know, it’s obvious that’s how lingerie is meant to be put on, so that the underwear can come off and the thigh-highs and garter belt stay.

  Beast traces the hard nub of my clit through the lacy panties with the pad of his thumb. All the while, he keeps his gaze on me, holding me captive.

  “I didn’t look for a bird with pretty wings just to clip them,” he promises me, and that practiced frown on my face slides away. I don’t want to be practiced or cool or perfect right now.

  I just want to be Gidge.

  Here, with Beast, I know it’s enough.

  “Fuck,” I murmur, and then I move hard and fast until I’m shattering to pieces and coming all over him, drenching him in slick heat as my pussy milks his cock and brings him over the edge along with me.

  I collapse forward on top of him, and his arms go around me, a huge hand stroking its way down my back. His lips press against the side of my head, that glorious stubble of his making me wiggle against him.

  “If it’s too much, let me know,” he murmurs, but I have no idea what he’s talking about, not until he flips us over again and retreats between my thighs. Beast looks down at my lace-covered cunt, cupping it with his hand and teasing me through the opening in the fabric with his thumb. It’s almost too sensitive right now, still pulsing and throbbing from my orgasm. “Mm, I like the sight of that. My seed dripping right out of that pretty pink pussy of yours.”

  He slides his thumb in, and I bite my lip to keep back an embarrassing sound, reaching up with both hands to curl my fingers around the headboard. Beast moves that finger in and out for a moment before removing it. I know what he’s looking at right now: those residual contractions of my cunt, his cum dripping down my ass crack.

  I don’t expect him to go down on me now, but he does anyway, scraping his cheek against the fabric of the thigh-highs again with a groan before pressing his hot mouth to the inside of my right leg. Beast takes his time tasting my skin as I lie there and stare up at the wood on the ceiling. There’s a chandelier hanging over us, the glass shades similar to the lamps on the nightstands. It’s turned off right now, but I bet it fills the room with a comforting glow.

  My eyes drift closed, relaxation sweeping over me as Beast runs that torrid tongue up my leg toward my pussy, stopping short and redirecting his attention to the other thigh. Nobody could accuse this man of being an inadequate or sloppy lover.

  He slides his hands under my ass, cupping both cheeks in strong fingers as he nips and licks at the mostly soft skin on my inner thighs. There’s no indication that my scars bother him as he adjusts his mouth to those shiny pink ridges, kissing and licking across my body as a sigh escapes me.

  Can he hear how much relief is in that sound? Beast pauses as if he can sense it and then he, too, sighs heavily against my skin. My entire body breaks out in goose bumps as he rubs his stubble against me.

; “I’ve got you, Gidge,” he promises, and I throw an arm over my eyes, trying not to let his words dig too deep. “I’ve got you. We’re in this together from now on.”

  “I don’t understand,” I whisper as Beast pauses, lifting up just enough so that when I drop my arm from my face and look down, I can see him watching me. “Why? You had the club. You’re supposed to put the club above everything else. I know you care about Cat, respect him. I know what this life means to you.”

  Beast scoots up just enough that he can rest his chin on my lower belly.

  “So why?” I ask again, not questioning his devotion or his promises, just asking. Because I want to understand. I need to understand.

  “Because I finally found what I was looking for,” he says, watching me with an intensity that’s almost uncomfortable, like I truly am his be-all, end-all, not just a stop along the way. Not just a partner. Everything. Fucking everything. “I grew up alright. Poor, but happy. My family is what you’d call blue-collar.” He sits up, looking down at me with a face that could—and probably has—made angels cry. There’s a harshness, a realness, to his sort of handsome that makes him impossible to resist for someone like me. “My father ran an auto body shop. Worked there for a while after high school, but I was miserable.” Beast reaches up and pushes his hair back with both hands. “I started wandering, Gidge. I looked everywhere for happiness.”

  He pauses again, studying me like he’s committing my sweaty, aching form to memory.

  “What about your MMA career?” I ask, but he just smiles at me. It’s an understanding smile, but it’s just a tad patronizing, too. Like I should understand this already, but he’ll explain it to me anyway.

  “It was easy for me to carve that belt up to make your rings,” he tells me honestly. “I left that life behind for a reason. It was nothing to me; it meant nothing.” Beast curls his fingers around the waistband of my panties and drags them down and over my feet, stuffing them into his pocket to save for later. I won’t soon forget that he wore my red thong like a pocket square to our ill-fated reception. “I moved from place to place until I found myself here.” He sighs again and offers up a smile that absolutely shatters the last shield of cynicism that I have in place to guard against him.

  This is it.

  If Beast fucks me over, I’ll never have another chance to trust anyone ever again.

  “Even then, I knew it wasn’t enough. I still hadn’t decided what, exactly, it was that I was looking for.”

  My breath is coming more quickly; it’s easy to see with the way I’m lying there, my upper half relaxed into Beast’s pillows, my cunt bare to him, his huge body between my thighs.

  “I was with the club, sure, but I was still wandering.” His mouth quirks to one side as he rubs a hand over his jaw. “Until I found you.” The smile fades from his face, replaced with that terrifying intensity. “The club is irrelevant. The other men are irrelevant. My only loyalty is to you.”

  I’m having trouble keeping my emotions in check.

  Reaching up two fingers, I actually find that my cheek is wet with tears. I stare at that glistening liquid on my fingertips, and I’m just completely dumbstruck by it. Piece by piece, I’m coming apart and reforming into somebody new. I don’t want to be just bitter and broken anymore; I’m a fighter. I deserve better than that. I can fight for more than that.

  “Don’t you dare break my heart,” I whisper, meeting Beast’s eyes. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  “You have to trust me with it first,” he says, tilting his head slightly to one side as he studies me. “Do you, Gidge?”

  “I do,” I whisper, and Beast gives me this devastating smile, readjusting himself so that he can put his mouth between my legs. He shudders at that first taste, flicking his tongue over my clit.

  “Tell me again,” he murmurs, his lips moving against my sensitive folds as he brushes his stubble against my pussy, and I cry out, reaching down to dig my fingers into his hair.

  “It’s yours,” I promise him, and he makes this satisfied rumbling sound as he sucks the hardened bud of my clit into his mouth. This is such a bad idea, I think, but it’s too late. I’m tumbling down into unfamiliar darkness. Never in my life have I given myself up the way I’m doing now. If Beast wants to hurt me worse than I’ve ever been hurt before, he now has all the tools to do it.


  His scorching tongue slides down my folds as my labored breathing turns to harsh pants and my fingertips dig into his scalp. He doesn’t seem to mind, bathing my core with heat as I struggle to find the words he wants me to say.

  “It’s … it’s yours.”

  Beast slips his tongue inside of me, fucking me with it just the way I asked him to. He shudders again and pulls back. I can feel his warm breath against my body as he struggles to control himself.

  “I love the way we taste together,” he murmurs, and I groan again, dragging a pillow over my face and biting down as he drops his mouth between my thighs and works me into a frenzy. When he grabs onto my hips and pins me down with his immense strength, I let out a scream that’s just barely contained by the pillow as another orgasm bubbles up from deep inside my belly. This one feels different from the others; it’s damn near agonizing as it cracks and breaks over me in a wave.

  I’m shaking like I’m in the middle of a seizure, my toes curling into the mattress, my pelvis fighting Beast’s grip as it attempts to rise off the bed. He never stops fucking me with his sinful, little tongue. Not even when I reach down and try to push him away, pleasure rippling through me with every beat of my heart, the one I just freely gave away.

  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue; And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

  Whether this is God’s will or the devil’s design, it doesn’t matter.

  I’m committed to it.

  I’m a glutton for that ripe fruit. I want Beast’s tongue. I want all of him.

  “Please,” I choke out as he raises up, pressing kisses to my bare belly and finding his way to my breasts. He runs that powerful tongue along the edge of my balconette bra, and I know for a fact that even if I don’t believe everything in the Bible, I believe this: Beast really does hold the keys to life and death in his tongue.

  And I don’t just mean when he’s eating me out. I mean the words he said to me, the promises he’s made.

  He moves up to kiss me as I wrap my arms around his neck. As soon as our mouths touch, I find that I understand exactly what he means about the taste of us. It’s an ambrosial delight, his salty seed and my sweet warmth. It’s a symphony on my tongue as Beast makes love to my mouth the same way he just did to my pussy.

  “Let me return the favor,” I murmur as I turn my head to one side, licking his ear and enjoying the way he shudders in response to my touch. “I want your huge cock in my mouth.”

  “Not just yet,” he mutters, voice authoritative but gentle. Beast’s alpha male is more than willing to shift aside for my alpha female. We’re both still predators, but maybe we weren’t meant to hunt alone? “Not yet.”

  He sits up and then slips off the bed, shucking his jeans and then encouraging me to remove my bra. He gets us both naked save for my garter belt and thigh-highs, and then he’s switching off the lights and plunging the room into darkness.

  “Relax, suge,” he whispers as he climbs back into the bed with me. I thought the situation was bad before, with the lights on. We could see each other. More importantly, Beast could watch as I came undone and fell apart beneath his words and his touch.

  But this?

  I can hear my heart thundering, my breath coming in rapid bursts.

  I feel more, rather than less, vulnerable.

  Beast pulls me into his arms, his mouth near my ear.

  “Three people. Nobody else. They back out of this, or they don’t like my terms, and they’re done—permanently.”

  My eyes go wide, but it’s too dark for Beast to see the expression on my face.

  Is he … what is he agreeing to exactly?

  “You’re serious?” I choke out as he strokes his hand down my back.


  And then he’s encouraging me to turn away from him, curving himself around me like a big spoon. He keeps my ass cradled against his pelvis, entering me from behind with a slow, deep thrust. His right arm curls beneath me, banded around my waist, while his left finds my breasts, kneading and squeezing and playing with them.

  It feels too good for me to argue. And anyway, even though I’m usually the type of person who loves to look a gift horse right in the fucking mouth, I don’t.

  Not this time.

  Because I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

  And, for once, I’m not too afraid to let myself have it.

  Please don’t let this bite me in the ass, I think, but then Beast is gently fucking away the anxious thoughts until it’s just me and him, two shadowed souls tangled together in perfect darkness.

  Despite the high stakes of our current situation, I’m not sure that I’ve ever been more content.

  Now that, that’s what fucking scares me.

  What goes up … must come crashing all the way fucking down.

  Crown is sitting on the couch in the living room when I finally emerge, elbows on his knees, fingers curled together. He’s leaned over, forehead resting against his joined hands. He lifts his head to glance over at me when I pause in the doorway.

  I wonder what I look like to him right now.

  He keeps his expression neutral and empty, and just a little bit scary.

  “Don’t look at me like the Vice President of Death by Daybreak; look at me like a woman you requested a baby from.”

  The asshole goes completely still, and his moss green eyes narrow slightly as he sits up fully, leaning back into the couch cushions. His gaze sweeps mine before he lets his attention swing toward the dark TV screen on the opposite side of the room.


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