A Hurt So Sweet Volume One: A Dark High School Bully Romance

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A Hurt So Sweet Volume One: A Dark High School Bully Romance Page 9

by Rosewood, Betti

  I power up the computer on my father's desk. The monitor flickers to life. It takes me three clicks to open the security camera in Pandora's room, and I wonder whether she knows about them. I’ve been toying with her since her first day at the Estate, when she broke that frame, and I had Belle replace it. I loved seeing Pandora’s shell-shocked expression when she saw it, back in one piece next to her bed.

  I have a feeling she hasn't discovered the hidden lens yet. Good. I want to check up on her without her knowing about it first.

  She's sitting at her vanity table, wearing a simple blue linen dress. Her eyes are zeroed in on her reflection, and she's holding her hair up this way and that, scrutinizing the girl in the mirror.

  Anders reappears, hesitating before knocking on the door of my father's office. He doesn't usually disturb me without a good reason, and I know whatever he's about to tell me won't be something I'll be thrilled to hear. I close my eyes tightly, count to three, then turn to face him, closing the image of Pandora on the computer.

  "Yes?" My voice is chilly and my patience is wearing thin.

  "She's asking for you," Anders mutters apologetically. "She saw you coming home earlier."

  He knows as well as I do I can't deal with her bullshit right now, but it seems like I don't really have a choice. I don't want her to throw another fit. She's still got the scars to show from the last one, when I refused to give in to her demands.

  "I'll be right there," I mutter, but Anders lingers in the doorway, waiting for me to get up.

  "Mr. Booth, it's just that-"

  "I said I'll be right there!" The words come out as a growl, and Anders retreats into the shadows of the hallway, leaving me alone with my jumbled thoughts and a heart that's hammering in my chest so fast I'm convinced it's going to burst through the skin.

  I take another moment to collect my thoughts. To prepare myself for what's waiting on the other side of the cushioned door, in the room that's quickly becoming the setting for every one of my nightmares.

  Then, I force myself up from my father's chair, pull my shoulders back, and walk down the hallway to the room where she's kept.

  I unlock all three of the locks. I take a deep breath before opening the door, and once I do, she's on me like a banshee.

  Long, jaggedly broken nails dig into my skin, her teeth snapping at me. The sounds coming out of her mouth are garbled screams that resemble an animal more than a human. It's a bad day.

  I grab her by the wrists, gently forcing them by her sides. I kiss her once beautiful cheek, and in moments, she disintegrates into a mess of tears and whimpers.

  "Shh, it's okay," I whisper in her ear, smoothing down her matted hair. "Everything's going to be okay. I'm here now."

  Her ragged breaths start to slow down. Her body sags against mine, and I have to hold her up so she doesn't fall, my arms under hers, my body shielding hers from the pain of the world.

  "You left," she breathes in her broken voice. "You left me alone, I was all alone, all by myself, with nobody here..."

  "Anders was here," I remind her gently. "And I had to go to school, you know that."

  Her eyes flash with anger. She doesn't understand. She only sees herself now, her own situation overriding my own again and again. She's deemed herself more important than anything I have to do, and I don't have the heart to fight her on it.

  "I'm sorry," I mutter despite myself, getting the words out through gritted teeth.

  This seems to please her, and she cuddles closer, her shivering body adjusting to mine, leaning in, holding me close.

  "Don't leave me again," she whispers, and my body stiffens against hers. "Stay with me. Stay with me forever, Dexter, please, don't go again..."

  I hate knowing I can't do that. I hate myself because she doesn't evoke the same emotions from me, the ones she should. Not because of her scars, but because she's broken me, broken us and broken herself.

  "I'll stay," I murmur.

  "Forever?" she whispers hopefully.

  I swallow thickly and nod against her frail body. "Forever."

  And even though we both know I'm lying; we don't acknowledge it. She lets me hold her, closing the door behind me so we're both prisoners in her new, pristine world. She gets me for a few hours. It will have to be enough.

  * * *

  After I'm done, I lock the door behind me three times again. Thankfully, she's drifted off to sleep and there is no screaming and shouting as I leave her behind the firmly locked door. Once I'm done, I lean my back against the cushioned fabric covering the wood, taking a deep breath to try and center myself again.

  She's fucking me up, and she knows it. Sometimes, I'm convinced everything that's happened has turned her evil. She's vicious when she wants to be, and she loves to punish me for what she thinks are my mistakes. And I let her, because I feel so goddamn guilty for everything that's happened. I let her, because even though I should know better, I can't bring myself to hurt her willingly.

  Anders appears from around the corner, offering me a warm, wet towel. I wipe my hands with it and the towel quickly becomes drenched in my own blood. She doesn't always scratch this deep. But when she does, I let her. Otherwise I feel too guilty.

  "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

  Anders' words reach me in a whisper, fighting their way through my preoccupied mind. Her face is momentarily replaced by Pandora. Innocent, feisty Pandora who's so fucking eager for a punishment, she's practically begging for it.

  "Yes," I mutter. "Get me Pandora's number."

  Anders nods, disappearing down the corridor while I head back into what used to be my father's study. Anders does his best to keep this place clean and spotless, but he's an old man now and the place is too big for him. There are cobwebs in the corners of the room, a thin layer of dust decorating the fireplace where a framed photograph of my parents stands proudly. I pick up the frame, blowing off the dust and furrowing my brows at the sight of their happy, unsuspecting smiles. They died not long after the picture was taken, a few days after my eighteenth birthday.

  I set the picture down as Anders reappears, clearing his throat.

  "It seems like Miss Lily... Pandora... doesn't have a phone yet."

  "No?" I furrow my brows at him.

  Probably another one of Emilian Oakes' sick, twisted games to try and get his new daughter under his influence. I'd seen him fuck with Lily Anna's head for years - I guess Pandora's the new toy who gets to suffer his abuse.

  "Send her a phone," I mutter. "Include one of my business cards, and make sure it arrives in the next thirty minutes. I'll pay for everything. Leave the number on my desk so I can use it later."

  Anders nods again before disappearing to fulfil another one of my orders.

  After dealing with some company issues, I find Pandora's number waiting for me on my desk. I smirk to myself, programming it into my phone and firing off a quick text message.

  You're welcome.

  I never asked for your help, the reply comes back a moment later, making me laugh out loud. Why can’t I send any texts from this phone? Or call anyone?

  It’s programmed to only accept messages and calls. No outgoing stuff.

  Well, thanks for nothing, dick.

  I laugh out loud as I type a reply.

  You need an ally in Eden Falls, Pandora. Don't fucking fight me on it. Or have you forgotten about the promise you made me?

  Fuck you, she writes back. I can picture her brows furrowing, those little fingers typing on her phone furiously, her naked, short nails tapping against the screen.

  You will, soon.

  She doesn't text back, but I can't bring myself to stop waiting for her. I'm eager for another text. Eager for more from her. There's something about bringing an unwilling victim to her knees that gets my dick fucking hard as hell.

  I open the program for the security camera on the computer again. She comes into view, wearing the same dress. She's lying on her bed, on her belly, her phone in her hands and
her brows furrowed as she stares at the screen intently.

  Absent-mindedly, I palm my cock through the fabric of my pants again, the urge to come still not forgotten. I pick up the phone, scrolling through the numbers I've saved, wondering who I should call. But of course, it was never a question at all.

  She picks up on the second ring, and I watch her face twist with anger on the screen.

  "What now?"

  "You've forgotten your promise," I remind her with a snarl. "You're supposed to do everything I say, remember?"

  She's stubbornly quiet and I sigh, though I'm delighted about the prospect of reminding her whom she belongs to.

  "Listen to me, Pandora," I grind out. "I'm going to make you fucking keep your word, do you understand? You don't make a promise in Eden Falls only to break it days later."

  "Whatever," she spits out.

  I watch her spinning the gaudy engagement ring on her finger.

  "You don't own me. We’re not married… yet.”

  "That's exactly where you're wrong," I tell her. "The sooner you realize that, the better."

  "I'll never be your property," she hisses. "At least not willingly."

  "Luckily, I don't give a shit about willing or not," I inform her sweetly. "What are you doing right now?"

  "Lying on the bed," she admits reluctantly after a moment's pause.

  "He locked you in?"

  "How..." She hesitates. "How do you know about that?"

  "You think you're the first one he's done this to?" I laugh bitterly. "There was a girl there before you, don't forget. I've seen him do the same, if not worse, to her."

  There's no response, and I unzip my pants, bringing out my cock which hardens visibly to the sound of Pandora's breathing on the other line. I picture her in front of me, on her knees the way she should be. Her mouth would be wrapped around my tip, those innocent yet feisty eyes locked on mine, her throat swallowing inch after inch of my swollen cock.

  "You're going to make me come now," I inform her coolly.

  She scoffs, but I don't let her say a word.

  "Do I need to fucking remind you of your promise?" I grind out. "Do you want me to tell your father you've denied me? That you said no to your fucking fiancé?"

  "I'm going to end this right here, right now," she says. "You may think you owe me but-"

  "Shut the fuck up."

  My words shock her into actually doing it, and I squeeze my pointer finger and thumb around the tip of my cock, making pain shoot up my shaft.

  "Stop fighting this," I demand. "Or do you want me to make things worse for you? I'm not kidding, Pandora. I have the power to turn you into the punching bag of every Firstborn in this town. You think Lai was rough? Wait until you feel Julian. Wait until Caspian takes his frustrations out on you. Just fucking wait. We can make this so much worse for you."

  She remains stubbornly quiet, but I can still hear her breathing on the other end of the phone.

  "Now, are you going to do as I say?" I grit out.

  Knowing I’ll regret it later, I press a button on my phone that will silently record our call.

  There's a long pause, but then, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, as she softly bends her will to mine.


  I could torture her further, demand she tell me whether she's doing this because she doesn't have a choice, or because her own pussy is dripping down her legs, eager for some attention.

  "What are you wearing?" I ask her, touching the drop of precum decorating the tip of my cock and smearing it over the girth.

  "None of your-"

  "Fucking tell me!" I roar, and she shuts up, knowing better than to argue with me.

  "A dress," she finally whispers. "A blue dress."

  "And underneath?"

  She takes a deep breath before muttering what turns out to be music to my ears.


  "Pull your dress up."

  I listen to the rustling of her fabric, my dick tightening even more as I hear her fulfilling my orders.

  "Good girl."

  She inhales sharply at the sound of those words, and I smirk to myself. No matter how hard they fight me, they all respond to that so readily. Magic fucking words.

  "Have you ever played with yourself before?" I ask in a low growl

  "N-No," she grinds out, anger dripping from her words.

  "Well, there's a first time for everything." I grip my cock at the base. "You want to know what I'm doing right now, Pandora? Do you want to know how goddamn hard you're making my dick?"

  "Shut up," she whispers.

  "No. Spread your legs. Are you on your bed?" I ask, despite seeing what's happening on the screen.

  "Yes," she whispers.

  "Spread them wide. Imagine I was standing in front of you, watching what you're doing."

  She whimpers and my cock jumps to attention. Her legs part, and she unknowingly allows me another look at her pretty pink cunt.

  "Oh, you want it, don't you?" I laugh out loud. "Maybe I'm closer than you think, Pandora. Maybe I'm watching you right now."

  Her eyes dart fearfully around the room, focusing on the window. I have to remind myself not to give everything away too quickly. She can't know about my hidden weapon just yet. Not until I can use it against her.

  "Spread that pretty pussy for me," I mutter, watching her press the phone between her shoulder and ear as both hands open up her center.

  I wish I could see better. I zoom in the picture, but it's blurry. I remind myself to set up a better camera in her room, my mouth salivating at the thought of her unfucked pussy begging for my attention, splayed out for my eyes only.

  "Touch it."

  The order is simple, and luckily for her, she obeys right away. Two shaky fingers part her folds, and she rubs her clit clumsily, eliciting a little mewl from her parted, bee-stung lips.

  "Don't make me," she whispers, fearful instead of fiery for once.

  "I'm not making you. Don't worry, I won't make you fuck it. That virginity's all fucking mine, so don't you dare fuck it up for me. I want that cunt untouched until I get to take it."

  "Don't." She's shivering, her eyes flittering open and closed as she clutches the phone. "Don't say that kind of stuff, you're so fucking sick."

  Yeah, I'm sick alright. Sick of not having her body under mine. Sick of holding back. Sick of not forcing my cock as deep inside her dripping cunt as I fucking can.

  "Listen to me, okay?" My voice is gentler, surprising myself. "Just rub it. Don't fuck it. Make it feel good. I want to listen to your first orgasm."

  "N-No," she mutters.

  "Yes," I interrupt, watching her thrash on her bed as she tries to fight her own horny body. "I'll help you. I'll tell you how to make it feel good. And, Pandora... it's going to feel so goddamn good you'll never want to stop."

  She whimpers, and I know she's putty in my hands. They all are. But this is the first time I don't want to be the cruel dick who punishes her for every little mistake. I don't want her hurting. I want her coming uncontrollably instead.

  "Are you wet?" I groan, and she nods her head on the screen, realizing I can't see a moment later.

  I'm smiling when she whispers, "A little."

  "Listen to my voice," I instruct her. "And close your eyes, do as I say."

  I watch her eyes flutter closed, her little pink tongue darting between her lips to lick at them. My cock is painfully hard, throbbing in my hand and reminding me of how badly I need to come.

  "Are you going to come as well?" she asks softly, and my heart fucking aches at the sound of her voice.

  "Would you like me to, toy?" I ask her.


  She's ashamed, but there's no doubt in her voice.

  She wants this just as badly as I do.

  "Then I will," I mutter. "And you don't get to come until I do."

  "I don't even know how."

  "Don't worry. I'll teach you."

  She mumbles something incoherent,
sounding so sweet and innocent my poor cock jumps to attention, desperate for more of her cute little whimpers.

  "Take your pointer finger and circle your clit," I order her, my eyes widening as I watch her following my instructions on the computer screen. "Feels good, doesn't it, toy?"

  "Yes," she admits.

  "Press down. Push it. Like a little button."

  She moans, a long, sexy little sound that makes me want to burst through the door, go over to Oakes Estate and pin her down so I can have my way with her. I furrow my brows. The girl is making me weak. She's making me crave her more than I have with any other girl before. But I tell myself it's just a temporary thing. Surely once I've put my cock inside her, I'll be able to forget her like I did with all the ones that came before her.

  "Push your finger in," I say. "Gently. Don't break the skin."

  She does as she's told, writhing on the bed without knowing I'm watching. My goddamn cock is leaking, beads of precum leaking from the slit in my tip and running down my length.

  "What does it feel like?"

  "Wet," she admits readily. "And tight."

  "How tight?"

  I'm hungry for more information. Hungry for her cunt. Hungry for the outsider who never should have taken Lily Anna's place at all.

  "I can't fit my finger," she admits. "Just a little bit of the tip... Please don't make me put more inside."

  "I won't," I promise, cursing in my mind for being so fucking weak for her.

  She may be a toy, but I'm the one being toyed with right now.

  "Are you hard?" she asks, and I laugh out loud.

  "I'm way past the point of being hard, toy," I grind out. "My cock is fucking leaking."

  "Good," she says, and I watch her smile to herself on the screen.

  "You like that, do you?"

  "I like that you don't always have the upper hand," she shoots back. "I don't like being weak. I don't like being trampled on."

  "Then you're going to have a really hard fucking time in Eden Falls," I inform her. "Don't forget about my pussy."


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