The Congressman took an exasperated deep breath and sighed.
“Well madam, I’m the Congressman’s new assistant. And who are you?... I’ll see if he’s available.” Meagan handed the Congressman the phone.
“Who is it?” He looked at her with a pained reproach expression.
“Mrs. Thompson.”
The Congressman shook his head and waved his hands back and forth. Every motion replicated the word “No!”
“Mrs. Thompson… Oh, excuse me… Ms. Bennett, your husband is detained at the moment… Yes ma’am. I’ll inform the Congressman you expect him for dinner. However, he has an important meeting tonight. I believe with a… ah… the President. That’s right the President.” Meagan listened rolling her eyes before she placed the phone back onto the desk.
“The President?”
“Yes, the president of your new campaign committee. Me! Like I told you in the beginning of this conversation, it’s what I can do for you.”
“Point taken. This may work out.”
“Let the games begin.” She flashed a grin of practiced charm and batted her lashes.
Matthew stepped from the shower to the aroma of fried bacon. He grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it low around his hips which accentuated his stomach. He entered the kitchen as Kelly who wore a yellow Jaqueline Kennedy style knee-length tight dress and red pumps placed the last piece of crispy bacon onto a plate. She turned around. A huge kittenish smile crossed her face as she gazed in admiration of Matthew’s wet six-pack. “Now that’s the way to say hello.”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Making breakfast.”
“I can see that.”
“Then why ask such a silly question?”
“You’ve got me on that one. Where did you get the bacon and eggs?”
“You don’t remember a thing, do you? We stopped at the store last night after you ran out of vodka. You asked me to buy more and things to make you breakfast. You said that was your hangover cure.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Why would I play a game like that? I’ve gone through a lot of trouble just for you. Now, how do you like your eggs?”
“The quickest way. I have to get to my office.”
“Maybe you should put clothes on before I take a nibble of you instead of this bacon. You might be just a tad bit tastier.” She tilted her head to the side and twisted a strand of her hair around her index finger to tease him. She leaned back onto the counter and licked her perfect lips.
Oh, shit! Matthew’s stomach growled, and his head throbbed.
Dr. Angela held the phone receiver to his ear. “You went against your word. You assured me you would not release Lorenzo Garcia.”
“I had no choice.” Warden Stronghold exhaled and twisted his lips. “He served his time. He was the perfect prisoner. My guards pushed him to the brink. Once again, I had no choice.”
“There’s always a choice. Like I made the choice to use Milo Evans.”
“That’s the wrong choice.”
“Do you think I give a damn about your opinion?”
“You should think about what the Consortium needs.”
“What the Consortium needs is Milo Evans.”
“Maybe we should take a member vote.”
“Listen and do nothing less. Milo will escape, and you will do nothing. I have spent the last twenty-four hours masterminding this plan. Be advised Warden, this is your last warning I’ll ever give you. Never question my authority or my decisions again. You won’t live to remember it.”
Debra rolled over in the bed. She reached for Dr. Franklin. Confused, she sat up and surveyed the master cabin of the Sweet Melissa. The previous night’s fractured memories gradually resurfaced. She grabbed the white crisp luxurious 1,800 count top sheet and covered her breasts.
Fresh squeezed orange juice and a bottle of aspirin on the nightstand brought a slight curve of a grin across her lips. Not wanting to delay, she grabbed the bottle, removed four tablets and popped them into her mouth. The orange juice provided the perfect combination she needed. It tasted heavenly. She glanced around the cabin for her clothes. Where are they? A man’s white collared dress shirt lay across the teak valet in the corner. She slipped out of bed and stumbled toward it as the boat rocked back and forth. She caught herself before she fell, snatched the shirt and put it on hurrying back into the bed.
Dr. Franklin wore black jogging pants and an Armani white short-sleeve button-up shirt as he entered the master cabin carrying a teak tray with hot coffee, a blueberry muffin, cream cheese and fresh fruit. “Hope you like a continental breakfast.” He placed the tray on her lap and sat close enough for her to touch; better still, near enough to smell his cologne.
A warm sensation tingled throughout her body. “That’s a yes. That was a fabulous dinner boat ride last night. What was that meat? I’ve never tasted anything like it.”
“It’s one of my favorite meals that I keep a secret. And, the boat ride, I do for myself. Sometimes you have to let the wind blow your hair to get the stink off.”
“I could get used to this. I love the way you operate. No pun intended.”
He pushed her hair away from her face tucking it behind her ear. She quivered from his touch as she remembered surrendering to his bliss last night. Her face flushed wanting more as she reached for his hand and slid it across her breasts beneath her shirt.
“Is this your way of telling me you want more?” He rubbed her nipples between his thumb and index finger creating an electric pulsing sensation.
Her expression showed her inner longing as he unearthed a greater joy than anyone ever had before in her. A wet readiness warmed her inner thighs as her lower lip quivered. No longer hungry for food, she desired his hardness deep inside her.
For him, an opportunity he intended to take advantage and not deny. He lifted the tray and sat it on the floor. “If you want me, undress me.”
“Fair enough.” She moved to the edge of the bed and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.
He positioned his masculine hands on hers; his touch tender. “No hands.” His playful charm and smile invited her further.
“Then how?”
“Be creative.” Amusement glinted in his eyes desiring to witness creativity from a sexual partner.
“You’re not a Christian Grey type of lover, are you?”
“Not at all. I don’t enjoy that. You’re safe in my skilled hands.”
It only took seconds before she used her teeth to pop off each of his shirt buttons and spit them onto the floor.
“Now my pants.” He pulled his fingers through her soft silky black hair and nuzzled her head toward his crotch.
Again, she pondered her next action. “You set the rule I couldn’t use my hands. That doesn’t mean you can’t use yours. Help a girl out.”
Amused, he didn’t want to give in to her suggestion. “You’ll think of something. Use your imagination. Let it run wild if you dare.”
Her lips twitched as she puckered her nose deliberating a method to execute his plan. She sat on the edge of the bed, extended one leg grabbing the waistband between her toes and jerked his pants to his knees. “That will have to do.” She giggled as she fell backward onto the bed inviting him in with a teasing style of a grin.
He straddled her as his lips touched her ear which made her quiver. “Open wide.”
His words melted Debra. Her cheeks flushed pink; a vein popped in her neck as her heart rate spiked.
“Now roll over.” Dr. Franklin glided his hands across her smooth skin.
Debra breathed hard in lustful anticipation as she rolled to her stomach.
“Now, on your hands and knees.” His eyes sparked full of passion. He grabbed both of her perfect hips and pulled them to him. She positioned herself to receive his hardened smooth flesh as his fingers light as a feather strolled north and south on her spine.
He licked his finger and slid it across her lower back. He stopped at her starfish and inserted it. Using the other hand, he introduced two fingers between her womanhood.
She moaned in pleasure surprised she liked it.
“I can stop at any time.”
She moaned again as her entrance became a pool of moisture.
“How badly do you want me?” He gently fingered her.
Debra reached around, grasped his manhood and guided it into her moist crevice. She cherished every inch of his hardness as he grasped her hips. They thrust until both erupted together into a sweet release of ecstasy. He took his time easing out of her and fell onto his back as she collapsed onto her stomach. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath.
“Ms. Jones, you’re a great piece of ass. You like tongue?”
“It’s Debra. And, yes I do.”
A sly grin contorted his face as he pondered her answer.
Rachal Stratford, a biracial woman, twenty-eight, stood behind the counter. She busied herself using Windex and a paper towel to clean the area. How much longer will it take?
Matthew entered the establishment. Rachal nodded as he headed toward the cooler in the back of the store. He wanted a taste of the dog that bit him to overcome his hangover. On his way he grabbed a bag of pretzels. As he opened the cooler door, an African American tattooed thug, Isaac Smith and his goon accomplice entered.
Isaac pulled a gun on Rachal. “Give me the money in the register.”
Matthew ducked out of view.
Rachal screamed like a victim in a ‘B’ horror film.
Matthew motioned for her not to give away his presence.
“We’ll kill you if you don't give us the money.” Isaac shoved his gun close to her face.
“I'll do whatever you want.”
“What are you waiting on?”
Rachal hands trembled as she placed them on the register.
Matthew dialed 9-1-1 and placed his cell phone onto a nearby shelf.
“Take out the goddamn money before I shoot you.”
Rachal’s hands trembled as she removed the money from the register.
“Get the money from under the drawer sweetheart.”
“I am. You can have it. Please, don’t kill me.”
Matthew noticed a broom on the ground beneath a shelf and retrieved it. He motioned to Rachal he intended to charge the gunman followed by a motion for her to grab something to whack the other thug. He raised three fingers and counted. Three. Two. One. He charged the gunman.
The second thug took his eyes off Rachal giving her time to seize a liter of vodka from the shelf.
As if hurling a bat, Matthew struck Isaac across the back of his head. Isaac fell as Rachal struck the second gunman across the back of the head knocking him unconscious. She looked at Matthew and eyeballed the gun on the floor.
Matthew’s eyes followed hers. He bolted for the gun, grabbed it and pointed it toward the thugs. “Call the police.”
“I’ve already pressed the panic button. I'm Rachal. Thanks for the help. Have you ever considered police work?”
“Strange question coming from a store clerk.”
The gunman moaned.
“What makes you think I'm a store clerk?”
Sirens sounded in the distance.
“I’ll take one guess. You work behind the cash register. I would assume store clerk.”
“Wrong.” She pulled out her Violent Special Task Force police badge and flashed it. “You want a second guess?”
“This day gets better and better.”
The police barged into the store; guns drawn. “Drop your weapon and get face down on the floor.”
Matthew put his hands up. “Wait, I’m one of the good guys.”
“Drop your weapon, now!”
Rachal snickered. “He’s with me. He helped take them down. Slowly hand over the gun. It’s evidence. You should know the drill.”
chapter 14
It’s All in the DNA
Carol gazed up at the ominous skyscraper on Poydras Street. It’s ten. He should be here. She couldn’t help but notice the signage for Dimension Global’s headquarters. Not much changed since she last entered the building twenty years ago; or, to the surrounding area except for the repairs to the Superdome which loomed in the background. Her stomach dropped; apprehension filled her. I have to confront him. He knows the truth. Her cell phone vibrated inside of her purse. After seizing it, she looked at the caller I.D. “Oh, shit.” Her eyes widened; her heart raced. “Hi, honey.”
“Where are you?” The Commissioner’s voice signaled he knew the answer.
“Don’t you remember? I told you I had a dentist appointment?”
“Why are you at Dimension Global?” The Commissioner’s tone heightened with disgust because of Carol’s flagrant lie.
“Who is your informant?” Carol dashed into the building.
“One of the beat cops called and told me he recognized you. There are advantages of having been the police commissioner.”
“He must be mistaken. I have my appointment with Dr. Franklin.”
“If you say so.”
“I have to go. I’m about to get on the elevator and will lose you, Bye.”
Carol tossed her phone back into her purse and pressed the arrow button for the penthouse. Ding. Ding. The door slid opened.
She stepped into the elevator covering her face with her hands and stared nervously toward the plush carpeted floor. She feared her husband would try to view the security footage that placed her at Dimension Global.
“What floor is your destination?”
“Deedra, Dr. Angela’s office floor, please.”
“Please state your name. I’ll notify his office you’re on your way?”
“That won’t be necessary.”
The hidden cell phone vibrated again. “Shit. He’s calling me back.” Her frustration increased as she retrieved her phone. She noticed a text message from Matthew and sighed in relief.
The ascension to the penthouse took less time than she remembered. Her ears popped as the dings for each floor rang muted within the confine of the elevator. The door opened to the magnificent foyer and reception area manned by Lux. She strutted confidently toward him.
He rose like a proper gentleman. “Welcome to Dimension Global. How may I serve you today?” He stood proud and confident, although sassy as his hip cocked left.
“I’d like to see Dr. Angela?”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, but I’m certain he’ll be interested in seeing me.”
“I can set an appointment for you.” He searched the computer appointment app. “The first available is in three months. Shall I make that for you?”
“That will be too late. It is imperative I see him today.”
“Then you should have called three months ago.”
“Look, I realize you’re only doing your job and you’re doing it very well I might add. If you intend on keeping it, I demand you inform Dr. Angela that Carol Raymond, his former administrative assistant is here and demands to see him. Tell him after thirty-three years I am calling in our agreed favor. He owes me that.”
“I don’t care if you were the assistant for the United States President. I will not allow you to see him without an established appointment. It’s the rules of Dimension Global set by Dr. Angela himself.”
Carol darted her eyes. She recognized the five-inch wooden door and hastily blasted toward it. “Garrick, Garrick! It’s Carol.” She pounded both fists onto the door and continued to yell. “Garrick, it’s Carol. I have to talk to you. It’s very important. You owe me this. Please, I beg you.”
In return, Lux hurriedly pressed the panic button linked to a key on the computer’s keyboard. Two armed security guards and Gunter bolted into the area, stormed Carol and restrained her.
“Let me go.” Carol struggled to escape their menacing fervent grasp.
The oversized door
turtled opened. Dr. Angela stepped into the reception area. “Lux, what is this commotion?” His harsh tone and stare boomed toward his assistant.
“Dr. Angela, I’m sorry for the disturbance. This obviously crazy and psychotic woman demanded to see you. She didn’t have an appointment. I followed Dimension Global rules.”
“Carol? Carol Wentworth?” He stepped closer to her. “Let her go, now!”
The guards released their fanatical grip. She bolted from their arms, stormed toward Lux and backhanded him across the face. “You bastard. I told you he would want to see me.” She glared at Dr. Angela. “It’s Carol Raymond, now.”
“Enough Carol, come with me.”
Lux remained in his stance aghast as he rubbed his red cheek. You didn’t have to slap me, bitch.
Ignorant of Lux’s reaction, Carol and Dr. Angela entered his office.
“Please take a seat, Carol. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Dr. Angela sat onto his leather chair.
“No thank you. I prefer to remain standing.”
“You were always obstinate. I admire that quality in you.”
“That’s not the way I remember things. I always did what you asked.” Her confidence visibly eroded as her heart pounded and her throat tightened.
“Only leading to the point when you left me and married that detective against my wishes. I had everything planned for our future with our kids.”
“You were already married. I’m not here to talk about him or our previous arrangement.”
“Then explain it so I know why you’re honoring me by your presence.”
“I need your help.”
“I recall a time when you told me you’d rather rot in Hell than receive my help, even if it meant you and your children perished.”
“Garrick, please stop. I need your help. Something is gravely wrong with Matthew and I think it’s linked to the genetic experiment you performed to help me get pregnant.”
“Outrageous comment, I think not. There were zero complications from any of my genetic experiments. I maintained one hundred percent normalcy. As a result, we now have the capability to clone human organs and to save lives. You and Matthew were instrumental in this with your placenta donation.”
The Keystroke Killer Page 15