by Tom Sears
The best part about Mike Huckabee is his honesty, integrity and true conservative roots. He lays out his beliefs and stands on the issues and refuses to waiver when speaking to different groups. He is the only true conservative in the field, both socially and fiscally, and is a person who can truly galvanize the Republican base. He is someone we conservatives have been missing for quite some time now.
It seems as though everyone who hears him speak is truly impressed. For example, Newsmax pointed out that “Huckabee finished a close second in the values voter online straw poll conducted during the Family Research Council’s conference in Washington, D.C. But among the 952 people who actually attended the conference, Huckabee won in a landside, garnering 51 percent of the votes, while Romney got just 10 percent and Giuliani, 6 percent.”
It is only his lack of sufficient campaign funds that is keeping him from getting the exposure he will need in order to stay in the race. Even that is improving. While he raised only $2.1 million in all of last year, he is now raising $1 million or more each month.
He is for the death penalty, against abortion, supports the “surge” in Iraq, insists on the Pledge of Allegiance, is for the “fair tax” (another earlier column), opposes gay marriages, wants border protection to be made a priority, and supports a strong military.
At the same time, he is a social conservative with a conscience. He was very active as the governor of Arkansas setting up child obesity programs.
He increased health insurance coverage to 70,000 Arkansas children, and he believes that the arts are just as important to our national creativity as are the sciences. He believes in the Christian idea of forgiveness and is for the granting of parole to criminals if used wisely. He also was very popular with minorities as he consistently won 48 percent of the African-American vote in his 2002 re-election bid..
In a conversation with Michael Gerson, a Washington Post Writers Group member, Huckabee was pointing out the advantage of his pastoral background. “There isn’t a social pathology that I wouldn’t be able to put a face to. I’ve talked with a pregnant 14-year-old who hasn’t been able to tell her parents, with a 17-year-old high school student who believes he is gay and doesn’t know how to break the news, with parents who have a son on life support after a motorcycle accident…It makes me a different kind of public official, not as rigid, not blind to problems.”
Mike Huckabee, President? Maybe too much of an uphill climb. As to Vice President? If the party has an ounce of brains, they will take a very serious look at Mike.
Limbaugh Supports U.S. Troops
A few weeks ago there was a letter to the editor that beat me to the punch regarding that despicable little man, Harry Reid, and his lies about Rush Limbaugh.
The happy ending is worth mentioning again since the liberal press forgot to fulfill their responsibilities of objective reporting. It is still trying, as are the treasonous liberal leaders of the House and Senate, to wipe the egg off their faces and hope once again that the public will forget about their embarrassing actions.
The incident began when, on the Senate floor, individual Senators attacked Rush Limbaugh, a private citizen, about his supposedly calling any veterans who opposed the war in Iraq phony soldiers.
This is Senate business? They knew this was a lie before and during their ranting, but were acting on orders from and trying to appease their ultra- liberal base. They also wanted to show everyone, by huffing and puffing with righteous indignation, how patriotic they were.
No matter that they have been making concerted effort after concerted effort to undermine the ability of our troops to win the war and exit with honor.
No matter that they forgot to denounce the ad insulting General
Piraeus. They certainly can’t denounce their puppetmaster, George Soros.
No matter that they have repeatedly called our troops baby and women killers and torturers. And, luckily for them, they have the main stream media letting them get away with it.
Now, about the phony soldier claim. Rush was, if you listen to that portion of his monologue, specifically denouncing Jesse MacBeth as a phony soldier, a traitor who claimed to be a past Army Ranger and also claimed to have witnessed unspeakable cruelties committed by our forces in Iraq.
It turns out that, yes, Jesse was in the Army- for exactly 44 days- before being kicked out for not making the grade. He is now in prison for falsifying his Army records.
Rush was also speaking of him and others like him who glorify their non- existent military backgrounds to give credibility to their lies.
Maybe you haven’t heard much about them either. They don’t exactly help the
agenda of and their media lapdogs.
In his faked outrage, the liar, Harry Reid, wrote a letter to a Mr. Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications, to publicly repudiate Rush’s statement and force him to issue a public apology.
What hypocrisy! Ever wonder why whenever Rush goes over to visit the troops he gets inundated with affection and admiration from our troops, while the many signers of the infamous letter don’t dare go near the troops?
People like Harry Reid, John, the war hero (or so he likes to continually remind us) Kerry, Dick Durbin, Joe Biden….(never mind the lengthy list, just put in the entire Democrat party) are never shown with troops surrounding them?
None of our men and women want to be seen with them, and they know it. Even the ever-startled-looking Nancy Pelosi would rather have her picture taken with a Syrian dictator than be seen with our troops.
Back to the letter. CEO Mays found it quite amusing and gave it to Rush, who offered it up for sale on E-Bay. He also issued a challenge to Democrats to put their patriotism where their mouths were. Before the bidding process began, Rush agreed to match the final bid with both amounts being contributed to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. This is an organization that does charitable work with the children of fallen military men and women.
Rush also challenged the 41 signers of this letter to do the same. The letter sold for $2.1 million and Rush matched the amount as he said he would. Guess how much the huffing and puffing patriotic signers contributed? Zippo. Typical liberal behavior. If you just stand up to them, they slink away into dark corners (probably whining along the way).
So Harry, are you going to continue to be an ineffective, totally impotent leader of the Senate or will you end up in the trash bin of history the next time you are up for re-election? While there, say hello to Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt, who were also as arrogant as you are.
It sure doesn’t look good Harry. You only have a 32 percent (and shrinking) approval rating in your own state. Congress, under the leadership of you and the ever- startled-looking Nancy Pelosi, has shrunk to a new low of an 18 percent approval rating. Rush has an audience in the mid-20 millions and is signed on to more and more radio stations (more than 600) at a time you have a 32 percent in a state with 2.2 million citizens.
Just go over to Iraq, visit our troops, and see how much they appreciate your
Thomas’ Book is a Must-Read
I recently finished a great book that I would highly recommend to everyone, even my liberal friends, as long as they can read it with an open mind. It is “My Grandfather’s Son,” by Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court.
It is an inspiring, very moving book about a great man that few of us know even little about. This book, along with an interview on “60 Minutes” and various question- and-answer sessions, illustrates clearly what an intelligent, caring, ethical, moral man he truly is.
It is certainly a picture that the numerous left-leaning groups who opposed his nomination didn’t want us to see. The same holds true for the liberal media who were agenda-driven rather than ethical in their coverage of the confirmation hearings.
He starts out by describing his early years, which constituted a life of poverty that we can only imagine. His father had abandon
ed the family when Thomas was only two years old, and his mother, making only $10 a week, couldn’t support him or his brother. They both packed their belongings in a paper bag and moved in with their grandparents. It was his grandfather who taught him the importance of honesty, hard work and especially, self-reliance.
These lessons served him well as he went on to graduate from Holy Cross and then Yale Law School and then have a very distinguished life thereafter. This is probably why the radical liberal groups hated him so much (and still do). He succeeded without their help or social program crutches they so often champion.
The libs still refuse to accept the truth. They blindly accept the lies spewed forth by Anita Hill, a simple pawn used by bigoted and racist interest groups. He calmly addresses this process and backs himself up with fact after fact, disproving all that was said against him.
We didn’t get to hear the truth the first time around because Hill and her ilk had an entire day to present their testimony during prime time while Justice Thomas’ multitude of supporters and witnesses didn’t get to address the committee until after midnight, and into the wee hours of the next morning.
Rebecca Hagelin says it best in her column while reviewing the book: “Instead of gloating in sweet victory over his tormentors when he was narrowly confirmed after a bloody perversion of the process, Justice Thomas is mournful over how such an austere institution as the United States Senate could become so corrupt.”
Predictably, the liberal rags, which fewer and fewer people are reading, lashed out in their reviews. The Washington Post wrote “Justice Thomas Lashes out in Memoir” and he “settles scores.” The closest thing to lashing out is probably making Joe Biden look like a self-centered, hypocritical fool.
The Los Angeles Times’ Edward Lazarus did a book review that is a total distortion of the truth throughout. A few quotes: The book “is a furious assault on liberalism generally and on what Thomas calls the liberal political elite that sought to derail his confirmation.”
How about one more? “Spewing invective, Thomas depicts Hill as an abrasive, vindictive, politically motivated liar exploited by a liberal mob (including a biased press) that was hell bent on his personal destruction to prevent a more conservative court from overturning Roe v Wade.”
Thomas did no such thing in his book, but I personally do agree with Lazarus’ unintentional true description of Anita Hill. The New York Times makes similar statements, but that paper isn’t even worth quoting anymore.
Left-leaning liberals are simply a dying breed that won’t go quietly. It seems that more and more blacks are starting to realize that the Democrat Party is only interested in their votes and not them as individuals. Instead of following the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons, it seems they are slowly turning to more credible leaders such as the highly regarded economist and columnist Thomas Sowell, Condoleezza Rice and Michael Steele to name but a few. I should mention one more, Bill Cosby, who came out with a book titled Come On People: On The Path from Victims to Victors.
So, simply read the book and judge for yourselves as to which side makes more sense. I know the hard core-libs won’t spend the money but they can check the book out of the library when no one is looking and fold their New York Times around it when walking out.
Isn’t it great to have the truth and the facts on your side? That’s what makes this column so enjoyable to write. It’s so easy when you are “On The Right Side.”
Book Points out Fallacies of Atheism
Well, we survived another Christmas, and the atheists (agnostics, secularists, non-theists, or whatever they want to call themselves) had an even lesser impact than in previous years.
We are witnessing a dying breed, a group whose influence and reason for being is becoming less and less important.
Now, I must separate atheists into two groups. There are those who have personally made a serious decision to not believe in God and go about their everyday lives. I’m sure some of my friends are atheists. They are fine people and lead good lives.
The other group is the militant atheists. They are not content to have merely made a personal decision but also feel the need to demean, degrade and insult religion, Christianity in particular.
They pretend that their decision is based on honest intellectual reasoning, but they really have no more than vacuous explanations. If they were honest with themselves, they would admit the decision was made to escape the Christian laws of morality.
Because their arguments are really quite lightweight intellectually, they resort to nastiness. The fact of the matter is religion is rapidly growing worldwide and Christianity is the fastest growing (Islam is second).
The only real hope they have remaining for survival is the hope that they can indoctrinate students as they pass through secondary education and above.
There are two excellent books I have recently read on the subject. The first is “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible” by Robert Hutchinson, and “What’s So Great About Christianity?” by Dinesh D’Souza. It is this second book that will thoroughly convince an open-minded atheist or a person who is struggling with his or her decision of the fallacies behind atheist thought and the very convincing arguments in favor of God.
D’Souza does a pretty convincing job of dismembering the tired, old, recycled reasoning behind atheistic rationale. He has faced the leading atheists of the day in debates and won convincingly every time. He debated a leading atheist, Christopher Hitchens, on C-Span in October and easily took apart Hitchen’s “facts” and arguments. You can view this debate on D’Souza’s website and decide for yourself who won.
Then he debated another atheist, “intellectual” Daniel Dennett, with the same result. View this one on
Another heavyweight, Sam Harris, will only do a written debate; and the biggest atheist blowhard, Richard Dawkins, has turned down numerous invitations to a public debate. I’m sure the last two individuals made their decisions after they saw how Hitchens and Dennett fared.
The book also covers the false facts presented by some atheists in regard to violence and Christianity. It covers the facts about deaths resulting from the Crusades and The Spanish Inquisition that happened centuries ago and resulted in deaths numbering in the thousands.
Comparing that figure to the deaths caused by atheist regimes is foolish. Deaths caused by these regimes over a period of decades number more than 100 million.
The Reverend Paul Messner recently wrote a guest column in The Daily Star and it was well-researched and factually correct.
One person responded quite childishly by taking Reverend Messner to task because he stated Hitler was an atheist. The responder claimed that Hitler was a well- known Christian. This is a common statement made on all atheist websites and totally incorrect.
Instead of basing your argument using such shallow, biased sources, I suggest people read “Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives” by Allen Bullock. It is much more intellectually challenging and debunks the “Hitler is a Christian” fallacy. “Hitler also stated in Mein Kampf that his public statements on Christianity should be understood as propaganda that bear no relation to the truth but are designed to sway the masses.” So if you want to tear apart atheists’ reasoning about religion, this book will offer everything you need. It has particularly good sections on Christianity and science, Christianity and philosophy, and Christianity and morality. It is a very easy to read, accurate, and a very thoroughly researched book.
It is a book that every religious person should read, as well as those having doubts or struggling to make a choice. I honestly hope my atheist friends will give an honest attempt to see if their arguments are addressed and answered intellectually.
It is a book that will make them honestly rethink their positions. It could be the most important rethinking of their lives, here on earth and into eternity.
For those militants who are probably too closed-minded and arrogant to give the book an honest reading, I have a much simpler as
signment for you. Just read Psalms, chapter 14 verse 1.
Changing Climate isn’t Man’s Fault
I just received confirmation for my upcoming trip and found that I could assuage my conscience “offsetting my trip’s carbon emissions.”
I’ll have someone plant some trees for me. For $10 I could offset the carbon of a trip that included air travel, a one night stay at a hotel, and a rental car for one person. If I paid $40 I could equalize the effects of air travel, a four night hotel stay, and a rental car for four people. What difference a rental car with one or four people in it makes, I have no idea and I don’t dare ask. I would only receive some wacky explanation that would depress me. Since I had no guilt associated with the damage I would be causing, I chose not to throw my money away.
It’s getting a little too crazy out there. The global warming cultists (forgive me if the latest politically correct term is climate change) want me to change my entire lifestyle to suit their desires.
They don’t care a bit when their false prophet, Al Gore, jets all over world strutting and preening and delivering his message. His 10,000 or so disciples, when they held their climate change conference in Bali, spewed forth an estimated 100,000 tons of carbon including 48,000 tons of it in air travel. Why didn’t they video-conference instead? Why didn’t they hold their party in Antarctica instead of tropical Bali?
Why don’t the big guys and Hollywood characters practice what they preach? They live in their 10,000 square foot homes, drive their limos, fly their private jets, and live an opulent lifestyle while they expect us to drive around cheap little cars, grow our own food and bike or walk to work.
Can you define hypocrisy any better than that? But they have assured us that it’s okay for them to continue like this because they have paid to offset their “carbon footprint.” Isn’t that another neat phrase they have coined? I’ll wait until they lead by example. What’s wrong with their lessening their carbon footprint by flying tourist class, getting rid of their limos, downsizing their homes, etc., and still planting all the little trees? I guarantee you won’t ever see that happening.