On The Right Side

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On The Right Side Page 16

by Tom Sears

  The only reason the bill will not be presented is that Pelosi wants the telecom companies not to have immunity from prosecution.

  Jay Rockefeller, Democrat chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has said, “The quality of the intelligence that we are going to be receiving is going to be degraded if this bill does not become law before the interim measure expires.”

  On January 28, 21 House Democrats signed a letter urging the leadership to pass Rockefeller’s bill. As many as 40 House Democrats would vote for the bill if presented for vote.

  The real reason Pelosi is behaving this way is the American Trial Lawyers Association has bought and paid for her. They have her in their front pocket. There are presently almost 40 lawsuits pending against the telecommunications companies that responded when intelligence officials asked for their cooperation in helping to track down foreign intelligence targets located in foreign lands.

  Again, the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded, “Electronic communication service providers acted on a good-faith belief that the President’s program, and their assistance, was lawful.” Jay Rockefeller also asked “What is the big payoff for the telephone companies? They get paid a lot of money? No, they get paid nothing. What do they get for their cooperation? They get $40 billion worth of lawsuits, grief, trashing, but they do it.”

  But Nancy thinks the trial lawyers come first over yours and my safety. After all, 66 trial lawyers involved in these suits have contributed more than $1.5 million to congressional Democrats.

  Also, their extreme left-wing special interest groups like the ACLU demand allegiance to their anti-American cause.

  As Adam Putnam, R-Fla., wrote, “”They’ve put the interests of trial lawyers and

  special interest groups before a bipartisan bill to effectively combat terrorism.”

  Unfortunately for America, Nancy Pelosi represents the 8th Congressional District covering most of the county and city of San Francisco, one of the most liberal bastions with the most liberal judges in the U.S.

  She is solidly entrenched with all the America-haters she represents. It would be very difficult to have her voted out of office. We have to find a way for our own future safety.

  To Enhance Appeal, Dems Rely on Lies

  Dementia. The dictionary defines it as “the usually progressive deterioration of intellectual functions such as memory that can occur while other brain functions such as those controlling movement and senses are retained.”

  Maybe those die-hard Hillary supporters can use this as an excuse for her most recent lie. In a very detailed fashion, she described how she landed under fire in Bosnia and had to run with her head down to the waiting cars, skipping the welcoming ceremony planned for her at the airport.

  She continued to support this claim through several questionings until, oops; the video came out proving her wrong.

  It was not an embellishment, not an exaggeration, not her claim that she “misspoke”, but a simple, bald-faced lie. Maybe she thought that because the tearing up act won her New Hampshire, the sleep deprivation excuse would work this time.

  Who knows? It sure didn’t work this time, as her approval rating plummeted to her lowest ever. A Wall Street Journal poll showed her approval rating at a mere 37 percent; even more damaging she was at 24 percent among independents.

  Shouldn’t we be used to the Clinton lie machine by now? Hillary herself has been caught lying at least a half dozen times and suspected in another dozen or so other incidents.

  We don’t even have to talk about Bill and his numerous “mis-truths.” I think it is impossible for the Clintons to distinguish between a truth and a lie anymore. They simply pick the one that gives them the best chance of enhancing their position.

  But, alas, this might be my last column concerning Hillary. Obama has the nomination won unless the Clinton attack machine can uncover or manufacture some dirt on him. If I were you Obama, I wouldn’t put it past them.

  Now, a little about the latest Obama fiasco. Last week we were down in Virginia backcountry where unfortunately, there are people still displaying the confederate flag from a pole or using it as a curtain or art.

  Also, a few years ago, when I was driving the country roads of southern Louisiana, I came across posters still promoting the white supremacist, David Duke. It’s scary to find so many bigots and racists stuck in the past. We’ve got Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Duke, and the hundreds of KKK members, to name only some. Our latest hate monger is the venom spewing racist, none other than Barak

  Obama's spiritual mentor, the not-so-reverend Jeremiah Wright.

  Bigots like this man are a dime a dozen, so the real focus is on how Obama allowed this type of person to stay in his life for more than twenty years.

  Does it say anything about his own character? His judgment? Of course it does. Also, his continually changing explanations make you wonder just how much they think alike.

  African American minister Harry Jackson said that Obama should certainly be judged because of the acts of his pastor. “Pastor Wright’s worldview and his understanding of race, culture, and religion of the Bible will in some measure affect how Barak views the world,” Jackson said.

  Did Barak know what was going on? Of course he did. Everyone else seemed to. Another pretty famous Chicagoan, Oprah Winfrey, attended Wright’s church in 1984. Last year it was reported by Newsweek that she stopped attending years ago and said that she did so “to distance herself from Wright’s inflammatory rhetoric.”

  Why Obama’s changing story? In 2004, he said his book was inspired by one of Wright’s sermons. He again praised the man in 2007. Then, when the controversy first came to the surface, he told reporters that he didn’t think there was “anything particularly controversial” about the man.

  Next, he said he was never present at any of the fiery sermons. Soon after, he said he was uncomfortable a few times but always told the pastor he was uncomfortable about some of the things he said. In his latest spin he said he would have quit the church if Rev. Wright hadn’t resigned. Which story are we to believe?

  And it wasn’t just Wright. The entire congregation was standing, clapping, and

  shouting approval.

  Another black Pastor who leads a church in Everest, Washington said that this church doesn’t reflect the typical minority congregation. He said, “The way the congregation responds lets us know that the philosophy is not just the pastor’s, but the churches.”

  He added, “If Obama didn’t know the pastor’s philosophy after being a member of the church for over 20 years…it speaks to the lack of judgment he has.”

  Better be careful, Barak. You’re starting to catch the Clinton disease.

  Dems Should Learn Surge Is Working

  It was fun watching the Democrats leave another televised hearing with egg on their faces. I’m talking about the congressional hearings last week involving Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker. They withstood the nasty barrage from the Democrats, while calmly, professionally, and repeatedly restating the facts to these rather thick headed Senators, although probably unsuccessfully.

  However, they weren’t unsuccessful with the Americans who watched the proceedings. Most of them had the common sense and ability to distill the information and see clearly which side was presenting the facts correctly.

  Let’s see, on one side we have Sen. John McCain, a veteran who served for 23 years in the U.S. Navy and spent 5 1/2 years of them in a North Vietnamese prison camp, never abandoning his fellow soldiers even when he was given the chance to do so. In other words, an American hero.

  Then you have Petraeus, who has been serving in the U.S. military since 1974 and has a very distinguished career. He graduated from West Point in 1974 in the top 5 percent of his class. He was the top graduate in the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. He is a four star general with a masters degree in public administration and a PhD in international relations from Princeton University. He was confirmed unani
mously by the Senate to be the commanding general in Iraq. His list of achievements goes on and on.

  On the other side you have Hillary Clinton, who has zero military service or experience and an utter disdain for our military, with the same being true of the fourth year Senator from Illinois. They have a lot in common in that they simply want to bring everyone home without considering the consequences. They don’t seem to care about the security of our country, nor the honorable service put in by our brave men and women in the military. They will instead do whatever is politically expedient for their own self aggrandizement.

  The facts that were presented by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker were numerous and impossible to refute. Basically, the surge is working. As Republican Congressman John Boehner points out, “the rate of civilian and coalition deaths has declined by 70 percent since last June, security incidents in the once dangerous Anbar province have decreased approximately 90 percent.”

  On top of this, the Iraqi government has made substantial strides. It has met 12 of the 18 benchmarks set for it and has made impressive progress on 5 others. What more does the Democrat leadership want? The Democrat leadership can’t come close to the number of accomplishments made by the Iraqi government. Can someone on the Democrat’s side please tell me what accomplishments have been made since taking power in 2006? Naming of bridges and buildings as well as harassment of Bush administrative officials don’t count.

  David Bellavia, a soldier who won both the Bronze and Silver Stars for his service in Fallujah, said it quite clearly. “No one sober can look at the progress in Diyala and Anbar and argue that the surge is not working. All the evidence points to many good things happening in Iraq.”

  Yes, progress is slow and sometimes unsteady, but it is still progress. Yet, what does the Commander-In-Chief wannabe Hillary say? Rather than listen to what the people who are doing the actual fighting are saying, in other words, the trained professionals, she listens to her pollsters and says what she erroneously thinks the people want to hear. On ABC’s “Good Morning America” last week that “clearly, the surge hasn’t worked.” Is this another lie Hillary, or just plain ignorance?

  Obviously, people want the war to end. Of course we want our troops out of harm’s way. But most responsible thinking people want our troops to win with honor and to come home with pride-that they were called on by their country and that they and their fallen comrades answered that call and accomplished something honorable and important for their country. Hillary, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, and their ilk don’t care one bit for our troops or our country, no matter what they say. All they care about are votes and staying in office.

  So libs, let me educate you a little. Webster defines a fact as “something that has really happened, or is actually the case, as distinguished from something merely believed to be so; a truth known by actual observation or authentic testimony.”

  Instead, you seem to think that facts are Democrat talking points or MoveOn.org sound bites. So wake up. Think for yourselves for a change, take off your blinders, and be proud of your country and our military. You might stop being so bitter and negative and even start to feel better about yourself.

  Carter is Humiliating Once More

  Just when you thought that Jimmy Carter couldn’t possibly embarrass himself or the country once again, he manages to do exactly that. He recently allowed himself to be a useful idiot to yet another terrorist group, this time Hamas.

  First he met with Nasser al-Shaer, head of the Palestinian education system. This is the guy who teaches Palestinian children that Jews descended from pigs and dogs.

  Then he lays a wreath on Yasser Arafat’s grave. Arafat was simply the father of terrorism as we know it today, but Jimmy still considers him a “very dear friend.” If that wasn’t enough, he went on to visit, with hugs, kisses, and handshakes, Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas and now the guest of Syria. This monster proudly claims responsibility for the organizing of numerous suicide bombings, killing many innocent Israeli and American civilians.

  While he is causing this mess, he claims to be simply a private citizen concerned only about peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It doesn’t matter to him that Hamas is considered an international terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, and the European Union. Carter, in his self-righteous, ego driven, morally superior image of himself, ignores all State Department requests not proceed with the trip and does what he pleases. He is utterly clueless when it comes to being used as a tool by our enemies and claims he does only good and causes no harm.

  This is not how our enemy sees it. Instead of keeping Hamas and other terrorist groups isolated, his visit gives these goons legitimacy. Immediately after his meetings, Hamas declared, “Political isolation by the American administration has begun to crumble.” Carter is still bitter that the American people weren’t smart enough to re-elect him to another 4 years. He still can’t accept the fact that he is probably one of the worst presidents in American history and his constant efforts to polish his legacy only makes him look worse.

  This column can’t begin to list all his failings but I must mention a few. He was only elected in the first place because people wanted change. He barely won over Gerald Ford in 1976 by 50.1 to 48.0 percent and 297 electoral votes to Ford’s 240. If only people knew what they were in for over the next four years of his “leadership,” they would have elected Ford by the same huge margin that they elected Ronald Reagan. Reagan won 91 percent of the electoral vote while Carter won only six states and the District of Columbia.

  During his term, he decimated our military readiness. In his first month alone he cut the defense budget by $6 billion and continued to cut throughout his tenure. We had to live through double digit inflation, 7+ percent unemployment, high interest rates with the prime rate hitting 21.5 percent and mortgage rates hitting 18 percent.

  We had fuel shortages, unprecedented Soviet expansion with no fear of any consequence, and he saw fit to punish the Soviets for their invasion of Afghanistan by choosing not to participate in the 1980 Olympics. The only people who were punished by this act were our athletes, who had sacrificed and trained for years to represent our country.

  Oh yes, he turned his back on our most solid ally in the Middle East, the Shah of Iran, allowing a bunch of crazed Mullahs to take over the country.

  We were rewarded by having our embassy seized, our citizens held as hostages for over 14 months and our embarrassing rescue attempt that killed several of our soldiers. We were the laughing stock of the world.

  There were, however, some presidential firsts. He was the first and only president interviewed by Playboy. He was the first president attacked by a rabbit. This happened in April 1979. The only good thing that happened during his reign was that he was unable to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court.

  Remember when we thought the crazy Carter was his brother Billy? Boy, were we wrong.

  As for his latest trip, Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C. had the right idea when she wanted the State Department to revoke Carter’s passport. If only this could have been done while he was still overseas.

  White House Spokesman Tony Fratello hit the nail on the head when he said that Carter had become “increasingly irrelevant with these kind of actions.” Even the Democrats are embarrassed by him. Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said, “Jimmy Carter’s view of the forces at work in the Middle East and how he likes to attribute blame and responsibility is so warped, to my way of thinking, that I’m skeptical of any initiative he undertakes.”

  So Jimmy, go back to doing the only good thing you ever did; build some more


  Several So-Called Patriots Fall Short

  I received a great compliment last week. An organization called Gathering of Eagles, made up of military veterans, wrote me a very nice thank you note regarding my last column, and put it and quite a few of my other columns on their website. Their web site is www.
newyork.gatheringofeagles.org. This group is one of many that include the men and women whom I consider to be the real patriots of this country.

  There are those who write mindless, angry, often-incoherent diatribes that show their distaste for anyone who is proud of their country.

  These are the people who have been fed mind numbing swill, mostly lies, and they truly want to believe it rather than think for themselves. When someone asks them to give one or two examples of their patriotism, they angrily lash out and simply show their fake indignation.

  Webster, not I, defines a patriot as “a person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests.”

  We all know quite a few people who fall far short of this definition. Two big examples who fall short are our media and our left leaning political representatives.

  Considering the latter group, isn’t it strange that most of them are Democrats, especially the Democrat leadership? Harry “we can’t win the war” Reid, Jack “our soldiers are baby killers” Murtha, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Tom “I served in Vietnam liar” Harkin are just a few.

  I’m sick of these Democrats who refuse to meet with groups who don’t share their beliefs. A group called The Vets for Freedom finished their national bus tour in Washington D. C. in early April, and most of the Democrat leadership refused to meet with them.

  However, when anti-war groups request an appointment, they trip over each other to be first in line to greet them. Why do you think six to eight Code Pink members were allowed in the hearing room where General Petraeus was speaking? Do you think the Vets for Peace got the same equal treatment?

  Make a list of all the good things the United States has done around the world. As you make it you will feel yourself getting smaller and smaller. Why don’t you redirect some of your hate and anger to those regimes that deserve it?


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