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On The Right Side Page 26

by Tom Sears

  Finally, the truth is beginning to be uncovered regarding man-made global warming “research.” Sixty-one megabytes of confidential files from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit were released onto the internet that exposed the lack of integrity and professionalism and the petty vindictiveness of the climate “scientists” who have been promoting the warming hoax for many years.

  The scary part is that the information from this “research institution” has been relied on heavily for climate model-building and has been cited extensively in governmental and United Nations reports, which in turn have been used to establish harmful government policy.

  Included in this material were over 1,000 e-mails and 72 documents that are very damaging to the global warming cabal. Here are quotes from a few of them:

  “I can’t see either of these papers (anti-global warming research findings) being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow, even if we have to redefine what peer-review literature is!”

  “Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re AR4?”

  “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it

  is a travesty we can’t.”

  “I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CPU temperature station data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!”

  Here’s the best one: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

  I have to quote one of the most disgusting ones. It actually gloats over the death of John Daly, who was one of the original climate-change doubters and founder of the “Still Waiting For Greenhouse” website. The creator of the e-mail commented: “In an odd way this is cheering news.” It really doesn’t get worse than that.

  The need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions has been a solution in search of a problem for many, many years. Remember, this is the same crowd that said this was supposed to be the answer to global cooling in the 1970s and 1980s. Can anyone tell me why these pretenders should be given any credibility this time?

  This should give everyone some insight to the predictive accuracy of the “science” being done by these “specialists.” They are simply opportunists who, to receive money from the grant funding gravy train, will say anything their sponsors want them to say.

  Even the global warming alarmists are taken aback by these recent revelations. George Monbiot of the Guardian concedes that these releases “could scarcely be more damaging,” and then went on to say, “I am dismayed and deeply shaken by them.”

  But there are some who willingly ignore these revelations. Thomas Crowly, professor of geosciences at the University of Edinburgh, said, “These leaked files reflect badly on the people who are so desperate to discredit global warming.” I wonder how much grant money he’s taken to remain blind to debate.

  I think most common sense people should give more weight to what a more prestigious mind, Robert Lindzen, a professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, had to say in an article he wrote for the Wall Street Journal on November 30. He claims, and backs it up, that the science of climate change is far from settled and the over-confident “predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted.”

  What has been uncovered is unfathomable. As Aynsley Kellow, professor and expert reviewer for a United Nations global warming report puts it, “There is evidence of a willingness to manipulate raw data to suit predetermined results, a resistance to any notion of transparency, an active resistance to freedom of information requests (critical original data input that were willfully destroyed after such requests were made) or quite reasonable requests from scientists to have a look at the data so that it can be verified.” Fraud and collusion is a better way to describe these actions.

  I want to see what will happen next. Hopefully, this scandal effectively kills the absurd “cap and trade” bill coming before the Senate. Also, I hope this show in Copenhagen proves to be the farce it really is.

  The question is now whether or not the main stream media has the integrity to

  report this news. So far that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  If all these research efforts do turn out to be bogus, will honest men of science speak out against the lowliest of “scientists” who have cheated to produce a predetermined result?

  And lastly, why don’t all you climate “experts” work on a model that will accurately predict next week’s weather? You can’t even do this successfully yet.

  Scientists Manipulate Climate Date

  The more information being disclosed from the cache of global warming documents, the more the proof of the hoax perpetrated by unscrupulous research scientists and their claim of man-made global warming.

  Stewart Hayward of the Weekly Standard describes them as follows: “Rather than being disinterested investigators after the truth, they’re advocates for a preconceived conclusion about the issues at hand.”

  I see it worse than that. They are simply, criminally behaving, data manipulating, suppressors of honest dissent, unprofessional political hacks willing to say or “find” anything their grant giving suppliers are looking for.

  Unfortunately, honest scientists, of whom there are many, will suffer the stigma of public mistrust created by these peers.

  Bottom line: Don’t listen to these charlatans and others who lazily bought into Armageddon-like claims. Fortunately, common sense individuals are forming their own conclusions. A CNN/Opinion Poll showed that only 45 percent of Americans consider global warming (say nothing of being man-made) to be a proven fact. This is down from 54 percent last year and before the incriminating documents came out!

  Here’s a good example how easily lies are put forth as truth until they have to be retracted. Al Gore, speaking at the climate conference, suggested that the Arctic Ocean might be ice free as early as 2014.

  Afterwards he told the press: “It is hard to capture the astonishment that the experts in the science of ice felt when they heard this.” I can imagine Al Gore, self- proclaimed inventor of the Internet, failed attorney, and living proof that money, not brains, gets you into the U.S. Senate - actually thinking he has something worthy of scientific data that would “astonish” these experts.

  But poor Al blundered and had to retract his statements the very next day. He had cited new computer models from a Dr. Wieslev Maslowski that showed the entire ice cap would be gone in 4 years. Unfortunately for Al, Dr. Maslowski heard his talk also and came out with a statement saying: “Mr. Gore is wrong. I would never try to estimate a likelihood as exact as this.”

  Oops Al, another “Inconvenient Truth?” He is a perfect example of these unethical, immoral radicals who are trying to shove this nonsense down our throats, at a huge cost and much lowered standard of living to us. Did your news source print Gore’s original claim and then did not print his retraction?

  Scientific consensus? Settled science? I think not, even though that’s what the environmental radicals want us to believe. The president’s climate czar, Carol Browner, leads the “science is settled” group.

  Even after the discovery of the incriminating documents she stated: “I’m sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time.”

  Unfortunately, as Michelle Malkin points out, “last year more than 31,000 scientists – including 9,021 Ph.D.s – signed a petition sponsored by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine rejecting claims of human-caused global warming.” I guess that is simply another inconvenient truth, huh Carol? There are thousands more very reputable experts in the field who say the same thing.

  I can’t fit in all the facts that I wanted to, so I want to recommend some excellent reading for open-minded individuals. The first is “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years” by Fred Singer and Dennis Avery. The book includes essays by
those scientists who are not part of the group claiming to be the “entire scientific community.” Another great book is “Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming By Scientists, Politicians, and the Media,” by Patrick Michaels. The book presents tons of scientific evidence that debunks Al Gore’s sensationalism and fear mongering.

  Lastly please Google “The Weekly Standard,” click on “recent issues” and scroll down to a featured article titled “Scientists Behaving Badly” by Steven F. Hayward (December 14). It will be well worth your time to read it.

  I know the closed-minded types won’t bother with any of the suggested readings. I’m not even making the attempt to reach them.

  Finally, to illustrate the hypocritical nature of the extreme left, let me include a quote from your esteemed leader. He was teleprompting to us about lifting the ban on government-funded human embryonic stem-cell research in March of 2009: “Promoting science isn’t just about providing resources—it’s about protecting free and open inquiry. It’s about letting scientists like those who are here today do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient—especially when it’s inconvenient. It’s about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda—and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.” Right Barack, unless it’s your ideology.

  Conservatives Must Organize To Win In 2010

  It’s hard to believe that it is 2010 already and November 2, Election Day, is less

  than 10 months away.

  That is how long the liberal Democrats will be in power, and I hope their careless, failed policies will not cause the country irreparable damage before we can do something about them.

  We conservatives have to be activists for the next 10 months. This is not the time to run out of energy. There was a poll taken the beginning of 2009 that showed the country to be made up of 40 percent conservatives, 40 percent independents, and only 20 percent liberals. Remember, that was when most people were being charmed by Barack and company, and I am certain there are millions who now see the light and won’t allow themselves to be duped again.

  When I say be activists, I’m not talking the way the liberals do it with cute signs,

  sayings and chants. All we have to do is talk to as many of the independents as possible.

  Also, not all liberals are lost. Of the 20 percent liberals I think there are only 5 to 10 percent who are totally close-minded and beyond hope. We shouldn’t waste any of our time and energy on them. Actually they will probably help us by continuing to be ranting and raving Bush haters, and most people will see that their spewing is all emotionally charged and devoid of facts.

  This is what we have to capitalize on. We simply have to continue to point out the facts. Obama and the Democrat leadership are doing everything they possibly can to make our job easier.

  They continue to behave like the Keystone Kops and keep shooting themselves in the foot. They seem to be out of touch with reality. It is truly unbelievable how they continue to march to the drums of their radical leftist leadership and ignore the wishes of their very own constituents and what is good for their country.

  The only reason they believe they can do this is they think they can switch faces during campaign times and pretend to be moderates or conservative as they have done in every past election. They know that if they run as a liberal, they have no chance of being elected or re-elected.

  The perfect example is Barack Obama. If he ran on the agenda he is now promoting, the election would have been over before the last voting offices closed, and Barack would be looking for a job.

  This time, we conservatives have to call liberal candidates on every lie or distortion they try to slip by the electorate. I think people will see through them this time, and we have to make sure the candidates are judged based on their past performance rather than the fake promises they will make to get re-elected.

  I really don’t care if they are a Republican or Democrat conservative. If they have a conservative track record and are willing to stand up to their leadership, then that is the candidate who should get our support.

  Also, their arrogance is going to bury them this time. Obama was on Oprah a while back, and when asked to grade his performance thus far, he actually gave himself a B+! Talk about grade inflation!

  He is continuing to destroy the economy, making us less safe from terrorism, spending recklessly and aimlessly, worsening the unemployment picture, promoting a guaranteed to fail national health program, and on and on and on.

  It’s funny the public hasn’t seen him the same way he does. The latest Gallup poll has him at a 47 percent approval rating and that figure continues to spiral downward.

  Both Democrats and Republicans are becoming more dissatisfied with his incompetence. One poll has his approval rating as low as 44 percent. That is a solid “F” in my grade book. See why I don’t let my students grade themselves?

  Congress is certainly not exempt from negative approval ratings. Polls had it rated at 21 percent as late as November 2009. Disturbing, for the liberals anyway, is that, as in Obama’s case, the trend is downward. I’m sure they would like to grade themselves also.

  So our responsibilities are pretty much set for us. We have to encourage others to speak out and support their efforts when they do. We have to write letters to the editor, stay informed and work hard for the conservative nominees.

  The TEA parties, which have been a huge success, must continue to grow. We have an obligation to support the organizers with our time and money this time and not let them do all the work.

  Yes Barack, hope and change is coming. It’s a year late and not what you expected.

  Romania Provides Learning Experiences

  Being in Romania this last January has prevented me from keeping up with the political process back home. I can’t wait to research and write about the Massachusetts Senate election and see how the liberals spin that one.

  Until then, I asked Radu Cristea, my good friend and the person most responsible for making the J-term trip so successful for the students, to write a little about his and our experiences. This trip would not have been possible without his involvement. Here he is:

  Romania is a country of preconceptions for a lot of people. Some only heard of it because of Transylvania and its bloodthirsty Dracula; others because of communism and its dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu.

  There is so much more to it, as the 25 students from Hartwick College, accompanied by their professor and soccer coach, discovered in the three weeks of the J-term trip they took.

  This well-prepared trip could not have taken place 25 years ago. Behind the iron curtain, personally, I would’ve been forbidden to even talk to foreigners – Americans especially. I probably would have had to ask for approval months in advance to get an “official” translator and to fill endless pages of reports regarding my time spent with them.

  This is not the case today. Things changed dramatically in the past 20 years after we put an end to the decades-long rule of Ceausescu, who took power in 1965, and his Securitate police state that became increasingly oppressive and Draconian through the 1980s.

  The students who spent three weeks in the heart of Transylvania were able to experience the changes that took place here and had a huge impact on the economy, banking system, health care and so on.

  Most of them came here without knowing a thing about Romania, with no

  expectations, but they’re leaving this country with so many pleasant memories.

  Their chance to interact with a different culture, mentality, even language,

  benefited both the Hartwick students and the Romanian friends they’ve made.

  We all know how governments are the worst administrators of funds. This is nothing new; it’s been like that since the Roman times, and the same goes for the Romanian government. It has been spending millions on commercials and advertising for Romania. To quantify how m
any tourists those commercials brought is almost impossible.

  What Hartwick College Professor Sears and Coach Matt Verni did for Romania, bringing these students here, has a huge impact. They all loved this place. Some of them want to extend their stay, others want to return in the near future, but all of them will tell their friends and families what a great place this is.

  This is the kind of advertising we need – personal experiences. And these students had plenty of those. They’ve gotten the chance to get in touch with the history of the country, to talk to businessmen, bankers, doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, politicians, economists and to tour businesses and a factory.

  During the lectures they took part in, they’ve had the chance to ask questions,

  to interact with the speakers, better understanding how things are done here.

  Some of the things they’ve learned about our past shocked them and made them appreciate what they have today. Being able, in the past, to purchase only half a loaf of bread, 11 eggs per person per month or one pound of pork per month, were things that were hard for them to relate to.

  Having only one channel on TV broadcasting for two hours a day and just communist propaganda surprised these students.

  They met college students and talked to them about things that people their age are interested in, finding out similarities but differences as well in the way they study in school or spend their free time.

  They took trips in the countryside and other cities, experiencing the local cuisine and traditions. They simply loved the place, and people here liked them a lot. They felt welcomed and safe; they were well-behaved and proudly represented their school and country.

  Today, I can tell for sure that Romania won the hearts of these 25 young people, and they will remember this country for the rest of their lives.


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