Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2) Page 30

by Sheridan Anne

  The boys talk among themselves as I get busy texting the girls and allow them to fill me in on the details of their night. I honestly don’t give a shit about the party but with my mind continuously jumping back to last night and the way Nic’s knife so effortlessly sliced across their necks, I’d do anything to keep myself distracted.

  We hang out for hours and it’s not until the sun is starting to set that my Mom walks in with at least six boxes of pizza. “I figured you guys hadn’t got around to feeding yourselves yet,” she says, looking me up and down, the same way she always does when I don’t come home at night. “What on earth happened to your head?”

  My head? Oh, fuck. The lump. I’d forgotten all about that.

  “Shit,” Spencer laughs, giving my mom an appreciative smile. “I take my hat off to you, Mrs. Munroe. I’ve been staring at her head since I first walked through the door but was too chicken shit to come right out and ask. I was hoping an explanation would just get thrown around in conversation.”

  Mom rolls her eyes. ‘“You’ll do well to learn with Ocean, she doesn’t just give up information willingly. You have to pry it out of her hands and hope you get the full story.”

  Colton scoffs beside me. “Ain’t that the fucking truth.”

  “Oceania,” my mother warns, realizing that I’m more than happy to let the boys take over and lead the conversation away from my head and to my bad attitude. “Three seconds. Don’t make me whoop your ass in front of your friends.”

  I groan and sit up straight on the couch while meeting Mom’s eyes. “You’re going to be mad.”

  “Ocean. Now.”

  I let out a heavy sigh and try to work out the best way to say this before deciding that getting straight to the point is probably my best option. “I sorta stepped right into the middle of the Widows and Wolves gang war and nearly got shot in the drive-by that killed Kian last night.”

  Charlie shoots to his feet as Mom gapes. “THE FUCK?”

  I cringe but keep my attention on Mom, knowing that she’s preparing herself for something. “Oceania Elaine Munroe. How many times do I need to ask you to distance yourself from those boys and now this? I forbid you from going back there. Do you hear me? Those boys have been nothing but trouble since the day they stepped into our lives.”

  “Mom … I know. I told them that I was done.”

  She goes to continue ranting and has to physically stop herself before looking back at me. “What?” she demands, confused by my willingness to accept her limits.

  “They crossed the line. They’ve been lying to me all this time and so I told them I was done.” My eyes drop to my hands as I feel that familiar ache starting to creep back up.

  Milo’s broken gasp from across the room draws my attention and I glance up at him to find his heart on his sleeve. Out of all the guys here, he’s the one who really got to see the dynamics within my crew and knows just how hard that decision would have been for me to make. He gives me a tight smile while sending a silent promise that we’ll cry this out with a bottle of wine until it’s completely out of my system.

  Mom lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm herself before glancing around at the group of guys in the room. She looks back to me with a relieved smile. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, sweety, but I think you’ll find you’ll be much happier here with these guys. They’re not so … tough.”

  All four of the guys fly to their feet, Charlie being the first to comment. “Tough?” he demands. “We can be tough. We’re the toughest mother-fuckers around.”

  Spencer instantly starts flexing. “Maybe you haven’t been around here long enough to know who I am,” he says, raising his chin and trying to appear intimidating and to anyone who wasn’t born and raised in Breakers Flats, it might have worked but to us, he’s like a cute little puppy begging for attention. “I have a reputation. I’m not exactly the kind of guy that parents want keeping their daughters company.”

  Mom laughs and steps right into Spencer’s personal space before clutching his chin like a proud parent. “That’s sweet, darling. I’m sure all of you boys are the toughest, manliest men around.” She pats his cheek before glancing down at the pizza boxes. “Be sure to eat up, you boys are going to need all your energy to grow big and strong.”

  With that, she walks out of the room and all eyes fall on me.

  “What?” I demand. “I can’t help it that my mom thinks you guys are sweet little puppy dogs. You’ve got to understand that she comes from a town where the ‘tough’ guys are the heroes of gang war and facing down death every day. This here, despite all the bullshit, this is a breath of fresh air.”

  “We’re tough,” Charlie comments. “You know we can handle our shit.”

  “Oh, yeah. Of course you can,” I smile sweetly before glancing at Milo. “You seemed all too quiet during that.”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Because I’ve got nothing to say. I’m not tough and all you fuckers know it. There’s no point defending it.”

  I shake my head. “To be honest,” I tell him. “I think you’re actually one of the toughest guys I know.”

  Milo gives me a warm smile before Colton’s low voice rumbles throughout the room. “Alright,” he says, pressing a kiss to my temple. “Stop fucking with the boys. I have work to do.”

  “The fuck you do,” Spencer says. “You work every fucking day. You’re staying right here with us and fucking around. Your work will be waiting for you tomorrow.”

  He cringes, looking toward the door. “I don’t know, man. Do you have any idea how much shit there is to do? I doubt I’ll be at school this week either.”

  Milo drops back down into the couch with a slice of pizza in his hands. “Apply for distance learning. The teachers will just email your work and you submit it before the due date. Easy fix. You’ll still be able to graduate and work at the same time. You’re Colton Fucking Carrington and your father was on the board, I doubt they’re going to deny you.”

  Relief washes off him in waves and within the blink of an eye, Colton looks a million times lighter. “Huh,” he grunts, dropping back onto the couch and dragging me down beside him. “I didn’t think of that. It’s not a bad idea.”

  “So, you’re going to do it?” I question, leaning forward and grabbing one of the many pizza boxes off the coffee table and putting it on my lap. I cross my legs under myself and get comfortable while Colton steadies the box on my lap.

  “Yeah, why not?” he says as Spencer lounges back on the couch beside Milo and turns on the TV. He instantly starts scanning through his options and ends up settling for the Victoria Secret runway show that immediately gains all their attention—though Milo’s watching for a completely different reason. “I need everything to go back to normal around here and if I can get on top of everything, then maybe normal might be a possibility.”

  “I hate to break it to you,” I say, “but I don’t think your version of normal is ever going to come back. This is the new normal and you just have to find a way to make it work.”

  He lets out a sigh, not appearing the least bit interested by the beyond beautiful angels strutting the runway in their diamond bras. “I know,” he says as he stretches out on the couch and turns to give me his full attention. ‘“But for everyone who’s in business with Carrington Incorporated, all they see is uncertainty. They think I’m just some unqualified eighteen-year-old kid taking over and not knowing what the fuck I’m doing. I have to get this back on track before I lose them and destroy everything my father built.”

  I purse my lips, trying to figure out some way to help him out when it hits me. “Have a party.”

  Colton bites back a laugh as Charlie gapes at me. “Okay,” he says, turning his stare at Colton. “I take it all back. You can keep her, man. I don’t have room for that kind of crazy in my life.”

  I flip off Charlie before focusing back on Colton. “I’m not fucking crazy. Just hear me out,” I tell him. “Your dad did it when your mom left and the wo
rld saw him as a stronger man, so why can’t you do the same? Invite all the biggest names in the business and every A-lister in your contact list, dazzle them with dancers, alcohol, and a good time then prove to them you’re the fucking boss and the only rightful heir to Carrington Incorportaed. Prove to those mother-fuckers that you’re it, that you’re the one who’s about to lead a revolution, and if they don’t climb on board now, they’ll fucking regret it. Have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Don’t let them want you, make them need you.”

  “Do you think that would really work?”

  “I saw you during that board meeting, Colton. I know it will work.”

  Colton looks across at the TV screen but the faraway look in his eyes tells me that he’s really considering this. When he finally looks back at me, his lips pull into an interested grin. “A party, huh?”

  “Yeah,” I say as an excited grin stretches wide across my face. “What’s your take on Gatsby?”

  Chapter 29

  My silver gown hangs heavily from my body with the stunning fringe tickling my knees. Who would have known that all this beading, feathers, and pearls would weigh so much? It’s worth it though. This dress paired with my dark hair and plum lips just hits differently. It’s not like the other gowns I’ve worn which were slimming, elegant, and beautiful—this dress is wild. This dress screams for fun, it demands respect, and it tells everyone who looks my way to watch the fuck out.

  This dress is a fucking boss.

  I lean into the mirror and fasten my headpiece, laughing at the feathers that stick high above my head and the line of pearls that trail across my forehead. This couldn’t be real. I don’t even look like me. How the hell did I get accepted into this world and am now attending my third party? My high school prom wasn’t even going to be this good. Hell, I’m sure prom would have just been a cheap DJ in the school gymnasium and some tacky decorations. Everyone would have left after an hour and got wasted in the park.

  “Hey, I found something for you today,” Mom says, stepping into my room and blowing me the fuck away in a strapless, floor-length, black and gold, beaded gown, hugging her body just right. I’ve never seen Mom like this, not even her wedding dress was anything close to being so spectacular.

  Mom couldn't believe her ears when Colton extended her an offer to attend the party. She nearly collapsed on the spot and then burst into tears of happiness which only made me well up too. Though, the moment was completely ruined when he destroyed it by offering her his credit card to purchase a gown. I could have ripped his handsome head off. I might be the type to jump at the opportunity to spend what isn’t mine, but not mom. She would have seen it as a charity she didn’t need.

  She thanked him and respectfully declined his offer to pay which is how we spent all of Thursday night going from store to store until we found the perfect dresses. They’re rented of course, but so worth it. I’d do anything to be able to keep this baby hanging in my closet until my dying days but it’s just not meant to be. Maybe one day I’ll be able to actually afford stuff like this, until then, I could really get used to this renting thing. I didn’t actually know we could do that, though it certainly explains how some of the girls back home were walking around with Prada bags. I never actually stopped to think about it, just always assumed they were either whoring themselves out, had a knock off, or stole it from some unsuspecting housewife.

  My eyes scan over Mom’s dress and while I saw her quickly try it on during our shopping trip, it’s not the same as seeing her completely dolled up with her hair done, makeup looking flawless, matching headpiece and black gloves that stretch past her elbows. “Mom,” I breathe, staring in wonder. “You look stunning.”

  “Oh, stop honey,” she says, her cheeks blushing the softest pink at my compliment. “You’re going to embarrass me and then I’ll never find the nerve to actually walk into that ballroom.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I tell her. “You look amazing and you should know it. Walk in there with your head held high, have a few glasses of champagne, and actually enjoy yourself for a change. You’ve never had the chance to enjoy yourself like this. Take advantage of it, and hell, maybe even find a rich man to flirt with.”

  Mom’s eyes bug out of her head. “I will do no such thing,” she says, looking horrified. “Most of these men are going to recognize me from working at the other parties. Not that I’m interested anyway, but they wouldn’t even dare show me any attention. I’m just a lowly housekeeper and they’re well aware of that.”

  “Geez,” I tease. “What happened to all those times you’ve told me not to sell myself short?”

  “Oh, Ocean. Cut it out. I’m not interested in having an affair with some man who wouldn’t know the first thing about taking care of a woman from Breakers Flats so it doesn’t matter anyway.”


  Mom rolls her eyes and steps in behind me in the mirror so she can look me over, just as I had been doing before she walked in. “This dress really is something,” she tells me. “It’s a shame we’re going to have to give it back.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Mom raises her hands over my head and as she lowers them back down, a long pearl necklace is placed around my neck. It droops low between my cleavage, following the plunging line of the dress. “I found this in the store this morning and thought it would go perfectly with your dress.”

  I run my fingers over the pearls. “It really does,” I whisper, feeling as though it completes my outfit for the party. “How long can we keep it for?”

  “This is yours, Ocean. I bought it for you.”

  My eyes bug out of my head as I spin around to face Mom. “What? You couldn’t have. What do you mean you bought it?” I go to start pulling it free from my neck. “This is too much.”

  “Stop,” mom demands, forcing me to release the pearls until they’re dangling back between my breasts. “Colton has been throwing promotions at me left, right, and center. It’s fine. The necklace was half off and really not as expensive as you’re picturing it to be. Consider it your birthday present. You’ll be eighteen in a few weeks and when I saw it, I just knew you had to have it. It can be the start of your very own collection.”

  Tears well in my eyes and I do my best to hold them back, not wanting to ruin my makeup. “Thank you,” I whisper, throwing my arms around her and holding tight. “This is the most precious thing I could have ever gotten. I swear, I’ll look after it with my life. Thank you so much. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispers. “Now, what do you say we go and leave our mark on this party?”

  “Nothing could make me happier,” I tell her, pulling back to find a warm, loving smile spread wide across her face. The excitement brims in her eyes and just like that, I know she’s going to have the best night of her life.

  I slip into my borrowed heels and as Mom loops her arm through mine and leads me out of the pool house, I can’t help but feel that this is the best possible ending to another long week. I don’t know how I did it, but somehow I went a whole week in Bellevue Springs without my world exploding into a million tiny pieces.

  I’m not going to lie, distancing myself from my crew has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Can I even call them my crew anymore? I guess not, that’s not who we are anymore. They’re just the guys who I spent years idolizing and trusting, but now … nothing.

  I’ve dodged at least one hundred calls during the week and deleted twice as many texts. I meant it when I told them that I was done. I don’t have room for betrayal in my life. They’ve always boasted about how we’re a family and will always have each other’s back, but what happened to having my back when it came to being honest? What happened to having my back when it came to telling me about my father? Did their words not matter then? Because they sure as hell mattered to me. I trusted them to always be truthful and right now, I don’t know if their betrayal stings more than learning my father was th
e best hitman this country had ever seen, and not only that, that he did it for sport, not because he was good at it.

  My father was a cold-blooded murderer just like Nic. I’m sure dad would have been proud to learn that I’d been spending all my time with a man who was just like him. Lucky me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be out of Breakers Flats.

  Bellevue Springs still isn’t my home, not by a long shot, but at least it’s away from them, away from the horrors I’ve left behind. I truly have a chance to start over, even if I never get into college or find a proper job, I’m confident that I’ll never move back there. I’ll find a way to make it on my own.

  Apart from avoiding the boys, I finally got a real chance to settle in at school and properly get to know some of the girls there and to be honest, they’re starting to change my perspective on bitchy high-school chicks. They’re not all bad, but don’t get me wrong, some of them are just plain awful. I've had to learn to give them a chance before instantly judging them based solely on the fact that they’re female.

  I spent Tuesday with Miss Davies in her office, filling out a million college applications and crossing my fingers that they’ll be accepted. Every single one of them were past the submission deadline so there’s a good chance that I won’t get it, but I can always hope.

  Colton’s application for distance learning was accepted within the space of two hours so he was able to fall into his own routine while keeping up on his studies and also kicking ass in the office. I’m not going to lie, it also opened up a little extra time for him to spend with me and I feel as though every extra second spent with him was well worth it.

  He's capturing me in a way that Nic never did and it kills me to admit that I always thought Nic was the real deal, but I was blinded. Colton has my full attention and for once in my life, I’m wanting to better myself, I’m wanting a future and not just assuming that I’ll have Nic to catch me when I fall.

  Colton is so much more than that. He encourages me to stand on my own two feet and while he’s more than happy to hand over a credit card and make all my problems disappear, he’s also the first person to push me to make the change for myself. What more could a girl need? The fact that he does it with a sexy as sin grin on his face is just the added bonus.


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