Nothing Personal

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Nothing Personal Page 5

by Jaci Burton

  "' agreed to it." Pitiful excuse.

  "I know. How stupid of me."

  The smoke-filled depth of his eyes drew her in, hypnotizing her senses, rushing over her like a wildfire out of control.

  If his lips drew any closer they'd touch hers. Faith was sure she'd die if they did. She was already losing control, inhaling his scent with rapid breaths, his hands burning against the silk of her gown, drawing her ever nearer to the heat of his lips.

  Then just as suddenly as it started, the storming inferno was over.

  Ryan stepped back, his lips parted as the hint of a smile crossed his features.

  "Tomorrow, you move into my bedroom. Goodnight, Faith."

  He turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Faith stood in the middle of the room, wondering what had just happened. Her breathing still hadn't returned to normal. The rhythm of her heart continued to pound its staccato beat. She still felt him, smelled him, all but tasted him on her lips as the memory of his thumb against her mouth singed her skin.

  Despite her thoughts about needing to wait, wanting to wait, she had been ready to leap into her husband's arms.


  Nothing Personal

  She thought she had more self-control than that. It was obvious her inexperience was no match for the powerful charm of Ryan McKay. She'd have to be extra careful over the next couple months and try to keep her distance from him. Too much of his overpowering sexuality and she'd self combust. Clearly, she was not ready at all for an intimate encounter with Ryan.

  Two months wasn't nearly long enough.

  And yet, two months was a very long time.

  Ryan was irritated as hell as he pondered the papers he'd been reading when Faith had knocked at the door.

  What had he been thinking? He hadn't intended to stay in her room and eat. And he sure hadn't intended to seduce her. Although it certainly seemed like she had been willing. And his main goal was to get her pregnant.

  So why had he stopped? He'd had her, literally, ready to fall into bed with him. Her pupils dilated at his touch and when he pulled her against him her nipples hardened like tiny pebbles. With a little coaxing on his part, she might have agreed to making love.

  God knows he'd been ready. The slightest touch of her skin had him aching. But instead of pressing his advantage, he had walked away.

  Now that was a stupid move.

  In business, when he saw an opening, he went for the throat. He should have done that with Faith. After all, it was the same as business.

  Everything had a goal. His goal with Faith was one, to marry her, which he'd done, and two, to get her pregnant, which he could have had a chance at tonight.

  Was it because of her admission of being a virgin? He'd never had a virgin in his life, preferring the ease and comfort of well-experienced women. No attachments that way. He'd have to tread carefully with her.

  Which was most likely why he'd backed away tonight. Helluva time to come up with scruples. 45

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  Maybe it was stupid, but he had discovered one thing tonight. They had chemistry. Loads of it. Besides gaining lifetime control of McKay Corporation, if nothing else would come of this marriage Ryan was certain some seriously great sex would be a part of it.

  He didn't want for many things, but when he saw something he wanted, he did whatever it took to get it.

  And he wanted Faith. Oh, he'd always thought her attractive, and her innocence and vulnerability only added to her allure. As his assistant, he wouldn't have considered it for a minute. As his wife, now that was different.

  Tomorrow she'd move into his bedroom. Into his bed. Then it was only a matter of time. If the way she reacted tonight was any indication, it wouldn't take two months.

  After all, two months was a very long time.


  Nothing Personal

  Chapter Four

  Faith stretched and yawned, her body warm from the sunlight pouring in the windows next to her bed. For a moment she couldn't get a grasp around the dream she'd had. But as soon as she managed to open an eye, the realization hit her.

  No dream. This was her new reality. She really was Ryan's wife.

  She could lie in the bed all day until she figured out how to deal with the unfamiliarity of it all, or she could embrace the change as a new adventure.

  Or possibly a combination of both. She threw off the covers and stepped to the window, admiring the beauty of the grounds outside.

  A semi-circle of palm trees waved over the expertly manicured lawn.

  Brightly colored flowers and bushes offered a rainbow effect across the area. It really was lovely. She made a mental note to fully tour the house and grounds today and familiarize herself with the layout.

  But first she had to get dressed and downstairs. It was already ten, much later than she usually slept. Despite the turmoil of yesterday she had slept like a baby. The bed was soft and comfortable, the sheets the same buttery satin as that of her gown.

  She took a shower, dried her hair and bound it in a tight bun at the back of her neck.

  But now a dilemma. What was she supposed to wear? Last night there had been nothing but the nightgown in the expansive closet. And she certainly wasn't leaving her room dressed in that.

  Maybe she'd missed something. A pair of jeans or sweats. Anything. 47

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  She opened the closet, shocked to find several outfits hanging there.

  Neat stacks of lingerie lined the partially opened dressers. Someone must have put clothes in there while she was sleeping. She'd really been dead to the world not to be aware someone had come into her room.

  At least she had something to wear. The cream linen pants and matching blouse didn't fit as loose as her usual clothes, but were still better than traipsing downstairs in a silk nightgown.

  The kitchen was empty. She felt a momentary stab of guilt and hoped the staff wouldn't think she was the type to laze about in bed all day.

  A pot of coffee caught her eye and she began a desperate search through the cabinets before finding the cups. She sat at the rectangular glass table and sipped her drink while perusing the outside through the large bay window.

  Everything was foreign to her, from the flavored coffee to the view from the kitchen table. This would take some getting used to, but she refused to look on the situation with trepidation. More like a vacation--a really long vacation.

  "You're awake."

  Faith jumped at the sound of James McKay's voice and whirled around to find Ryan's cousin standing in the doorway.

  James was a year younger than Ryan. They were both tall and wore their hair the same way, short and a little spiky on the top. James was different, though, mainly in attitude. Ryan was all business while James was all play.

  Faith rarely saw him at the McKay offices. Ryan told her James was more interested in traveling, tennis and carousing than he was in actual work. But when the occasional social events occurred, he always managed to make an appearance.

  "Good morning, James," she said, trying to be polite. Faith had never liked him. He was sickeningly sweet to the point of frightening her. The leering grins he threw her way made her want to scratch all over. Despite his overt friendliness, James McKay didn't have a sincere bone in his body. Faith knew the only reason he wanted control of McKay 48

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  Corporation was because he hated Ryan. It had nothing to do with personal drive or ambition.

  "I hear you married my cousin last night." James helped himself to coffee and sat in the chair next to Faith. "How did you manage that?"

  What was she supposed to say? It was a known fact to almost everyone that the terms of Quentin McKay's will forced Ryan to marry, so James knew
it wasn't a love match.

  "Unfortunately, Erica could not marry Ryan, so he asked me to help him."

  "And ever the faithful assistant you are, of course you couldn't say no." James cast a patronizing smile. He was plying her for information.

  She was bound and determined to give him nothing.

  "Of course."

  James circled his finger around his cup. "And the cheapskate didn't even take you on a honeymoon? He was planning to take Erica to Hawaii.

  I'd have thought he'd take you. I guess not, huh?"

  She tried to ignore James's intended slam. So she wasn't Erica and was in fact Ryan's last and only hope to meet the terms of the will.

  Obviously he and Erica had quite a different relationship. That's why he hadn't taken Faith to Hawaii.

  Not that she really wanted to go. Not much, anyway. Okay, she would have been delighted if he'd suggested it.

  "We have work to do on Monday. Obviously, marrying me was quite different than marrying Erica."

  "Obviously." James smirked.

  No wonder Ryan didn't like him.

  "So now I get to be your watchdog for the next year. I'm looking forward to that."

  "I'll just bet you are," Ryan said as he walked into the kitchen.

  Faith's eyes met Ryan's and he smiled as he headed toward her. She was shocked to the tips of her toes when he bent down and brushed a light kiss on the top of her head. 49

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  "Good morning, wife." His voice was low and warm.

  Her eyes lingered on him. "Good morning," she finally managed in a throaty whisper that sounded more sensual than shocked.

  "Well isn't this cozy? The newlyweds all warm and cuddly after their first night together." James leaned back in the chair and scrutinized them, arching one brow. "Must have been an eventful wedding night."

  Oh God. Wedding night. Faith looked to Ryan in horror as she realized all her things were still in the other bedroom. The last thing they needed was for James to find out they hadn't spent their wedding night in the same room.

  But Ryan had a calm Faith didn't possess. He lightly caressed the side of her neck with his fingertips. Despite the fact she knew this was for James's benefit only, her body responded, tightening and flooding with desire.

  "Yes, it was an eventful night," he said in a husky voice that even Faith believed to be genuine.

  "This looks like the right place." Stan Fredericks entered the kitchen.

  Faith had always liked Stan. He had an open, honest face and was sharp as a tack in business matters. Plus, he was devoted to Ryan. As attorney to the McKay family, Stan had been around more than twenty-five years, and the McKays considered him a friend as well as business associate.

  "You might as well join in," Ryan said. "James has already plied us with questions. Now it's your turn."

  Stan grinned at Ryan, clearly unaffected by his client's surly tone. "I don't have any questions right now. Just stopped in to fulfill my official duties before I run off to play tennis. I'm having my things moved in this afternoon, so you can direct them to whatever bedroom you choose."

  Ryan nodded and Stan left.

  "This should be a fun year, all of us huddled up together like one big, happy family." James leaned back and crossed his arms, a satisfied smile on his face.


  Nothing Personal

  "Yeah. Right. Lots of fun," Ryan answered.

  Ryan's clipped tone alerted Faith to his state of irritation. No one got under his skin more than his cousin.

  "Well, I think I'll head on up to my bedroom and have a nap. I'll take the one down the hall from yours," James said with a yawn as he rose from the table.

  Down the hall? But that was where she had slept last night. Where her things still were. Faith stood, ready to run upstairs if necessary.


  James turned and lifted an eyebrow. "Something wrong with that bedroom?"

  Ryan squeezed Faith's shoulder. "Not at all. My new bride thinks that maybe she'll make too much noise at night and keep you awake, being so close to our room."

  Her cheeks flamed. James laughed.

  "I'll be sure to keep my ears open for suspicious noises then," James said with a wink in her direction.

  As soon as he left the room Faith turned to Ryan. "My things are still in there! My wedding dress and--"

  "Don't worry," he said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "As soon as you left the bedroom the staff moved your things to my room, changed the sheets, made the bed and cleaned up the bathroom. It will look like no one's slept in that room in years."

  Faith exhaled with relief. "Oh. That was close."

  Ryan chuckled. "Not really. I already figured James would pop up earlier than expected. He may think he's smarter than me, but he's not.

  If you hadn't slept like the dead this morning I'd have had it done much sooner."

  Guilt immediately set in. "I'm sorry, I'm usually an early riser. I don't know what happened. You should have woken me."

  "Hey, relax. I was teasing you. You had a long day yesterday. I'm surprised you didn't sleep later." 51

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  She wasn't buying it. "You had a long day yourself, but I'll bet you didn't sleep in."

  He shrugged. "I don't sleep much."

  "Why not?"

  "I just don't. I have lots to do and an equal amount of nervous energy to go along with it. I don't know, maybe I just don't know how to relax."

  "You should try reading. It helps me relax."

  "I read plenty."

  Faith shook her head. "Not proposals and contracts, Ryan. Books.

  Fiction. For fun and pleasure."

  He pulled an escaping tendril of her hair through his fingers. "I have something else in mind for fun and pleasure, and it doesn't involve reading."

  With a quick step back, Faith grasped her coffee cup and headed toward the sink. "I'd like to take a look around the house and grounds today, if that's all right."

  Ryan came up behind her and placed his cup in the sink. But instead of moving away he stayed put, his breath teasing the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck. He trailed a finger down the side of her neck. Certain she was going to collapse, she focused on breathing normally.

  "I think you're avoiding the subject of sex," he teased, lightly blowing on her neck.

  She felt the goose bumps trail down to her curling toes. "No, I'm not."

  He grasped her shoulders and turned her around. "I agreed not to have sex with you for two months, Faith. I didn't agree not to talk about it."

  The last thing on her mind was talking about it, thinking about it or experiencing it. Not now. The mere thought of being that close to Ryan melted her insides. The casual touches and glances he'd given her last night and this morning flamed a yearning she hadn't known existed.

  Right now that was all she could handle.


  Nothing Personal

  His body hovered inches from hers, his hands lightly stroking her arms. It wasn't her he wanted, she reminded herself. It was her body--a baby-making machine that would free him from the bonds of his grandfather's will. And that was all she'd ever be to him. To think anything else would be foolish.

  "I can't right now, Ryan. We...we agreed to wait."

  Ryan dropped his hands and stepped back. She turned around to face him now that he had given her some breathing room.

  The warmth she expected to see, that she'd felt from his voice when he touched her, was gone. Had she hurt him with her rejection? How was she supposed to know what to do? This was unfamiliar territory, and she didn't know the ground rules.

  "Fine. Look around," he said. "If you have questions, Leland will help you."

  Faith nodded and Ryan walked away. She'd noticed his furrowed brow and knew he'd been disappointed. Now she felt g
uilty, although she didn't know why.

  So many things to learn. That's why she needed time to figure out how she was supposed to act around him. Everything had changed yesterday--first the wedding, then last night. Both their lives would be different now.

  She spent the rest of the morning wandering the house and grounds.

  It was truly a magnificent place, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms, each room larger than most people's apartments. At least larger than hers.

  The staff had their own home adjacent to the main one, except for Leland and his wife Margaret, the head housekeeper. They stayed in the main house on the ground floor.

  Faith found Margaret when she entered Ryan's bedroom--

  correction--their bedroom. Best not to think about that right now, although she knew she'd have to by tonight.

  "Good morning, Mrs. McKay," Margaret said brightly. A petite woman in her early fifties, Margaret was friendly and welcoming. Faith had 53

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  always liked Margaret. The woman didn't know how to frown. Perennially cheerful, she was the exact opposite of Leland's staid demeanor. Maybe that's why they made a good couple--they complemented each other.

  "Good morning, Margaret," Faith said as she tentatively entered the room. "Just thought I'd pop in and take a look around."

  "Of course you can. This is your room. I'm just straightening up in here. Would you like me to leave?"

  Faith shook her head. "Not at all. Go ahead and continue what you were doing. And call me Faith, please."

  Ryan's room was even larger than the one Faith slept in last night. A king-sized four-poster bed centered the room. The dressing area and bathroom were separate from the bedroom. Two oversized walk-in closets were positioned at opposite ends of the dressing area. Faith stepped into Ryan's, marveling at his collection of clothes, both business and casual.

  Which meant the other closet was hers. When she walked in, Margaret was hanging Faith's clothes.

  "I didn't know my things had arrived," Faith said and picked up a couple hangers. "Let me help you."

  Margaret looked horrified. "No, Mrs. McKay, I'll take care of it."

  Obviously, Margaret wasn't going to call her by her first name, either.

  Despite the woman's continued protestations, Faith helped her unpack.

  It felt good to be doing something normal again, something familiar. It didn't take long anyway as Faith's wardrobe was fairly limited to her work suits and a few casual clothes.


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